Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 45

Once on the spot, however, Logan let out a husky sound of displeasure while C froze, his brows rose.

Liam clearly heard Callum’s heart accelerate and then stop for some dangerous seconds. It literally skipped a beat or two. The mate bond was something not to mess with. The petite female had a similar reaction, except that C turned pale while she blushed so much that it competed with the red of tomatoes.

Logan narrowed his eyes to the three Comet werewolves as he minded-link the small DD crowd that had gathered there to piss off and find something else to do. His attention on them lasted exactly 4 seconds before he grunted and started walking away. He had no interest in them since his Bunny Doc was not there.

Liam, who had briefly studied his twin’s soul mate with curiosity, realized three things concurrently: one, that C and his mate had not stopped staring at each other for a second and it was a “diabetic” scene; two, that the Comet male present had said something quite rude to Logan; three, the other female from Comet seemed somewhat familiar ... Liam wondered if he’d bedded her once or twice in the past.

“Well, Terminator.” The Comet’s male mocked, “It appears that you are my best friend’s mate.”

Hearing that, Logan halted, without glancing back and giving his back to them. He had one hand on the strap of his gym bag, the other opening and closing his fingers slowly.

“Are you happy that, thanks to you, she was forced to skip very important classes? Do you know how much it can damage her university career and how much she can fall behind for skipping like that? Huh? Do you?”

Logan, who was as immune to insults as much as females since he met his mate, was not in the mood to waste his time on that Comet louse and began to leave again.

“Yeah, yeah. Go away.” The Comet’s male continued to taunt Logan with a wicked smile and angry eyes, full of resentment. “After all, you are not the one who had to cross a continent and an entire ocean to get some peace from the betrayal of your own mate!”

At that, Logan stopped again. But this time, however, he had taken a different stance. If you looked closely, you could notice how his whole body had stiffened, the cords of his neck tensed, and fists clenched.

“But how would you know! Do you even need to attend an exam, or you just pass automatically, just because it’s you? Uhm?” The sarcastic tone, under normal circumstances, would have caused Tiziano a black eye or two. But in that moment Logan was frighteningly calm and deadly silent. And for those who knew him well, like Liam, it was a terribly dangerous fact.

So, Liam decided to intervene.

“He passes because he is awesome. I bet an ugly ass like yourself needs to attend twice.” Liam smirked, daring Tiziano and crossing his arms over his chest.

Out of the corner of his eye, Liam spotted his twin and his mate whispering to each other in their private bubble. Callum was watching her. And she looked back up at him. The height difference was cute. Their cheeks were flustered and they were holding hands, right in front of their chests. It could have been the perfect portrait for an artist who wanted to depict new love.

She is what?” Logan’s voice exploded from his mouth. His nostrils flared widely and his chest was heaving up and down.

“Did she…” he growled. “Did she leave?”

“Hell yeah! She went back to Inverness!” Tiziano hissed before pursing his lips.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I meant Scotland. You know where that is, right? Europe! Ever heard of it?!”

When two red spheres shone in the moonlight, Callum stood protectively in front of his mate, pushing her behind his back.

“T! Hey T... Thor, calm down!” But Logan was focused on the Comet’s wolf.

“She…she left?” Logan repeated as if in a sort of daze, ignoring his friends.

It all started with a small tic on his right eye. Logan clicked his eye twice in a row, then paused for a little, until it happened again. His head tilted sharply to the left; his chin slightly raised. His fingers curled into a strange demonic hook shape as his nails turned completely black.

Werewolves who started to shift or lost control would normally shake from head to toe, especially when trying to control or interrupt their shift. They would growl, their eyes would turn pitch black, and fangs and claws would emerge.

But the future Alpha of Dark Diamond was not your usual werewolf. And what Logan did before his alter ego appeared were just small, tiny details... details that someone like Tiziano did not even care about nor notice.

Why should he, when he had never seen anyone, or anything, like that? Sometimes ignorance could be very dangerous.

“Oh shit” Liam muttered before glancing at the people around him, “Back off, everyone!”

“Or what?” Tiziano dared, “Will he knock me down and rip me alive like he almost did with Alex??” Tiziano mocked, glaring at Logan,

“Come on man, you should have not even been upset that she dated Alex! After all you have been fucking anything that moves!”

The punch that made Tiziano see many small Saturns and little stars around his head, before fainting, was not from Logan. It was from Liam.

“Does he ever shut the fuck? Jeez” Liam rolled his eyes, glancing at the body on the floor. That should do for some time. After all, Liam was Skeleton man...

However, his attention went back to Logan when red veins began to surface all over him. The unnatural tic on his right eye increased in frequency.

“Logan, my man, hey. It’s me, C. Please take a big breath.”

But Logan did not spare C a glance. Because his name was no longer Logan.

“Mate, away” His voice was different. Liam and C jumped back.

“Callum, bring the girls away…” Liam whispered, taking a very slow step back, his arms open widely.

“I’m not going to leave you here with it” His twin retorted with his mate trapped in his arms.

“What the hell! What’s wrong with him?” Makena, who was still there, couldn’t help but stare at the Terminator acting very creepy.

“C, damn it! He is not going to kill me. I’m his best friend” Liam semi-yelled/ whispered without averting his eyes from Logan.

“Fuck off! And how do you know he wouldn’t?! Last time he-“

“Last time was different!”

A dead silence followed his words before Liam exhaled slowly. His best friend was still somewhere in there... he had not even ‘transformed’ yet.

“Hello there, Lucien…” At that name, Logan’s head snapped towards Liam. Red eyes assessed the situation.

“Mate left Lucien.” Logan/ Lucien simply said with that altered voice.

A second later, blood spread on Logan’s bare chest, all the veins expanded and exploded… it was like pouring red ink inside a glass full of clean water: it expanded fast, until the water would become crimson.

Lucien did not appear with a sickening sound of broken bones and wolf growls. No.

One moment Logan was standing there, a second later his size doubled and a creature clawed out of the human body. As if it was hiding right below his skin. It was odd, and terrifying to watch.

Liam, C, Makena and Amaia stood there. They looked up at the creature in front of them. Still. Unmoving.

Amaia hid her head in the crock of Callum’s neck who kept her in his arms. Makena hovered over Tiziano protectively but could not avoid the shivers.

Liam and C had only seen Lucien from inside a cage, at a safe distance. And Logan had not left it out in years.

“Lucien need find mate” The creature said with incorrect grammar and a strong accent.

The voice was hypnotic and not as deep as you would imagine. It was as if a young anaconda were given the capacity to speak with the human alphabet.

“Mate mine. Mate going nowhere.”

His voice vibrated, filling the surroundings with fear and awe.

“Lucien need find mate”

He lifted his muzzle in the air howling deeply into the dark night before his head snapped backward.

And just as one moment it was there, a moment later the black beast disappeared.

The pounding of its stride caused tremors and shivers both on the ground and in the hearts of the werewolves present.

After it left, the night sky seemed less dark; the moon reappeared and let out a sigh of relief.

AN/ ;)

Meet Lucien, everyone! He’s not a werewolf! Boooooooooom!

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