Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 18 - Part 2, Love and unlikely friends.

It has been four weeks since Layton had proposed and, of course, all our family and friends were delighted when we had told them of our news and three weeks ago when it was time for Layton to make the announcement to the rest of the Blue Moon pack everyone from the village and the city had gathered outside the Palace in anticipation to hear who Layton had finally chosen as his Luna.

He stepped out onto the balcony that overlooked all of his people as they clapped and cheered for him. He looked back to me and held out his hand for me to join him. As soon as they saw me, their cheers became louder as they whistled and shouted in approval. It was nerve-racking at first, but when I looked down and saw how happy they all were for us, having their love and support made me feel less anxious about the future of being a Luna.


I smiled as I looked down at my ring. My hand rested on my navy blue long gown as I sat in the car with Layton beside me and Mila and Nicholas in the seats behind us. With Gabel and Drake being able to handle things at the Palace for the day, we were on our way to Alpha Greyson’s pack for his and Florence’s ceremony. She had headed down a week ago to go over the last touches of her big, important day. Sam and Dakota were in the car behind us and although we were all excited now to see her officially bond herself to her mate, there wouldn’t be just tears of happiness today but those of sadness too. I clutched my bag and thought about my speech that Florence had asked of me to do for the eve of her ceremony. I’d never given one before, but I suppose now is a good time as any to practice, seeing as, when I’m a Luna, I’ll be expected to do a lot more of them.

Florence looked so refined and classy in a white flowing gown with gold glittered flowers cascading the bottom of her dress, her sleeves were lace and off the shoulder and her veil glided along the floor far behind her.

The ball room was alight with a colossal crystal chandelier, the wood carvings of baby cupids along the walls were inspired. Floor length vases held enormous bouquets of yellow, white roses and painted silver trellises that hung down to the floor. The whole room and its decor looked positively grand. They said their vows and bonded themselves together by blood and a kiss to seal them as mates.

We were ushered into another large expensive looking room that joined off from the ballroom. It wasn’t as big but apart from the size it looked exactly the same, like the room before wasn’t big enough, they decided to do an extension of it!

People helped themselves to the glasses of champagne and canapes that made it’s way through the room on silver trays held by waiters. When coming from a raised platform that was dressed in flowers and twinkling white lights the Snr Alpha Greyson was clinking his glass with a small silver spoon to gather everyone’s attention while he made his speech. For a man that had lost his mate, he was rather cheerful and kind looking, although he looked older than he was, probably due to the years of grieving, his features were still soft and humble looking. I was so lost in his kind and loving speech for his son that I had completely forgotten about mine until he called my name.

“Our beautiful new Luna has asked for a close friend of hers from the Blue Moon pack to come and say a few words… and might I add we’re lucky enough to meet her, as she’ll be the Blue Moon’s new Luna” he spoke cheerfully as he rose his glass for everyone to do the same and as Layton squeezed my hand one last time in reassurance, he let go and nudged me toward the stage.

Snr Greyson shook my hand after I had bowed before him and moved aside for me to use the microphone stood in the centre of the stage, all eyes were on me and my hands shook nervously, but I looked away from the crowd and turned my attention to Florence, who as always was smiling her bright sunny smile.

"Today is a very happy day for all of us at the Blue moon pack, but also a sad one, for we lose such a bright shining star. You have all gained not just a Luna, but a warm, wise and strong woman. She brings warmth and love wherever she goes. She is a truly beautiful and inspiring woman, inside and out. Alpha Greyson, you have been blessed with a loyal and honest mate, she will support and guide you like no other, just as she has done for all of us at Blue Moon and I know I speak on behalf of her family when I say we are so happy and thankful that she has found a mate as strong and honourable as you, who has not only fought for her but for all of us too. We wish you both all the strength, peace and love to be with you and guide you for the rest of your lives together”. I raised my glass to the room “To Alpha Greyson and his Luna Florence Greyson”. Everyone repeated in unison as we sipped our champagne to seal the toast.

A band was playing soft melodies on the stage as everyone danced and mingled around the room, bouncing from one conversation to another. Kye, his dad, Layton and Nicholas had all headed for a cigar and then to Kye’s office to sign a contract.

Once anyone is mated to an Alpha, a contract is always signed, stating that they are responsible for the safety of their mate. If the mate is to lose their lives through suspicious circumstances or forced to flee from abusive actions or severe neglect, the Alpha in question will be put to trial and could have his status and title removed.

These contracts were to ensure that Alpha’s didn’t abuse their power when it came to a she-wolf. In the past, some Alpha’s were known to officially mate with a she-wolf then once they had gotten bored, they would remove them as Luna send them to the cells, become abusive, or have them killed, banished or treated like a slave while they mated with another she wolf and the same thing would happen again, over and over which is why it eventually came to a stop when other Alpha’s had come together when they saw the way Luna’s were being mistreated. So, the contract that Kye must sign gives Layton reassurance to allow his sister to be Kye’s Luna.

I fell asleep, my head resting on Layton’s arm as our driver took us home, all the dancing I did with Dakota and Florence had me feeling exhausted by the time we had to leave and of course, we were the last ones left at the party as we practically had to drag Mila away as she cried hugging Florence. ”I’ll be visiting you all the time” she sniffled as we reminded her, she could vacate at their pack any time she wanted and I knew with Florence taking on the role as the Luna, as strong willed as she is, she’d need her mum regardless! heck even I know I’ll need Mila when it’s my turn to take on the role.

I could barely remember getting into bed, but I knew Layton carried me and I felt him pull me into his chest when he got into the bed beside me, and my last thoughts were of wonder...I wonder what our ceremony would be like... and I couldn’t wait to find out!


I was sat in the Piccolo Italiano in the city with Dakota, Maisie and Lola. Layton had put money behind the bar and told us to order whatever drinks and food we wanted.

It was an engagement party of sorts. I wasn’t into all that kind of fuss especially seeing as our ceremony would be relatively big, but it was a little celebration with my girls. For us all, what we’ve all achieved, survived through, and the happiness and love we have found. Our lives have grown since we all used to get together, before my banishment and it was high time, we all got to celebrate together all that has happened.

We had champagne and cocktails at our table after finishing a three course but what felt like a ten course meal. We laughed and drank as we talked about how different things have become.

“I am soo thrilled our little Lanny is FINALLY getting hitched to her old time crush Mr sexy Alpha Layton” Lola screeched as she laughed almost spilling her champagne down her dress.

“Yes, it’s about bloody time” Maisie joined in as she grabbed my hand to look at my ring “He’s a lucky man to get our Lelanna to say yes to him”

“Oh, and their babies will be sooo cute" Lola smiled as she took out her phone to take a picture of us all “One to definitely remember… say cheeesee!”

“Cheeessee” we all sang and laughed as she took the photo.

“Just think all of those years we were crushing on boys and had all these big dreams. One minute we’re fresh out of school and the next everything had changed in a flash” Dakota laughed. “I mean so much has happened in the last few years, when all we used to worry about was who’s party was where, having hangovers, who did we fancy, what outfits were we going to wear and making sure we got to the lake every summer” she reminisced and we all started to think back on when we were younger, digging up stories and hilarious regrets.

“Oh, oh” Maisie quickly interrupted “Can you remember when” she laughed as she struggled to say the words “Can you remember when Lola was dared to kiss that kid, John and he” she laughed again, and we all laughed with her when the memory came back ”and he puked all over her dress and she was soo pissed off she slapped him, only to find ten minutes later that stuck up cow Emma was kissing him in the garden” she laughed harder.

“Can you remember her face when we told her he’d just been puking everywhere”. Dakota laughed hysterically “It was so great to see the look on her face! She wasn’t so stuck up after that”.

“Wait, wait, wait” I giggled “Can you remember when we all got so drunk on prom night, and we tried to sneak into Lola’s house, so she tried climbing up the wall, then fell and landed in her pond!”

We all erupted into laughter, and I could feel my stomach tense as I laughed so hard it ached.

We ordered more cocktails as we joked about parties we had gone to and guys we had kissed, and the ones we regretted. It was hours late when we headed to a nightclub just yards down the street and the smell of hard liquor and music blasting from the club speakers ran through as we walked in. We stopped for drinks at the bar, then headed to the dancefloor. The music was flowing, and we danced in our own little circle as we held hands and twirled each other around, then went back to making up our own moves. It’s been years since we had this together, another thing, so simple, and yet I missed it while I was away, completely forgetting the nights we had together and all the fun that came with it.

We danced to the last song ‘Asia Cruise - Selfish’ when our feet ached, people were leaving, and we realised it was four in the morning.

I snuck in my front door and tiptoed up to bed. It was weird to open my bedroom door and see the bed empty. I hadn’t slept here without Layton for a while now. But feeling too tired and a little drunk, I unsteadily got undressed as I bumped into my desk and my cupboard. I finally slumped into bed, sending Layton a goodnight text before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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