Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 44

On average, the brain is able to function, if certain bad habits were avoided and dementia escaped, up to eighty years. This is equivalent to approximately 28,900 days on Earth for one life.

Unfortunately, nature forced us to do a certain activity, for most of our life: sleep. Translated into years, the average person spent around 26 years asleep ~ 9,500 days. Add to that the fact you could have wasted at least 7 years trying to fall asleep, and you got a total of 33 years in bed! Now, considering that Amaia also needed time to eat, shower, quality time with her little circle of friends and let her wolf out, you do realize she did not have any time left for anything else, let alone a demanding male glued to her side.

“Listen, hon, do you think your grandfather would have wanted to see you in this state? Because of a man?” Tiziano murmured, stroking her friend’s forehead and pushing back some tear-soaked locks from her red face.

“And from Dark Diamond nonetheless!”

What grandfather would, or would not have wished, would never have been known, since he was dead. That was the answer Amaia would have wanted to give Tiziano if she had decided to speak.

Suddenly, in a horrifying mental snapshot, Amaia saw a bald head, sallow skin, and soulless eyes. She saw an unrecognizable person, disfigured by chemo and by the slow progress in medicine. His brain was slowly eaten alive by a silent disease.

“He is right! Either you reject this Callum boy or you accept the mate bond.” Makena was saying, pacing in the bedroom. After some research, they had discovered that Amaia’s soul mate was none other than the notorious Dark Diamond gamma twin.

Callum. That name sounded perfect on her lips.

“You can fuck a few guys before rejecting him, so at least the douche will not play well in the next wereball game…”

“Tiziano!” Makena gasped, smacking his head. He mouthed a ‘what’, huffing and puffing. Unhappy with the choices that Moon Goddess made for his best friends: not one, but TWO Dark Diamond mates.

Meanwhile Amaia sobbed on the pillow, without even realizing it.

Last time she had cried was during the funeral of her hero, her grandad, as she squeezed Lachlan’s hand and watched the brown coffin descend into that dark hole in the unforgiving ground. Since then, zero tears had been shed.

She had sworn that she would dedicate her life to medicine and research.

Graduated two years earlier from high school, Amaia was two years younger than Yvaine and Tiziano. Amaia worked part time at the brain cancer research center, and there were already several manuscripts under her name.

Among all this, the idea of a mate had never crossed her busy mind.

Somehow, she had always believed that she would someday marry Lachlan, her childhood sweetheart. As naïve as it may be since they were not true mates. But mates always complicated things. Just look at Makena and Gaius, or even Yvaine, who was forced to skip classes to take a break from heartbreak and flee to Scotland.

Four days after the rejection, Amaia had officially crawled out of the covers and had gone to take a shower. She had been staring at her feet all the way to the bathroom before positioning her shaking body in front of the sink, placing shaking hands on the counter, focusing on them as she prepared to look in the mirror.

What she saw was no surprise. Mainly swollen cheeks and dark circles.

It felt like someone had ripped the beating organ out of her chest. And, since the rejection was not fully completed (she did not know his name at the time), Amaia was halfway through, in a place between rejection and non.

Imagine a heart cut in half with a butcher’s knife but a small piece of flesh was still attached, not completely cut.

And Amaia knew she had to choose, and fast… deep down she also knew she had no say. Because as much as she needed to focus on her life mission, her medical research, and her studies, she would never be able to survive without a heart.

The day after

There it was.

The luxurious Dark Diamond’s campus. The enemy territory.

Those trees resembling elongated, mysterious, and dark-looking diamonds certainly were the perfect border for the pack they were about to visit.

As they were approaching, Tiziano’s lecture did not stop even for a breath: he claimed that there was no better proof of love than putting one foot on the devil’s lair, that he was a real friend to accompany her there. The Head of Comet Ultras had also repeatedly recommended the need to bathe in holy water, go to confession to ask for forgiveness and so on, once they were out of DD.

At least he and his ramblings had managed to relax Amaia’s nerves and make her smile a little. Even though her stomach was self-eating and the adrenaline pumped her blood, generating furious gusts.

“Hey, you!” Makena, who had also joined their trip to DD, shouted to a girl passing by, probably a student, “Do you by any chance know where we can find Gamma Callum’s apartment?”

“Why should I tell you?” The girl retorted with a glare between rancor and disdain. Then her gaze lingered on Amaia, her eyes widening. “Wait, aren’t you the crone that rejected C?!”

And once again, here is proof that news traveled faster than progress.

“We’re here to make amends,” Makena said calmly, noticing a couple of DD members approaching with stances that were anything but friendly.

Of course, Tiziano did not mind nor care.

“Tell us where it is, you’ve already wasted too much of our time!” He snapped, crossing his arms; his eyes glowing in the night.

As a heated discussion began, with Amaia about to pass out and Makena trying to calm down her violent friend, only a few miles away Liam was in the company of a greasy pizza with more cheese than crust.

The big guy was sitting on the ground, with his legs sprawled out, looking at his twin and his best friend. In theory, the two were training. True story: they were slaughtering their muscles.

They had been in the gym of the DD wereball arena for nearly four hours. The two wolves had sweated all the liters of water in their bodies, recharged it after drinking, and sweated it all over again, and again. And one more ‘again’.

On one side there was Logan. He was on his back, heaving the barbell up from his chest.

The veins in hands and neck were so swollen that they could burst at any moment, and a veil of sweat covered his golden skin. The necklace with the shape of a moon stood there, in between his hard bare pecs.

“Add another twenty, L.” He hissed with teeth bared, the handsome face contorted.

“But you have forty on there already!”

“I said: add-twenty-more!” Logan ordered, panting a little.

Liam sighed but did as he had been asked, not so politely.

“Sure, man.” He began loading the barbell for Logan, “If you want to smash your muscles, that’s fine. But don’t talk to me like I’m your servant.”

“Sorry...” Logan said quietly, taking a big breath. At that, Liam patted his shoulder with a grin before finishing to add the extra metal.

Then there was Callum, or C. The rejected twin was doing push-ups with one hand and a block of 20kilos placed on his back. Liam had lost count when C did 150 push-ups in a row.

The twin was looking for the kind of physical exhaustion that crept up to the bone and hopefully lasted at least a day before his supernatural healing intervened.

And Liam had long given up trying to get them to take a break.

“Thor, listen...” Liam scratched his neck, “Why don’t we try to call your mate again, maybe now she is in the mood.”

Logan’s face tightened up. He was dying to hear her voice.

“No. Her damn phone is always disconnected.”

Shoulders and biceps bulged so much more. They seemed to have their own shadows as they pumped the extra weights up and down.

It was only when, at the mention of certain Comet’s werewolves on DD campus, via the pack mind link, that the heads of the two stubborn wolves snapped to the right. A second later, Logan and Callum rushed in the direction where the Comet ‘guests’ were.

The hope of seeing their females and protecting them from their pack members had overcome male pride or any other feeling...

AN/ Next update soon!

Read the complete Book on my Patreon’s page, together with all the bonus episodes and mature content chapters, PLUS completed book 2 and book 3 of Mate Mine ;)

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