Watch The Dark

Chapter II: twenty-one

Two weeks later

Tana had nearly thrown up when they had a memorial for their lost pack members. Seeing and feeling the pain of the wolves they left behind made her heart ache in a way it never had before.

That was probably why she relished the anger in Fang's eyes when she personally dragged him deep into the woods to the Blood Wolves' old cells. Some of the wolves from the South Bay pack had helped reinforce the walls with enough silver to drain his strength but not enough to actually hurt him. He would rot there for as long as his disgusting body could keep him alive. Guards were assigned to the cells regularly to give him food and water as well.

They had all just returned to the Dark Wolves territory and were in the process of fixing up any affected pack houses and cleaning up the territory. Within a week they had finished and things were starting to go back to normal.


Tuk and Tana had decided that they would give their parents another chance. The mere thought of seeing them again made Tana feel small and helpless, but both her brother and her mate had assured her that they would be there with her when they decided to meet.

Sincere had insisted on coming along, the small pendant that Bea had given her years ago hanging around her neck as she bounced around the house in excitement. Icarus chased her as well, having no clue what was going on but loving the excitement anyway.

Tana, however, was trying to calm herself as Declan finished getting ready. She hadn't spoken to her parents since she was fifteen. When she had seen them with Lennox the first time, she felt like a pup again.

"It's going to be okay, Tana. This is going to help us move forward," Tuk said, coming up behind her and placing a hand on her shoulder as he offered her a small, comforting smile. She sighed and shook her head.

"I wasn't...enough for them. Why should I be enough now?" She asked. Tuk frowned at this.

"They weren't strong enough to stick around for you, Tana. You didn't do anything wrong. Don't put that pressure on yourself," he said, grunting when Icarus slammed into the back of his knees and nudged him forward slightly.

"Aurora, did you give them crack or something?" He snorted, earning a laugh from the staircase as Declan made his way down and lifted Icarus into his arms.

"I was wondering what that white powder was," Tana huffed sarcastically, growling when her brother flicked her in the forehead.

"Let's go! Come on, daddy. We're gonna meet mommy's parents," Sincere said, grabbing Declan's free hand and dragging him towards the door. He stopped and turned to look at Tana and Tuk, specifically searching Tana's eyes to make sure she was okay. She gave him a small nod and began to follow them as Sincere led the way, babbling on about goddess-knows-what as she did.

Tuk and Markus had set up a picnic table under the large tree outside of the main pack house. Their parents were already sitting there, chatting quietly and looking extremely on edge as they caught Tana and Tuk's scents.

Tana felt herself freeze as she looked at them, her mother an older reflection of herself. She couldn't look at her without seeing the way she stood idly by while Talon dragged her off. She couldn't look at her father, who used to sit by her all night when she couldn't sleep, who had also just let Talon do what he wanted. Neither of them had fought for her. Neither of them stayed to help her.

"Tana," her mother said quietly, standing up as Sincere crawled up onto the bench opposite to her. Her father stared at Sincere, probably taken aback by the resemblance she bore to his sister.

"Hi," was all that Tana could mutter. Declan wrapped his arm around her and guided her to sit next to Tuk, who was next to Sincere. She leaned into her mate and sat down, pulling Icarus onto her lap.

"I'm...I'm very glad that you found your mate. And that he's so kind to you. I remember how you used to stick your tongue out at me when I told you about mates," her mother said, a small smile on her lips.

"Yeah, you're probably happy that you could shift responsibility," Tuk snorted. Sincere raised an eyebrow at him but then pulled out a small toy from her pocket and placed it on the table.

"This is my pony. Her name is Sparkles and uncle Blake got it for me at the store before the fighting happened. Daddy said I could bring a small toy," Sincere explained, making it walk around on the table in front of Tana's father.

"Pony! Sincere!" Icarus squealed, trying to reach across the table to grab the toy. Sincere stuck her tongue out at the baby and continued playing with her toy.

"What we did was selfish. It was selfish and wrong and cruel and...and we don't expect you to ever forgive us for it. We acted like children when we should have been there for you all. Your mother and I will never be able to properly apologize for what we did, but we're here now. If you ever want to see us again," her father said, his eyes filled with tears as he grabbed Rayla's hand.

Declan looked at her, remaining quiet as he rubbed soothing circles into her back.

"I think I'm willing to try. To forgive you. I just need time," Tana said, turning to look at Tuk, who had his gaze fixed on the table.

"I'll try, too. It'll take time but I'm willing to try. We only have so much family left, right?" Tuk said, ruffling Sincere's hair when she started making her pony climb on him.

Their mother nodded, biting her lip as she smiled with tears in her eyes. She turned to look at Icarus, who was laughing at some silly faces that Declan was making.

"He's beautiful. What did you name him?" She asked quietly, waving at him when he turned to look at her.

"Icarus. Dad used to tell me about Greek gods and goddesses when I was little. Icarus was my favourite," she said. Declan pressed a kiss to her temple.

Her father smiled. "I thought all the nursery stories were too frivolous. I stopped when Alec started trying to duel with Tuk," he said, earning a laugh from Tuk. Tana smiled as well, the first time she had been able to when Alec's name was mentioned since he died.

"I missed you. Both of you. I know I have no right to but I did, so, so much. When Declan's father told us that you were mated to his son Thomas had to talk me out of running to see you both. It may not mean anything but I love you, Tana, I do."

Tana stayed quiet for a moment, fussing with Icarus's hair.

"I love you, too. I'm just confused and still hurt. I need time," she repeated. Her mother nodded.

Suddenly, Sincere snapped her head around and grinned.

"Uncle Blake! Auntie Jade! Yay!" She squealed, jumping off of the bench to run into Blake's arms, laughing as he picked her up and raised her in the air.

"Hey, Rayla, Tom. Has Sincere made you want to rip your hair out yet?" Jade greeted, laughing when both Blake and Sincere frowned at her.

"She's a sweet kid. Reminds me of Lumina at that age," Thomas said.

"Icky! Come to auntie Jade," Jade squealed, snatching Icarus away from Tana to blow raspberries on his cheeks, grinning when the baby laughed.


The afternoon got away from them. Tana didn't feel so angry with her parents anymore. She didn't quite trust them and she was definitely still hurt, but she didn't feel the need to resent them the way she used to.

"How are you feeling?" Declan asked as he lay down next to her, stroking her hair slowly.

"Calm, I think. I don't feel like the world is against me anymore," she replied. Next to her, he grinned.

"I love you. I've loved you since the moment you called me an idiot in that cell," he said. Tana let out a snort.

"I was kind of an asshole wasn't I?" She said. Declan kept quiet and just laughed a bit.

"So, are you ready to be stuck with me for the rest of our lives?" He asked.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

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