Wolf Dominion

Chapter 10

The gold and the glitter and the perfume is washed off – and I’m taken to training.

First? Agility testing. Sounds simple. Not quite. While I run up and down Solividian obstacles, in air devoid of all humidity, I am monitored by instruments that the Wolf Dominion have crafted. My heart rate needs to be up, my legs need to be moving, my speed needs to be faster.

If I drop below their training guide, I get a nice little shock through the device around my waist. It is the epitome of being uncomfortable, as it makes me hunch, lean over and almost topple over my own two feet. However, it also makes me run faster.

Up and down, I run past these obstacles, dodging and weaving by them, forced to get faster with every lap. At the end of twelve laps, the test finally finishes, I collapse and promptly throw up at the feet of the Helper training me.

It’s a yellow eyed scientist, female, in a lab coat of gold – completely disinterested by my state as I almost pass out on the floor.

“Day 1 is complete, water is over there to your right,” she murmurs down at me, turns off and walks away with her notes, consulting with a larger group of an agency in the Wolf Dominion dedicated to spying.

The obstacles were made for Genesis Kind – not Human Kind.

As they all consult, I drag myself up and limp my way toward the water flowing from a tiny fountain continuously. I lean into it like it’s life’s essence, and it really is.

I feel like my body is going to shut down – because training? Is another word for dying.

It’s pure torture.

So, I guess that was the deal. Be tortured into a spy, or be a house pet fit for giving my body to my Alpha. But of course, I’d choose the torture any day over being a pet used for sex.

The moment I rehydrate, I feel slightly re-energised.

I turn around and I see the distance I covered, and I grit my teeth and clench my hands into fists. I did it. I did that. Right there. And I might feel like every atom in me is dead or dying, but I achieved it by surviving it.

I was a survivor always. Pain was nothing new to me.

“Ryder?” the female in the gold, in charge of heading up my training, calls me over with a wave of her hand.

I stick up my chin and head over to the group of five women and men, who watch me approach as a lab rat, a dirty sweaty stinky thing – but they don’t comment on that.

I’m surprised as she turns to me and hands me a snack. I snatch the fruit from her hands and I eat it rough and quick, unabashedly, “Well done, you need to work on keeping your panic levels down, however.”

“ –why?” I ask with my mouth full, and she turns to me as if I’m crazy for questioning her.

“To run without fear from any manner of Beast Kind, worm,” she murmurs, “You’re no good if you’re dead.”

“I’m good at hiding,” I add.

“Hiding won’t be enough,” she cuts me off, “You’re dismissed from this training session, head out the second door, and don’t complain about the rest or I’ll start up penalties for bad behaviour,” whatever that means.

I head to the second door as she says, feeling it’s simply enough but not sure what she means by; don’t complain.

I find out, of course, when door 2 leads not to an exit.

It’s a small, confined lab space. Very similar, if not the same place I had tests done last time. I’ve walked in as the door behind me forces itself to seal shut, locking me in.

Above the examination table in the middle, is a screen that shows a digital person lying down.

Please approach, lie down and remain still, the robotic voice speaks from no where.

I refuse.

Well, I do deny what I have to do, until I realise no one is going to let me out until I obey.

I convince myself of all the horrible scenarios that could possibly occur from doing this, but I also reason it can’t be designed to kill me, because what was the point? I mean maybe it was just a massage?

I somehow build up the courage to lie down on the examination table, and once laid out, I panic briefly as an artificial gravity keeps me immobile. Straight after, I feel a needle pinch into my veins at my forearm. An oxygen mask slides out of the ceiling and latches onto my face – forcefully pumping oxygen into me. I hate the smell, I hate the weird pinch in my arm – but I also feel a rush of energy fill me, as if pure nutrients are being pumped into my blood to fuel me right back up.

After a few minutes, as my heartbeat steadies and the instruments are taken away automatically – I lie there, unable to move but feeling refreshed – and drowsy.


My mind travels easier as I fade off into a quick nap – and I find myself bonded with Xrat.

I’m walking as the wolf pup, down a Solividian lobby, head lowered, a whimper escaping my throat. I’m guilty and annoyed. I was caught in the Dry Canyon and now I have a strange feeling around my neck – a leash and a collar.

I glance up at Alpha Skye walking beside me, as his metallic robes flitter out into my face, and I angrily snatch out and grab the cloth in my jaws, tugging on it once to cause a rip.

I may have controlled Xrat into that motion and action, as I also let out a growl of annoyance.

Skye looks down but doesn’t kick me over, or scold me, he just glares all-knowingly.

Just as quick as that happens, I’m thrust out of Xrat’s head – back into my own.

It’s a sharp jolt. Like I’m forced out.

What the hell?

Now I lie in a normal, slightly disturbed heavy sleep, as I lie under the intense restrictive gravity and my body attempts to rest and rejuvenate in peace.

The rest of my dreaming is full of blankness.

I wake up as if seconds have passed – but it’s actually a few hours.

I feel wakefulness with the cold rag on my head, as Alpha Skye wakes me up by wiping away my sweat.

My eyes blink open and I’m still here, a little dazed, and confused by his sudden presence.

Skye is shirtless, with a mean look in his eye as he takes in my form in a basic training jumpsuit that stuck to my skin far too tight. Skye grabs the zip in the middle and yanks it down.

My eyes roll down to see why he would just expose my chest like that – but it’s for an entirely different reason.

Alpha Skye pulls off monitors that had been placed over my breasts, reading my heart and lungs. After ripping them off, some stickers remain on my skin and he takes his time kneading them because he can, while slowly peeling the stickers off simultaneously with his movements.

A tingle runs through my spine as he grabs my breasts like that; the good kind of tingle.

However, when I glance up at Alpha Skye’s expression, he is not smiling.

“You’re mine,” the Alpha speaks with clear irritation as he finally flicks off the last sticker, closer to my nipple, and his nail scrapes me, making me hitch my breath, while he grabs the zip and keeps yanking it down further and further, “I brought more appropriate attire for you to wear, Ryder.”

“Oh?” I manage to speak up, even though my throat feels tight. I cough through it, while Alpha Skye undresses me with skilful hands – tossing aside the suit. I watch him turn to a table and pick up my chosen attire.

When he turns around, I see two ankle weights.

“That’s it?” I ask, confused, as Skye clamps them over my ankles at the same time.

“I decide how you show yourself,” Skye murmurs, before snapping with his authoritative tone, “Stand up.”

I find my body is able to move now, as I lean up and hop off the table.

Alpha Skye turns to pick up one more thing.

He brings forth a long metallic rope, soft to the touch. I watch with wide eyes as he starts to walk around me. I freeze as I see how long it actually is as it unwinds from the table next to the examination bed. It’s a very long piece of rope.

“How -?” I start.

Shhh,” Skye moves so quick with his hands, and I’m bewildered by how he constructs my outfit. I have rope winding around my shoulders, my arms, looped over my middle fingers, around my wrists, around my breasts, my waist, my hips, my legs, my ankles. I feel like I’m being prepared for a roast. I’m stiff as a rod as he does it, and eventually he ties it off very mischievously… as Skye stands behind me and one hand dips between my legs from the front, and his other hand dips in from behind.

With meticulous slowness out of all the fast pace, he ties a knot against me.

I squirm a bit to avoid his knuckles brushing my exposed private flesh, but it’s not ‘intentional’ per say.

Alpha Skye walks around to my front when he is done and he observes my outfit he crafted, neck to my ankles.

“How does it feel?” my Alpha drawls me the question, blinking slow, and quite proud as he looks into my eyes.

“Really perfect,” I blurt – because I couldn’t feel one spot of discomfort.

“Take a step toward me,” Alpha Skye whispers and I do so innocently – realising very quickly what that entails.

With a single step, the rope is pulled as my thighs move, and the knot at my clit tightens, pressing against me, while my breasts are squeezed, and the rope, generally everywhere, also squeezes across my sore muscles.

“Every step?” I gasp, confused but also in awe as I realise I just stepped into Alpha Skye’s chest, my breasts almost brushing against his lower torso as I glance up, “Why, Alpha?”

“Because I can have fun with you, whether you’re in training or not… I’ll dress my pet as I please,” Alpha Skye seems so invested in this moment with no eyes upon him, as he smiles down genuinely at his handiwork with the rope, while simultaneously and so smoothly reaching out a hand to cup the back of my head, while he dives in slow to kiss me hard.

My lips open to Skye’s domineering qualities, and I drown in how rough and soft he is at the same time as he uses me. I start to smile into his mouth, and by the time he pulls away I’m glancing down and blushing beet red while I can’t keep the weird idiotic smirk off my mouth, “Um,” I tug on the rope at my hips nervously, while avoiding his gaze.

“You taste like fire, Ryder,” Alpha Skye murmurs over my head, then he turns, and barks at me, “Do not be alarmed. I’ll taste you when I please. Follow me.”

The bubble of romance is burst.

I hurry then to keep up, wondering why he’s walking so damn fast out of the lab – when I realise what it does to me to speed walk.

The faster I go, the harder the rope squeezes. I feel my skin blush brighter every step, my mind becoming scrambled with every movement, which effects every inch of me.

It’s so soft, yet so cruel and entirely pleasurable.

By the time Skye returns me to my confined cage by his office, for once, I forget about the past, and I focus a little bit more on the future.

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