Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 30

Hades shows me the Acklen, exactly as I remember it – dug up out of the ground and standing on the sands of Genesis, basking in the moonlight of the Genesis moon.

I stand at the base of it for some time after arriving in a transport, and I just stare at its glorious design for a good few minutes. It was a brilliant build, by Seye’s trillionaire father back on Earth.

Hades stares up at it with me, a Genesis giant compared to me, looking at his prize gold.

He was in love with it. I’m pretty sure he considered it his property.

“The future,” Hades murmurs while I’m looking at him, looking at the ship, “More than Genesis. This takes us beyond this hole of a planet.”

“If only humans understood what was returning,” I speak, solemn, “An Extinction Event. The very thing humans fear the most, they built their own end. I have no doubt that the Genesis species will be the new species.”

“You mourn something that hasn’t happened yet,” Hades speaks over me, quite literally, looking down at me with humour in his gaze, “You don’t know what will happen, bug.”

“Violence has never been scarce, here or on Earth,” I shrug, “But still, you’re right, that anything could happen. I’m just thinking about the most likely scenario. Strong vs weak.”

“Look who’s talking. Come,” Hades puts a hand on the back of my head and guides me forward as he walks into the main door, precisely level with the sand. As we enter Hades twirls and casually smacks the Hard Locking mechanism, the door slams and hisses shut, technically making the Acklen safe for space. It was maximum security, no doubt keeping out wandering Genesis Kind who dared wander too close to the new shiny thing on this barren planet. Only Wolf Dominion was allowed on this one.

“It’s impressive you got it out of the ground on your own. This ship requires two pilots,” I murmur, as Hades and I walk together, “That’s going to take some training, but it’s all built in the systems, so you and whoever flies with you can practice beforehand.”

Hades is smirking wider and wider as I speak, knowing something I don’t.

“Already mastered it,” he glances at me with pride and my eyes widen. He’s dead serious.

Hades was always way ahead of everyone I ever knew.

But one thing remains a mystery…

“Um. With who did you practice the launching program?” I ask, sceptical on who Hades would allow to do such a thing by his side.

“Take a guess.”


Hades shakes his head, but keeps the answer to himself.

He leads me to the central lift in the ship – and we head for the top. Straight to the headquarters and the control boards for piloting the ship. HQ is wild, the best area of the Acklen – a huge space full of electronics, all lit and ready to go. It was a nerd’s dream.

I was a bit of a nerd, to be honest. Which is probably why human Vastian and I used to get on so well. He was the super nerd with the nerd wife. Hades was just the secret super nerd under disguise of a bad boy biker, estranged from their family until the launch. Then he decided to jump ship to get off Earth. I remember thinking everyone thought it was because he was a daredevil looking for the biggest high. I could tell he just wanted to go to another planet out of curiosity. He had that sparkle in his eye. But he was near to inapproachable back then. Maybe it’s because I never knew him…

Hades waltzes right in now to HQ, comfortable with me, while I stand back to witness the other giant in the commander’s seat.

Oh. So they were still friends.

This time his hair is tied back but the gold is truly wondrous, a true lion’s mane.

“We have a tiny guest,” Hades snickers, while Opular pauses – then slowly swivels in the chair to look at me.


Well. No pressure to survive. I murdered this man’s daughter in cold blood.

Tyra’s first body was incinerated and she was never coming back. And he knew this.

Opular is larger but also leaner than most Genesis Kind, but from human eyes, I also sense his elegance and poise. This lion is relaxed when it comes to killing. Opular has never been aggressive on the front. I definitely had to watch that about him, because I knew it masked his ability to run a whole rival Dominion.

“Hi,” I gulp, my voice a terrified squeak of all things.

Opular is just staring, curious by my huge change.

“You can’t fuck that, Hades,” Opular drawls, with a serious tone, “Although I see why you’re wanting to try… Ryder,” he acknowledges me at the end with a nod, and for some reason it’s awkward – like he’s trying to hide his true emotion at seeing me alive. Weird cat.

I try to break the ice, “Actually. Human females prefer big cocks, it’s not a problem,” I try to sound sassy, as I waltz forward now and lean my hip on a control panel, crossing my arms, “Female humans are usually disappointed with our own species. We’d likely opt for this kind of breed in a mate. For the fun. Or family,” I’m trying to make it factual, but it sounds like I’m trying to seduce them, “…um, anyway…” I had to say it at some point, “Opular… I’m sorry,” I look down at my hand holding my elbow, “Tyra’s never coming back. And I’m sorry for that loss.”

Opular stands up instead of speaking, and he walks straight for me.

I stop breathing and tense up as his shadow swamps me first, and then he takes my hand and stops it trembling by holding it in his large palm, pressed by his elegant feline fingers. I’m too nervous to look up at his face.

“You’re forgiven – since you won’t live long, I doubt you’ll survive in this body with us lot around,” Opular is honest, and I glance up bravely to read his golden eyes. I can’t read him too well.

“I am fully aware how weak I am like this, but I am useful,” I state, “And I’m a little bit sick of repeating that, to everyone around me. I’m fine.”

“Guess what. Ryder’s mine now,” Hades approaches and puts his hand on Opular’s shoulder, as they both look down at me leaning further and further back from them slowly encroaching on my personal space, happily cornering me, “Skye gifted her to me.”

“He discarded me,” I correct Hades, “But nor am I a gift to you. Or anyone.”

“She’s different now,” Opular murmurs, his gaze lazer focused on my face, “…her eyes aren’t so empty...”

“I’m free, and I know I’m free,” I answer Opular’s collarbone with a small smile, “I’m a full person now, complete in myself.”

Hades reaches for me, as Opular does.

Hades puts a hand on my head, his favourite spot.

Opular puts a curled finger under my chin, running it along my soft skin as he speaks to Hades and me, before I’m taken away, “I wish to see this human body naked.”

Wh –

“I’m not sharing the worm,” Hades growls in Opular’s face, as he pulls me over by my skull. I was getting annoyed by it, but what could I do? I look to Hades and his pants, almost eye level. Ah, that.

I bring up my hand – and smack my palm into his groin.

As Hades winces hard and releases me, I slip by him and gain my physical freedom from both huge men.

Opular watches me with admiration but also like he’s assessing when to pounce.

“Did you piss yourself?” Opular asks, surprising me again, his nose twitching, “You smell of urine.”

Ah… um… I did not piss myself a tiny bit in fear when he mentioned seeing me naked.

“I need a shower,” I try to play it off, looking anywhere but at them, “Old clothes.”

“This way, bug,” Hades grinds out a happy answer and holds out a hand, trying to ignore the fact I hit him in the balls a few seconds ago, “Showers are out here.”

I nod quickly, smiling nervously back and forth between them, I quickly slip through as I make my way into the glowing corridor first, “Yes. Let’s go,” I swing my arms, trying to appear confident and fast in my small legs.

“Hey, Opular,” Hades addresses the out-cast, somewhere behind me, “Come fuck her with me. I changed my mind.”

He changed his mind?

I pause in my step, only briefly, my eyebrow twitching. Fucking hell.

Opular answers Hades, calmly, “She’s wet.”

“I know,” Hades and Opular talk like best buddies.

And how do they know that?

I force my feet to keep moving.

“…I can try…” is all I manage to murmur, speaking to the air in front of me, as I feel them start to pace together, following the bug from behind. I don’t want to look at them and imagine what they’re going to do to me together. I’d die of embarrassment. Luna Ryder was a queen – human Ryder, me? Shit. I knew taboos. Two at once? In this body? Uh… huh. Shit. It made my palms itch.

“It’s for research, little alien,” Hades calls out.

I do stop now, aiming to twirl around and give him the finger. A universal fuck you.

But as I’m twirling – I collide into… well, one of them.

Hades grabs my offensive hands raised in the air, smiling down at me, while Opular passes right on, glancing back at me with a knowing look.

At me.

Then at Hades.

What knowing look is that?

“Enjoy the bug on your own. Commitment-phobe,” he mocks Hades to his face, continuing on his way.

“Opular –” Hades complains.

“I’m going to take a nap,” Opular snarls and disappears into a side door, “I’m an old man, you know.”

“You’re all ageless, actually,” I counter, “Goodnight, Imperator.”

Opular doesn’t respond to that, slamming the door shut.

I felt like they were playing around with me. Weird thought I guess, or perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised – but I am glad to have Hades to myself.

I’m stuck with him releasing my hands as I pull them from his grasp at the same time. The showers are behind me.

Hades flares his nostrils.

“What?” I ask, dryly.

Seriously, he states, “You did piss yourself.”

I gasp and Hades just smiles as he shoves me backwards with one hand, and I go stumbling and turning around.

“Fuck you,” I snarl.

Hades is silent, as I gather myself to look around the shower room, but I hear the door shut behind me. It seals and it’s… too quiet.

Oh. He totally just shoved me in and shut me out.

Like always.

I spin around in a fury, my face red with rage that he’s left me again.

Like everyone else did –

Oh. Hades didn’t leave. He’s sneaky like a Shade – resting against the door and taking in my reaction, holding his breath to see what I’d do.

Yes, I overreacted and it was written all over my flushed screwed up face and watery eyes. Whatever.

“You bitch,” I try to insult him but I end up hiccupping on the word, and I almost let out a tear. Weak control.

I turn from him, as I start to rip my clothes off in anger.

I’ve shucked off the jacket and thrown it on the floor hard, reaching for the shirt when I’m stopped – with a hand on my fucking head, but different.

Hades hovers his hand there, and watches me pause and roll my eyes up to look at it, glaring viciously.

Then he takes it down to swipe a thumb down my forehead.

I don’t know what he’s doing, until I see the thumb move off my forehead and it’s covered in dark ash.


Hades rubs it along my cheek bones next, and I just wait.

I can’t process it.

Hades presses his thumb to his small on-hand tiny charcoal stash, and he crumbles it between his fingers to spread it some more, this time on his own head.

He does it so slow.

And romantically. Somehow.

I love him for being so true to himself always.

“I love this shit,” Hades whispers down at me, as he makes himself look like a warrior, like me. I just stare, adoring him and finally calming down, when he says, “Now,” he puts his charcoal away in his pocket and holds my shoulder, as he turns me with him– to face the mirror.

The tall Shade ready for battle, looking like he’s killed every Kind, never lost a war, and managed to achieve his dreams as well. Whatever they may be. He’s free and strong and a perfect solider, terrifying and giant.

My hair is standing on end from all the static electricity caused by his pats.

And my face is this tiny little thing. I do look like a bug next to him.

I look ridiculous.

I smile and my teeth are tiny and pale white, no ferocious neon blue or super sharp canines.

Hades and I both snort at the same time, and try not to laugh.

I speak.

“I – I look like that… no wonder, no wonder Skye discarded me, called me nothing, I look like that,” I laugh out loud, laughing and talking, truly humoured, all while my mind races, “I was thrown out of Wolf Dominion for this, ha–” I choke as my laughing crumbles, because it’s not working to hide the tears about to explode. It was too much to handle emotionally–

“You’re a Shade now,” Hades answers smoothly, unfazed even as my tears run down my cheeks and ruin the makeup.

“I’m going to die on this planet,” I say it forlorn but also accepting of the end. My days were numbered. Opular was right.

“That won’t happen. I’d say, you’re about, hmm, thirty thousand feet off the planet,” Hades glances to me, out of the mirror.

I turn to him, smiling, “Maybe I’ll make it to launch.”

“We did,” Hades chuckles.

Wh-what was, how was – I am so confused. What was the joke?

“Don’t fuck with me like that,” I murmur quietly, not even imagining the possibility –

“I did lie. About mastering the take off,” Hades answers, cryptically, holding out his hands in surrender, “Opular and I had no idea what to do,” I just stare at him, confused by how serious he is right now, “But I found an auto-pilot.”

“And?” I ask, “Your point?”

Hades pauses, bites his lip, licks those lips and looks at the mirror, fixing his hair.

“Yeah, um,” Hades keeps slicking his hair back, “We hijacked it. We should rise from the atmosphere soon.”

I just stand still, without word or thought.

Greatest hoax of all time.

Or –


Fucking thunder – all around me. Deafening, for a split second.

Hades shrugs.

“HOW ARE YOU CALM RIGHT NOW,” I scream in both excitement and full blown hysteria, as my heart beat rockets right out of my chest, “HADES?”

“What?” Hades keeps smoothing his hair back, then stops that stupid vain joke to lean on the sink and smile through the shuddering quickly fading out all around us.

There is no way but every way that we’ve just exited the fucking planet.

This ship was designed to be fast as fuck.

I knew it but what didn’t make sense was standing here in this bathroom smelling of urine, while Hades left fucking Genesis.

I have to ask it, while wondering if this is all a hyper realistic dream.

“Don’t you want to see it?” I ask, in shock, “T-the… Genesis… left behind. You’ll never see it again.”

“Are we actually out of the atmosphere,” Hades whispers, looking nervous, like he might cry with joy, “I was just guessing.”

“Yes,” I nod.

Hades abruptly changes composure.

He exhales hard and drops to his knees, holding his head in his hands, he seems overcome with relief as he focuses on his breathing, “Fucking yes,” I stand right back while he looks up at me, grinning, “There was a chance we weren’t going to make it Ryder. The oil leak was minor, after all this time – but still really bad for the ship. And I wanted to look at Genesis. But not if the last thing I saw was Genesis,” Hades slowly shakes his head.


I hold out a feeble hand.

…so he wanted to see me? As a warrior?

I’m too nervous to clarify that.

Hades amuses me by taking my offered hand, but he stands himself.

“Fuck Genesis,” Hades answers me, bold, “They have one more ship to fight over. Your concern is real for Earth.”

“You’re on the side of humans,” I murmur, “What the hell?”

“I stake out who’s going to win, I like to know, and,” Hades steps forward and leans down to grab both my cheeks in his palms, “Ryder. I’m not going to lose. I don’t lose. Do you understand?” Hades asks it seriously, “I’m sorry I didn’t visit you in that cell. Opular and I were waiting for you to get on the ship. It’s the best that win. Us. We’re the best –”

Can we please fuck already,” I blurt out, blushing with how wet I am right now at Hades’ genius and courage.

Hade’s smile could not be brighter, “Ryder, we’ll be orbiting the planet before it charges for the worm hole. We have 24 hours. So I’ll fuck you for 23 and we’ll go oo and ahh at Genesis from the windows for 1, like gods, and then we’ll all say fuck you, fuck off, and be on our way to a much nicer planet. With green shit on the ground.”

Well. I have no words.

Hades took them all right out of my mouth.

He was everything and anything and all and better.

Hades was far ahead of Wolf Dominion.

And Genesis.

The rest was yet to be seen.

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