We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 13

“We have so much of explaining to do!” I announced and we all sighed. I was mentally and physically tired.

“We do,” Dorian agreed and we looked at the two men. “You should come with us, we can treat your wound.” He added and I smiled at his gesture.

The man smiled then shook his head. “I can’t, I need to take care of this fly first,” he declared and I wasn’t convinced. He was trying to run away before I could repay him and I was not going to let that happen.

“Nope, I will not take a no for an answer. You can call someone from your mafia or gang or whatever and they’d take care of him. We’ll even wait for them to come, so let me see your hand holding your phone and mouth speaking with whomever you want.” I said with a sheepish smiled and sat down. Dorian sat next to me and crossed his arms. I was serious and I was glad that Dorian felt the same way.

The man gave up and held his phone. “Fine!” and he stepped to the side to talk. I sighed in relief because he would get the right treatment for his wound that was caused by me. I looked at the unconscious man and remembered what he admitted when he was about to stab me.

“Um,” I trailed off and both of them looked at me. “You should know that he is holding other girls hostages somewhere. He said that he wanted to kill me in a small room with the others, after he wins my trust so I think you should look into that, please!” I requested, while thinking of what those girls might have gone through, and it shattered my heart. The man nodded then added what I just said to the one he was having a conversation with.

“I’m sorry,” I heard Dorian apologize and I looked at him. “I’m sorry it took that long to come back. You almost got killed because I was away! I screwed up. Again!” he said with a pained expression on his face, and I laughed. He arched his eyebrows in confusion and I laughed even more. “Why are you laughing? It’s not a joke that you were almost killed!” he added and I calmed down.

“I’m laughing because you took my previous lecture as a joke, that’s why! I was serious when I said that you should not blame yourself for anything. It was not your fault that I was almost killed by a complete stranger, shit happens.” I replied in a firm tone and he shook his head.

“But I should have never left you alone! In a dark park!” he remarked. “And what? You would have peed in your pants,” I said and heard the man laugh. I smiled as I saw Dorian laugh as well. “Don’t think like that ever again, especially when I’m around. I warned you once and this is my second warning, my third one won’t be this nice, believe me.”

“Okay, I understand.” He said and I nodded. I looked at the man and smiled. “All good?” I asked.

“Yes, they’re minutes out. Can we wait for them? I don’t want him to run away, he’s too evil for the world to be walking freely,” the man asked and we both agreed. “By the way, I’m Jino and I’m 50 years old, nice to meet you,” he introduced himself, and my eyes widened. What did he say?

“50?” I asked in disbelief because I swear he looked 40 or even less. He nodded with a chuckle and I was impressed. “Wow, you look so young. I hope I get your youth when I get to your age. I’m Divana and I’m 18,” I said and he shook my hand.

“And I’m Dorian, 22. Nice to meet you too,” he said and shook his hand as well. “But you do look young, what’s your secret?” he asked Jino and they laughed.

“I have been running for 30 years, every single morning. I never miss a day, even when it’s raining. It’s in my blood and I love it, you should do it.” He replied. I flinched because I remembered Dorian’s injury and thought that he would be sensitive about it, but I was wrong. He smiled and then nodded. “Will do, I used to run but stopped for a while. I will run again for sure, thanks!” he said without mentioning his injury. It’s only natural, he’s still a stranger and it’s not easy to reveal all your feelings, at once. I know, and that’s why there’s this thing called Time.

While we were chatting, a car pulled over and a group of men got out of it and walked towards Jino. They greeted each other then they nodded at us. They gave off different kind of vibes but it was the peaceful kind. It was hard to explain, and I didn’t bother to look at every one of them because I was getting tired, and it was not a good sign because then I wouldn’t walk on my own. Furthermore, I didn’t want to cause a new problem for any of them. “Welp, it was nice seeing all of you, we’ll kidnap Jino for a little while to treat his wound. We’ll leave this jerk in your care and please make sure to save the girls. Bye!” I said without waiting for their reply, and grabbed Dorian and Jino’s hands and walked back to Keri’s house because I was positive that Roy’s rented house didn’t have any treating tools. It literally didn’t have anything. Stupid Roy.

“Diva!” Ismarelda cried as soon as we knocked on the door. The boys and Keri were standing behind her with worried expressions. “I thought you died! Is he the one who almost killed you?” she asked and wanted to jump on Jino to beat him, but Roy held her back and I shielded Jino with my body.

“Relax! No, he’s the one who saved my butt, so chill and let us in. We need to treat his wound.” I explained and showed her his bleeding hand. As she saw it, she stood aside and let us in. Keri pulled her work bag and made him sit on the white couch.

“But I don’t want to ruin your white furniture,” Jino said and tried to stand up but she made him sit down with a glare. She was not joking. She was not in the goofy mood.

“Sir, my name is Keri Armani, a 25 years old nurse. I don’t give a damn about something that can be cleaned later, just sit down and let me do my job. Your hand can’t be replaced later.” She demanded and I grinned. She was a tigress and I knew that Isa took after her aunt.

“Sorry,” he said and got quiet like a little kid who was yelled at by his mother. The scene was kind of amusing so we all sat in silent, watching her treat him. He winced here and there, yet she didn’t stop until it was all stitched and clean. Jino inspected his hand and he was clearly impressed. “Wow, thank you. I really appreciated it. Obrigado.” He smiled widely and gave her a bear hug.

Keri broke her serious face and hugged him back. “You are more than welcome, now let’s all eat. I made a lot of food and I don’t want anyone to tell me it’s too late to eat because it’s never too late for a happy feast.” She said and I chuckled.

“It is late… it’s 1 am, but again, I’m not complaining. Let’s eat!”

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