Warriors of Blue moon

Chapter 18 - Love and unlikely friends.

I walked through the quiet village on my way to the field, it was eight at night and Layton had just finished work. The moon shone brightly, and the crisp cool air whipped through me as I hugged my coat tighter to my skin. Hardly anyone was out now as they enjoyed the warmth and comfort of their homes but the bounce I had in my step as I was on my way to meet Layton for our supper… No cold or rain could deter me or my excitement to see him.

We kept spending every spare moment we could together, and our evenings had become this… supper somewhere just me and him, alone, away from any distractions. Then we’d head to the Palace, or my home and we’d fall asleep and wake up next to each other and I couldn’t imagine any other better way to start my day.

Honestly, if anyone had told me a year ago, I would feel so much happiness being back here and with Layton I’d laugh in their face and give them a long list of why they were so wrong, but here I am… smitten and so head over heels! Even though the thought of being Luna was daunting, I still couldn’t wait for our future together.

As I got to the gate, I stood still in my tracks as the field before me was alight with a hundred glowing candles all dotted around the grass. I walked in slowly taking in the beauty as they flickered, I looked down to see a trail of rose petals leading right through the middle of them, with Layton standing at the opposite end. He smiled widely, but he looked on edge, nervous as he shuffled from one foot to the other.

I made my way to him, his smell, as always, already captivating me, shutting off the rest of the world as his face became clearer, the candles and the moon causing lights and shadows to flicker across his face.

“This is… just wow” I breathed in a loud whisper “I’m speechless! What’s all this for?”

He just grinned and gulped, and I could feel his fingers tremble as he took my left hand in his, he let out a shaky breath and got down onto one knee. I breathed in a gasp, realising what he was about to do, and I felt my legs shake involuntarily.

“Lelanna, MY Lelanna, my only one... My life was so empty without you in it” he spoke nervously. ”You have always bought me so much joy and happiness. There is nothing or no one I could ever want, nothing that could ever compare to the sense of purpose I feel when I’m with you and knowing I’ll have you by my side forever means more to me than I could ever put into words… Lelanna, will you be my Luna? Will you be my chosen mate? and make my wolf the happiest wolf alive?”

My smile grew big as I breathed out a titter “Yes...Oh my goodness YES”… as he left me breathless.

“Really?” He asked wide-eyed as he grinned widely. I nodded and he slid a white and blue pendant ring on my finger, he laughed happily as he rose quickly from his knee, wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. We laughed gleefully together as he spun us around, landing kisses all over my face and neck as my legs wrapped around his waist. “I can’t believe it, I can’t fucking believe it”, he chuckled. “This is fucking amazing”.

“I know, I know" I agreed as I grabbed his face and kissed his lips. He stopped spinning on his feet and looked at me as he still held onto me “what?” I grinned feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.

He shook his head ”I just can’t believe I finally have you… it’s just so surreal”

I nodded in complete understanding and wrapped my arms around his neck as I buried my face into his neck and breathed him in deeply. He did the same and I could feel the bristle of his beard tickling the sensitive part of my neck, making me tingle as I grasped hold of him even tighter.

“Does this mean I get to tell everyone now that you’ll be their future Luna?” He asked, his voice muffled as he left trails of kisses from my ear down to my collar bone.

I nodded on his shoulder, and I felt him squeeze me in reply, he lowered us down onto the grass until his body was on top of mine and kissed me passionately. A wave of pleasure made its way all through my body down in between my legs as it wettened and started to pulsate, wishing and becoming restless for more. His cock was already hard as it rubbed against me and all I wanted was to remove the obstacle of our clothes just so I could feel him completely and I could tell by how rapidly his heart was beating that he wanted the same.

I wanted him in between my legs, but naked, ready to take me, ready to give ourselves to each other, this light petting just wasn’t enough anymore, it was becoming harder and harder to resist what we were both so hungry for… one another! and as always, when it got too much for us to hold off any longer, we stopped, we breathed and talked ourselves into calming down, willing our arousal to subside and wait just a little longer.

We both blew out the candles and when we were done, we came together as he held my hand and took me back to his Palace. I had started to leave some of my belongings in his room and he had in mine, so tonight I decided to go with a short silk black nighty as I crawled into bed and let him swallow me up in his huge arms, with his light breathing on the back of my neck as we fell to sleep and I couldn’t stop the ecstatic smile I had on my face and the bubbles playing in my stomach with joy at being his fiancé… I couldn’t wait to tell everyone that we were for real, forever!


Everyone was gathered in and outside the village court as Tina was bought in for her execution. There was a separate building down a long narrow corridor that attached to the court room, where Tina would be told her sentencing one more time and what she was being executed for. Four guards and Layton would then escort her outside behind the courtroom where Layton would behead her.

Luckily, no one knew yet that Layton had proposed, so I knew no one would miss my presence. I didn’t need to be there, and I didn’t want to be! There was somewhere else I felt I had to go.

I snuck into the packhouse kitchen and took two large pieces of chocolate cake and placed them into a container and headed out to the cell building. I walked down the steps and toward Zara’s cell. She was sitting on the floor again with her head hanging down and her legs crossed. I nodded for the guard to open her door and I made my way in and sat opposite her.

“Are you OK?” I asked sympathetically

she nodded slowly “mmhmm”

I stared at her, only being able to see the top of her head as she still refused to look up ”You know what today is?”

“Yes” she whispered.

“Did you see her before she left?”

“The guards… they…. when they took her from her cell, they stopped outside mine and asked her if she wanted to say goodbye, she said she did, so I went over to the bars and she… she” her voice whimpered as she tried to speak and I could hear faint sobs “she spat on me! She said I was a disappointment and a failure and she wished she didn’t have me as a daughter” she breathed in another sob as she wiped tears from her hidden face. “She started to scream at me, so they took her away. The last thing I heard her say was that I was weak and selfish.”

" Oh, I see. I guess you were hoping she was going to show some remorse toward you?”

She nodded “I thought... I thought she’d have something nice to say, even just to tell me she loved me” she sniffled “I’m so stupid”

“No, you’re not… she was your mother, of course that’s what you’d hope for”.

“She was always so loving and good to me when I was a child and now, I know why… it was all so I’d love them enough to believe anything they said or did, it was all a lie, they never loved me at all”.

“Well, at least you show guilt for what happened and your part in it, it makes you a better person than them”.

She shrugged ”no I shouldn’t have let it go so far”.

I felt sad for her. I couldn’t imagine feeling that way about my own parents, so I attempted to try and cheer her up with the only things I had at my disposal. ”Hey, I’ve got something for you”

When she still didn’t look up or give me any response, I took the container from my lap and opened it and I let the smell of chocolate waft through the air. Her head shot up as she looked at me then to the container and she gasped ”is that...is that chocolate cake?”

“Mmmhmmm” I nodded with a smile, and I took a piece and handed it to her.

“For me?... really?”

“Yes, I figured you’d need something to cheer you up today.”

She smiled with watery eyes as she bit into the cake, and she let out a pleasured groan “WOW… this is incredible" she spoke with her mouth full.

I started to eat mine as I watched her devour hers and her eyes closed and scrunched up as she savoured the taste and smell and I saw a lone tear fall down her cheek.

We both giggled and marvelled at the deliciousness as we picked at our cakes. She had chocolate all around her mouth and down her chin and I knew that was down to living here. The way Zara used to be, she’d always eat so poised and calm, taking small slow bites from her food like she was a royalty or something, but right now, she was eating like a child. When she finished hers, I saw I still had half of mine and I thought she would appreciate it more than me, so I handed the rest of mine to her and she looked at me in surprise.

“No, that one’s yours”

“No, I’m so full” I lied ”Honestly, you have it, I couldn’t eat another bite”

“You sure?” She asked hesitantly as she eyed up my cake.

"Yes, of course” I nodded, and I took her hand and gave her the cake, she smiled as she took large bites, one after another, her fingers and mouth covered even more in chocolate as more tears fell.

She finished the rest and licked her fingers, then wiped away the tears from her cheeks and tried to dry her eyes with the back of her hands “I’m sorry” she chortled and sniffed ”but that was...that was absolutely divine”

I grinned and handed her a napkin from the container ”Here, you got some around your mouth”.

She took it and giggled “Thanks, I must look a right sight”... I see you have a ring on your finger… congratulations Lelanna, am I right to assume Layton’s the lucky guy?” she smiled

“Yes, he proposed just two days ago. No one knows yet. We want to tell our families together, then address the pack”

“I’m happy for you Lelanna”

I looked at her with uncertainty.

“No really… I am… I… I know that might sound odd… or well hard to believe, given our history, but I know none of it was because of you. It was all my family, so I’m glad that, considering everything I did, you got to come back, and Layton put things right between you both. The people are lucky to have you as their Luna”.

“Well, thank you, but I’m not their Luna yet”.

“Well, from what I remember of Layton being so infatuated with you, I’ll bet he won’t want to wait very long” she giggled, and I couldn’t help but laugh too with excitement.

Her face turned serious as she looked at her hands, and fidgeted in her spot. ”Do you know yet when my sentencing will be?”

I sighed with pity “All I know is it will be in a few weeks”.

She flung her head back and let out a relieved breath “Thank goodness… I just hope they don’t decide to stick me down here forever.”

“Honestly, Zara, I have no idea what they’re deciding, because I’m not a Luna, I don’t sit in on the meetings with Layton and the court board”. The board was made up of several people, people that had status and had rights to help their Alpha in making decisions for the pack’s safety and wellbeing.

Of course, the board has changed over the years and now it consists of Layton, Sam, Gabel, Drake, a pack advisor, Snr Alpha and Snr Luna. Once I’m Luna, I’d attend them all with them. But as Zara and her family inflicted harm on other packs, another Alpha would also join the board to help make the decision regarding her fate.

“It’s ok Lelanna, I’ve come to know that I’ll just have to accept whatever is given to me, whatever they decide is what I deserve”.

We played a game of guess the song and we talked about when we were at school, just small innocent children. I knew I had stayed a lot longer than it would have taken to put Tina to death, but I knew apart from me her only other visitor was Lisa, and she wouldn’t be able to sit in the cell with her like I do and tonight would be her first night down here since her mum was caught. Her mother might have been nasty and cruel to her, but I know Zara will still notice the emptiness and eerie silence.

I finally said goodbye as I left her sitting alone and went to the pack house to find Layton in his office.

I walked over to him as he was sitting at his desk, mulling over some paperwork, looking stressed and drained. He swivelled round on his chair to face me and when I got close enough, he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me soft but full of vigour and I leaned into it as his arms went around me and enveloped me into a hug.

I pulled back slightly and pecked the tip of his nose. “How was it?” I asked quietly.

He let out a long breath “Well, these things are never easy, but she was vile right up to the very end, so it reminded us why we needed to do it, that’s for sure”. He paused for a moment as he studied my face “But, you know her and Ericsson have been in this pack since before we were born. It’s just always shit to think they were against us the entire time, knowing that we had traitors within our pack, trying to act normal for so long" He breathed in my scent as his fingers trailed along my back “Anyway, I didn’t see you there. You went to see Zara didn’t you?” He asked with concern.

“I did, I wanted to see if she was ok.”

Layton grinned as he softly kissed my lips before he spoke again. “How is it that my Lelanna has sympathy for her enemy, you’re so strong, yet so kind, you’re going to make a wonderful Luna.”

I looked at him feeling deep in thought as I bit my lip.

“What is it, my love?” He asked as he briefly squeezed me with his arms to encourage me to talk.

“Can I ask something of you?”

"Of course, anything!”

“When it’s Zara’s sentencing, can you at least persuade everyone NOT to give her life in the cells, and direct them to something lighter, like the lethal injection? that way at least she won’t have to suffer too much

He frowned ”I thought you wanted her to be free? What’s with the sudden change, my love?”

“I Just... I know no one will agree to that, so I just think at least if she’s given a quick death it’s better than her wasting away down there all alone. I hated it when I was sent down there but she’s been down there a hell of a lot longer than I was and…. I couldn’t imagine having to spend the rest of my life down there, it’s a fate worse than death”.

Layton looked at me with understanding as he nodded “Of course my love, I’ll see what I can do… it’s me that makes the final decision anyway, so I’ll promise you she won’t be given life imprisonment, Ok?”

I nodded “Ok, thank you” I gulped, and he held me tightly as I leaned against his hard chest as he let me sink into the comfort and safety of his broad and warm body, while I comforted him.

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