Wereball Serie - Along Came A Mate

Chapter 34

Next update: on Wednesday

Rudolph and I had called each other in the past few evenings, with me repeating the thousands of pages full of medical terms and definitions, and him, examining me, listening patiently and commenting from time to time.

I was wondering if he did not have friends since he found so much time for me or if his mate was aware of how much we spoke and was really ok with it. As already mentioned, I would never have placed such a burden on my twin or friends and the fact that he insisted on helping me with it and did not mind spending his time like that, meant a lot.

I had finally come out of the grandiose Anatomy Building, after completing the two-hour written test, where Alex was also present, just to collect and distribute the exam sheets, followed by a 45-minute oral test. I was glad I did not end up with Alex, who despite being a tutor, was examining the students along with the two lead professors.

Tiziano and Amaia had not yet finished their oral part as that day there were more than fifty students who took the exam with only three examiners. At that very moment, I was on my way home and on the phone with Rudolph.

After all the help, I did not hesitate a second to call him to let him know how it went as soon as I stepped out of the building.

The Reindeer was apparently in the study room, at the DD campus, and apparently not studying at all as he hadn’t hesitated to respond to my call and abandoned everything he was doing, not caring about the study group and the students he had to work with on a certain group project. Again, he must have been a terrible student.

“I’m dead. I don’t think I can use an extra ounce of my battered brain,” I muttered, crawling my legs as they carried me home.

His deep chuckle made me smile a little, “Congratulations, Bunny Doc, I’m proud of you and your battered brain.”

After I told him about the exam, without realizing his genuine interest, we kept chatting a little more.

“So, what are your plans for later?”

Ideally, I would go to sleep and wake up in a week.

“Lach promised to cook for me and then we’ll probably watch a movie together.” I replied, reflecting that my brother was just as devastated by his mid-term exams, the fierce wereball training, and the upcoming game.

“I haven’t seen him once this week since he trains with the team every single day. They have a new strategy to use against DD.” I spoke without thinking, remembering only after that Rudolph was part of Dark Diamond.

“I’m sorry, I can’t reveal more.” I added, wanting to change the subject.

“New strategy huh?” There was a short pause.

“What Bunny Doc? Do you think I’d use it against them?” He continued with a sarcastic voice.

“Who?! You?!” I chuckled a little.

“But if you don’t even know how to play! And, even if you knew our new strategy, what are you going to do? Go to my mate and say that you have heard that Comet has a new plan?!”

“No, I don’t need to tell him,” he said cryptically and arrogantly, “we’re going to smash them like chicken bones regardless.” Then his tone changed and lightened.

“So, are you going to the game on Sunday? Cheering for your mate I hope!”

“I’m not sure,” I bit my lower lip, then nodded to some fellow students who greeted me. “Part of me can’t stand seeing my twin getting hurt or being mistreated.”

A sound that I could not categorize came from the other line.

“What about your mate? Don’t you care if he gets hurt?!”

I laughed out loud, getting a few curious glances from passers-by. At five in the afternoon, the campus was swarming with students and university staff, immersed in their own private worlds.

“A little, but he never gets hurt.”

“And how do you know with such confidence if you’ve never seen any of his games?”

I bit my lip, after being busted. “Well, maybe I asked around...”

Before he could say another word, laugh at me, or call me a stalker, I announced, “He’s my mate, so I’m entitled to, uhm, gather information abouthim.”

“Sure, you can ...” he murmured in a slightly hoarse voice.

“Doesn’t your mate mind that you talk to me or that you slept with girls before?”

“Would you mind? I mean, I didn’t know her before and it’s not like I slept with so many girls. Plus, you have a mate.”

“Yes, you surely slept with less girls than the Terminator.” I blurted out, taking the keys out of my bag and opening the door of my building.

“I am sure there will be millions of girls drooling all over his mountain-like figure during the game.” I massaged my chest subconsciously. “This is also another reason why I don’t want to go to the game.”

Rudy chuckled lightly, “I’m sure he doesn’t even notice girls anymore since the day he saw you, Ivy!”

“But I saw him at the party, before he approached me, there were four females around him. Didn’t he care about having a mate at that moment? Or did he just forget?”

He was silent for a while, “But they weren’t really touching him, right? And what was he supposed to do? Shove them away and hang up a sign, ”Stay away from me, I have a mate" over his chest?” He was sarcastic but it sounded like a great idea to me.

“Yes, if he loves me, he should.” I admitted, without thinking.

“Well then maybe he will,” he said too firmly,

“As if!”

“Yvaine...” He trailed off, pausing for a second or two. I could count his inhalations.

“Have you ever thought your mate might not be or talk with other girls at all?”

“And how do you know, Mister-Expert-Of-Mates?”

He laughed huskily, before his voice dropped by an octave, “Well, silly bunny, because you feel chest pain every time he is with someone.”


“The weird thing is that I used to feel periodic chest discomforts, not really pain, but it stopped after my dates with Alex. It was weird... it made no sense, but I think it was the stress at school and the hospital....” When I heard nothing, I looked at my phone and realised that the line went dead.

So, I called him back, a little confused.

“Sorry, I dropped my phone,” He growled with laboured breathing.

“Are you okay Rudy?”

“Yeah, yeah, my phone fell out of my hands.” He said, slightly rude.

“Ok...so how do you know for sure I would feel pain? We haven’t even talked nor mated.”

“Yes,” he said in such a confident way that triggered curiosity.

“And how could you be so sure?”

He growled again. “Because it did happen to me when my mate went on a date with someone else and they kissed ... or maybe even did something more than that.”

At this point he was breathing loudly, and his voice seemed to radiate danger and rage.

“It was like someone had punched my heart”

I gasped and covered my mouth.

“My God! I’m so sorry!”

“I bet you are.” I got the feeling he resented me, but I must have imagined that.

“But why did she do it?”

At that, he sighed heavily.

“She didn’t know we were mates.”

Oh. But how?

“But did she know what she was doing to you?”

“I don’t think so,” he murmured sadly.

“Maybe you should tell her and make her understand that what she did was wrong ...but what about you? Have you kissed someone else since you met her?”

“No,” was his immediate reply, “Since I knew she was my mate I could not and of course I lost interest in any other girl...I just want her.”

None of us spoke for a while, until Lucien said something unexpected.

“Hey Bunny Doc, I was thinking.... What do you say we see each other after the game?”

AN/ Read up to chapter 108 of this series on my Patreon’s page, together with all the bonus episodes and mature content chapters ;)

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