
Chapter 20

~~~Jaxson’s POV~~~

Sean, Ashton, and Ember seemed to get along okay. Ember, I could tell, was still a bit hesitant and reserved. She learned that Sean was my alpha and had taken time to come meet her. She was confused at why he would leave such an important job just to come meet her. That sent him on a long-winded story telling about how we met and that we were best friends, practically brothers.

He retold how I had saved him when we were kids from drowning in a rapidly flowing river. He hadn’t had many lessons yet and wasn’t a strong swimmer. Since then, we have been inseparable, both protecting each other. So, meeting his brother’s mate after he finally found her was of utmost importance to him.

We obviously didn’t tell her the real reason they had come. Ashton remained relatively silent. He would cut in here or there, but his main interest was watching Ember for behavior cues as she talked. He was here to help her come to grips on her past and hopefully overcome it. He could understand her more than either of us and could have that mutual bond.

The day past quickly and we bunked down for the night. Sean repeatedly assuring Ember that they were fine sharing the couch even though it wasn’t that big. He took the opportunity to joke that Ashton now couldn’t reject his advances on cuddling. Cue eye roll.

We all fell into a blissful sleep, our mates in our arms. I had probably only been asleep for a few hours when I was awoken with the feeling of my thumbs being popped from their sockets. I gasped, darting up in bed, alerting Sean and Ashton who jumped at the sound.

“Jaxson? What is it?” I shook my head unable to form words yet. My breathing came out in sharp pants. I felt terrified for some reason. Sean came to my side trying to calm me.

“It’s not me!” I managed to gasp out as I looked at Ember who was beginning to toss in her sleep, her face morphing into a painful grimace. Ashton scrambled to her side. Just as he was about to touch her arm, Ember let out a soul piercing scream. She writhed on the bed as she continued screaming. Her voice becomes hoarse. Accalia whined as she watched her friend in distress, not knowing how to help her when she wasn’t awake.

I quite literally fell out of bed as my back exploded in pain. I looked to Sean in terror. His eyes widened at my expression. He had never seen me so scared before.

“She’s getting whipped!” I screamed as I felt a lash rain down on my back. The pain was unbearable how had she survived this?!

Ashton leaped onto the bed as Ember continued to thrash in her sleep. He straddled her legs, keeping them still, as he braced her arms against her side. I watched his eyes turn white as he delved into her mind. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to happen when she was ready, with her consent! God she’s going to be pissed. She will never forgive me.

~~~Ember’s POV~~~

Trigger warning.

I frantically jerked my hands back and forth, trying to escape the chains. I needed to escape. I wouldn’t survive this if I didn’t. Every day it got worse and worse. I wouldn’t break for him. I couldn’t.

Seeing this he changed his tactics. Trent would bring some random male rouge before me as I was chained up. He let them survey the “merchandise”. They were allowed to look and touch, but they couldn’t do anything else. Trent would be watching from the entrance, smirking as he saw my discomfort and unease. My arms would stay chained while my legs were free. Several times I tried to overpower the men he brought, thrashing and kicking to keep them away from me. Trent would punch me until I was “compliant”, meaning about to lose consciousness.

Unwanted fingers entering my body. Hard slaps and disgusting, forceful kisses. I had never felt more degrading-or so I thought.

I decided to take my chance after a particularly difficult session. The man had managed to remove my clothes, watching me with hungry eyes as he took in my bruised body. He fingered me while his mouth roamed everywhere that he could touch. Including where his hand was occupying. I felt disgusting. I wanted to burn every inch of my body and what made it even worse was Trent watching the show, his cock bulging as he became hard with excitement. I was revolted, even managing to vomit on the guy who was so grossed out he left immediately. Thank god.

With the thoughts of what they would do to my body, I took my chance. I would try to escape tonight while everyone was asleep. I would have to run as far and as fast as I could. But without being able to shift I was petrified I wouldn’t get far.

After listening to the pack turning in, I waited a few more hours before making my move. This was going to hurt.

I glanced at my restrained wrists. I took a deep breath and began pulling. Slowly gaining traction, I gritted my teeth and held in a groan as my right thumb dislocated and I was able to pull free from the cuff. I did the same with my left hand before snapping them back in place.

My hands throbbed violently as I put my lean arm through my bars and unlatched my door. Quietly, I slipped from the cellar dodging the few guards that were placed around the building as I ran into the woods.

I didn’t stop. My body was trembling with exertion and lack of food. I didn’t stop as I tripped over logs and my own feet. I didn’t stop when I slipped from a small cliff, rolling down it and bruising myself further, and I didn’t stop when I had to swim the stream that led away from pack grounds. I was running blindly for my life.

The sun was just beginning to rise, and I was about spent. I needed to get away. I was about a mile outside of the pack border. I had been running for hours, my body begging and pleading for me to give up. My muscles screaming in protest as I trudged on, but I knew I wasn’t safe yet. He would still come. He could run faster than a wolf and knowing that I couldn’t shift it probably wouldn’t take long to catch up to me.

I kept running. Even as I began to hear crashing behind me. Twigs and branches snapping. Bushes being trampled. He was behind me.

Suddenly, he popped up in front of me, causing me to crash into him. We tumbled to the ground, rolling until he landed on top of me.

“Nice try little wolf.” He smirked. His eyes darkening as he gazed down at my heaving body. “Time for your punishment. I will teach you to never try to escape again.” He roughly grabbed my arm, pulling me up and harshly tugged me to face him. He buried his face in my neck in one swift movement, his fangs slicing through my skin and muscle. My scream pierced the forest air. The burning fire that lit through my body made me crumpled against him in agony as my eyes slowly began to close.

I awoke to a throbbing in my head. I tried to move only to find my arms wrapped around a silver pole, chained together, my body bare of clothing. I jerked awake fully after coming to the realization I was once again trapped.

I heard Dimitri’s footsteps walking towards me. I trembled in fear not knowing what would be happening next. I thought I was free. I had made it out. But only for a few hours. I am so stupid. Why did I ever think I could get away from him?

“I told you that you would pay for escaping. I will make you break no matter how long it takes.” I heard a slight woosh of air before a burning, agonizing pain blistered my back. Repeatedly he lashed me. A fury of strokes until he himself was breathing heavily. His arm to tired for more. My throat was hoarse and dry from screaming. My face tight and sticky with dried tears. My back on fire and each new trickle of blood was like a new match igniting it, making it blaze brighter. My eyes fluttered closed as I lost the will to fight.

~~~Jaxson’s POV~~~

I could finally breath. The pain receding as Sean continued to grip my shoulder in brief comfort. Ember had stilled a few minutes ago seeming like her night terror was over. Ashton remained atop her; eyes glazed over white while he sifted through her memories. With a gasp, he came to. Slowly slipping off her and standing with shaky knees to face us. His face was ashen, and a tear slid from his eye as he looked at us. A face of a broken man.

“Ashton.” Sean breathed out his name, agonized at how his mate was feeling. He shook his head.

“I-I need to go for a run.” He yanked the cabin door open, shifted without bothering to remove his clothes, and ran off into the dark. Sean looked forlorn as he watched his love disappear. He looked at me, his brown eyes swimming with fear and sadness. I nodded to his unasked question.

“This must be bad. Whatever she went through.” My heart broke for my strong mate. I slid back into bed, wrapping her in my embrace, needing to keep her close before shit hit the fan.


Surprise POV next chapter! Hope you are liking the story so far!

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