Wolf Dominion

Chapter 11

When the Alpha of the Wolf Dominion said he would not try to fuck me again, I assumed that was the end of all our sexual encounters. I was wrong. Instead; he was reverse engineering our entire dynamic to suit his end.

I didn’t realise it until midnight had come to pass. A quiet night full of no war planning, only the Alpha asleep in his bedroom, while I am secured in my cage three rooms away from him.

The silence is deafening in his office, while I’m on my back, my legs laid up on the wall, my hands resting on my lower stomach, pulling on the rope absentmindedly. I was bored, but my fidgeting was causing heat to flood from my lower centre.

I had never felt this warm feeling before. Every time I squirmed a little, it got worse – eventually I felt my hand instinctually slipping between my legs to relieve the pressure.

I didn’t understand these hot flushes which came in waves, and my mind ends up focusing on three things. Alpha Skye kneading my breasts on the examination table, his lips on my mouth before saying that I taste like fire… and the thought of what his hands could do if he touched me down there… in a deeper fashion.

Partway through my restlessness, I get an insanely stubborn thought that I can just feel all this as long as I don’t make a sound.

However, the raw fear of maybe accidentally voicing my need in a long strange, low moan… maybe even a whine… or a breathless pant that he might hear; caused my mind to constrict my throat.

The rope attire is driving me crazy as I toss and turn, hoping to keep quiet, while my hand is still rubbing the rope between my legs but I don’t know what I’m doing. I feel hotter and more confused when it happens.

The uncontrollable noise escapes my throat as I breathe in sharply.

It’s a high pitched whimper, cut off as soon as it starts – but it’s already touched air.

A single note, so loud it’s already echoed throughout his entire residence.

I hitch my breath and freeze as seconds later I hear two feet smack to the ground from two rooms over. Oh, no. He had been waiting for this.

I immediately curl into a ball and hug my knees to my chest, pretending to sleep.

In my heightened state of awareness, I hear every wisp of Skye’s loose clothing as he approaches me.

I forget to breathe, as his feet stop padding along the Solividian floor, in the middle of his office. As he freezes, I feel the heat of his gaze watching me – and I let out a breath that is shaky in it’s exhale.

“…can’t sleep…?” Skye asks me the question like it’s the greatest joke of the century.

His amusement causes my temper to spark, so I immediately curl apart and rise to my knees to glare up at him through the glass.

Don’t make fun of me,” I hiss up at him, while I glance down from his scrutiny which is focused on my tied body.

“You’re quite flushed there, Ryder,” Skye observes, “Do you need something?”

I don’t know where it comes from, but I do glance down at his feet, wishing for a smart response, and I watch his big toe tap the floor slowly, while I blurt, “I’d like to go for a walk… Alpha Skye.”

A pause, quite long, and his toe stops all movement.

Without a word, Skye walks forward and opens the cage, holding the door aside and allowing me room to crawl out by his feet.

I swallow my pride and crawl out anyway, aiming to jump up as soon as possible, when Skye abruptly grabs the back of my head, and he squats down in front of me, his spread thighs allow my face to get extremely close to his crotch.

While Skye is confidently squatting in front of me, his hand brings my head in a bit closer again to his metallic pants, and he asks me, a little bored, “Are you sure you want to go for a walk, worm?”

He says worm on purpose, because I try to pull back and he keeps me there with a firm hand, allowing me to smell a strangely addictive masculine comfort from up this close.

The pheromones are very real.

“Unhand me, please,” I speak through gritted teeth without daring to look at his smirk, “This is unsavoury.”

“Don’t lie to me…” Skye drops to his knees and sits back on his heels, while he brings my head further downward, “…do you know why I’m doing this?” he murmurs.

No,” I close my eyes as the tip of my nose brushes against his pants, along something very hard and long – his shaft just below. I let out another whimper and Skye smacks his free palm onto the back of my ass, which is stuck out as I’m left on my hands and knees in front of him.

Yes you do,” Skye growls over me, his hand still on my ass, his fingers leaving indentations from his strength and clear annoyance, “Why?

What was the question?

“Why what -?”

Alpha Skye grabs the rope that’s tied between my legs and he yanks – hard.

I yelp out and my face dives into his dick, rubbing into it as he lifts the rope up further, not relieving the tension.

As my cheek rubs along his crotch, I feel how warm and hard he is when –


I finally realise.

Without even understanding from the start.

I never knew what sex was, not really. Though I had seen it – I didn’t understand it.

But now I understand it.

This cock in front of me, separated by his pants – could give me pleasure if it slid inside me, two bodies sliding together. I never thought that part would be pleasurable, only tolerable or whatever.

I never liked contemplating it much, but my very sudden contemplative silence now, gets a growl of pleasure out of Skye… and he waits for me to answer.

The rope doesn’t slacken and I feel my clit throb against its tight pull.

“…ask…” Skye prompts me in a low drawl.

I find my mind slides away for a moment, and my mouth does all the talking.

I open my lips to bite down on his pants, tugging it down – showing him what I want to try.

Just like that, Skye’s hand leaves my ass and helps me out as he grabs his cock and pulls it free from his loose pants – now presenting me his shaft up close as it warms my cheek, pressing directly against my face.

“…now try opening that mouth for me… pet,” Skye orders me very quietly, but at this point my eyes are bulging at the cock just there, against me, and my daze is broken.

Though I understood this dynamic a little bit more – I was still unsure of what was happening.

And I didn’t ask for this – did I?

While I have the momentum of freedom other than the rope pressed against my clit, I rise up and shove my hands against his chest, “Get off me now!” I scream it at Skye in a panic, and he releases me.

Though he doesn’t budge, I scramble up past him, my palms smacking against his shoulders as I launch myself up to stand.

Skye now holds up his hands as I stand above him, while he’s still kneeling, my palms on either of his shoulders – and I am suddenly frozen in confusion as to why he puts his hands up in clear… surrender?!

“What are you –?” I whisper.

“Calm down,” Skye speaks clearly, “I’m helping you find purpose –”


It’s like a slap to the face, because I hear the utter patience and well-meaning behind his statement.

However, at the same time – I get a rush of anxious rage.

My purpose in life would not be sexual acts with the Genesis Kind. No. Matter. What. Never, ever, ever.

And that is why I’ve slapped Alpha Skye – cutting him off at the moment he speaks of my purpose, sending my rage into an explosive response I cannot control.

It’s safe to say Alpha Skye was calm and ponderous, or rather curious about me a moment ago.

The very start of this fight, however – initiate’s something else entirely.

No, not a good hiding.

My mind, rather, is hijacked by his – and I feel him controlling my motor-neurons.


I fall into a deep abyss, and Skye shoves me into a Wolf Beast.

Not Xrat.

His own.


The ferociousness and the calm rage of his Wolf Beast floods my entire soul completely, while Skye guides me into the controls to show me his response to my insolence, and he says to me quite calmly; Let me show you who you’re dealing with, worm – you clearly have no respect for the man you’re challenging for dominance.

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