Whose Bed Have Your Claws Been Under?: A sweet & steamy monster romance (Monsterville, USA Book 3)

Whose Bed Have Your Claws Been Under: Chapter 19

I tipped my head back against the side of the giant clawed tub placed in front of a big window overlooking the winter fairytale scene behind the castle. Warm water swirled around me, soothing my bones.

The world outside barely existed.

I still craved Darrow. The fiery orgasm he gave me in the sleigh had sparked a hunger inside me only he could satisfy.

When I reached the room, I filled the tub as fast as the hot water would gush out of the spigot. I worried I wouldn’t have the scene set before he arrived.

I drew down the blankets on my big bed, draping them artfully, then snatched a flower from a nearby vase, wiped off the water, and laid it on a pillow. Finding candles in the closet, I placed them strategically around the room and lit them.

Happy with how everything looked, I stripped, donning only the fluffy white robe provided by the castle.

Anticipation coursed through my veins. One touch, and he was going to light me aflame once more. This time, I was going to be the one making demands. I’d rip off his clothing and show him . . . Well, I wasn’t sure what. I’d never wanted anyone like this before.

As the water rose within the tub, I added some bubble bath, savoring the piney, floral scent drifting through the air.

Bubbles steamed and bobbed in the dim light, glistening like oil slicks. I smiled as I remembered him mentioning washing my back. A quick glance revealed the sponge on a stick lying on a chair near the door. I swooped over, snatched it up, and laid it artfully on a low table beside the tub.

“Okay, Darrow. Any time now.” I whispered.

He didn’t arrive, but I held onto my confidence. I might’ve been temporarily satisfied in the forest, but he’d had a raging hard-on until we returned to the castle. I imagined it was all he could do to walk.

 Maybe I should get into the tub?

Ditching the robe—no, draping it carefully over a chair near the tub—I shut off the water and stepped into the heated goodness.

I leaned back against one end, seeing he’d easily fit on the other. I pictured his legs nestling beside mine.

When he knocked, my breath caught in my throat. He called out, and the door creaked open.

Closing my eyes, I invited him in.

The soft pad of his footsteps was followed by a click as he closed and locked the door.

We were alone together for what I hoped would be the first day of the rest of our lives.

I cracked my eyes open.

Candles flickered in their holders, adding to the hazy, dream-like quality of the moment. The walls threw flickering shadows, making them dance like ghosts. The scent of the candles was calming and sensual, but at the same time, reminding me that life was fleeting. You had to grab onto what was offered and hold tight or it could be stolen.

Look what happened to him, stolen by a fiend who hurt him. It crushed me to think of how scared he must’ve been. I wasn’t sure he’d ever want to talk about that time, and I wouldn’t push. If he needed to share, he would. I sensed he’d blocked it out and moved on, which could be the healthiest way for him to deal with it.

“Shall I bathe you, Princess?” he asked in a husky voice. Without waiting for my reply, he leaned down behind me, taking the sponge and dipping it into the water. He lathered up the tip. “Lean forward.”

I shivered slightly as he slowly ran the sponge across my shoulders, spreading suds over my skin and moving down toward my bottom. He tossed the sponge aside with a grunt and replaced it with his firm but gentle hands. I closed my eyes, melting from his touch.

His hands moved down in a circular motion against my muscles, and every bit of tension released from my body, turning me as soft as butter. My heart beat loudly in my ears, and I could feel how badly I longed for him.

As if he sensed what I was feeling, he leaned forward to brush my hair away from my neck before raining kisses along my damp nape and shoulders.

My breath caught in my throat as his lips moved down further, trailing across my upper arm. Lifting my arm from the water, he kissed all the way to my fingers. He glided his lips back up to my shoulder and across to give my other arm equal attention. My limbs liquified, and I fell into this moment of pure bliss.

He slowly massaged my arms, paying close attention to each crease and curve. His touch was so gentle I could feel his heart beating through his fingertips in tandem with my own.

I turned towards him, and he paused, meeting my gaze with a tenderness that stole away the last of my doubts. With his hands still dripping with suds, he leaned forward and touched my forehead lightly before trailing his fingertips across my cheeks and down to the curve of my chin.

He kissed me then; one filled with such emotion that it made my heart sing. I almost forgot where we were. My eyes slid closed, and I focused purely on the sensation of his mouth pressing down on mine, his tongue stroking past my lips with a tenderness that brought tears to my eyes. His wet hands held my face while our mouths worked together in perfect harmony. The sensation electrified me, making me feel alive like never before.

Easing back, he grinned and shook his finger my way. “None of that yet. I haven’t finished washing your body.”

A current surged through me, shooting to my fingers and toes and coiling in my core where I ached for his touch.

He eased around behind me.

“Lean back again,” he said, helping me relax against the wall of the tub. Taking a cloth, he ran it gently around my breasts, teasing it up across my nipples until they’d formed rosy, aching buds.

“You’re igniting me, Darrow,” I whispered.

“Do you know what this is doing to me?”

I glanced down, noting the big bulge in his pants. Water had splashed on the fabric, and it clung to his cock, outlining the long length and thickness.

I salivated at the thought of him plunging it inside me and riding my body until we both fell apart.

After lathering up the cloth again, he leaned over my shoulder and focused on my belly, creating intricate circles on my skin and dipping the cloth down into the water and between my legs. I gasped in pleasure as he gently caressed me, rubbing my clit before gliding the fabric along my opening. His hands never wavered as he explored each sensitive inch of my skin, taking his time to memorize every curve and crevice before moving on.

He left me wanting, moving around to the foot of the tub, where he got the cloth soapy again and began with my feet, lifting one, then the other, out of the water and washing them gently. My calves got equal attention. My thighs. As he slid the cloth down between them, he nudged against my clit, keeping my flame burning brightly.

His touch was both tender and passionate at the same time, making me tremble and wonder what his next move would be.

A current ran through me, building with every stroke of his hand. It seemed like he knew exactly the right pressure to apply to elicit the maximum pleasure from me. I melted against the back of the tub as he worked his magic, pushing all thoughts from my mind except for him.

He dropped the cloth with a wet splat and straightened, wrenching his sweatshirt over his head. Tossing it aside, he ripped off his t-shirt, revealing rippling rows of silver muscles. His pecs were to die for, as were his shoulders that tapered to a narrow waist hugged by his low-slung jeans.

With his gaze locked on mine, he undid the top fastening, then slowly lowered the zipper.

After heeling off his shoes, he tugged down his pants, shifting them aside, and straightened.

His cock was as silver as the rest of him, and hewn to perfection, like the ancient gods had dropped down to earth and crafted him from the rarest steel.

I licked my lips, and he groaned. His cock surged against his abs, long and thick and covered with beads the size of my pinky nail. They shimmered, vibrated.

The head was thicker than the rest, and no matter how much I dreamed about what it might feel like, I sensed it was going to be so much better.

He stepped into the tub, sinking down across from me, and nudged his feet next to my thighs.

Leaning forward, he kissed me again, and I drank in the wonder of his mouth.

His hands slid up to my neck and down the length of my arms until his fingers tangled in mine. He pulled me closer, our chests touching as he brought our mouths together harder and with growing urgency. His soft lips coaxed mine apart so that I could feel the warmth of his tongue on my own.

He broke away again, and this time he watched me as his hands moved lower across my back, skimming over each curve before tracing circles around my sides and up to cup my breasts. He massaged them lightly, taking his time to tease each part of me into a state of complete arousal.

When he eased forward to capture one nipple between his lips, I gasped. He used gentle flicks before circling it with his tongue and drawing on it until it was taut and throbbing in anticipation.

Then he did the same with the other nipple before kissing me again, tugging me up onto his lap with me straddling him. This time I felt more than just his mouth; I felt all of him as he pressed his length against me.

His hands continued south, stroking over the swell of my belly before moving between my legs. I groaned as his fingers slipped inside me, sending waves coursing through me that had nothing to do with the warm water we bathed in. He explored further, finding my clit and all the sweet spots I’d never known existed until him. He took me even higher with each stroke of his fingers until I felt like I was close to bursting with anticipation.

He swept everything off the table set up on one side of the tub. Lifting me up out of the water, he lowered me onto the surface, laying me back. When I tilted my head over the side, I could watch the snow fall through the window.

He spread my legs, hitching my thighs onto his shoulders, and lowered his head. When he sucked on my clit, I released a low keen.

He swirled his tongue around the hard, sensitive bundle of nerves, and I moaned louder. He teased my entrance with light licks before plunging his tongue deep inside me. I arched my back as pleasure rippled through me, tingling down my spine and out to my fingers.

He moved faster, driving his tongue inside me while rolling my clit. I was a bud opening to sunlight for the first time. A rocket blasting across the universe. My hips surged against him, and I held his head in place with my legs as he increased the pressure and angle of his mouth. Every stroke nudged me closer to bliss until I couldn’t stand it any longer.

Groaning, I grabbed onto his thick bands of hair, and the soft tips coiled around my wrists, holding tight. Others stroked my belly and thighs.

His low chuckle vibrated through my bones, driving me higher.

When he backed off, I whimpered. But he plunged fingers inside me, and I started spiraling all over again, seeking something I’d never felt before and suspected I’d find only with him.

He paused pumping, gliding his fingers out to run them across my clit, over and over. I couldn’t catch my breath. Hunger roared inside me, shooting me into unknown realms of pleasure. When his fingers plunged within me again, his tongue flicked over my clit in circles that seemed to last forever, never quite taking me where I needed to be, still leaving me panting for more.

I writhed beneath him as pleasure pulsed through me so intensely, I thought I might fly apart at any second. He kept going, though—his tongue and lips never straying until my entire body quivered in response to his touch.

When my orgasm came for me, it crashed through me, a blast of wind knocking down everything in its path.

I clung to his hair, moans jerking from my throat as I succumbed, washing away toward the shore.

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