White Wolf Hybrid ~ The sequel

Chapter 11 ~ And Bella hung up..

Alexander’s POV ~

Sitting here in the clearing with Bella.. we face each other cross-legged, my palms up..with hers lying on them. We close our eyes and let our wolves mindwalk through our memories. They sort through the most recent ones, working backwards. Idris shows me the abduction attempts from a few months back, and I see what Bella saw.. the silhouette of the man in the trees. He is watching..staring directly at my sister. There is something menacing in his gaze.. and I scent the air. He is wolf.. but something is off. His aura is distorted.. indistinctive..

Both our memories cease.. just before our second birthdays. And they shouldn’t.. unless they have been tampered with. We separate and look at each other. She whispers “They took our memories. I feel violated.. and I’m not sure how to feel about that. I was prepared to forgive them.. I don’t want to think about the panic and fear they must have felt.. but, now, I feel as if, they still don’t trust us enough with the truth..that we are too immature.. to handle it. That is upsetting. They have left us exposed to an unknown enemy”

I pull her into my lap “We will reserve our anger..until we hear them out. I have so many questions they need to answer. But, I agree with you. By keeping us in the dark, this way, they have left us exposed to a danger we can’t fathom. They are still seeing us as their children who went through something traumatic..instead of treating us like adults.. They might believe they are still somehow protecting us. We won’t know.. until we speak to them.”

We walked hand in hand back to the pack house. All the guys were outside at the table.. talking lowly amongst themselves. Jaxson grins at me “Hey Alexander.. what happened on prom? Baron said it waa hilarious.. but won’t say why.. saying it ain’t his story to tell!” I glare at Baron.. “He’s right.. it isn’t his story.. but he always makes sure to bring it up, to put me on the spot! Baron! You seriously have to let it go! I will tell you, Jax.. then you can ask Baron about herding buffalo!”

“My senior prom was set! I had a major crush on the new girl at school.. so I invited her to be my date. She agreed and I was ecstatic! I picked her up.. she was gorgeous! Arriving, we had pictures done.. and the music had started. Now.. Baron, Bella, Aaron and I have been dancing fools since we were toddlers. Baron asked the DJ to play Thriller..and we all ran to the dance floor to impress everyone with our moves. When it reached the part of the dance, where your hands swing back and forth…and raise your knees high, imitating the zombies.. My tuxedo.. mysteriously.. fell apart. Every seam just turned loose. The sleeves fell off.. sides split.. crotch.. gone! And I stood there looking like I was wearing some weird sarong looking thing.. while my date was so embarrassed at me flashing my boxers to the entire school.. she left. So, what the hell? I finished the dance!”

Bella laughed “He was so convinced I had done it.. that he didn’t speak to me for three days. But, Baron.. who spills every secret known to man if he’s drinking, told Corey he had pulled the outer stitching of every seam the night before prom. It was epic.. because he didn’t realize the whole thing would fall apart!, And he saw how mad Alex was at me, so he was afraid to fess up!” I said “Yeah.. Haha! Real funny! But talking too much isn’t the only think Baron does when he’s drunk.. is it, Baron!”

Jaxson laughs and says “Sounds like something I would do” and he and Baron bump fists! Great! Two moron Betas! Things could get messy, if they plan shit together!

We went in for dinner.. and I was a little anxious about the conference call coming up. But, we need to know what our parents know.. I want to get out ahead of whatever this is before it blows up in our faces! Kendrick and I are going to have to come up with a working strategy that can change on a dime. Bella has to be protected, at all costs!

We await the incoming calls. I am squeezing Belle’s hand for dear life.. and the phone rings.. indicating we are being asked to join the conference. Our parents ad grandparents pop up onscreen.. and Dad jumps in immediately “Allow me to preface this by saying.. we did what we did to allow you two to grow up with a normal childhood.. to not be overshadowed in fear or anxiety. It was the best decision at the time.. I will always stand by that choice!”

I grimace “Wow, Dad! Straight to defense, before we even say a word?” And he snarls “Watch your tone, boy!” To which Idris lit up “I am Alpha, Dad! You don’t get to act angry that we know the truth! Be angry at yourselves.. but I won’t tolerate disrespect, either!”

Bella tells everyone “Just calm down! Mom… Dad… I understand what you did..and why. I am trying to be okay with it.. but Alexander is Alpha now! We need to know what threat.. if any.. is hanging over our heads! Is the pack in danger? Is Harvest Moon? Am I in danger? Is this man out of the picture? And who is he? THAT is what concerns us now! And if you have any information that could help.. then, tell us now! Otherwise, this conversation is done!”

They all stared at her through the screen a moment. Loren finally spoke “Bella is right! On behalf of myself.. and your grandmother.. I apologize for our part in the coverup. At the time, it was what was best to stop the nightmares..and to allow you both to grow happily. We always thought your parents would sit you down and explain what was done..and why. When I found they hadn’t, I took it upon myself to inform your mate.”

I told him “And we appreciate that, Granddad. Now.. all that matters is knowing what danger we may be facing. Bells and I will find our own way past not being told.”

Blake spoke “There isn’t much to tell..and not much to go on. Adelaide claimed the man was her mate.. the man ran, when we stormed the cabin. We were too focused on saving Bella to go after him.. believing we would be able to track him and kill him. No matter what we tried, Adelaide would give no information on him.. other than he is an Alpha Rogue.. and we couldn’t even pick up his scent. Having no problems in the ensuing years.. we assumed he gave up”

Kendrick hit his fist on the table “That’s IT? Did you not continue looking for him? Sending trackers? You assumed he gave up? With knowing nothing as to his reasons.. you just gave up?” Dad snapped at him “You don’t question me, Alpha Drake! This is a family matter!” And Bella hung up!

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