Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 42

In that early night, when a slice of moon emerged from the clouds and the wind rippled the forest, Liam was heading home. The werewolf was tossing a pair of keys in the air, very high, only to catch them without even looking. A natural grin decorated that handsome face as he whistled a tune he may have heard during his childhood.

If sex were food, the boy would have been morbidly obese.

But he was not just a pretty face and a God-like body. After all, he had not been renamed SkullSmasher for nothing.

Born with an overload of energy and the fine art of annoying even the grass itself, Liam enjoyed managing problems with his bare hands, saving the wolf counterpart only for emergencies. Also, because the fights would not have lasted long enough for his entertainment.

He had returned to his apartment as soon as he heard insistent rumors about two members of his pack, two who happened to be his twin and his best friend. Liam would have claimed that gossip to be terribly wrong and creatively ridiculous, but there were too many different people babbling about it.

At first, Liam had assumed that the people at the party were already at an advanced stage with their drugs and alcohol consumption; however, the pack’s channels were clogged with the news of their Alpha’s son finding his Luna and their future Gamma been rejected.

If that were not critical enough, his favourite boy was apparently mated with Comet Alpha’s daughter and his brother had been rejected on the spot after finding his mate, also from Comet. Liam had missed the saddest show of the century.

Right after the game, he met two certain females, to take the pressure off him if you know what I mean, and then headed to a party at the campus, thinking his boys were already there. But there was no sight of the two bulky figures, and as much as Liam enjoyed spending time with the other lads, he preferred being with them.

Nothing could have prepared him for what he would find at home.

The spectacle that awaited him in the living room left him amazed and speechless. And Liam was never silent nor ran out of words.

There they were, C and Thor, lying, one on the floor, the other on the sofa, looking more dead than alive. Thor wore only a pair of boxers and had plenty of Mother Nature’s waste, such as leaves and small twigs, attached to his body and hair.

“Jesus Christ…” Liam muttered, “What is all this?” He asked more to himself, his eyes widening so much at the sight in front of him.

No response, no sound.

C had cried like a child, his reddish eyes had ugly circles under it. Thor’s face was partially hidden, one arm shielding his eyes, but a grimace of pain contorted his lips. He had probably let his beast out; Liam had noticed uprooted trees and a couple of smashed cars along the road. It had Lucien’s signature all over.

“What happened, lil’ bro?” Liam was a few seconds older and never ceased to remind Callum.

“Shut it, Liam. I’m not in the mood.”

“I… ah, you see, there are some rumors doing the rounds,” Liam scratched his neck, sitting cautiously on the sofa and avoiding Logan’s massive figure on the floor. He could handle C, but Logan in those unstable conditions... oh, hell no. Liam really did not want to lose an arm or two.

“I heard you have been rejected, C. Tell me is a joke.” C’s mouth curled as he looked his way.

“People need to mind their damned business.” He said tersely.

“Hold up, so is it true? That you were rejected, C?”

“Yeah, I was.” Liam grimaced and rubbed his forehead, wondering whether this was something solvable or not.

“I have been waiting ALL my life for her, for fucking nothing! Nothing!” He snapped and left the room. Well, if that wasn’t a door getting slammed!

“Holy shit...this is bad.” Liam shook his head and glanced at Logan. “Do you know who the female is?” He asked Logan, the arm over his face showed no sign of wanting to move.

“And what the hell happened to you, Thor?” Could it be that he really had a mate? Alive and kicking? So, Liam decided to investigate, maybe rile him up a little to get him to talk.

“You got some cherries after the game, didn’t you captain?”


“I’m the last person to judge here. You know what I mean.” He looked at his friend who was as still as the table in the corner. “But I have to know, was the babe any good at it? You don’t seem fulfilled, man. I could teach her one thing or two, and then let her give you another try—”

Liam found himself pinned on the nearest wall, almost taking down a wall lamp and a piece of furniture in the process. “Liam shut the fuck up before I will invert your ribcage.” Having Yvaine be spoken to in such a way, although Liam had no clue, made his blood boil and his beast snap its fangs. And perhaps Logan was feeling a bit on the edge after the events of the game.

His mate, the girl with whom he was already completely and irreversibly in love at levels bordering on psychosis, had indirectly rejected him. The moon-shaped necklace around his wrist was further proof of that. The worst part was seeing her cry. And it was only his fault.

Her tears had corroded a piece of his heart like acid.

“Hey, chill man! I’m sorry, ok?” He lifted his hands and chuckled when Logan let him go and turned away with a huff/ husky groan, passing a hand through his messy hair. He had not even bothered to take a shower or heal the few injuries he’d reported.

Who cared? The biggest wound needed special stitches that he doubted he could get now, unless he found a way to get to her house without her damned twin, father or friends barking at him.

“So,” Liam drawled, following his best friend in his room, “Why haven’t you told me or C?”

Logan grunted again; that appeared to be his new way of communication.

With his shoulder resting on the door frame, Liam watched intently as the Terminator, the team captain, the most cherished and wanted bachelor of the whole pack, never seen upset about anything, was totally crazy about a girl. He had checked his phone again. Logan picked it up, typed something then stopped and grunted, and with a huff, threw it on the mattress. Then he picked it up again and repeated the process all over again.

“Is she the Islander’s twin?”

“Yeah,” Logan breathed out as Liam cursed.

“She’s just so ...” Logan shut his eyes and winced, covering them with his big palms, “Just so ...”

“Hot?” Liam piped, but an icy gaze made him shut up. But he recovered quickly, “She cannot be hotter than my Sweet Pea. Can introduce her to you if you wanna release some pres-“

The sound of a chair crashing next to his head made him shut up for real this time.

“Do not push me, Liam. Is not that clear enough?”

Liam nodded slowly as he watched the broken chair. It could be his head.

“Got it! Got it!” He lifted his hands before continuing, “So, how about we go to the bar to find some-” Logan interrupted him with a growl, “I don’t want anyone else! I just want her.”

“Never thought I’d see this day come.” Liam muttered. “But I was saying to find some alcohol for you and the magical B&B for me!”

Boobs & Booze. His fav combo.

“And you can tell me more about this lady of yours.”

Liam did not expect Logan to nod. Neither did Logan.

But part of him knew his Bunny Doc needed time to think, plus the room reminded him of all the times they had talked over the phone.

When he looked at the bed, he imagined him lying there, eyes closed, listening to her voice as she chatted about exams and other simple things. When he looked at the desk, he remembered when he had helped her study for the exam, with that big book she had had to memorize by heart, not that her juicy brain had had any problems with it.

His room in general reminded him of how he had inevitably fallen in love with his adorable mate….

“But if she hasn’t turned you down yet, she probably needs to adjust. The mate bond is some heavy shit.” Liam said some time later.

The two were sitting in a booth in the corner of a bar on the edge of campus. Crowds at that hour were rare and minded their business, as almost everyone was at the post-game party. It had taken Logan a shower and three pints of beer to get him to talk and get out what he had inside.

“She’ll come around and then you two can, um, make up for lost time.” Liam kept reassuring his best friend who looked worn out. Liam was in no hurry to find his beloved, but after his friends’ experience he was even less inclined.

“Did you call her?”

“Lots of times, the line is dead.” Logan groaned taking another long sip.

“How about writing her a letter? Some women like that old style stuff.”

Logan gave him a flat look, “A letter? That’s your advice?”

“I didn’t know you were asking for advice!” Liam crossed his arms on his chest with his signature smirk, “Well, Sir, my advice is that you go there, take her, and mark her straight away.”

“Do you at least hear yourself? Jeez, your poor future mate.” Logan exhaled through his nose, standing up to get another round at the counter.

“At least her wolf will be happy. 1 out of 2 is not bad!” Liam shouted, laughing hard.

Just when Logan was about to pay, a firm hand touched his arm.

“Hello captain!”

One of the she-wolves from the female wereball team was there.

“Hello Thea.” Logan said flatly, walking away, but sensing her presence next to him.

“I’m busy so…see you around.”

She beamed at him, eyes traveling down his body for a few instants and began congratulating him on the match, following him to his booth. Annoyed that he could not get rid of her, Logan halted, placing the jug of beer on the table next to him. Then he turned, facing her completely.

“Did you need something else?”

Goddess, her scent was awful and wrong. Yvaine’s, on the other hand, was so ... shut up Logan! He shook his head, irritated that anything reminded him of her.

There was no refuge or escape from one’s heart.

“Come over to mine, for a drink,” She proposed boldly. “My flatmates are out of town. I have the apartment for myself!” She said in a high pitch voice, as she tucked a lock of hair behind the ear.

“Well, congratulations, and no.” Logan said bluntly, stepping past her and looking at Liam who seemed to enjoy the show. “Bye.”

“Come on, Thor. We could …” She chewed her lower lip, a little nervously, and averted her eyes. “You know…I could, perhaps, try-”

When she touched his arm, his beast snarled viciously and she yelped, jumping away.

“We could, what?” Logan asked darkly, taking a step towards her trembling figure. “Fuck?”

He let out a dark chuckle, watching her shift uneasily. “And you could do what? Give me and my friend your ass?”

By then, she was shaking like a leaf under an angry wind. “What? A cat got your tongue?” He shook his head exasperated.

“No Thea, I don’t want to fuck you today or never. And if I wanted to, I would have done it already.”

He didn’t even wait to see whatever she would storm away, make a scene or cry.

When Logan sat down, ignoring Liam’s whistles, poured himself another drink. For a second, he stared at the beer, remembering how Yvaine had said she did not like beer and preferred cider.

“I omitted my identity,” Liam’s smirk faded as he saw sadness welling up from his eyes.

“Because..?” Liam eyed him expectantly.

“You know why.” Logan grunted, his elbows on the table as one hand passed through his hair. “Because she is Comet’s daughter-” “Of course not, I don’t give a damn about that.”

“So, it’s because of your dad and your, uh, mother?” Liam tried again.

“Nah, I won’t let that terrible human impact my decisions. No.”

And then Liam understood and began to sweat.

“Is it because of your, uh, wolf?”

“Bingo! Why did it take you so long?”

Liam remained quiet, reflecting on the matter.

“Yvaine’s his, um, its mate too.” Logan did not like that and growled, a few faces glanced at him.

“No, she’s not. She is MY MATE, not its.”

Then his eyes flashed a brilliant, legendary, vampire blood red, and Liam jumped to his feet, taking a step back. He certainly didn’t want to meet Logan’s wolf now, or ever.

He roared like a t-rex would. After a few seconds, assessing that the situation was safe again, Liam sat down placing a hand on Logan’s shoulder.

“Logan, are you afraid she won’t accept you because of ... him ... it?” Liam really wanted to comfort his brother of life.

“Of course she won’t! How can she, if I don’t either?!” Logan hissed; his eyes were completely red. “Ok ...” Liam paused, thinking, reflecting, pondering.

“But what’s your plan then? Letting her reject you for fear of-” Logan shook his head, “I can’t allow her to be afraid of me.” He sighed rubbing his temples. “I can accept her rejection, I can bear the hatred coming from her, but not her fear for me. Never that. ”

Liam was worried and hated seeing him like that. Nobody should look or feel like that. Logan did not deserve it.

“I hear you, my friend. But what will you do then?”

No reply.

“You love her, right?”

“With all my heart” Logan declared, serious and sure.

“Are you-” Liam lowered his voice, looking around before continuing, “-afraid that he’ll force her to mate?”

“I don’t want to find out, Liam. I don’t want to, and never will.”


“It’s just ... When we kissed at the party, the urge to mate and mark her was so much, so intense, it hurt me. My beast ...” he gulped looking scared for the first time ever,

“...almost took over me. All the years of training, all the practice to contain it. It all went down the drain thanks to a single kiss.”

AN/ Any theory??

Read the complete Book on my Patreon’s page, together with all the bonus episodes and mature content chapters, PLUS completed book 2 of Mate Mine book and part of book 3 ;)

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