Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 5

Cat Dominion is full of Cat Kind and so the colours have changed. No one wears uniforms of black blue and red. Cat Kind wear white clothes or a dusty sand orange. The royal family, or those higher up, wear more white. And instead of any orange, they upgrade to gold.

This is the first thing I notice.

The women Shades I am escorted with – we’re shackled for the safety and order of Cat Dominion. We were lesser than Cat Kind so we were treated as such.

As if we harbour feral diseases, we are avoided and not touched unless absolutely necessary. So, Cat Kind were also scared of germs and nasties. I remember Lemeri hating me being dirty, always wanting to bathe me or groom me.

That would explain Tyra’s obsession with looking perfect. She really does look like a goddess, more than a princess. And not one to mock.

In reality, I was intimidated by her.

She was definitely an Alpha of Cat Kind. I wasn’t sure what they called their higher ranks.

Princess would do.

Being escorted through the old Wolf Dominion itself isn’t as emotional and gut wrenching as I thought it would be.

Since there are no familiar faces, I can deal with it.

When we’re escorted to a lab set up outside in the assembly area, below where Skye used to make speeches – I keep my calm.

Fresh air also helped.

The dramatic return is not as bad as I expected.

At least… not yet.

“Name. Age. Species,” a Helper of Cat Kind gathers these details at the front of a tagging stall.

“My name is Raid, I’m 17, I’m a Reptile,” the first girl reports to the stand.

“Are you loyal to your Hydra Nightly?”

“That’s – what? That’s none of your business? I’m a Shade!”

“Relax, I am only asking you simple questions today. How about we begin here – is your Reptile alive or dead?”

“…very much alive, madam…”

“Where were you born?”

“The swamps, where else do you think?”

“You wish to keep your alliances secret?”

I said it’s none of your business.”

Fine,” the Helper grabs her arm and shoots in a chip, they take her aside to do more diagnostics. Before she can complain she’s husked away by a group of them and taken behind a curtain, out of view, “Next.”

I shuffle to the back of the line.

I’m not looking forward to this.

As I wait at the back, attempting to think of lies… I randomly see them.

At first I think I’m hallucinating from a memory invading on my current reality.

Tyra is relaxing and standing outside with her guards, meeting up with Princess Lemeri who’s strolling forward after spotting her older sister.

The sisters are quick to embrace, awfully affectionate.

Behind Lemeri are two distinct slaves in weighted collars and weighted ankles and wrists. Raygar and Fyre. They’re dressed in ugly green shorts and tops. They stick out like sore thumbs – obviously scrap compared to the Cats.

After a few words, Lemeri walks off, happy to be on her way, dressed in layer upon layer of beautiful lace. Spoilt rotten. Her red hair tumbles from up high and she wears a ton of Solividian jewellery up her arms.

Walking off, the slaves in tow follow. Raygar’s hair is long and matted. He walks with a limp, a bent ankle. Lemeri seems to ignore him. Fyre is stiff – hiding injuries. I know Lemeri would not hurt them, which means someone else has.

As I near the front of the line – I hear Tyra squeal laughing.

Okay, not a squeal, but –

It’s joyous and happy and completely aroused.

A woman on fire by the entry of a lover perhaps.

I catch sight of him because you simply can’t miss him.

Every inch of his glorious golden but abused body, is completely naked.


He’s black hair is well groomed but besides all that is a chain off his neck.

He looks so debased – red cheeks warm as he’s escorted up to Tyra’s waiting form, her fingers tapping together before she reaches out to him. Smiling broadly, the princess pats both his cheeks, tickling and teasing before leaning up to kiss him boldly on unmoving lips.

Tyra pulls back, smiling sadistically at Skye’s position. He’s flanked by multiple soldiers who watch his every move. I watch, spellbound by my own morbid curiosity, as Tyra slowly drags her hands down his neck, but digs in her nails – scratching his jugular and then one hand dips, nails curling as she reaches for his exposed cock –

“Next. Next. Hey!”


Slaves everywhere I go, everywhere I go.

The Helper calls me repeatedly and a guard blocks my vision, grabbing my shoulder – turning me around to face the woman taking down the details for the tagging system.

“What’s your name?” she snaps at me, looking at me like I’m slow in the head or something.

“My name is Ryder, I’m 23 and I’m Wolf.”

“Alpha code?”

“Messier Luna,” I’m just being honest?

“Mes-what? A Luna? This isn’t a joke, girl,” she tries not to snap, she tries to remain patient, “I don’t have all day. I’ll put down beta, it’s obvious anyway –”

“ – suit yourself,” I shrug my shoulder.

She grabs my arm and shoots in a chip, “Go into assessment,” she doesn’t look me in the eye.

I don’t move until she does.

She looks up and I hold her gaze.

She’s got blue eyes, she’s an Alpha breed of Wolf Kind, pretending not to be.

I see it in her pained eyes.



The Cat’s weren’t looking to cull the Wolves at all. They were sadistic. They wanted to torture them instead, tear them down, keep them down and mock them for being weak.

…now I can’t get Skye’s naked body and chained neck out of my damn mind.

Nor Tyra. And her sly, long nails reaching down. I’m hyper focused now.

I have a new objective. No more hiding. I wanted to be noticed.

I had been silenced too many times before. Never again.

There were ways to speak without talking.

I just wanted to let Skye know I was here.

If anything – I wasn’t angry at Tyra for having Skye on a leash.

I was jealous.

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