Wolf Dominion

Chapter 19

I do not know why I assume Alpha Skye will punish me by restricting my food intake. I guess because all I said is that his Kind is the real trouble, not mine.

Right now, I’m a little confused as I’m sat on the end of his bed, my chain from my collar is now hanging between my breasts, wrapped around my fidgeting hands as Skye stands in front of me and slowly undresses.

I shuffle my butt across on the sheets a bit when –

“Stay,” Alpha Skye warns me, while his hands are at his pants, pulling them down.

I don’t know why he has to undress right in front of me.

“Skye, I am ready to receive whatever punishment you think I deserve for my slip of tongue,” I look away as I grumble it in confusion, jerking on my chain with my hands as I wish for him to hurry up and fetch a whip.

“You’re receiving it now,” Alpha Skye snatches my chain, winds it tight and jerks me forward so I face the main torture.

My nose is now in line with the head of his cock, a rock hard shaft right there before me.


Not this again.

“What?” I hiss at it, and then up at him.

Skye’s knuckles brush my throat, he holds the chain so short, as he frowns down at me.

“Are you that stupid?” he murmurs, “Part your lips and take my cock, Ryder.”

Mmmm,” I shake my head and purse my lips, no way would I do that –

Skye steps forward and his cock head brushes my lips, causing me to gasp from the heat of it and the shock of it. He tries to push it in but I pull back just enough to purse my lips again.

“Ryder. Obey!” Alpha Skye growls down at me, “Ryder.”

I refuse to look at him.

A few tense seconds pass and he abruptly unwinds the chain and throws it at my chest.

“Fine,” he barks now, “I’ll invite my brothers to help me with your discipline, they enjoy making worms obey; all you need is the threat of humiliation to succumb to basic commands.”

“No,” I snap, “Wait!”

Alpha Skye has started to turn, but now he pauses, with one hand holding his shaft.

“Be quiet and stop resisting,” Skye attempts to advise me as he approaches and I close my eyes and groan.

“Just. Wait a sec,” I hiss under my breath.

I had to do what Lemeri taught me.

She had conducted multiple lessons in how to manipulate the Alphas of the Wolf Dominion.

If they were being difficult, unfortunately you must please them a little bit to help them drop their guard.

So, now I quickly slip to my knees on the gold Solividian floor instead, so I am not awkwardly sitting on the bed.

I hold up my hands, free of the chain, and I plead with Skye.

“Just let me do it?” I whisper, “Let me – control it. So I’m not so freaked out by it.”

“Fine,” now Skye looks away, almost nervous, as he steps forward and stands still, hips facing me, cock still hard and throbbing anew.

I shuffle forward to close the distance and I force my hands to touch either side of his cock. Oh, how hard this rod is – it would tear me up if it entered my body. I huff out a breath and place my lips to the very tip, not opening my mouth, just feeling how soft the velvet head is.

I close my eyes and prepare to lick him – but… my gut rolls.

I’m not just nervous.

I’m triggered by memories of harsh sexual abuse, witnessing it from the Dry Canyon, feeling like I could do nothing to stop it from afar.

And here I was, now, in the same position as so many before me, being forced to –

“Ryder. You’re not meant to find the act disgusting,” Skye speaks out of the blue as he pulls back a tiny bit, “Where is your grace, for this privilege I’m offering you? The purpose behind this.”

He loves that word.

“Why purpose?” I can’t help but ask as I glance up through all my charcoal makeup, to see Skye looking completely riled up by my ignorance.

“There is no other way, but to serve the ones who have the power to provide for you, the ones that could exterminate you. You should be so much more grateful for my kindness,” Alpha Skye shakes his head, truly confused and seemingly disgusted by me, “Your Kind is so strange to me. Your defiance… strange, but… it’s odd. You either submit or fight for power and then submit when you realise you’re defenceless,” Alpha Skye shakes his head, holding out his hands, palms open.

“…what do you want…?” I stand up, narrowing my eyes, “A fight?”

“Resolution,” Skye snaps, then lowers his tone to his death drawl, “You will decide your resolution, is it to please me, or to defy?”

“Has it not been clear that I defy, however I can with what resources I can attain?” I ask, holding out my hands, mimicking him, “I’m not fighting you or anyone. I’m just being me. Independent of command.”

“There is no such thing, you are a part of a Dominion or nothing –”

“Have you no sense of individual purpose, Skye?” I yell at him now, “You. An Alpha. Of an entire fucking Dominion. The Wolf Dominion. What do you do, while you’re in power?”

“Retain power,” Skye replies to me like a robot, straight off the tongue, no hesitation.

“What if you lost that power -?”

“I do not lose power.”

“You killed a litter of kittens, Skye – to retain power. You lose dignity,” I don’t know where my words come from, but they seem natural to me. It’s the truth, so it comes easy to my lips, I guess.

For Skye to hear this, however, is a different story altogether.

“I am speaking to a worm,” he speaks slow, low, and turns toward the windows overlooking the Genesis Sunblasted landscape, “I am arguing with a worm,” he sounds plainly disgusted with himself now.

I sit back on his bed and I clasp my hands on my knees, feeling an anxious rush, a loss of control as I hear his patience, now dead for me.

Perhaps my short life span was coming to an end.

I wait solemnly for his decision to kill me.

I have proved worthless to him, and I am worthless to me.

Skye turns to lean on his window, holding his cock and stroking it while he watches me.

“…Ryder,” he calls my name.

“Yes,” I answer, my monotone back in place, “What.”

“Crawl to me,” a very simple and lightly stated command. I try not to roll my eyes as I get on my hands and knees, and I crawl to his feet. Easy. I sit back on my heels and Skye then commands me again, “Clasp your hands,” I do, raising a brow, “Wiggle your toes,” Skye adds, his tone dropping as I obey, “Close your eyes,” I sigh like Lemeri does, but I do obey, “Why are you obeying me for everything else... but when I offer you acts in the art of pleasure…”

“I am not a sex toy, that is why,” I blink open my eyes, and I see Skye locking his jaw and watching me through hooded eyes.

“I was too slow to realise. You do not know what sex is,” Skye finally translates all my body language.

“Lemeri calls it a game,” I state.

“Let’s try this again, then, I apologise for treating you as if you knew some basic biology,” Skye turns to me and puts his hand firmly on the back of my head, “Let me guide you – and simply do the easy commands. Open your mouth,” he pinches my nose to help me, and I cringe but I must do so to breathe, and then he pulls me forward by my pinched nose, to place his sly cock over my tongue, “Now… like this, lick around the head and suck me into your mouth,” Skye lets my nose go to place his hand on the back of my head again, pulling me further forward. I do enjoy feeling how warm he is on my tongue, and I’m more focused on that, rather than what the act represents. Skye pulls me off and back on, shallow, easy movements, all guided by his fingers clasping my braids at the back of my skull, “Now… listen,” Skye speaks down to me once more, while he watches me work, “…this continues until I’m finished… and if you manage to finish me, I’m going to finish you, you’ll explode –” I almost gag on his cock from that threat! “No, I won’t kill you, silly pet!” Skye scolds me while chuckling as he moves his cock a bit deeper, prodding further into my small mouth, even while I’m looking up, and I see his light smirk as we share eye contact, “Good girl. Keep it up. I’ll show you what I mean when it’s your turn.” Oh, my. Skye says that end so gently, I almost believe he kind of likes me a little bit – but that’s also when his hand pulls me forward further and his cock slips past my mouth, down into my throat!

I gag loudly – and Skye seems to like it as he pulls out and immediately pushes back in, to hear that sound again.


What the f –?

“Keep going,” Skye encourages me as his palm guides me the entire time, deeper each pull inward, and sometimes shallow again briefly to help me remain content enough in the act, but only briefly, before attempting to penetrate my throat again, urgh –“See, Ryder? It’s so easy.”


Now that was admitted sarcasm.

I try to glare up at him, while my eyes are watering with my gag reflex constantly being challenged, and Skye is all but relaxed as he leans back against the window – simply teaching me a new command.

A new command that kind of fucking sucks.

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