Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 12. A genius

She is amazing. It was only for a month that I taught her, but Daphne can make the potions of almost all the books in the basement. She could make lower level potions in a couple of days and then, at the end of the month, she can make much more difficult ones. She is a true genius!

-“Daphne, do you want to try out spells?” I suggest to her. She looks at me surprised and a little worried.

-“Don’t be scared. I won’t ask you of any responsibility.” I say but she is still hesitant.

Alchemy is similar to our world’s chemistry or biology. However, magic spells are entirely different. You use your mystique to do the impossible possible. You go against the law of nature.

Learning magic spells means to admit and accept that there is something more unrealistic and fictitious in this world and she knows it. If she wants to stay away from the life of a witch, it would be wise to not learn about spells.

However, I have this urge to teach her. I don’t know if it is because of her intelligence or the ability to suck the knowledge like a sponge. I don’t know if I expect anything of her but I really want to know to what point her abilities can take her. She also enjoys learning.

She bites her lips. She looks at me with some worry and expectation.

-“Okay. I can try.” She says and I think that curiosity won over worry.

Then, I take a book from a self. It is a book of spells for beginners.

-“In fact, spells is the way or the means to manipulate the elements of nature. You developed the power of fire, so it would be appropriate to learn some fire spells.”

-“I use the power of fire for a month now.”

-“You only manifested the power of fire and you are able to control its force. However, with spells you can learn some practical forms of using fire. For example, you can start with the spell of fireball. Its intensity depends of your control but its form depends on the spell.” I explain patiently.

-“Yield your hand in front of you. Close your eyes and bring into your mind, the force of the fire in you. Imagine the force taking the form of a ball and release it from inside you to your palm.” I instruct clearly.

She follows my words precisely. I can feel her aura of fire surrounding her. Then, the fire aura is concentrating on her palm and taking the form of a ball. She opens her eyes and surprised watches the fireball on her palm.

-“Oh my God!!!” She shouts and the ball disappears.

-“I did it in my first try!!!” She shouts enthusiastically. I must admit that I was also surprised. I was expecting her to meet some difficulties. She must really be a genius!!!

I didn’t expect to learn all those fire spells in less than a week. It’s amazing. I feel like I am really some superhero. I can use fire like the extension of my hand.

Fireballs and fire shots are the easiest spells. I learned them in a day or two. I didn’t only learn to form them. I also learned to control their force and power.

Then, I learned Firewalls, Fire Rings and Fire Blast. These spells are amazing and really powerful. They are perfect for attack. However, I soon got bored as I was repeating the same thing again and again to master it.

-“Can’t I learn another element?” I ask grandma one day.

-“Well, usually a powerful magician can use about two elements. I can say for sure that you can use one more element but as you have an Empyrean Crystal Soul, you have infinite possibilities.” She answers.

So, it depends on me to give form to my emotions, I think and sigh.

-“What elements were you using in the past?” I ask her.

-“Fire and wind.”

-“Wind, huh?” I think and I close my eyes.

I haven’t realized until now but I think there is not only misery in my heart anymore. It is surprising but there is something else in there. I am not afraid anymore. I know that grandma won’t hurt me. I also have some friends and a boyfriend. If I am not wrong, I feel carefree in this place.

If I could give a form to unconcern then it would be a wind-like form. The wind is free and untamed. It can do whatever it wants. It’s fresh and carefree.

The next moment, I feel a fresh and cool aura surrounding me and I can feel my hair dancing like a flag.

I open my eyes only to see things flying on the room because of the wind. I try to control it like I did with fire and I did it. I could feel the power of wind cooling my veins.

-“Well done, my dear!” I hear grandma praising me. She praises me really often. She praises my hard work and I am really happy. Then, she gives me a book about spells of the wind.

It was a matter of a few days to learn every wind spell. It was amazing and interesting but I got bored really fast again. I was not lucky enough to develop another element.

As I was studying books on fire and wind, it just came to my mind some knowledge of physics. Then, I smile cunningly and I am trying to do something amazing. Grandma has said that imagination is the key to the powers of a magician.

I don’t know exactly the mechanism but nature uses wind and fire to make lightning. What if I can try it, too? I just need to imagine it. However, I can’t do it. If it was so easy, I wouldn’t struggle to recognize my emotions but I don’t want to give up.

When I visit Derek, I borrow his computer for a while to study everything about the phenomenon of lightning. I make some copies too to take them with me.

I study and study and then when I understand completely the whole phenomenon, I try once again. To make it easier, I try to gather fire in my one hand and wind at the other. It is really difficult and I trained for days for this.

However, I don’t care of the result. I did that to trigger the manifestation of both of the powers in my soul. The fire snake and the cooling gust are active inside me. I take a deep breath and then I try to connect the two of them. As I expected it, they collide violently and I feel a really strong shaking in my soul.

I tighten my teeth and I undergo the turmoil. I then form in my mind the logic behind the lightning and the next moment I can hear a noise of zipping.

I open my eyes and I visibly notice the aura of lightning surrounding me like a serpent-like dragon. The fire snake combined with the wind, it became a more powerful existence.

-“Unbelievable!!!” I hear grandma’s screaming.

-“What did you do, honey? How can you use others than the basic elements?” She asks me.

-“I combined the two elements of fire and wind.” I say naturally but I can see the dumbfounded expression of hers.

-“Is it not good?” I ask with agony.

-“Rather to say it is not good, it is amazing and unthinkable. The people of Etheria can use only the six basic elements of fire, wind, water, earth, light and darkness.”

-“How come? Nobody thought of combined them?”

-“Well, mystique is already amazing. There was no use or meaning to create something more powerful from the main forces of nature.” She explains.

Then, I realize that in Etheria there is no concept of researching and improvement. They use and master whatever they know.

However, my grandma’s surprise is a fact as she is looking at me with awe and pride as she thinks that I am some kind of a genius.

This stare makes me feel a little ticklish in my heart.

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