Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 10

Aurora’s POV

I dashed quickly into my room and locked the door, and leaned up against it taking in several deep breaths to steady my nerves. What was that? At first it all started out with me intentionally torturing him, but after he joined me in the tub, it all got out of hand.

His eyes were dilated in a way I’ve never seen in any wolf before and when he touched my mark, the bolt of raw power that surged through me was jarring. Was that him? The power of the claim taking over us, wanting us to complete the claiming process. I know my wolf wanted him too, just as much as I did. But I wasn’t going to play second fiddle to no one. He would have to choose me or her, I’ll be damned if he thinks I’ll stick around if he chooses her.

Frantic knocking startled me. “Aurora please don’t shut me out. I don’t know what that was. I just… I need you. Please.” He voice sounded desperate but I couldn’t bring myself to open the door. “You can’t tell me you need me and be with someone else. It doesn’t work that way.”

“I don’t want to marry her, please believe me when I say that.” He slid down the door. “My father wants the union because he feels it will help us protect the pack from your family.” I joined him on the floor but on my side of the wooden door. “Protect you from my family? I don’t understand.”

“Your father has been using something called forbidden magic to gain more and more power. I don’t know the full details but my parents do and it’s causing them to worry.” He confessed. I already knew this, Sheila told me as I got older what the ritual was for, that was when I lost her. I was only 16, and couldn’t wrap my head around it all. I tried to not think about any of it, it only made my nightmares worse.

“I know.” I replied in a small voice. “You know what?” He asked. “I know my father has been using that type of magic to gain power.” I sighed. “When you saw my past did you see my father stood over me on a thundery night?” Hmm, was his reply, but I could feel his anger. “That was the night of the super blood wolf moon. I was to be sacrificed the day of my first change to the moon gods to grant him immortality. With that power he would be able to take over every pack and annihilate whoever he wanted, when he wanted.” My heart was breaking just as much as my voice as I told my story.

“The super blood wolf moon.” His tone was as if he was trying to work something out. “But that was in January 2018 and the day of your first change?” I opened the door from my sitting position on the floor and looked at him. “It was my 4th birthday, I was born January 31st..” His eyes widened.

“You were born… that would mean… but that’s impossible.” I watched him as he were unable to finish a thought before going onto the next. “Yes, my father used an incantation to find out which female was going to birth me and challenged the Calisto pack member for rights to her, it wasn’t a fair fight as my father used magic and as you know won. He then forced my mother to become luna to him. He mated her in November knowing she would conceive with me and that I would be born on a rare blue moon.”

His face said it all, he didn’t need words. He knew that if my father ever got his hands on me he would try the sacrifice again on the next rarest moon, which would be my 19th birthday. 6 months away.

“We have to tell my father.” He almost shouted. I knew this was coming. I knew as soon as I told him he would have to share my story, but I just didn’t want anyone else to know. “We will in the morning. We can go back to the main house and tell him in person.”

He crawled his way over to me and just held me to him, with no other purpose other than to hold me. “He won’t get his hands on you, I promise. I’ll protect you ’til my dying breath.” The love his words conveyed made a wave of tears stream down my face. “You can’t promise that your father could order me away or kill me and you wouldn’t be able to stop him. If my father takes me back you are not to fight him, just live and be happy, for me.” I knew he wouldn’t listen but the thought of him risking his life was too much to bare. He didn’t say anything there wasn’t anything else to say, we just staying linked together in contented bliss.

“You two look cosy.” Cole joked while standing over us. I opened my eyes to realise myself and Alex had fallen asleep just how we were last night, both sat on the floor in each other’s arms. He woke just after me with a large intake of air and disorientation. I released my hold and he did the same both smiling at each other shyly.

My body was stiff as I get to my feet, holding the towel extra tight around myself to hide from Cole. “I’m gunna go get dressed.” I backed into the room and closed the door, pushing Alex along the floor with the door.

Emerging from the room a short while later, I saw a whirl of activity, he must have told the others because all three of them were cleaning and shutting the cabin down for our return to the main house. I guess we are leaving sooner than I wanted. I looked around me and silently said by goodbyes to the place I began my wolf training and the place I mentally accepted my mate.

“Hey, you ready?” Alex said snaking his arms around my middle and kissing my temple. I felt like a giddy school girl with her first crush at our close proximity, and nodded.

The drive back wasn’t long and he held my hand the whole way back, squeezing my fingers every so often, letting me know he was never letting go. As we got closer to the main house anticipation and nerves bubbled to the surface. I didn’t know what his father would do and that scared me.

“Can you do any magic?” I turned confused at Shay’s question, Alex glared at her. “Well white wolves can do magic, so I was just asking if you could.” I glanced at all their faces. Not knowing what the hell to say. “I don’t think so.” I admitted. “Am I supposed to be able to?” countering with my own question. “I think so.” Shay replied. I shrugged. “I guess I’ll have ask the Alpha when we get back.”

“We need to get your wolf skills up later.” Cole stated while smirking evilly. I didn’t like the expression on his face but I’ll go along with it for now, I did want to improve after all, but I don’t want to be the one to tell them there might not be a later for me. Alex gives me a reassuring smile and kisses my hand that’s intertwined with his.

It felt like déjà vu, standing outside this large wooden door while trailing behind Alex, only this time as an equal more than a prisoner. “Enter.” The same old voice rasped and the same as before we went in and stood silently. I wasn’t as scared as last time but still highly guarded.

“Ah, Hunter your back early.” I let the comment go, we had more important things to discuss, but I’d keep it in mind to ask later. “Alpha, I have important information that you need to hear right away.” He jumped right in, skipping the pleasantries. “Okay, then speak.” The old man said as he took his seat at the desk.

Alex looked round at me and nodded, signalling for me to come forward. I had to be the one to tell this tale, hopefully my confession would go a long way for him not deciding to either kill me or send me away.

I stepped forward and he looked curiously between us before I began. I regaled him with the whole of my past starting from what happened before I was born, after and all the way up until now. Ruby was distraught at points of my story and shocked at others, even Alex came close behind me lending both support and strength to keep going.

Several minutes after I had finished the alpha continued to sit silently and watch me with calculating eyes. I didn’t know what he were thinking but the suspense was eating away at my nerves. Alex shifted at my side, moving himself ever so slightly in front of me. This worried me because he could see something I couldn’t.

“That’s quite the tale you just told.” He sat stoic and unmoving. “The question is what to do next?” I looked at him a bag of nerves and trepidation while praying for a positive outcome. “These are the images you saw when linked?” He directed his question at Alex.

“Yes sir. I saw them as if I were there, seeing with my own eyes and feeling everything she felt.” He confirmed. “Very well.” The man stood from his chair and rounded his desk. “It seem we will have to break it to the Mercury pack that the engagement is off, however we will have to do it in such a way they won’t feel affronted and go to Leo behind our back. We will inform only certain people of this, and who you are to Hunter. That means you two will have to behave, no being together in public, you will have to keep up appearances until it is the right time to announce the two of you. Your training will start in the morning my dear and it will be an intense regime, you have a lot to catch up on it would seem.”

Alex and I left the office on a high, we managed to not only save my life but be able to remain together without an unpleasant engagement looming over us.

Overexcited, I jumped into his arms as he span me around and kissed me deeply. “That’s not behaving.” His father shouted through the closed door. We quickly ran off together into the woods. “Shift with me, and we can go for a run.” He said eagerly.

Unable to say no, I dashed behind a large oak and stripped out of my clothes and immediately changed into my otherworldly form. I sprang up on top of the closest boulder and landed on top of him playfully, rolling us both to the ground.

“Hey, you learned to block your thoughts.” He said impressed but also slightly annoyed. “Yup.” I popped the p. “Come on, I’ll race you to the lake.” He challenged. We both took off into the trees, it was neck and neck for a while but he beat me in the end, using all his extra strength to push himself forward.

I broke through the trees and came to a skidding stop. “Crystal.” Alex exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here?” A very beautiful grey wolf trotted forward and nuzzled into his neck. I had to fight every instinct I had not to rush her and stake my claim on my mate.

“I came to see my gorgeous man, silly.” She giggled. The sound echoed around my head, hearing everything through Alex’s mind link with me. She licked his cheek and agony shot throw my heart causing me to whimper.

Both heads shot around to me, his eyes showing distress and hers not really caring, just annoyed I interrupted. “Crystal, let me introduce you to… Rose, She’s my cousin.” He frowned at his own lie, but sent me sorrowful eyes. “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Crystal Hunter’s fiancé.” She giggled again rubbing against his flank.

Alex quickly stepped away from her and wondered over to the water’s edge pretending to be thirsty. He lapped at the water, as she pranced around him chattering away about useless trivia. “Oh I forgot, the summer ball is coming up and we are going.” She announced. “I’m thinking red, so I need you to match me. I think you should get a navy blue Armani suit with a red tie.” My head was spinning she just did not shut up.

“Did you just tell me to shut up?” She barked my way. I looked at her in shock. “Erm... I... I’m going back to the house. See you later.” I ran off as quickly as I could. Confrontation was not my thing, I spent a life time running from it does that to a person. I could still hear her moaning about me being rude and in great need of a lesson in respect. Alex didn’t say much, mainly because he couldn’t get a word in, but I knew he was doing what his father asked and was keeping up appearances,

I shifted back just to escape her and get dressed behind the oak tree where I left my clothes. I walked into the kitchen, knowing it was the quickest way back to my room. “Rose, what’s the matter?” Ruby stopped me on my way through. “Crystal is here.” I said hoping to hide every ounce of emotion I felt and failed miserably. She pursed her lips and said nothing, but nodded her head to the door letting me leave.

I made my way to my room and shut the door behind me, finally feeling like I could relax. I let out a big breath and went for a shower. I let the hot water fall on my skin and enjoyed the silence when I heard my door open. “Aurora?” I rolled my eyes.

“Be out in a minute.” I shouted back and reluctantly turned the water off and stepped out to dry myself. I barely reached the bathroom door before it swung open and he embraced me in his arms. “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I wanted so badly to push her away, believe me I did.” Alex was in a panic. I pulled out of his arms and away from him slightly, the smell of Jasmine and lilies was strong on him. “It’s fine.” I said but not truly feeling it.

Hurt flashed in his eyes because I pulled away. “You smell like her.” I explained. Sniffing his top he pulled it off and threw it across the room. “Better?” I shook my head no and walked to my dresser to fish out some shorts and t-shirt.

“I didn’t know what to do. I still don’t. She is staying for dinner. I’m gunna have to play nice with her. Please, please don’t be mad at me.” Looking into his pleading eyes wasn’t helping me keep my distance. “I’m not mad at you. Just at the situation.” I ran my hands through my hair.

“I felt your pain.” He looked defeated. I winced at the sharpness that I still felt at the thought of that kiss. “Yea, wasn’t expecting that. What was it?” He cleared his throat. “That was because another female was staking her claim on me. You were affected by it because you are marked by me.” He looked nervous. “Why do you look nervous?” I could tell he didn’t want to answer me, so I asked again a little more sternly this time.

“If she kisses me in my human form it won’t hurt as much, but she might wanna do other things.” I deadpanned. “Oh goodie, something to look forward too especially for you.” I said sarcastically, now extremely pissed.

“I won’t do that to you.” He charged forward and took a tight hold of my biceps and stared deeply into my eyes. “I love you too much to do that to you.” He said these words so softly that I swooned. “Really? You love me.” I beamed. He nodded bringing his lips towards mine. “I love you Aurora.” He repeated and pressed his warm lips to mine. I didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, granting him access to deepen the connection.

“Hunter are you there?” Crystal shouted, while hammering on his bedroom door. “Open this door right now.” Her hammering got louder. “You better go.” I said after breaking the kiss and walked past him to go back into the bathroom and closed the door. I waited until he had vacated the bedroom before I began sobbing again.

I was called down to dinner promptly at 6pm. I didn’t want to go but I couldn’t decline the invitation from the luna of the pack. I dressed with care, wanting to look good and confident, so that it would boost my self-esteem, as it was at a low point tonight.

I was the last to walk in the dining room and all eyes were on me as I moved to the only empty seat which was next to Crystal. Who sat proudly next to Alex, and couldn’t keep her hands to herself. Ruby shot me a look of unease from her seat diagonally across from me to my right. Cole and Shay sat across from me and they too had looks of concern on their faces.

Ignoring their looks, I squared my shoulders and raised my chin high I wanted no ones pity. I will not let this dinner be ruined because of her, I was accepted at the alphas table this was huge for me. I‘ve never been accepted, and wanted this to be a celebration not a pity party.

We all got down to the meal and it was delicious, the meals I got to my room were equally as good but eating them with everyone else just added that something extra. “So you.” Crystal said to me as I was about to place my fork back into my mouth. “Rose, my name is Rose.” I said shortly at her. “Yea, so who are you again?” She asked with narrowed eyes. I smiled sweetly and turned my attention to her, from my peripherals I saw Cole, Shay and Ruby look our way. Alex also eyed me nervously. “I’m Alex’s cousin and the alphas and lunas niece.” A smug smile crossed her lips. “So you will be at the wedding then?” She asked irritated. “Hopefully not.” I answered. “Why not? It’s going to be the biggest event of the year.” She beamed.

“I’ll be going back to college soon” I lied smoothly, starting to struggle to keep my fake smile in place. “Too bad, I can’t wait to be married to this amazing man.” She cooed and kissed him again. Sharp pain once again shot through me and I barely managed to contain it.

I blinked back tears inconspicuously and tried to lift my fork again but had lost all my appetite. “Knock it off. I will not have that at my dinner table.” Ruby snapped. Crystal being the brat that she was, stayed as she were for a few moments longer and then pulled away. After another 10 minutes of trying to control myself. Ruby called my name. “Will you help me in the kitchen please.” Her voice stayed formal.

I joined her immediately, bursting to get out of that room. She wrapped me up in a huge hug as soon as I stepped inside the kitchen. “I’m so sorry you have to be here for that. She asked me if you were attending dinner and I couldn’t say no. Hunter told me he introduced you as cousin. How you holding up?” Her motherly concern shining through as it has everyday I’ve been here. “I’m fine.” Was all I could say without breaking.

“Let’s blow off dessert and go have some fun.” Shay announced, coming through the door. “Sure, anything please.” We both looked at Ruby for permission. She sighed. “You girls have fun.” She smiled.

We were out the door in seconds not needing to be told twice. “Crystal such a brat.” Shay said once we were a few metres away from the house. “Really, I hadn’t noticed.” My sarcasm bitchy. We giggled continuing to walk off arm in arm. “Guys wait up.” A shrill ringing voice shouted from behind us as heels clicked towards us on the paving stones. We both tensed knowing who it was.

“So, what are we doing tonight?” She asked forcing herself in the middle of us. “Oh, we were just going to…” Completely cutting Shay off she spoke. “We should look at wedding dresses, you guys can help me pick out the perfect one for Hunter.” She dragged us around and back inside and too her guest room.

After hours of mind numbing boringness we left her room. We went through dresses, shoes, makeup, hairstyles. One after the other that in the end they all blurred into one. I could not wait to be in a silent room, not having to listen to her yammer on about herself anymore.

I prepared for bed and just got under the blankets when I heard knocking. “Hunter. Hunter you there?” Crystal tried to whisper but clearly failed. “He’s not there.” A bored voice said as it crossed the bottom of my stairs. “Where is he?” She snapped at the person. I think it was Finn but wasn’t sure. “He’s on patrol tonight, won’t be back ’til noon tomorrow.” She stomped her foot like a petulant child and slammed her bedroom door shut.

“Go, go, go.” He mumbled before quick steps could be heard on my stairs. The door opened and closed quietly and I saw Alex standing there.

“Hey.” He said as he walked to me. “Hey.” I said back happy to see him. “What are you doing here?” I asked, but really I knew. “May I join you?” I scooted back in the bed and he took that as a yes. Sliding out of his jacket and shoes he slid in beside me. Our hands instantly finding each other and linking together.

“You’re in my shirt.” He smirked. I fought to contain my smile. “Your point?” He chuckled. “Didn’t have one.” He pulled me closer and kissed me. “How was your night?” He asked. I snorted. “Don’t even ask.” He chuckled again. “That bad.” I grimaced. “I never want to hear about your wedding ever again.”

He smiled. “What if that wedding was with you. Would you want to hear about it then?” He teased. I sighed, it seemed so impossible to even think about us when she was here. “She can’t feel you kiss me can she, ya know like I can?” He looked me straight in the eyes. “If that is you covertly asking if I have marked her then the answer is no, I haven’t and never will.”

I looked down at our hands embarrassed, my cheeks burn. “Could she not just do that to you?” I kept my eyes cast down. I originally wanted to ask Shay these questions but our night was rudely interrupted. “No, the male has to claim first. She can bite me but it would mean nothing.” I nodded. “Anything else you want to ask?” I had to appreciate that he was being honest with me. “Have you been with her a lot?” I don’t know why I asked, call it morbid curiosity. “A few times.” A lot then I silently thought. “When will she be leaving?” He pulled me closer. “Tomorrow, before noon.” Not wasting time talking about her, I switched topics.

“Do you want to ask me anything?” I asked shyly. “When can I get you naked again?” He didn’t hesitate to ask. “Don’t be such a perv.” I laughed. “You owe me from the bath tub incident.” He teased running his hand down my side dipping his hand under my shirt. “I owe you nothing, but I think you owe me.” Hmm, he breathed by my ear. “How so?” I gulped as he placed his first kiss just under my ear. “For having to put up with that brat downstairs.” He placed another kiss lower than the first. “For having her talk about your wedding all night.” A small moan escaped my lips when he placed his next one lower still. “Anything else?” His lips now dangerously close to my mark. “For her...”

My voice silenced by his latest kiss, straight on top of my mark. The same jolt of electricity and heat coursed through my veins and I could no longer hold back, throwing myself on top of him, I kissed him roughly, I was like a wild animal driven by pure instinct.

I moved from his lips, to glazing his jawline and alternating between kissing and nipping his neck. Our hands uncontrollably roaming each other’s bodies. “Bite me.” He urged desperately.

I pulled back slightly centring myself internally so just my fangs would elongated, I positioned myself over him, he moved his head to the side allowing more access. Both of us breathing heavily as I lowered my mouth to his exposed neck.


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