Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 11. Importance of family

I found a new game. I started thinking of every historical figure of the world and I tried to guess what kind of soul they must have had.

There were famous artists, philosophers, warlocks, scientists, country leaders. I imagine them to have Semi-Mortal Bronze Souls, or Fine Silver Souls. I wonder if there was someone with a Crystal Soul.

Other than that interesting and funny game, I tried to produce mana. I followed grandma’s instruction words, but I didn’t manage anything. In the first place, I didn’t know which my stronger emotion is. Fear, despair or hate? Maybe all of them.

Then, what kind of form can be given to those kinds of emotions? Darkness or shadow is some forms that come to my mind but I can’t materialize them. I try and I try but nothing. In the end, I laugh at myself as I believed the fantastic words of grandmother.

-“Only Demon’s mana has its source from darkness.” Adrian says when I talked to grandma of my failure to produce mana.

-“You are not a demon so you can’t use this form. However, because of this kind of emotions, you can’t find your true nature.” He explains.

Then, must I find another emotion? A positive one and strong even? This is impossible.

-“Well, I don’t need another emotion but another form.” I say.

I close my eyes again. I can feel my despair and fear combined. Then, anger is created and the next moment I imagined me surrounded in strong and powerful flames. I feel my body hot as the flames are surrounding me like a snake.

This aggressive flaming snake is hissing at me and wants to burn me alive. My agony is high as I open my eyes only to see the room was on fire.

The next moment, grandma and Adrian rush to take out the fire. The whole house is made of wood, so a fire will be catastrophic.

I couldn’t believe it. I had produced mana in the form of fire. It was so powerful that I almost burn the house. So the next thing I need to do is to control my mana. Nonetheless, grandma seems happy and satisfied with my progress even though she behaves like I didn’t threaten her house.

Early in the mornings, she takes me to the basement where is the safest place for training my powers. It is so much fun that I don’t care about any oracle or prophecy. These powers are something that gives me confidence and strength. I feel good every time that I can control fire, an element so powerful.

Well, I didn’t know how I could use it. Maybe I could be a superhero like in comics, or maybe not.

I don’t want any responsibility on my shoulder or any troubles and that is the reason that I don’t want to take part in this madness. However, it is really interesting having this strange power.

After training, I study the books about the plants and herbs and finally, I try to make a potion. Of course, grandma is with me to guide me and after a dozen of failures I manage to create a simple sleeping potion.

I try more and more potions with higher level of difficulty. Those are really hard to make because of the precision and the amount of mana that they need. I didn’t think that I will like alchemy so much. It reminded me the experiments on chemical and biological laboratory back in school.

Then after an interesting day with grandma, I get to meet Derek in the afternoons.

He noticed my good mood these past days and he seemed satisfied and happy about me. I can feel that his feelings are sincere. He even asked me to meet grandma.

He is quite serious and mature about these things. I didn’t find it a good idea at the beginning but after spending some time with her I find her cool.

While training, we came closer and I find myself to want to have some peaceful and good relationship with her. So, I think all the time about introduce Derek to her. He is really nice and I am sure she will like him.

In a matter of fact, I am thinking of inviting him at Christmas. There are only a few weeks until then. However, there is a little problem, Tarragon and Gina.

Those two are silent and patient. After the incident with Gina, they didn’t approach me. However, I am sure that they know about my training and they hope for me to take action.

-“You must teach her to open the Gate.” Gina says when she and Tarragon found me at the basement after tidying up the mess from training in potions.

-“Daphne, hasn’t agreed to take her role yet. I am trying carefully and slowly to teach her about your world. You must be patient. If we make a mistake now, she will never help you.” I explain.

-“We can’t be patient. Our world is suffering.” Gina shouts irritated. I can’t blame her for her impatience and agony but I can’t ignore Daphne’s feelings.

-“We don’t even know with what way, she can help you.” I bring another topic on the table. The oracle was so vague.

-“Even though the oracle was not given by a dragon, only a dragon can explain it.” Tarragon meddles in.

-“You suggest for Daphne going into the Mountains of Void?” I ask surprised.

-“The dragons are angry so they won’t help us.” Gina reminds him.

-“There is a dragon that lives alone and he won’t care about anything in this world.”

-“Do you mean the Black Dragon, Mephistor?” Adrian asks surprised.

-“Exactly. He was ostracized from his kin because of his arrogance. He lives behind the Mountains of Void. He doesn’t care about the world or the laws and balance.” Tarragon explains.

-“You said yourself. He is selfish and arrogant. What makes you think that he will help us?” I ask him.

-“We need a very generous gift.” Gina meddles in. I furrow my eyebrows.

-“Dragons likes treasures and shining things. So, where will you find something like that? Etheria is in decline.” I bring them back to reality.

-“I think that we can find something into the Dwarves volt.” Gina explains.

-“Are you saying that the stingy Dwarves will give you their treasure?” I ask.

-“The chaos didn’t let them untouchable. A lot of Dwarf villages were destroyed and their weapons and treasure were taken. There is one last Dwarf village hidden into the Dark Swamp. In there, there is a volt with everything they saved.” Tarragon informs us.

-“So, you think they will give you something so easily?” I ask again.

-“They have to. If the Witch of the Gate asks for something, they will give it.”

-“Are you sure? You said that the majority in Etheria blames the Witch of the Gate for everything. I don’t think that the crusty Dwarves will be an exception.”

-“Well, if it was a road of roses, we wouldn’t need the Witch of the Gate.” Gina meddles in irritated.

-“You are making plans without even know if Daphne will help you.”

-“That is why you must hurry and convince her.” Gina shouts again.

I know that their situation doesn’t let them understand Daphne’s feelings and situation. I think both Etheria and Daphne have some pretty serious problems. The one can’t help the other with those problems.

I can’t admit it in front of my guests but I care more about my granddaughter’s problem.

My whole life I was responsible about Etheria. I neglected my daughter and my family. I was a crazy person for my surroundings. I missed everything from my daughter’s and granddaughter’s life.

In the end, the world that I was protecting, betrayed me by attacking me. They blamed me about their greed and chaos. Now they need me or my successors for their benefit.

Even though Etheria and Earth are connecting, the collapse of Etheria doesn’t affect significantly my world. They are going to be some consequences but not now or in the approximate future.

Even if Etheria is in danger, I deem more important my granddaughter’s well-being. If they want to hate the Witch of the Gate, let them be.

My family is more important. I sacrificed enough to realize that now.

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