
Chapter 19

~~~Jaxson's POV~~~

I woke up to an empty bed. Ember's side was cold. She must have gone a few hours ago. I rolled over and grabbed my cell turning it on. It was almost 8 am. No new texts from Sean so he must be fine.

I groaned, getting up slowly and stretching my muscles out. I was so tired I passed out with Ember in my arms last night. Something about your mate being in your arms makes you so peaceful that you just slip into sleep.

I went to relieve myself and wash up in the stream. I dressed and went about finding something to make for breakfast.

I suddenly felt a nudge in my subconscious, Sean's voice filtering through.

"Dude does your mate dress in all black and have an affinity for knives?" He sent a visual image of Ember to me. She was all decked out in her training gear holding a giant knife. Her cowl was covering her face, but I could tell she was enjoying herself.

"That would be her." I chuckled at my plucky mate. Then it dawned on me.

"Shit Sean! I forgot to tell her you were coming. I passed out last night."

"No worries man. I'll be careful." He chuckled.

"Wait what do you mean be careful? Sean!" He didn't reply.

"Sean don't do anything stupid!" Still no reply.

Suddenly, I felt Ash's subconscious filter through. He sent me an image of Sean and Ember going at it in a flurry of clashes.

"Shit. Ash she doesn't know who he is! This could get bad."

"It doesn't look like she's trying to harm him. She looks like she's having fun honestly. Like it's just an old-fashioned spar. Jesus, Jax. This girl is your mate?!"

I felt pride towards my amazing mate. How did I get lucky enough to have her? Even against a fully grown Alpha she was holding her own. And she was no longer supernatural.

"Uh dude? Holy shit! I can't believe Sean is doing this. He even shot at her earlier! He is really trying to test her!" He what?! He shot at her? I will kill him.

Ash sent one more vision through. Sean looked ready to end. My jaw clenched a bit and my handed fisted, watching as he threw a hard overhead stroke towards Ember. I watched in awe as Ember quickly drew her other knife and crossed her blades connecting them over her head as Sean's blade rained down. With surprisingly quick thinking, she slipped her smaller blade out and pressed it to Sean's throat. I watched as his eyes widened knowing he had been beaten.

I reached them just as the link closed, still finding Ember with her blade drawn on my alpha's neck. I smirked internally at my little warrior.

"Ember!" I called out to her to make sure she didn't do anything harmful.

She backed away from him and sheathed her weapons. She then grinned at him. God, I love seeing her smile.

"That was fun." Sean doubled over laughing at her remark. She looked at him curiously before turning to Ash.

“Is he okay?” She points at the laughing idiot.

I chuckled walking towards her. "He'll be fine. He's just never been beaten before, at least not by a woman." I laughed, watching Sean begin to regain his composure. He will probably smack me for that remark later.

"You sure are a little wildling, aren't you?" He grinned at her. A fitting description.

"So, I'm assuming you all know each other?" I nodded at her and walked towards Sean, slapping him on the shoulder as I turned back to look at her.

"This here is Sean and his mate Ashton. Ash for short." I rubbed the back of my neck suddenly embarrassed that I forgot to tell her they were coming. She looked amused at my confession.

Jesus am I blushing? What is wrong with me.

"Well, I guess I can't complain. I haven't had fun like that in years. I've missed having someone to spar with." She smiled. Have I mentioned I love her smile?

Sean looked startled. "That was fun?! You didn't even know me. How were you having fun if I could have killed you?" I withheld my snort as I listened to Ember's retort.

"I was never in much danger." Ouch. Poor Sean. His man card has seriously been taken down a notch today.

"Hey, I could have gotten you! I was just going easy! You're a girl." Yeah right. He may have been holding back slightly but I'm sure Ember was too. She didn't seem convinced either.

I watched her as she walked away in wonderment at how amazing she is. Even after all she has been through, she can still find the humor in things and enjoy herself.

"She sure is something man." Sean's voice was filled with awe. He sees what I do.

"Yeah, she is." We continued to the cabin mind linking each other so Ember doesn't hear.

"I've never met someone like her. She may no longer have a wolf but damn, that girl is strong!" Sean still couldn't believe he was beaten.

"Not only that but she is quick thinking enough to analyze a situation and find a solution quickly. When Sean shot at her I thought for sure he would hit her. She was so fast. She can read body language too. She seemed to know he wasn't bluffing with her. I saw her tense up right before he pulled the trigger." Ash murmured.

I clenched my fists. "Yes Sean. Tell me how you shot at my mate. I would really love to hear it."

"Don't worry. I wasn't aiming at her. Just near her. I aimed just above her head. It would have missed her."

"But what if she moved the wrong way? You put my mate in danger! I know you wanted to test her but really Sean?!" I was exasperated. "She's been through a lot." I murmured quietly through the link. I could feel Ash and Sean become apologetic and saddened as they thought about what I had already told them. I still didn't know much of the whole story, but I knew it was bad. That's why I asked them here. "So, what's the plan?"

Sean looks towards me, his eyes growing serious. "First we get to know each other. Then I think Ash should see what he is dealing with. Then we go from there. It won't happen straight away but luckily because of my mate we have an advantage on the situation."

I nodded to him. "Are you going to be okay with this Ashton? It will probably bring up old memories for you."

Ashton smiles at my concern for him. "If it will help her overcome her issues, then I'll do it. I can't say I'll be fine but with Sean here it will be easier for me." Sean reaches over and squeezes his mate's hand in encouragement.

I looked ahead as the cabin comes into view. "Here goes nothing then."

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