White Wolf Hybrid ~ The sequel

Chapter 12 ~ Insensitive Beasts

I looked at Alex “And that’s why I said the second Tuesday of next week! I will not be talked down to..nor will I be treated like a child! And how dare he snarl at MY mate!?”

They rang back through, and Alexander answered. I climbed onto Kendrick’s lap and glared at my dad. Blake apologized “Kendrick.. I am sorry I snapped. I have lived all these years feeling inadequate.. to be called on it, made me defensive. I did everything in my power to protect my pack and family. Feeling I have failed hits hard.” Momma says “ We will be extending the wards to include Harvest Moon… the protection of Sterling Moon will now extend to the areas between the two packs, as well. If we could restore your memories now, Bella.. we would.. and for that, I am truly sorry. It was a hard decision. But I still stand by my choice to do what I felt was right, for my babies”

Sighing, I tell her “ I get it, Momma.. I do! I just wish you would have told us! We had a right to know! If I had my memories.. I would know if the man in the shadows is the one who took me. As it is, I only know his scent sparks… something.. he isn’t fully wolf..and whatever he is.. is what makes me think he is more dangerous!”

Daddy sits straighter in his chair “You recognize his scent? Explain!” I sighed.. telling him “It isn’t that I recognize his scent.. per se’.. it’s more that it holds a familiarity.. I know I have smelled it before.. I just can’t recall where.. or when. It’s so frustrating!”

Alexander says “When we were mindwalking earlier, I could catch his scent.. and felt it was familiar, as well. Yet, I lost the memory of the scent, as soon as the walk was over!” Momma asks “What if it is the same man? What if Alex recalls the scent from your room.. the night you were taken?” And Alex responds “Then.. taking our memories is a double-edged sword! I no longer have the means to recall the scent of her assailant.. and Belle no longer can tell us what he smells like!”

I climb into Alexander’s lap from Kendrick’s. He needs Angelica to calm Idris. She knows without being told.. Daddy says “We will be home in three days. Mom wants to help Grandmom plan your Luna ceremony and I would just rather be on hand.. helping research the shadow man! Someone has to know something!”

I look at the time.. Crap! “I have to head to the Apothecary. Aunt Helena is expecting a huge delivery and I promised to set stock!” I kissed Kendrick and headed for the door.. hearing Kendrick and Alexander telling Jake and Corey to go with me and “help” Rolling my eyes, I yelled “Come on, lapdogs! I don’t want to be late!”

Arriving at the store.. I walk in saying “Look Aunt Helena! I brought extra help!!” She looks over my shoulder at Jake and Corey.. “Well let’s get to stepping! The truck just arrived!” And we all followed her out to the loading dock, where the truck had backed in. I hopped in the back and started sliding boxes to the tailgate.

Jake and Corey were actually pretty helpful. They carried the boxes into the back of the storage cooler..and I unpacked everything. I never let anyone help me with putting anything away. I alphabetize all the flowes first.. then I move onto the dried herbs. And finally the plants. My OCD pertains primarily to organization and it fits perfectly with this! Aunt Helena appreciates it, saying it helps her find what she needs faster. Of course, that’s bullshit.. she just says that to make me feel better. And it always works!

We decided it was time for lunch.. and I wanted pancakes.. so we headed to Debbie’s. When we walked in, I noticed Uncle Max had hired a new waitress.. she was adorable! Taller than me.. everyone is!.. with cornflower blue eyes and shoulder length strawberry blonde hair.. a smattering of freckles across her nose. She walked over to take our order with a big smile “Hi! I’m Ella.. and I will be your server today!” I smiled back and ordered my pancakes.. turning to the guys.. who were gaping across the diner. I turned and saw a duplicate server.. to the one standing next to us. She grinned “Yeah! That happens ALot! That’s my twin, Anna!” Then she hollers for her sister to come meet me. Anna walks over, smiling an identical smile sticking her hand out “Hey! I’m Brianna! I see you met my sister Briella!” And I laugh “This is awesome! I’m assuming since both your names start with Bri.. it’s shortened to Ella and Anna?” They say yes, simultaneously. And I giggle again! “Priceless! I’m Bella.. and the two deaf, dumb mutes are Jake…and Corey.. both gammas! Are you lone wolves?”

Shaking their heads together “Rogues. Our parents were killed by our old Alpha.. defending us.. from Him, ironically.. He planned to… Force mate us.. and our parents snuck us to the border to.. escape.. but we were caught. And our parents made us run… while they fought off the Alpha” and all that was said by them bouncing the whole conversation off each other.

I asked them “Has Uncle Max told you., you will have to meet with Alpha Alexander.. whether you wish to stay rogue..are seeking lone wolf status.. or want to join the pack?” They both paled and I rushed to reassure them .. “No! No! My brother is nothing like your old Alpha! He’s MY twin.. and is as fair and just an Alpha as you will ever meet! Don’t be afraid! You’re going to be my new best friends! So.. if he says anything that upsets you.. I will just beat him up!” And they giggled.. together.. simultaneously! Ain’t even going to lie! That’s a little freaky!

Uncle Max comes out around the counter “My Belle!! I see you’ve met the girls!! I am bringing them for dinner at the pack house tonight. I already called Alexander and your granddad is going to want the names of their pack and Alpha!” Noticing the fear on the girls’ faces I suggest “Why don’t we wait and see how comfortable you two are with us, before we delve too deeply into such personal and painful details? I don’t want anything or anyone to invade your privacy! You can tell us in your own time, okay?” As I glare at Uncle Max. Men! Insensitive beasts!

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