Whose Bed Have Your Claws Been Under?: A sweet & steamy monster romance (Monsterville, USA Book 3)

Whose Bed Have Your Claws Been Under: Chapter 18

By the time our sleigh stopped in front of the castle again, I’d helped Paige dress and pictured ice cubes to make my cock settle. It still simmered, but my cock could wait. Making sure Paige was satisfied had been enough.

The others climbed out of their sleighs, and when I caught Trevor carrying Monica into the castle followed by Gunner with Rylee, I suspected we weren’t the only ones who’d gotten more out of this than just a ride through the forest.

Elisa stalked ahead of Raze, telling me some of us hadn’t. Would they compete with each other with anger or turn it into a game they both could win? There was heat between them, so it could go either way.

Since I was romantic at heart, I hoped they’d find a way to turn this into something amazing.

Holding Paige’s hand, we walked up the steps and inside the castle, handing over our winter clothing to the staff and removing our boots, placing them on rubber mats.

I trailed my fingers along her nape, and she shivered, shooting me a shy smile.

“I’m going to take a bath,” she said softly.

I leaned in close to whisper by her ear. “Would you like company?”

“I believe so. It seems you keep making promises you’ve yet to fulfill,” she said with a sly smile. “Perhaps it’s time you paid up?”

“Go,” I said, tapping her ass, urging her toward the stairs. “I won’t be far behind.”

Heat simmered inside me. There were so many things I wanted to do with her delectable body. Where to start?

She climbed the stairs, pausing on the landing to look down and meet my eye. When she’d left my view, I hurried into the parlor. Spying the bottle of chocolate sauce still sitting on the platter, I snatched it up and tucked it inside my shirt.

“Ah, there you are,” one of the staff said, entering the room with a small tray holding a silver covered dish, a bottle, and a snifter glass. “I was looking for the princess. The chef sends her regards and hoped this small offering will make her happy.” She studied the bulge in my shirt with a frown before shaking her head. “Shall I bring it up to her?”

And walk in on Paige reclining in her bath? Nope, that was something I planned to do.

“Allow me?” I said, taking the tray from her resisting fingers. “The princess told me she wanted to rest. I don’t believe she’ll welcome anyone disturbing her. But I’ll take this to her and see if she’d enjoy a treat before sleeping.”

“Very well, sir,” the woman said, though her frown remained. “I did so hope to reveal the treats to her.”

“I’ll tell her . . . What is your name?”

“Oh, it’s Betty.” She dipped into a curtsy. “Betty Partridge.”

“I’ll tell her they come especially from you, Betty.”

Betty’s face reddened. “And from the chef.”

“Of course. From you, Betty, and the chef.”

“Thank you.” She dipped forward again in another curtsy before pivoting and rushing from the room.

I peeked under the silver cover, grinning at the big bowl of ice cream. Ha. And they’d included a fine coffee brandy to sip along with it.

I’d deliver it immediately. We couldn’t let all the ice cream to melt, now could we? Not unless it melted as it slid down her body.

With a jaunty step, I strode from the parlor and up the stairs. I didn’t stop until I’d reached her room. Had I given her enough time to get ready? Or would she stand inside fully dressed and tell me to get lost when I knocked on her door?

I didn’t like that the doubts that plagued me for so long have come home to roost in my heart once more. She hadn’t chosen to leave me; she was taken. Lied to. Denied the chance to make up her own mind. However, it was hard to rationalize feelings.

Standing outside her door, I was almost tempted to turn and walk in the other direction.

That’s when I realized what I was doing to myself. Her parents rejected me, coming by my house to stare in horror at what I’d done. For months, I had no idea how to control the changes within my body. Even now, I sometimes could barely control the urge churning inside me.

But I’d worked hard to overcome this, studying ancient texts and reading online in private monster forums. Finally, I was at a place where I could almost turn a curse into a blessing.

Only my dad, the poor guy who died last year in an accident, had believed in my goodness from the start. Without him, I would’ve been lost, because I’d already lost Paige.

I wasn’t that Darrow any longer. I was Paige’s equal once more.

And I loved her, always had, and I would until my dying day.

So, despite my churning emotions trying to send my confidence into a full nosedive, I placed the tray on a nearby table, straightened my clothing, and knocked on her door, murmuring her name.

It creaked open at my touch.

As I grabbed the tray, she called out from inside.

“Come on in, Darrow. The water feels amazing.”

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