Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 46

Valen’s POV

Next morning

The Elite humans monitor everything.

This room I’ve been invited into, is full of thousands of screens, with recordings, from past and present. The Genesis Kind are constantly being watched. And discussed.

I’m currently at one such meeting.

“This is fucking insulting,” Enrique murmurs to himself, head in his hands. He is sweating profusely over the screens of Ryder – and a recording of her being totally fucking insane with the Dominator she swore to kill, and his brother.

I had never seen a woman fuck like that. I knew she was a formidable warrior, but I was starting to believe what Enrique was talking about. They were designed for violent ‘use’. They didn’t just kill ruthlessly, they fucked ruthlessly too.

Enrique’s design team surrounds him, critically analysing Ryder’s behaviour with Skye and Hades. For some reason, I’ve been invited in to get a glimpse, and I think it’s because they wanted me onside – so my own people wouldn’t cause them trouble. I expected a negotiation, about me and them, but now I was starting to see how they could actually be allies considering who their real priorities were; the Genesis Kind.

“She’s seriously been crying over Skye, and then stabbing him, and then finally, fucking him… she’s too erratic, Enrique,” Erin, Enrique’s wife, speaks up next, “…and did Hades really… urinate inside of her?”

“They’re dogs,” another of the team comments, “Actual filthy dogs.”

“I’m sorry you all had to witness that. I can’t show them like this to the others,” Enrique growls, “Ryder is a total liability – she’s breaking the order. She doesn’t fit. She doesn’t fucking do what she’s supposed to without all this added emotion and chaotic bullshit –”

“Can I ask,” I tentatively step closer, and they all look at me – but not with hostility, instead, it’s curiosity, “…what do you mean by that? She doesn’t fit?”

“They each have assigned behaviours, Valen, they’re typically predictable, it’s safer for us because we can predict their choices – before they even know it themselves,” Erin answers for me, clinically, “While they’ve been forming Dominions, fighting and… as you’ve seen, fucking like savages… that’s not their first use. Which is formal military discipline,” she sighs as she looks back at the screens, “If they were ever sold to the highest bidder – they can be expected to perform with sexual vigour if required although clearly they need some fucking manners too,” she mumbles off with rising anxiety at the thought of this ‘other’ unnamed factor, and I look to Enrique, who now stands and turns off the recordings.

“But what’s wrong with Ryder?” I ask him.

“Ryder is not predictable and it’s not like Hades per say – who is classically unpredictable, in a predictable fashion, Ryder is out of her fucking mind with irrationality,” Enrique starts counting them off his figures, “Violent mood swings, volatility, she’ll show disobedience followed by strict obedience, she’ll comply and then revolt – that’s very hard to control.”

“We could just… euthanise her,” one of the team whisper, but Enrique goes red in the face.

No, don’t ever insinuate that, besides, it’s my fault she’s like that,” he turns back to his seat and collapses into it, almost looking like he wants to cry. I think it’s passion. It’s hard to tell. They have some sort of agenda but I haven’t worked it out yet, although I listen intently to their discussion to try and work it out, “I was the one who helped design the Alphas at the top. I tried to make the Luna develop on her own with primarily human instincts. A Zyre. She’s the least modified,” he taps his brain, “Up here. Not the smartest decision I’ve ever made in all my millennia alive. But I cannot present her when the time is ready, she will not deliver what we need... I can’t think of one person she’ll stay stable with. I don’t want any of them presented in restraints or with controls. I need them compliant and she’ll cause chaos.”

“You want to be friends with her, sir?” I speak up again, and this time the silence is different.

Enrique looks pissed off – and for a second I believe I’m dead for speaking out of line.

Until he goes from stiff to relaxed in an instant.

Yes,” Enrique admits, “I knew you’d contribute well to this meeting. It is valuable speaking to you, so young and without the neuroticism us Eld-Rs think with, we over analyse… but you’re completely correct. Friendship. And you are her friend, aren’t you Valen?”

“Well, yes, I find her easy to get along with,” I admit, “She doesn’t scare me and I admire her – Ryder knows I respect her, and she respects me. We have a certain…” I try to think of the right word, “…chemistry.”

“It was a mistake putting her alone with Skye and Hades,” Erin murmurs.

While Enrique’s eyes sparkle, “Valen… I think I have a very important job for you.”

I raise an uncertain eyebrow at what he proposes. But even though I don’t trust what they’re ultimately planning – I think I can fill the role he asks for.

“Come with me to breakfast,” Enrique concludes, “…it’ll be with my wife and Ryder… and her ‘archnemesis’… Fyre. It’ll be a good test this morning.”

I have no idea who Fyre is, but I just smile and nod.

I’ve somehow gained Enrique’s perceived trust – so I’m off to a good start fitting in with the Elites, considering I hated everything about them.

Ryder’s POV

I shower properly in the morning and dress up in some plain white pants and a white blouse. It feels really weird and out of character, but it’s that or a pretty dress for the breakfast with Enrique. And I don’t really want to dress up for the Elites.

Skye is fast asleep on a couch – unaware of the screams from last night.

I asked for the sleepless Hades to keep Skye calm and inside the house once he wakes up.

I wasn’t sure how that would work, but I had to have them both in line and contained while I met up with Enrique over breakfast to discuss his plans and how I could further assist.

I’m on my way out now.

“Don’t kill him, sweetheart,” Hades waves me off, while still looking through the book cases. I just flip him off as I start to shut the door, while he yells out, “…don’t fuck him either, you dirty horny bitch!”

It was always nice to have words of encouragement from a lovely Hades.

As soon as the door is clicked shut, I swipe my house card to lock them both in.

“Don’t piss yourselves in your cage,” I whisper to myself as I turn around, smug.


I’ve stopped to quickly stare at myself in the mirror across the hall.

Damn, um – I didn’t shape up too bad when cleaned and dressed like a civil person. I had styled my hair – with symmetrical waves. I almost didn’t recognise myself, simply because I wasn’t hollow eyed, black eyed, red eyed or wide eyed.

I just looked… normal. For once.

I smile at myself a little awkwardly, and I straighten my back as I turn down the hall. I’ve input the directions on a holographic bracelet which will guide me all the way to the lake-house for breakfast.

As I walk past all the inbuilt houses within the ship, I soon find myself walking past the main metropolitan wing. It’s gorgeous, replicating a city.

Of course – on a space ship you need some entertainment. Small bars, clubs, game rooms and shops line up in a vertical shopping strip, while below that is a large empty kind of creepy expanse – an assembly area?

I make my way into a lift, which will take me to the top floor – and the executive lake-house.

I arrive exactly when I’m supposed to be there; 9am.

This top floor is heavily armed at the entrance to the lake-house, with men holding guns and wearing masks to hide their entire faces. No one acknowledges me but thankfully none block me from walking past, either.

It’s a very narrow restaurant, with a full floor to ceiling length window view of what’s below – which is not a lake, but the empty Destor.

The restaurant is empty aside from the waiters and the one table with guests.

Enrique is with a well presented woman, who seems to be his partner. Next to him is Valen – and opposite all of them, is… Fyre.


Intrigued and very confused, I walk up and show no fuss.

Fyre looks unharmed and happy – so I don’t know what the screaming was about last night.

“Hey,” Valen welcomes me, and I sit next to Fyre, the only seat left.

“Hey,” I answer him, ignore Fyre, and then nod toward Enirque and his wife.

“My name is Erin,” she introduces herself coldly.

“Thank you for being prompt,” Enrique nods back.

“Is this your private restaurant or something?” I ask, “It’s so high up and… very empty.”

“We can’t… present you,” Erin explains, grimacing as her eyes crinkle.

“Present?” I ask Enrique directly, “So this is leading to some big…. reveal?”

“Somewhat. The founders will reveal their investments but… that is a long… long… way off,” Enrique picks up a glass of water with ice, and swirls it around, “It’s conditional, actually.”

“You’ll be rented out for service in time,” Erin explains, “To the highest bidder.”

“I wasn’t going to tell her that so soon, my darling,” Enrique laughs a little nervously, and then he sighs in relief – as we’re interrupted by the food service.

It’s already been cooked and prepared, and comes in way too many cloches.

Breakfast is a disgustingly large feast – and I’m not even hungry.

As everything is laid out, I politely pick some grapes apart to appear interested, while Fyre goes for the pig laid out in whole. She’s the only one really ravenous.

Valen catches my eye across the table and he looks like he’s trying to tell me something, but I can’t read his mind.

“So are we going to discuss my position and the work you want me to do?” I try to move the silent conversation forward.

But as I do so, I hear the sound of scuffing boots.

I don’t have to look over my shoulder to know the security have come inside and now stand at a distance, observing the breakfast.

Enrique looks at his plate and plays with his food with his fork.

“I’ll begin. Your behaviour last night with the Alphas was disgusting,” Enrique clears his throat and meets my confused stare, “We watched you fawn over and fuck them, you three acting out like dogs–” Fyre nearly chokes on her food as she tries not to laugh. I didn’t know they had been watching me. But instead of blood rushing to my cheeks, it rushes out of my head instead and I fixate on Enrique as he keeps talking, “So Erin’s helped me decide you’re being permanently removed from Skye…and Wolf Dominion… you’ll be replaced by Fyre and you’ll be hidden as a backup if anything foul should surpass our new Luna.”

Valen fumbles and drops a fork loudly – while I’m just staring a little too hard at Enrique perhaps.

“Excuse me,” Valen apologises as he holds my eye, while picking up his fork off the ground.

I think he wants me to focus on him.

That small interruption reminds me to try and keep calm.

I look back to Enrique.

“What do you mean… permanently removed?” I ask, quietly.

Enrique stares at Fyre, and purses his lips and nods in approval at her, while he feels uncomfortable meeting my stare.

Although Erin seems comfortable enough, leaning back in her chair and looking me over with that permanent grimace which takes away from her natural beauty, “Let me explain in simple terms,” Erin speaks, bluntly, “You’re not good enough for what we need.”

“Because I fucked my Alphas last night,” I state, trying to comprehend what the hell they mean, “And what about the deal you and I had about my son, Ryder? If I’m not good enough –”

“Then of course, neither will be your son, who is half tainted by your likeness,” Erin explains so calmly, it sets me off.

I’m almost about to fly across the table, when Valen’s shoe finds mine and presses over my toe, distracting me again. Sneaky. But now I’m angry at him.

I look at Valen and snap, “Why are you even here?

“He’ll be looking after you,” Enrique explains, “Valen volunteered, actually –”

“You fucking volunteered?” I ask Valen direct.

“What do you really think,” Valen asks me very, very calmly – and I understand his matter of fact tone. No. This is just a part of the game.

I trust him.


There is one fucking problem.

“Answer me. Where. Is. My. Son,” I ask it straight – we’re getting this cleared up now, before we talk any further.

“He’s my lover, he’ll be under my command,” Fyre speaks up, “Even if he isn’t good enough, because of your demented genes, I demand Ryder stays in Wolf Dominion – he is obedient to me,” Fyre speaks robustly to Enrique, who appreciates it.

“I believe her,” Erin agrees.

“We’ll see how it goes,” Enrique adds.

“Because I fucked them,” I snap again, “Because I fucked Skye and Hades I’m deposed as Luna?

“It is the manner in which you continue to act,” Enrique finally looks me in the eye, “I am sorry Ryder, you have been interesting to consider, and I really had high hopes giving you this chance, but when put to the test, you simply do not fit what we require – or what Wolf Dominion requires. Stability. Absolute dedication to the Dominion. Firm stability; I can’t be any clearer.”

“Fyre hates Wolf Dominion,” I snarl it, “Are you fucking blind?”

“I love Wolf Dominion,” Fyre turns to me and lies to my face with a grin.

“Fuck you, you’re a little liar,” I grip my plate so hard it cracks.

“Ryder, you’re being retired, think of it like a permanent holiday away from all the bullshit,” Valen speaks up.

“I don’t even know what I’m being retired from – and if I won’t be a part of it, send her the fuck out of here and tell me,” I snap, “Tell me the entire truth. Since I’m so useless and will be hidden away – at least tell me why.”

Enrique nods, surprisingly agreeable.

He waves off Fyre, who flounces up with a grin just for me as she skips off.

She’s fucking high because now she’s Luna.


The moment Fyre is out.

I relax back into my seat.

And Enrique finally opens up.

“If it will keep you calm, I will explain everything. We are the Elites, the Eld-Rs, we create and engineer the future of the human race, who are not immortal like us. We act as the government from this ship, but the human kind you remember still exist far away from us and they still war and hate and fight each other… and they spend a lot of money trying to rip each other to shreds. They spend a lot of money trying to find peace through war. They wanted soldiers. We made them. You’ll be rented out. Some of you will be bought permanently.”

“Finally. The truth. Where the hell are these other mortal fucks?” I ask.

“In four more ships coming for our old Earth, they represent themselves by bears, serpents, wolves and lions… you can guess by their names which mascots represent each peoples… you can best guess they all want control of Destor when they arrive. At all times we control their resources. Their developments. We manufacture the outcome. No war ends without a predictable winner – which we Eld-Rs design, it wasn’t just Genesis that we have governed from afar. It is our own species as well. You will think it’s cruel, I assure you it’s not. We make sure no power goes totally totalitarian… for too long. Power shifts are constant. We dictate that. And if any of them impress us, they can even join the Elites,” Enrique has to sip more water after that explanation, “We can’t put you in… respectfully, you’re… hmm… too badly designed to be relied upon to fulfill our business contract.”

“Uhuh –” I’m interrupted by Valen.

“Just please know this, Ryder. I agreed to be your friend. I’m going to look after you,” Valen starts to pick at his food, “This is a blessing for you – I know your story. You know mine. So focus on that. Let’s be friends. Yes?”

“Can I not interact with Wolf Dominion?” I ask Enrique, ignoring Valen for the moment, as I’m still confused.

“We’re not barbarians, Ryder,” Erin scoffs, “You may speak to them in a monitored and private way – but you can’t be on display publicly. You’ll be out of the eye. Yes? We’re not evil, Ryder. We’re constantly developing humanity. We love doing what we do.”

“Make no mistake, we’re all friends, we are not enemies,” Enrique adds, “I know it’s scary being in a position of pure ignorance compared to our universal knowledge. And I know that sounds arrogant of me to say. But I’m honest. All you need to know is we make the rules and you don’t even obey them, you simply follow them, without even comprehending as such. What I’m saying is it’s natural to assume now, that everything you do, we pre-plan and so it’s our will that’s adhered too at all times. However, if you attempt to disrupt our plans, we will not kill you… that’s a waste of an investment… but you may find that your son… Ryder… is perhaps pushed into the front lines… where risk is greatest… do you understand what I’m inferring?”

He just used my son against me.

The very thing that should make me snap, suddenly has me very, very calm.

I make sure my face looks twisted and angry – but on the inside I’m anything but. Because it’s simple. After that strange speech, if Enrique has to threaten me like that at the end – it’s because they’re threatened by me and can’t trust what I’ll do. I’m trouble. Good.

So I say nothing.

Erin smiles behind her glass, smug.

Valen pours a glass of apple juice.

“Please don’t be offended, you just don’t understand what’s at play – and that all struggle is meaningless… when ultimately you’ll die in the end,” Erin gives it away, “The only meaning lasts with those who can’t die. The Elites.”

“Hmm, that’s an interesting view,” Valen speaks, clearly he understands how stupid she sounds.

And we’re both clearly thinking the same thing.

I smirk a tiny bit.

And Valen and I share a knowing look.

Any person with a brain knew that the only meaning in life, came because of death, not the lack of it. It was a simple philosophy. Live well before you’re gone.

Understanding the Elites, these Eld-Rs, was very simple in opposite-land.

They are control freak micro-managers. They have no purpose. They’re perpetually bored. So they’re interested in numbers, wealth and power.

“I heard there is a television show about Genesis Kind? A drama?” I ask now.

“Oh yes,” Enrique chuckles, “It’s very entertaining.”

“Except when it’s real, right?” I whisper, mocking him, “I guess fucking so ‘savagely’ right in front of your eyes on your ship was a bit of a shock… tell me, immortal Elites don’t bleed, burn or crack open when burned through with a lazer gun?”

“We do not expose ourselves to mortal violence,” Enrique shrugs.

“You’re deluded, you’re surrounded by Genesis freaks,” I say, “How do you think you’re safe?”

“We found a way to shut them up,” Erin laughs, “Unlimited food supply is a good bargaining tool for savages.”

“Can I say, I’ve eaten a whole orange and I’m trying not to throw up,” Valen adds, burping loudly, “It’s so fucking acidic,” he’s always defusing the bad energy.

“Manners, please,” Enrique sets down his napkin he’s just used to pat the corners of his mouth like a pretentious fuck.

“Who’s my sponsor who spent these supposed ‘trillions’ on me?” I ask Enrique, “You’re just going to hide me?”

“I lied to you about the sponsors being on board, but, the sponsor’s correspondence persons are on our ship – they’re preparing you all for delivery.”

“Who is my sponsor?” I ask again, “Answer the question, Enrique.”

“At this stage, you’re classified as missing,” Enrique shrugs, “One less investment – oh well, it’ll save all the others.”

I can’t believe he still won’t answer the question.

“We need to go to our next meeting,” Erin interrupts.

“Ryder, come with me,” Valen stands up and jerks his chin toward the exit.

“Thank you for all the broken promises within 24 hours, Enrique,” I wave at him and his wife.

“No hard feelings,” Enrique smiles.

I turn and walk out with Valen, who is wearing a trench coat – and it suits him. As we enter the lift, Valen smiles in the reflection of the metallic doors.

“Can you believe these fuckers?” he asks, “They’re too funny.”

“Because they overthink and plan everything like gods but then try so hard to act normal that they become clown-like?” I ask.

“Yeah… did you hear that pompous tone? ’You’re not good enough’, like she knows shit,” Valen laughs out loud, “I’ve never met more stupid strange people in all my life…” he finally turns to me, looking me over, “…don’t worry, you don’t count as one of the strange people I’ve met… and I’m sorry for threatening to eat your leg when we first met,” he blushes a bit now as he laughs that off, “Sorry for bringing it up… uh, I just think you’re very important… you really seem to piss off a lot of people…”

“Thanks,” I smile, “I still don’t know why.”

“Easy... you’re the whole package, Ryder. Beauty, intelligence, lethality,” Valen lists them off quickly, “Hell, if I was the Dominator, I’d be constantly bluffing that I’m better than you too, so you don’t fuck me over… so… you fucked him last night? Skye?” weird way to ask me, but I understand.

“Yes,” I answer, now going a bit red myself.

“Why?” Valen asks.

“Valen… don’t…” I shake my head, “It’s none of your business.”

“I was trying to make a point – and it’s a strange way of going about it,” Valen explains a bit more rushed, “But I think you should be running your Dominion. I know because as a leader – no one tells you, that most people fucking hate your sharp tongue and hard decisions, the taking steps backwards, then suddenly leaping forwards – being distracting and confusing, making the enemy entirely alert to the fact they’re fucked from the start to the end if they fuck with you. We think the same.”

“You better not fuck with me then, Valen,” I smile with my teeth, “Were you just flirting with me just now, or… did you mean it?”

“I meant it, gorgeous,” Valen looks forward as we walk back to his place, “I just wish I wasn’t so short… if I was taller, I wouldn’t have a problem flirting with you,” what a tease.

“Valen… I’m pretty sure the Elites will give you an upgraded clone, just promise you’ll be their bestest friend,” I joke, but at the same time, realise that’s probably not even that far-fetched, in fact, it’s probably very easy for them to do, “You’re really lovely, I think if I wasn’t perpetually obsessed with my Alphas, I’d marry you as a human,” I just say it to annoy him.

“Geez, okay, that’s a bit too fucking fast,” Valen holds up his hands, “And this is getting weird. Stop.”



“You –”

“Ryder?” Valen’s lips almost quiver, as he tries to keep it in but then says it anyway, “No wonder the Dominator can’t handle you. You’re so fucking awkward.”


I pat Valen on the top of his head, “There, there, jealous human.”

He smacks my hand away.


He was funny.

Anyway, back to business.

“What do you think will happen?” I ask him before we’re back inside his house – we’re we’ll no doubt be monitored again.

“When what?” Valen asks, confused

“When they’re all dead,” I state.


“The Elites.”

“What –” Valen pauses.

“What do you think, genius?” I ask, “We know their aim. They’re too pussy to put the Genesis Kind in chains. We know four more ships are going to land. The different groups are going to fight. The Elites are fucking pointless ‘in betweeners’ who think they dictate life and death. We have our answers, Valen. Now we just need to kill them all. Fuck the Elites. We’ll kill them and take their ship. We’ll rent ourselves out to fight. We’ll make the money.”

Valen turns into my stride down the hall.

“You’ve been planning this since they marched us all onboard?” he wants to know.

Considering they put us on Genesis as a science experiment, drama, entertainment and a commodity. Considering the moral price and sacrifice every Genesis soul and Beast went through.

Death for the Eld-R’s would be a mercy.

But it was the only way forward.

“This is justice,” I tell Valen, “My kind. We’ve died and had our hearts broken too many times for the Eld-Rs.”

“Vengeance won’t fix it,” Valen whispers.

“Oh, I wasn’t feeling any emotion about it,” I explain, shrugging, “They’re just getting what they deserve.”

“You’re scary when you talk like that,” Valen murmurs, “Remind me not to fuck with you.”

“I wouldn’t, like you said, you’re too fucking short for me,” I tease him with a grin and Valen blushes and turns around to swipe for his door.

“Thanks,” he replies.

He’s cute.

I like Valen.

I can see myself not wanting to kill this man at any stage in the future. He’s… ironically… exactly what he signed up for with Enrique.

Valen’s my friend.

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