Wolf kind

Chapter 15


We just got home from the pack meeting, I think it went well. I start training the other trackers tomorrow. When Austin and Adam walked in I was already in bed, I felt them join me. The next morning I woke up to a cold empty bed. I looked around to be met by an empty room as well. I decided to just get up, get dressed and head downstairs.

When I get downstairs I'm immediately hit with the scent of two other packs. "Looks like my job has started" I said to myself. "What was that" Adam said walking up to me. "Oh nothing, So is this everyone for today" I asked him "yes for now at least" austin said walking out the kitchen. I nodded me head and started to walk through all the wolves. The wolves from my pack moved out my way while the visiting packs blocked the way. I was getting aggervated and so was adam. Austin growled getting everyones attention "move now" he yelled in his alpha voice. All the wolves moved out of me and adams way, one the wolves from another pack looked at me and said "you two better move now". Adam looked at him and growled and pushed me to walk to Austin. "All of you who are apart of this pack know what is expected of you. So our pack go on about your day. The rest of you who are here to be trained listen up. I am alpha Austin this is alpha Adam and our luna Alara" Adam said. " you will respect us and our pack members as you are on our land" Adam continued.

"Now in 30 minutes report to the training grounds" I said. "Why should we listen to you other than the fact that your luna" the same wolf from before said. I could feel Austin's and Adam's anger but mine was greater. Some of our hunters came in the room sensing my anger. Austin signaled to them that everything was under control, they still stayed just in case though. "Fine make it 10 minutes just more time in the day that I get to make you run" I said with a smile. I walked off to eat breakfast, Austin and Adam came to join me.

When I got done eating my eggs and bacon I headed to the training grounds. Only my pack was here none of the others. So I sent one of my pack members to find the others 5 minutes go by and he comes back with them. "Oh so good of you to join us please come circle around" I said with a smile. They surprisingly did as I said, I turned towards my pack members "alright everyone normal training as usual the group leaders are in charge. I want you to stick to the training schedule" I said. As my pack was walking away I heard a voice "what about us" I turned around "oh it's you again" I said "your pack stays here the others can follow me" I said and started walking towards my pack. I flagged the group leaders over "alright split them up among your groups and keep tabs on everything they do got it" I said and received nods form the group leaders. I walked back to the other pack "all of you can run all day with no breaks unless I say so" I said they all groan "oh ok so make that today and tomorrow" I said as they started to walk in the direction I pointed.

It's been an hour and here comes the asshole "can we stop now" he asked as the rest of his pack started to follow suit I looked over and my pack "jackson" I yelled and he jogged over.

"Yes luna" jasckson said "when is your break" I asked. "Not for another two hours" jackson said looking down at his watch. I smiled and said "you heard him get back to running all of you" the pack groaned and made there way back to doing laps. "You sure your not going to hard on them" jackson asked I shrugged my shoulders and told him to get back to work. I looked at the pack running and I kinda felt bad for them but at the same time they deserve it.

It's been two in a half hours my pack just got done with there break along with the two packs split amongst them. A wolf that was running came up to me "e-excuse me luna" the wolf said I turned to be met by a young she-wolf. "What is it and what are you doing out here" I asked "I'm with the pack you have running. And I was just wondering if we could have our break now" she said/asked. "Oh uh yeah but first answer me this" I said and she nodded her head "why are you here" I asked "im one of the only she-wolves in my pack" she said looking down. I flagged for the rest of her pack members to come over "everyone gets a 10 minute break so be sure you use the bathroom and get water. It's the only break you will get then you have to get back to running got it" I said. All I got was yes luna or head nods.

After the 10 minutes was up the wolves slowly made there way back to running. Adam came and stood next to me "so are you really making them run this entire day" he asked laughing "yes, yes i am" i said watching them. "Well they do deserve it" Austin said walking up to us "have they stopped complaining" the boys ask in unison. "For the most part, most of them tried showing off at the start and well look at them" I said motioning to the stronger bulkier wolves who are now at the back about to pass out.

Time flies by as before I know it it's already 3 in the afternoon, I call everyone over. "Alright everyone did great today but, we did start late so tomorrow I want all of you out here warming up before 7. Training will start at 7:30 and for those of you that gave me or the group leaders any trouble, tomorrow all day you will be running. The more you complain the more laps you have to do" I said. With that being said I dismissed the wolves and had the group leaders hand me papers with the names of wolves that gave them trouble.

I headed inside and went take a shower. After my shower I went back downstairs for dinner which was chicken, green beans, corn, and mashed potatoes. Once everyone was done eating each visiting pack was assigned a guest house to stay in.

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