When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 14

Annabelle Virgo

I was still shocked by the news. Even after weeks of nausea and migraines, I suspected I had another life inside of me. But I had pushed those assumptions away since I didn’t want them to be true. Lydia came to my room last night and we went to the hospital wing. The female doctor showed me the blood test reports and congratulated me on the pregnancy.

“Alright, thank you, doctor.” Alec nodded and the doctor left.

I couldn’t meet his eyes, I despised him even more now.

“Do you want to make an announcement now or wait a few months?” he asked after a long pause. I nearly snapped at him but out of fear of getting another beating I stayed silent.

“The rule is to wait twelve weeks before making a public announcement,” he continued. I hadn’t heard him talk politely before this. “We can find out the gender but we’re not allowed to divulge it.”

“That won’t be until at least four months,” I informed him and covered my face with my hands. He sat on the edge of the bed, his back touching my foot. Tears pricked my eyes, threatening to spill. Perfect timing, I thought. My breaths were shaky.

“Look, I know you didn’t want this, you were expecting other things at this point in your life. You don’t want to be a parent but that’s not how it is here,” he explained as calmly as he could, which was an accomplishment on it’s own for someone like him. “You need to try to understand because now you have another life to take care of. And he or she is going to be the heir of Hydra and Ophiuchus combined.”

“Why are you telling me all this? I already know.” I massaged my temples.

“I’m trying to make conversation,” he forced out the words, standing. “Take care of yourself. My work here is done.”

“Is that why you were being so nice to me? Because you needed an heir?”

His scoff broke the silence. “Don’t be so surprised. It’s just how it works. You’ll get used to it, eventually.”

I ate more than I should have and felt better after the drugs kicked in and I was able to walk on my own without feeling dizzy. I was discharged the next morning with permission to sleep in a few hours late, take meals in my room if I wanted and rest as much as possible.

Lydia was more excited than me, already coming up with names. “How long does it take?” she questioned as she tried to half carry me up the stairs.

“Eight to nine months,” I reminded for the tenth time, I couldn’t help but smile. Part of me thought that I should just go with it. I should just be and do whatever they wanted me to. I didn’t have a choice anymore. As much as I hated it, I was thinking about my unborn child. He or she has nothing to do with the rebellion so I didn’t want it to suffer the consequences of my actions. I knew I’d get blamed for not being a good parent even if a minor detail was out of place.

“Only a few months to go!” I laughed at her impatience. My maids had decorated my room with flowers-Stargazer Lilies-and changed the bedsheets, the table which held the refreshments-alcohol which I wasn’t allowed anymore-now had water and fruit. Breakfast was waiting on two trolleys and I was burning with hunger even though I had a proper dinner last night and some fruit before I left the hospital wing.

“Mother will come to check on you and so will Alec, he’s busy at the moment so he asked me to help you,” Lydia said as she stared at the curtains. “Should I open these?”

“No, that’s fine. Thank you,” I said. “And you don’t need to help. You’re the one who is supposed to be waited on and besides, I have enough caretakers.”

Lydia smiled brighter than ever. “Don’t worry about the whole...early parenthood thing. We have nannies for children so they won’t bother you that much.”

That makes it so much better, I wanted to say ironically but her excitement was contagious and I didn’t want to spoil anything for her.

But this isn’t what you want, my mind screamed.

“I almost forgot,” she started. “We have to inform your family.”

“Do you want to call them yourself?” she added quickly.

“No, they’ll find out after we make the announcement in a few weeks,” I fidgeted with the hem of my pale pink dress.

“That’s for the public,” she told. “Your family can know but they have to keep it a secret.”

I was reluctant but Lydia and her charming smile were extremely persuasive. I opened my mouth once or twice and she realized my uneasiness.

“I’ll come back later.” She got to her feet but I grabbed her arm.

“We can tell them,” I agreed, forcing a smile. She pulled me into an embrace and I didn’t flinch.

“Stay for breakfast?” I asked.

“No, I wouldn’t want to bother,” she protested.

“But I want you to,”

“Alright, if you say so.” She sighed. Rasal slithered around and because of my weakness he chose not to use our telepathic abilities.

I ate so much that I couldn’t even count the number of plates I had refilled. Lydia couldn’t catch up and I had to slow down for manners’ sake.

“This dress wasn’t always so tight,”

Lydia covered her mouth , laughing.

“I have to go now,” she announced. This time I didn’t stop her.

Rasal, you sensed it, didn’t you? I closed my eyes, pushing back the tears.

I sensed another Ophiuchus and I-

I can’t leave at all, now, I decided. I have to stay here. I’m not going to take a risk.

From then on, I spent my days either being really sick or completely fine. I cried when Alec told me that they had bombed Crimsyn State. There was an attack on the palace and we stayed in the underground safe room for two days. We slept on cots-Rasal curled up on top of me-right next to each other and it took all my energy to not cry or grieve, or think about how many casualties and losses there had been in Crimsyn State. The rebel camp had gotten inside the palace walls and started shooting. Something told me this was Phoenix’s idea, I bit back my smile as I thought of her yelling and throwing a tantrum over the bombing. That’s the spirit, I thought and wanted to scream it out loud.

Milady, stop worrying, his voice echoed in my skull. I’m sure they’ll be alright.

You’re kidding, right? I scoffed.

Don’t worry yourself too much, he told.

“The guards are still not sure whether they’re gone or not so they’re keeping us for another twenty-four hours,” Alec informed. I didn’t really mind staying down there since I didn’t have much to do in my room. Virginia-still getting used to calling her that-visited me one night in my dreams.

“How is everyone?” I asked instantly. We were standing under a red-green sky with shooting Stars burning down. Hills surrounded us and we stood near a pond.

“It’s not good,” she answered. Her Virgo Sign was glowing on her forehead, under lose strands of her silver-golden hair braided through a golden leaf headband. “Fifty people injured and eighty dead, with two storage warehouses demolished.”

I let the tears spill.

“That’s more than half of the population of Crimsyn State,” I gasped.

“It’s not your fault,” she comforted, rubbing my back.

“You need to take me there,” I begged. She understood my meaning, I had explained my plan to her which Rasal told me.

She sighed, as if she was about to deliver bad news, my heart sank instantly. “I thought about it and all the other Star Spirits agreed with me but...”

“Not in this condition,” I guessed.

“I hope you don’t mind but I told Father about...” She held up her hands towards my abdomen. “That.”

My eyes widened.

“But he promised he wouldn’t tell anyone,” she added quickly. There was a pause. “I sensed a new presence the last time we talked and the more I thought about it afterwards. I understood what it was, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

That was a shock as well, I tried not to react.

“Isn’t there any other way I can escape?” I wondered.

“Last time you were in the palace, you were rescued but...”

“No,” I snapped. “I can’t depend on anyone else right now. I need to leave on my own.” I looked at her with a stern expression. “There’s only one way but I’ll need your help.”

“I already told you-”

“Can’t you help me for once, please?” I whined, irritable.

“I messed it up the last time, you almost died,” she argued, her ghostly figure losing it’s glow. “Figure out another way.” She erupted in blue stardust, making me sneeze awake.

Did she help? Rasal sighed.

Does she ever? I retorted.

Milady, she was only looking after you, he said. That’s what we’re for, to help you and take care of you.

But it’s not fair that they’re suffering while I’m here relaxing and tucked away in a bunker.

It was dark and everyone else was still asleep. There were cupboards and shelves with supplies, placed against one wall and our beds on the other side. the metal door was sealed shut.

Do you know what time it is? I asked.

There’s the clock. Rasal pointed his head to the clock on the wall, the ticking was the only sound in the room.

It was early morning but I didn’t think I would sleep again. Though, I had decided to stay Rasal’s persuasion was making me skeptical.

Can’t you take me like she did in Crimsyn State, to get Amara? I wondered.

No, he answered as if I should’ve known that. If I were in the form of the other Star Spirits, then yes.

After a moment of silence Rasal slithered closer to me. Milady, shouldn’t you read it now?

Read what? I asked.

The letter from your mother, he reminded.

I had forgotten about that. It was still hidden in one of my drawers. I dismissed my maids, saying that I’d call them if I needed anything.

Do you know why she wrote this? I asked. I mean, she knew she wouldn’t live long enough to...

She wrote it because she knew something bad might happen, Rasal answered. I took out the red envelope with my name written in cursive on it, and Mom’s too. Alfred had had this for years now and when he finally gave it to me a few months back I was reluctant to open it. My hands were shaking and it fell to the floor.

Why are you so nervous? Rasal asked. It’s just a letter it’s not going to bite you.

My stomach churned, insides twisting. I reached down to pick it up which took too much effort and I really shouldn’t have done that. It was glued shut and I ripped it open. Slowly and carefully, pulling out the sheet of paper, it’s texture tickling my skin. I may have breathed ten times before unfolding it and setting down the envelope. My eyes fell on the cursive handwriting and I tried not to skip through the lines.

Dearest Astra,

I wrote this for you so you could have some words of wisdom from me. I knew ever since I came back from Crimsyn State that I wasn’t safe and I didn’t have a long life ahead of me. I trust that Alfred will take good care of you and don’t forget about your guardian snake! He was really excited to meet you but Magda won’t let him anywhere near you at the moment. They will explain everything once you’re old enough. I’m currently in Virgus, in the hospital, you were born yesterday and I thought it would be nice to leave you something to remember me by. I don’t want to bore you with a history lesson but Mom and Dad think that Jaxon Hydra will remove every information of Ophiuchus so it’s better if we clear things up...

An elaborate explanation of our family tree, how Hellen was related to us. There were some things about Granny and Dad too.

...your grandmother may pressurize you a lot and at times you may feel like she dislikes you, your Father will try to cover up the truth out of fear, you will encounter both good and bad people in your life, I hope it’s a long one, there will be people who envy you and who are biased. The reason may be because you are a descendant of a Constellation whose people rebelled against their greedy, tyrant rulers given that they were stealing the Stars to use their Celestial Energy for their personal use. To revive something that was a gift from their Constellation but they misused it and it was taken from them. Now they plan to take it by force though I am not sure of their plans, I do know that it will take a long time for it to be complete. They will give you scars and may feed you lies but anytime you feel confused just pray.

Don’t trust so easily, you can never trust the Hydras. They are not good people, they will ruin your life, I never even like being near them. They will make you feel inferior despite coming from a big Constellation, you may feel small but remember: so are Stars from a distance, they will take advantage of you. You will be despised by a lot of people but there are some who will be just like family to you. I suggest you befriend some of the Capricorns, they are nice people and have a son who is almost your age. Alfred, Hellen, Rasal and another Star Spirit from Virgo are all with you, so are the people who have passed, we’re always looking out for you and we will guide you in every aspect of your life. Be grateful for all the good in your life but don’t forget the bad, I want you to think of the negativity as the darkness of the sky and remember that if there was no darkness the Stars wouldn’t shine. Take care.



I shivered even more now. Mom had trusted Alfred to take care of me and instead he had run away, leaving me with two people who treated me like I was a burden. I felt guilty that I was living with the Hydras when Mom told me to stay away from them. It’s as if she had known what would happen, if she were here I would be safe right now. I read the letter again but the words didn’t change their meaning. There was one thing that replayed in my head. Astra. She was in the hospital when she wrote this so she may have been too drugged up to remember my name. Unless she confused me with someone else. Unless she mixed up my name with another child. A million things ran through my head.

Milady, Rasal said. Find anything useful?

“Rasal,” I started, getting to my feet with wide eyes and my mouth agape. “Did I have a sister?”

Rasal’s eyes glowed yellow, matching his stones, the Sign on his scales turning an even darker green.

Excuse me? he blinked, baring his fangs as he slithered onto me.

“Answer the question,” I said, my voice booming. “The letter says ‘Dearest Astra’ not Annabelle.”

Milady, you are mistaken, he hesitated.

“No, I am not,” I threw him off. “I have been lied to way too many times. I demand you tell me the truth!”

No, you are an only child, Rasal told.

“Explain this!” I demanded. But maybe I had a sister who passed in the Ophiuchus murder.

It’s not what you think, milady. Rasal read through my mind and I nearly pulled my hair out from the anxiety. I still felt a life stirring inside me, I touched my stomach, swollen only a little. The envelope sat on the edge of the bed and the letter I had subconsciously crumpled was on the floor. I bent down to grab it and leaked my tears on the paper. I searched through the red envelope, still sniffing, there was another paper folded inside it.

Open it, Rasal told.

It was a birth certificate from the hospital of Virgus. I read and gasped as my eyes widened, I was in so much shock that I forgot about the note stapled with it. At first I thought my eyes hadn’t focused properly but I went over it once more, no matter how many times I read it the name didn’t change.

You see now? Rasal teased, he seemed to smile. I went over the name again, typed in black.

Astra Annabelle Ariana Ophiuchus Virgo.

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