Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 47

Skye’s POV

“Where is she?” I ask from the couch, feeling myself winding up every moment with unrelenting energy. I have nothing to expend it on in this place.

Hades isn’t much better, seated at the dining table, his face down on the table as he shrugs.

“I dunna…” he yawns, “…fuck this shit…”

“Ryder should be back by now,” I snap.

There is a knock at the door just as I say her name.

“Hey dad, it’s me!” my son!

“Ryder?” I say his name and immediately sit up, as the door opens – and my son walks in with Fyre by his side.

I am relieved to see Ryder looks well cared for and is exceptionally groomed and dressed well in a new suit. Fyre is also looking well… although… something has changed her expression to form one of arrogance.

“I’m safe,” Ryder tells me what I want to hear, “They’ve treated me well thanks to my mother –”

“I’m Luna,” Fyre abruptly interrupts with her uncontrollable excitement and throws up her hands, leaping forward and twirling around, “Ryder has been retired from service,” she claps her hands together, and waits for our reaction.

“Don’t be so fanciful – get to the point,” I snap at her.

“I just said. I’m. Luna. Enrique declared so, Skye,” Fyre disrespects me by not calling me Alpha.

I stand up off the couch and stroll toward her, unable to contain my grimace.

Finally I have something to unleash my energy on.

“Where’s the Luna?” I ask her in a deep growl, dismissing her ridiculous claim.

“Mum’s next door,” Ryder answers me, while messing up the top of Fyre’s head and chuckling at her, “You’re so sour. It takes time. Chill out.”

“But that’s the thing, it’s not a fucking joke, I’m the fucking Luna,” Fyre slaps his hand away, and Ryder just looks at her oddly.

I don’t even know how to discipline her for this, this is just a silly game to her.

Fyre glares at my son then looks at me expectantly – as if expecting an answer.

What a joke.

I hear Hades audibly groan loud from the table – exactly how I feel, but I don’t make a noise and I look right through Fyre toward the exit.

“I’m going to visit our neighbour,” I explain, looking my son in the eye, “Speak some sense into your wayward fuck-buddy… please, Ryder,” I say it with pure honesty, although Ryder immediately grimaces and looks at me with distaste. Surely he has no other reason to be entranced by her except the promise of sex.

“Are you serious?” Ryder asks me now, disgusted.

Now I can’t help but laugh.

Young love. As I would know… can be so… very stupid.

“Call me a fuck-buddy again and I’ll make you regret it, Skye,” Fyre tries to threaten me. Instead of obedience, a challenge fills her eye. Big mistake.

It’s Alpha Skye,” I snarl to her as I warn her, “And if you’re preparing to be a Luna then you won’t be in service to Ryder – you will be in service to me,” she knows what I mean, and as her face pales, I just shake my head and turn around. She didn’t like to hear that? It was the truth.

“N-no I – all I’m saying is – Enrique favours me to –” Fyre whispers under her breath, stuttering and going red in the face.

I walk off.

Fyre was an exceptional warrior but not a good Luna.

If anything she was meant to be paired with Raygar for training to be a Rouge Master.

Instead she was in a relationship with my son. So I had simply let it be. I didn’t care after all this time – I had been too busy – although I was starting to regret not intervening sooner, after being subject to this idiotic chat.

The door is still open, so I head on out and I turn to Valen’s door. Her human friend. Psht.

It was time to intercept the real Luna and see what happened.

Ryder’s POV

There’s a knock at the door, loud and demanding. Valen and I are just lounging on the couches, chatting about meaningless things since we’re being recorded.

“Come in,” Valen calls out, “Door’s unlocked.”

I wait for a messenger from Enrique or Erin to pop through.

I’m genuinely shocked to see Skye standing in the doorway as the door is kicked open.

He’s not locked into my place anymore.

He does a double take when he sees my all-white very plain outfit.

“What the hell happened at breakfast?” Skye drawls, his eyes refusing to acknowledge Valen.

“They record and watch everything,” I warn him, “I’m retired, Fyre’s the Luna. I suck. They don’t like it. Valen’s my friend – tasked with keeping me,” I run a finger along my lips, “Quiet and out of sight.”

“Ryder’s on an extended-holiday,” Valen talks as casually as he can manage, but I suddenly recognise the tension he is barely keeping contained.

I had been so caught up in what just happened with myself, I had forgot how much Valen would hate Skye’s guts when they finally came face to face. Valen would want him dead, in all regards, for massacring his people.

Skye focuses on Valen now, “Who the hell are you?” he asks, empty of respect and devoid of emotion, “Some maid?” Skye is too good at provocation.

Valen’s veins are about to explode in his head.

Now it’s my turn to intervene before something terrible happens.

I immediately stand up and walk into Skye’s line of sight, so he focuses on me and not my human. A human I fucking adored. He would not harm Valen.

“I’m out of Wolf Dominion,” I tell Skye, “Go back to my house. I’ll speak to you later,” I try to tell him with my eyes, that I have more information. But I need to figure out a way to tell him privately.

Skye surprises me.

By putting a hand on my shoulder.

And pushing me to the side.

When I turn on my heel, Skye is boldly staring at Valen as he whispers, “Actually… I do remember you,” Skye scrutinises him, “…you’re that human commander who tried and failed to protect your little pathetic tribe…”

“I know you,” Valen has stood up, speaking through his teeth as he says, “You fed my people to your wolves. Friends. Relatives. Children.”

“Such is war,” Skye answers honestly.

“Careful, Skye,” Valen adds, “…there will be another war… and you’ll be on a leash… a bitch to human desires. A slave by design – in need of obedience training so you come back into line.”

“Does it look like I’m on a lead right now, worm?” Skye asks, smiling because he knows if they brawl, he’ll fuck my friend up.

But he just called Valen a worm.

Fucking hell.

I step back in front of him and I slap Skye to get his attention.

Get out,” I snap, “Don’t speak to my friend like that.”

“Your ‘friend’?” Skye looks down at me, noting my possessiveness over Valen, and I watch his jealousy shine through, “You and your obsession with humans… you never change.”

“Get. Out –”


A female voice interrupts.

We all turn. I see Erin leading a group of soldiers just outside the door, “My name is Erin. Come – we’re taking you to your first lesson in military discipline. You will enjoy it,” she assures the Dominator.

Clearly excited to meet him like meeting her favourite celebrity.

Erin is already inspecting his size, intimidated by the Messier form – and not comprehending the real danger until she sees him up close.

Her eyes bulge with fear and lust, as Skye tells her, carefully, “Give me a minute.”

“Of course,” Erin nods and then just stands there to watch our interaction, “…we are limiting contact with Ryder now…” she adds, even as Skye turns back to me, taking in the changing tide.

“Ryder is my Luna,” Skye looks directly at me as he says that.

“Oh, no. Not anymore, actually,” Erin tries to speak, gently.

“Shut up. I don’t know who you think you are,” Skye looks right through her, “You’re fucking annoying for a human… I told you to give me a minute.”

Manners,” Erin calls out, in a sing-song voice.

“Or what, you’ll kill me?” Skye asks, already knowing she won’t, “I said shut up and give me a minute,” As the aggressive snarl is gifted just for her, Erin purses her lips but somehow keeps her composure as she turns and marches out of the room, “I am no human’s bitch,” Skye snaps at Valen.

“Want to bet on that?” Valen asks way too confidently.

I turn to see what exactly Erin has left and soon returned with.

I do a double take.

Is she… holding a…

She’s holding a literal snake – that she throws into the room.

A blue python, lifts it’s head, and starts slithering rapidly toward Skye, who hasn’t even noticed yet.

Skye!” I try to warn him.

But as he turns, it’s already too late.

The snake is fast, as it coils it’s way up his ankle and around his calf – and sinks it’s fangs into his kneecap.

Skye screams bloody murder, but he is in so much pain he can’t even rip it off.

The snake releases and slithers away – while Skye falls to his hands and knees and breathes so heavy he can’t even form the right words.

Erin returns and places a necklace around Skye’s neck – a collar in disguise.

“It’ll wear off when you subdue yourself,” Erin warns him, then explains to me, “The pain of our Pythian are unbearable; as it’s designed to be. Learn to respect those more powerful,” she explains over the back of Skye’s head, as he is bowing at her feet, only from the pain crippling him, “Learn. Respect. The power is with us. Not with you.”

Erin stands, but Skye is still in extreme pain, so she asks for assistance.

Soldiers march in and pick him up, holding him by the arms, while his face sweats and his skin turns a feverish red.

“Goodluck disciplining that dog when the pain wears off,” I joke to Erin, who smiles at me, and momentarily her grimace is gone.

“The first rule we’re introducing – is celibacy,” she explains, “They can only have sex with humans.”

My mouth pops open.

Wh -what?

“Soldiers are more disciplined when they abstain,” Valen guesses.

“…and more… violent and energetic when needed…” Erin adds, in a cheeky whisper, “We do want to make a good impression,” she turns to leave with her squad and Skye being dragged along.

When the door finally closes, Valen murmurs, “I hate snakes.”

“That was terrifying,” I agree, “Can you smell what I can?”

“What,” Valen asks me straight.

“…blood,” I mouth, “Trouble,” I say, “Big trouble.”

“I can smell it,” Valen agrees, “Are you ready for all hell?”

“Let’s just enjoy the moment, while peace is momentary,” I suggest.

Because very soon – this would disintegrate. All Genesis were simply learning the rules and the Elite dynamic. Soon, it would be game over.

The Elites were high handed with the Genesis, with no real concept of the danger posed toward them. It was all drama or excitement for them, and they could not comprehend the real trouble brewing within this ship.

Skye’s POV

I’ll admit – that snake bite almost disconnected me from reality. I thought I was going to Transcend. But I fought the pull to stay conscious instead. When the excruciating pain finally fades I feel a tad euphoric and a little high, with an unnatural tendency to comply. At least I recognise it as a chemical delusion. And I fight that too.

I’m stood in front of a small class room, where other members of Wolf Dominion are seated.

We are not in restraints, we simply have guns pointed at our heads from every corner of the room.

Raygar, Lemeri, Mila, Vastian.

“Welcome to the first day of training,” Erin is our teacher, a small petite human with neatly cut hair to her chin, wearing a sky blue dress, “Is there anything you’d like to ask before we begin?” she looks to me directly.

“Fyre –”

“Is now Luna,” Erin smiles, “We guess this is good news to your ears? We are excited.”

Just as she asks me that, the door opens again – and the rest arrive.

Fyre, Hades and my son Ryder are marched into the room next and led to seats at the back.

I wait for them to be seated, before I ask Erin, “So Fyre is officially implemented as Luna?”

“Yes,” Erin furrows her brows, “We do not make jokes, Alpha Skye.”

“I told you so,” Fyre murmurs from the back of the room.

“Understood,” I’ll temporarily agree, with some adjustments, “Fyre will need to be paired with an experienced Alpha – I forbid the sexual relationship to continue between her and my son. He is only a youngling. She needs discipline,” I look over my shoulder to meet Fyre in the eye, “You will be matched with Raygar.”

“Fuck – really?” Lemeri rolls her eyes, but she does not and will not get a say because she’s from Cat Dominion. This isn’t about her.

Besides, we were doing everything the Elites said until we had the freedom to make better decisions. I wasn’t going to risk my whole Wolf Dominion by making the wrong decision.

Fyre and my son Ryder are completely silent at my decree.

For once.

I look them over, then glance to Raygar, who is certainly uncomfortable and wishing to have it out with me – but not with this many eyes on us in this room.

I turn back to Erin.

“Now that we’ve sorted ranks,” I tell her, “What’s the lesson?”

“Military discipline,” she wrings her hands in excitement, “We expect transparent honesty at all times, including obedience, and in payment you will receive the highest honours, you will be considered an authority when the others arrive. You will understand when I explain to you who is coming. More humans are soon returning to Earth and we need help to control the colonies. That’s where you come in, Skye. We designed you for this.”

“Security?” I ask, “Or an army?”

“Anything we need,” Erin clarifies, “You will have accommodation. Unlimited food supply. Our services are your services. Our technology is your technology. All we require is your willing actions under our rule.”

“Conditions?” I get straight to the nitty gritty.

“No contact with Eld-Rs unless we call on you, in which you must present with strict military discipline – this is asked of you to impress our enemies, to validate our authority. It is less about domination of your Kind. It is more about fulfilling a contract and expectation. At the same time you will serve us with loyalty. Another welcome trait, built into all of you.”

“Shelter, food, houses, hygiene… so the Dominions do not war with one another,” I conclude.

“Correct,” Erin nods, “Now into etiquette –”

“No,” I cut her off and she looks a little flustered but purses her lips, “One more question. Why is Ryder ‘out of service’ when she is a formidable military commander and a vicious Luna? Perfect for presentation.”

“Actually it is the formal presentation of her that is the problem,” Erin dismisses my enquiry quickly, “And Skye, I will not tolerate disrespect again. Do not interrupt me. Am I understood?” she asks kindly enough.

I humour her, “I understand,” but I say it in a death drawl, and I see her eyes flicker down and run all over me, rolling over my body as her tongue darts out of her mouth.

Horny bitch.

Working them out would be simple.

And so far – they were trying very, very hard to please us all.

The Eld-Rs were our bitches.

Offering a juicy deal with many advantages.

I can sit back tight for now.

“One more thing,” I add.

“Another question –?” Erin is flustered now.

“Not a question,” I drawl again, and Erin allows me to continue, “I will fuck you if you want. As long as you like being face down, ass up, with your mouth shut,” I give her what she wants, while also humiliating her to the soldiers in the room.

Erin is so caught off guard she open and closes her mouth multiple times, looking anywhere but at me.

She wants me.

She can’t accept that kind of behaviour.

But, she still wants me.

They were easy to confuse.

“N-noted. I – think it’s time to begin the lesson,” Erin raises her chin and looks at me briefly, “Ah – one thing we do require… which I have not approached yet… is sexual presentation,” she tries to make it professional, “We will require you all for rare public displays of affection – it makes you more desirable to our clients. We will require obedience in that also, whatever we ask, um,” Erin now attempts to hold my eye, “…but that is another lesson. Far away from our present lesson. We’re just at the beginning, Alpha Skye. And all of you, the first rule is something you will learn to compromise with,” Erin wags her finger, “No. More. Sex. With other soldiers. You are in service. However,” she quickly interjects, as Hades gasps, “You will have access to human needs – and our desires. So from now on, you may only have intercourse with humans.”

“On your orders?” I ask, trying not to laugh, “It’ll be your funeral.”

“On our orders, yes,” Erin narrows her eyes.

Hades bursts out laughing, “We’re not your prostitutes,” he calls out.

“I can fuck you right now and give everyone a lesson in how to fuck humans gently so we don’t break you,” I can’t help but jump in on the joke.

“Or we could all fuck her together,” Raygar suggests, smirking, “A Genesis gang bang. Does that sound appetising?”

“You have the audacity to look disgusted. If you don’t like being ordered to have sex, think about what you’re asking of us!” Lemeri yells out, “Don’t be so arrogant! You don’t own us.

Erin closes her eyes, she breathes slowly.

She’s at her wits end.

We let her speak, as she keeps her composure.

“I have tried to do this the easy way… but,” I can tell she is confident of an alternative – I see it in her eyes. There are ways to control us. But they will only use it as a last resort. Hmmm. I decide not to risk it.

“Okay, alright. Enough games,” I snarl at everyone in the room, before we fuck this up, “Listen to her now.”

Erin hears my command and my respect.

“Thank you,” Erin appreciates the help.

With the awkward silence in the room, she turns on a hologram, which shows some footage.

“Bear and Cat showed the most resistance to their founders,” Erin explains, “This is where they are now. Their founders are not as kind as Wolf. Though this option remains as a last resort.”

Further jokes now die upon our lips.

Hundreds of Cat and Bear, are laid out being operated on while their eyes are open.

“They’re perfectly healthy, we’re simply inspecting their organs – while they’re paralysed, and yet can feel everything. Are aware of everything,” Erin’s words drown out in my ears as my heart pumps faster.

I don’t even have words for – what the hell I’m looking at.

I –

“Why?” I almost choke but I manage to get it out.

Why? We own you. We own every part of you,” Erin explains, “Every thread. I hope this has brought you in line permanently with our goals. The Serpents, led by the Hydra Seye, also saw sense… and wolves… you… as the leaders of your Dominion… can guarantee a smile from every Wolf. Yes? This will not have to happen to you, just follow our orders,” Erin politely smiles as she turns off the disturbing footage, and soaks up the fear she’s just saturated all over the room.

I have gone cold.

Ruling by fear was something I was very good at.

What I just saw was something I couldn’t even dream of concocting to control those beneath me. The bodies, and the… argh… but their eyes. Aware. Of being cut open. It’s the most harrowing thing I’ve ever seen.

The new found silence in the room is deafening.

I can’t even bear to look back at my Alphas and family to see their expressions.

My smart mouth had almost put us into that same position.


“I’ll run through the uniforms, the stations, the tasks, the physical training, the correct words to address us by – and your sponsors. You’ll have a task manager where we can have your reports at the end of each day on your thoughts and everything you’ve achieved. This is employment. This is your job,” Erin beams as she starts handing out papers. As she does her rounds, she eventually walks by me, observing me reading the instructions tentatively, she leans down to my ear, whispering, “Good. You understand.”

Every fluctuation in her tone is built on power, authority, sadism and complete control.

My brain has already concluded the impossible. We must obey. The rewards of obedience were plentiful. Disobedience? Hell was better than what they could do to us if we stepped out of line.

So much for not being the Elite’s bitches.

I couldn’t even deny that.

And Valen is right – Ryder is on an extended holiday.

I thank the Moon she’s safe. All because she was friendly with humans. They gave her an option to retire.

I guess I had a thing or two to learn about friendship.

Or we were all doomed to suffer.

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