Wolf Dominion

Chapter 18

“Do this,” Lemeri has taken the entire day off to teach me exactly as Alpha Skye intended; yet not so. She pouts in the mirror and poses with her hands on the sink, a dangerous look in her eye as she growls to her reflection, “I enjoy your cock more than your company, Alpha Skye.”

“Why should I say that?” I ask for the thousandth time, exhausted from the lecturing. So far, I had my hair all braided, and had black coal applied to my eyes – she liked the look of the soot covering me like ash. I didn’t understand it, but the makeup smelt nice I guess. She even made a paste and put it on my lips – I looked like a warrior. It actually did suit me, but I think I looked a lot more powerful than I felt.

“They mustn’t know you’re needy,” Lemeri still speaks to herself, leaning in to kiss the mirror and her reflection, “Mwah – I am the beast, and you Genesis dogs,” Lemeri spins to me dramatically, “Are my meat. Tell Skye that.”

“I can’t say that, I’ll get whipped – or killed – or eaten,” I hold out my hands in exasperation, while Lemeri licks her lips and thinks of more advice.

“Or you’ll get fucked very hard all night long; by the very Alpha you can manipulate with your pretty little sad form, so small, so petite… he is very fond of you… and wouldn’t mind your tongue doing awful things, even with sassy words, oh sigh, if only you knew how powerful my teachings are,” Lemeri curls her fingers, wanting me to stand in front of the mirror and practice all her lines, “Let’s keep going.”

I inhale sharply and I walk over to stare at my reflection, while Lemeri stands behind me and puts her hands on my forearms, clasping them tight so I can’t get away from practicing my lines, “You’re nothing but a slave,” she puts on Skye’s deep foreboding tone and I try not to smile through it.

“…I like your cock more than your company,” I say it firm, probably not sexy enough, but she narrows her eyes at me and figures out the next lines for me to repeat.

“Alpha Skye… please do me a favour…” Lemeri whimpers the question, all high pitched and child like, “…oh, please… go fuck yourself – you’re so ugly.”

I purse my lips, trying so hard not to laugh that my cheeks bloom red.

“I can’t say that –” I whisper.

“Come on, trust me,” Lemeri claws her nails into my shoulders next as she holds me still, “They need to be treated as less at all times, respect the Alpha – but respect a lover’s game too. This is all in private. Say what I say.”

I sigh dramatically and look away from her mischievous eyes, back to my own coal lined gaze, and I say, “Skye, do me a favour, oh, please, go fuck yourself, you’re so ugly,” I say it in a monotone, feeling rather uncomfortable when I repeat it. Lemeri has a lilt to her tone when she does it, I just sound like a robot.

Lemeri smiles and leans down to rest her chin on my shoulder, pouting up at me, “I’m going to return you, and you’re going to say everything I taught you, and you’ll see the magic happen; just make sure you say it all in private.”

“I don’t know why I have to say any of this,” I force on a smile, “No offense, Lemeri.”

“It’s called baiting, you rile him up just enough and he’ll slip the truth in a moment of ARRGGH!” Lemeri mimics an Alpha’s roar of displeasure, and I burst out laughing as she grabs the sink again and growls at herself in the mirror, “I am the biggest baddest wolf, I have balls, big hairy balls that stink like rotten cherries! SO FEAR ME WOMAN!” she screams as she twirls and then flutters her eyelids at me.

I’ve been holding my breath, as her humour knows no bounds, but I can’t hold it in any longer.

I laugh so hard, I collapse at her feet.

I never knew anything could be this funny, and I certainly haven’t laughed this much about anything in my entire life.

Lemeri is chuckling darkly while I’m wheezing, as she spins suddenly to her bathroom entrance.

And then –

“What are you still laughing about slave, be quiet,” Lemeri changes tactic, slamming her foot into my shin hard enough to let me know she means business.

I suck in a breath from the sharp thwack, and I glance up to see who she is facing so severely in response to their sudden presence.

I can only assume this must be her lover.

A silent family member has appeared, very similar to Skye – just older with a disappointed gaze as he glances between us.

“Meri, you’re making so much noise I can hear you from below,” he speaks nicely however – with no temper at all... and she told me he has the worst temper. Confused, I simply watch from the floor.

“Raygar, I do apologise,” Lemeri closes her eyes and speaks in a completely submissive tone, “I am so sorry, did I wake the children?”

“Yes, and all my Breeders too,” Raygar adds, without emotion.

“Oh… no…. did I now?” Lemeri can’t hide the complete sarcasm in this moment, as she looks down at her feet and her eyes briefly catch mine, a twinkle of mischief still there.

“What are you doing with this human? Playing?” Raygar questions, and even I can feel Lemeri’s offended exhale as it hits me from above – he speaks to her like she’s a pet, just like me. Like she’s completely below Genesis Kind yet she is his own species, just from an enemy land.

I understand now, this is a different kind of awful judgement, yet not so different from what I’ve faced.

“Skye’s new pet,” Lemeri answers quickly, lifting her head and speaking without emotion, “She is rather fun to train.”

“Why is she with you and not Skye?” Raygar sounds curious, and still, no sign of a temper.

“Ryder is under my direct teaching to be a… better… slave,” Lemeri gulps, “Skye does believe I could teach her a thing or two about manners.”

You?” Raygar narrows his eyes, “Meri, you only know how to fuck well and freely – there is nothing much else you’re good for,” a brooding smile sets on his face as she fails to hold back a deep seated scowl, “Well then, let’s see how well you’ve taught her – slave, come lick my boots until they shine with your spit,” Raygar doesn’t look at me, he’s just smirking at Lemeri.

I glance between her and him.

Lemeri is ropeable.

“It’s not funny,” Lemeri speaks through gritted teeth.

“Come,” Raygar curls his fingers at me, while he is more focused on her reaction, “What’s the matter, Meri? Your kind learn subservience the hard way. You yielded only when I made you clean my boots enough, then you started to behave.”

Enough,” Lemeri contests him, “Ryder, do not move – I am your teacher today,” Lemeri defends me from having to move any closer to him, and as she steps between us, I don’t realise the enormity of the risk she’s taken.

“…insolence, now, Meri…?” Raygar has snatched her right elbow – and though she claims he loves her, as she loves him, I see no love right now, only intimidation, “…in front of a worm… you love humans so much it’s disgusting… why are you defending her?”

“Ryder goes by my instruction or Skye’s,” Lemeri is snappy and to the point.

“Why are you so protective of her?” Raygar catches on, unhanding her and shoving her aside to squat down across from me, catching my gaze with a curiosity in his.

Likewise, I am curious, but mostly I am scared stiff while I’m still on my ass, frozen.

Skye had a cool head – Raygar had seemed to have an unpredictable edge and spark of covert mischief in his eye. In a way, he seemed very manipulative like Lemeri, maybe she saw her own cunning qualities in him, but that would only make their dynamic rather toxic.

I would call his look vicious, quietly so, as he gazes upon me.

He would rip me apart, I decide.

While Skye had a need to protect me; Raygar would kill me.

“Answer me this, are you bonded to Xrat?” Raygar blind sides me out of the blue, and my heart beats so fast, I pale quite a bit as he continues, “I saw you with him in the museum – you’re a worm with a strange reputation for such rumours… I hear you even escaped death… and since you, an Elder is dead, and Skyelar is dead… coincidence?

I say nothing, I am too scared.

“I am returning her now,” Lemeri grabs my collar and chain, “I am running late and Skye is waiting.”

“I’ll return her,” Raygar stands back up and holds out a hand for the chain, “Skye is expecting me.”

I assume Lemeri will resist, but once Raygar uses a tone of finality, without question she hands over the chain and shrugs as if it’s no big deal.

“Of course, thank you,” Lemeri lightly kicks my butt to get me to crawl to him, showing a feigned disinterest, “I didn’t like her anyway. She’s a slow learner. Keep that in mind.”

“Don’t leave your residence now,” Raygar starts to wind the chain around his fist, “I’ll drop by to share your company.”

“I prefer your cock to your company, Raygar,” Lemeri uses her own line on him – but I’m surprised to hear the complete lack of confidence when she says it now. It comes out sour and pathetic.

“Your company is only for one thing, Meri,” Raygar counters, as he turns and leads me away, and I don’t know whether to crawl or stand. I try to find my feet, anyway, which quickly leads to Raygar shortening it with a harsh tug, so I fall back to my hands and knees. I gulp down my anger and I crawl as fast as I can to keep up.

Once we’re in the hall beyond, he speaks to me, “…I have news, Ryder…”

I’m scared by the way he says my name this time; as if he knew it more well than he let on.

“Yes?” I whisper, while looking at the floor.

“Skye is very sick again,” Raygar explains, “…he’s asked me to put you in my care until he is better.”


“Yes, Alpha,” I answer as meekly as possible.

Raygar walks us into a lift, to descend to his level, “…why does he describe you as fire… when you’re so docile with me…?” I don’t answer and he continues, “…speak when I ask you a question, worm…” and then his tone dips into new territory, “Do you not recognise who is addressing you?”

The temper is rising with my silence, and I fear for what he will do.

I wait just long enough, when the lift does thankfully halt and the gold doors separate to Skye standing tall and without any hint of sickness. But he does look like he’s been running to catch me.

She’s my property!” Skye snarls, leaning forward to grab the chain from Raygar, “MINE, YOU IDIOT!

“Careful, careful,” Raygar scoffs in Skye’s face as he walks past him, uncaring, “Control your emotion for the worm – she’s a worm.”

“My fucking worm, Raygar,” Skye pulls me into his legs.

“I don’t kill every worm I meet,” Raygar’s tone drips with sarcasm, as he still walks away without the courtesy of stopping to enjoy the conversation with his brother, “Relax.”

“I don’t kill every sibling I despise either,” Skye lowers his tone to a whisper, “You sly lone wolf.”

I believe that will be the end of that.

Until, of course, Raygar pauses in his strut away, to simply turn, and drop one last little fact.

And he looks straight at me.

“I remember killing your pathetic father – you’ve got his wide scared eyes, Ryder – and I actually remember him screaming for you and his worm wife while he was getting ripped apart for my beast’s meal,” Raygar’s brows rise in joy when he sees me jerk on the chain as I try to lurch up, but Skye holds me back with ease, “The weak always die – unless of course you serve a purpose like Meri,” Raygar spins and stalks his way again into his own residence.

“Use your time outside Transcendence more wisely, Raygar!” Skye warns back, but he has calmed down, even if I’m barely containing my own rage for his brother.

Just before Raygar completely disappears into his home, he turns back briefly to promise me a look of death at the last second.

I glance up at Skye, and he’s shaking his head at me.

“Everywhere you go,” Skye growls down, “Trouble follows you.”

“I am not the trouble,” I whisper up at him, “Your kind are.”

Skye freezes with my come back, just one line I learnt off Lemeri.

Skye jerks on my chain, as he turns, his blue eyes cold and focused on the walk back, “You’re going to be punished severely for that slip of tongue, Ryder.”

“It is actually the truth,” I counter.

“It is your mouth,” Skye snarls, and then uses his death drawl, “There is a difference.”

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