Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 4

The next day, work is going relatively well – I’m helping to gather oil from the Acklen. After Hades and I slept in each other’s arm’s last night, I felt far more rejuvenated and alive today. I almost felt hopeful for a normal future.

I was just coming to terms with the absolute death of Wolf Dominion.

When of course it all comes back to haunt me.

Just not how I expect it to.

Past noon, after lunch, a rare alarm sounds. It wails and vibrates the entire city and the rocks around. We had no enemies to hear this kind of alert Hades warned me about.


Peace was never long lived on Genesis, because here we were – being invaded by fucking Cat Dominion.

It happens way too fast. Soldiers in packs raid every store, armed and clear with their orders. We all had to get to the centre.

An assembly is forced.

Each group being shoved to Cracklen’s central hub, is rounded up swiftly and without violence unless you protested; then you were ‘convinced’ to submit by getting electro shocked. It seemed urgent then, and it was so sudden there wasn’t much of a complaint.

If anything, we agree to being herded.

And just because I’m that damn unlucky, a very specific group of five females are hand picked and shoved into a pen.

And then…

A soldier looms close, “YOU,” a heavy hand slams down on the top of my head as the soldier from the Cat army, directs me from my co-workers and fellow Shades, to be escorted to the pen with the other chosen girls.

I don’t take it as a personal threat because it does feel rather random. There isn’t much eye-contact, and he seemed to be rushing me.

For safety, the entire time I keep my head down and appear as quiet and small as possible, while standing at the forefront of the drama.

Outside my random group – a woman heads up the whole thing. She’s dressed in white armour with a gold veil covering blonde beautiful locks down to her waist. She is probably one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen on Genesis – and her body type, long and thin and slender… reminds me of Lemeri. But her name is Tyra, as I overhear from the women beside me.

Princess Tyra, eldest daughter of the Imperator.

Hades oversees this interruption of Cracklen’s day from the front, attempting to avoid all eye contact with me – he focuses on confronting the princess, who is happily about to address the gathered city.

Cracklen, how nice of you all to join this miniscule get together,” Tyra smiles for a second, then gets straight into business, “We will be ID tagging, it’s a common law now… but…” Tyra gazes to Hades, “…to gain your trust we will take a small group of you… and return them… tagged, unharmed and with the opinion that it is harmless and in fact, for your best interest to be tagged under our Dominion’s protection. Imperator Opular expects absolute submission and respect, in return you will be provided defence.”

“Cut all the formalities out, we follow no tradition and need no defence – what is the purpose of ID tagging?” Hades snaps, cold despite Tyra’s radiance.

She is unaffected by his dominant reply, as she responds, sultry almost, “For the safety of Genesis, we will be discouraging the formation of Wolf packs. An Alpha is no such thing without a pack. So, any Wolf around here can and will remain alive, simply isolated. Like you. Separated from the pack. Safe. And in the best interests of everyone else –”

“ –is there anything else?” Hades even dares to cut her off.

Tyra is slightly taken aback, she realises he wants her gone as soon as possible from his territory. She almost departs, but hesitates. Perhaps she takes the bait of his rouge and provocative attitude.

“Hmm. There is a rumour actually… of a… human… around here… a very troublesome one with the tendency to claim authority as the ex-Luna? You have our expressive enthusiasm to cull any human that escaped our last cull – whatever they may label themselves to be. No one wants them around. Useless.”

“Humans are more than extinct since you passed through the first time,” Hades sounds convincing.

“And you are very welcome for that.”

So are you, for that Dominion,” Hades tries some edge, smirking with his arrogance.

He gets another swift reaction.

“We have not forgotten your loyalty,” Tyra walks right up to him, closing the gap, her hand lifts and her fingers stroke Hades under the chin. Like a pet she claims.

She returns the provocation a little too well for my liking.

Hades can’t let this slide in front of the whole underground city, even with Tyra being Opular’s daughter.

Hades immediately and aggressively snatches her wrist mid-air, catching her off guard with how violent he is. Every solider around points their lazers to his head.

“What loyalty do you speak of?” Hades’ confident death drawl drips through, and he barely holds back a pissed off snarl, “I’m loyal to myself only and always. No charm can sway me. No woman. No princess. Solividian though… that’s a different story. If you want something next time without this bullshit army, you’ll bring more Solividian to me. I’ll make this smooth.”

“Perhaps when the mining resumes, we’ll consider your words,” Tyra forces out a smile and Hades releases her red and bruised wrist. Shit, he has balls to violate her like that.

Tyra and Hades back off from one another at the same time, reading each other well.

She says to him, “We’ll be back soon – your free Shades tagged and safe.”

Hades proposes a deal as she leaves, “Make their safety a guarantee and I’ll owe you one favour. Whatever you want, whenever you want it. I’ll never make this kind of offer again, so consider its heavy value.”

“Oh, so a friend of yours is being ushered out, are they?” Tyra catches on, motioning to our group slyly. I keep my eyes downcast before we make eye contact.

“Tyra – you chose young fertile breeders… excuse me – females. I do notice these details, I’m no fool. Do you want the favour or not…? I want these women back safe.”

“Since their safety is already assured, I don’t see why I shouldn’t take what you want to give on top of it. You have my word, all will return unharmed after they are tagged,” Tyra makes it final.

She turns her back, ordering the soldiers to move out.

Hades looks me straight in the eye, as the Cracklen crowd disperses back to business.

I read him well.

His hard expression says; you’re welcome.

I guess I was the one who owed a favour now.

Hades just secured my safe return, which also meant another guarantee.

This trip was not going to be easy.

I was going back to what was once Wolf Dominion.

I know there will be no familiar faces. There is no way they survived. They were all Alphas, the ruling family of the planet, they would have been slaughtered. I am fully resigned to the fact they’re all dead. Including the son I never got to meet.

Now I just had to keep in my reigns on my need to be Luna.

Only I could fuck this up – my chance at peace.

I had to go back to my old home, try not to shed a tear, then get back to Hades and my new future.

Wolf Dominion was over.

That or my greatest fear.

Wolf Dominion wasn’t over… and maybe I was Luna… to people I couldn’t save.

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