We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 12

“Thank you for hearing me out Divana, I’m at ease now that I have heard your lecture. It was right at the perfect time.” Dorian spoke and patted my back and I gave him a genuine smile. It was my duty to reprimand when I knew when to reprimand.

“You’re welcome,” I replied and we continued walking forward.

We reached the park and it was empty like it had been abandoned for years. It was too quiet to the point of it being creepy and I didn’t like the feeling, however, I never commented. “Let’s sit on these chairs, the stars look beautiful and I want to take a moment to gaze at them,” I pointed at the chairs and Dorian nodded.

I sat and waited for him to sit next to me but he didn’t. “I just need to go to the bathroom real quick, it’s right around the corner, I think,” he declared and I felt my blood run cold. I got scared but I didn’t admit it and smiled it off.

“Okay, take your time,” I said. Don’t take your time! I repeat, do not take your time!

I sighed as I saw him walk away. I looked at the sky and gazed at the stars, and boy they were so mesmerizing that I couldn’t strip my gaze away. Another reason for that was because I was terrified of what might come out of the woods near the park. I shrugged the idea off and started humming. I believed that humming music in my head could distract me from terrible thoughts but I was so wrong, because, with every little sound, I jumped. “What are you doing in there Dorian? Did you discover the way to Narnia or something?” I started talking to myself when I saw a dark figure approaching me. A man.

I sat probably just in case I needed to run for my life and clenched my fists, hoping that he would just walk right past me. But Murphy’s law never disappointed me. “Olá, você sabe onde é a estação de ônibus mais próxima?” the man struck me with his words that I had no idea what they meant and I felt trapped.

I laughed awkwardly and ran my hand through my hair. “Sorry, I don’t speak Portuguese,” I stated and his eyes widened in realization.

“Oh, sorry. I just wanted to know where is the nearest bus station from here, do you know? I’m not from this area and I’m kind of lost!” he asked again and I shook my head. Little did he know that I’m not from this area as well... No shit Diva!

“I’m sorry, I can’t help you. I’m just visiting my friend who lives here... perhaps, I could ask her for you?” I asked and I remembered Isa. I tried pulling out my phone but he immediately refused my help.

“I don’t want to trouble you, thanks,” he declined and I arched my eyebrows in confusion.

“Really, there’s no trouble at all. It’s just one phone call,” I smiled and pulled my phone anyway. He seemed anxious and I began to feel a bit worried. As I dialed her number, I felt a big hand cover my mouth. My phone fell to the ground and I gasped. My eyes widened and my face paled. Oh, God!

The man’s smile was long gone and it got replaced by an enraged expression on his face. I tried to pull his hand away but he was putting too much force for me not to budge. I was weak compared to him and I should have ran away when I got the chance. “Didn’t I tell you not to bother? Look what you made me do! I wanted to kill you in a small room with the others after I win your trust but I guess I don’t have a choice but to kill you right here and right now...” he remarked in a twisted tone and I almost wet my pants.

He pulled out a small knife from his pocket and licked it clean from previous blood. He was a serial killer for sure and I was his next victim. My tears were streaming down my face and I tried with all my might to release myself from his grip still, he was too strong for me. My petite hands were numb and I muttered for him to let go. This time I was actually scared. He was going to kill me and Dorian was still in the freaking bathroom. “I didn’t even get the chance to know your name! Goodbye, fair lady!” he whispered near my ear and raised his other hand, the one that held the knife, and I closed my eyes. He stapped me.

Or so I thought. I opened my eyes and saw a hand in front of my face covered in blood. The knife was planted in the stranger’s hand and the evil man let go of me. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away. “Oh, God!” I muttered and finally got the chance to look at the one who saved me.

It was a different man except he was the good guy this time... well, I hoped that he was the good guy because no bad guy would risk his hand, or himself for a complete stranger. Even the good guys who would do such thing were a minority in today’s society. “Are you okay?” he asked in a deep voice and I swallowed my breaths.

“Yes! Yes, thank you!” I said and ventured to stand up but the nasty one wasn’t done yet. He yelled and attempted to stab my savor again but he punched him on the face. It was not hard enough because of his wound and the killer didn’t stop. “Pare!” the nice guy demanded in a word that wasn’t familiar to me and the killer just smirked.

As he was about to attack, Dorian ran and grabbed his hands and snapped them backward. “Are you okay, Divana?” he asked me as the killer screamed in agony. Now he shows up? Dorian didn’t care less for the screams and kneed his back so hard that I even heard it crack. Dorian was strong, stronger than the good guy and I was grateful that he came in time. He was late but he came on time... My logic is wow.

Dorian let go of the screaming jerk and placed his hands on my shoulders. “What happened?” he asked and I looked at the nice guy to see him cuffing the man. “Are you a cop?” Dorian asked him and he shook his head.

“I work with cops,” he replied and put pressure on his hand would. I felt bad for it but I couldn’t do anything at that moment.

“I would have ripped my shirt off like in movies to wrap your bleeding hand but this material is too damn strong. We should take you to the hospital, Dorian, let’s go, he saved me from being killed,” I declared and Dorian nodded in agreement.

The good guy laughed and then sat on the chair. “No thanks, I am good. I don’t go to the hospital because they ask too many questions that I don’t want to answer,” he stated and I arched my eyebrows.

“Why?” Dorian and I asked in unison and he pointed at the unconscious guy. The pain was too much for him to handle so he fainted.

“Because we’re gang members,” he said. “He belongs to the No La Vida gang, I’m sure you’ve heard of it and I’m from the Lampadoress gang. We’re the good gang in Rio, and I’m also sure you’ve heard of it too,” he replied and I was a bit bewildered to encounter one of them here. He saved my life. Isa was right, they do clean the streets from rats like this jerk. Speaking of Isa...

I searched for my phone and saw that Isa was listening to everything. I quickly picked it up and heard her calling for me. “Isa, Isa I’m here. Everything’s okay!” I said and heard her sigh in relief.

“What happened? Who was that man? Why was he about to kill you?” she asked all these at one breath and I smiled.

“He was a gang member of the No La Vida gang and wanted to kill me but I was saved. I will tell you everything when we get home. Don’t worry,” I explained in short and then her tone got quieter. She was calmer. “Okay, don’t be late!” she responded and hung up.

“We have so much of explaining to do!” I announced and we all sighed.

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