Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 39 ~ I Smacked Him

Delaney ~

It has been a hectic four weeks.. but we finally got moved to pack territory. Gizmo has put a whole team together.. looking for the head of the snake who ordered Slate to do what he did.. Surprising fact.. Vicki is a computer geek like Gizmo.. Her hacking skills are crazy good and she even rivals Gizmo in talent.

She has acclimated to the wolf world, really well.. and has decided to take the turn, when Maddox does. She’s cute.. She said she’s doing it then, so Maddox doesn’t face it alone. We know it’s so SHE isn’t alone.. but not calling her on it.. It’s too adorable.

The baby is due any time, now. I am huge. I’m not sure where my feet have gone.. I haven’t seen them in weeks. My go-to craving has been pretzels dipped in nutella.. and I have ransacked the entire kitchen pantry searching.. and we have no nutella.

Which is why I am sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor.. bawling my eyes out. I hear someone yelling “Alpha” .. knowing I have been spotted.

Shortly, Snake and Venom ran into the kitchen.. and lifted me.. just as I popped another Oreo in my mouth. He sat, with me in his lap and asked “What is it, baby? Are you hurt?” I shook my head.. and through my sobs, told him “I *sniffle* can’t find *hiccup* the Nutella”

He promised “I will send Spider out to get some right now, my angel. That’s my fault.. I didn’t know we were out.” He’s so good to me.

Snake asked “Umm.. Luna? Did you eat this whole bag of Oreo double-stuffed?” I tucked my head and mumbled “It was a snacksident.”

Venom busted out laughing “A snacksident?” I nodded and explained “Yes! It wasn’t on purpose! I was looking for my pretzels and nutella, when I spotted the oreos. I thought I would have a couple to snack on, while I searched.”

He started laughing harder and said “Baby girl.. you snacked on a whole package of cookies..” and I nodded again “Yeah. Snacksident.”

Snake chuckled “I’m making a grocery list.. we can’t have our Luna having snacksidents every day. We don’t want her to be sick to her tummy.” Venom told him it was a good plan.. and then told me to tell Snake everything I might want. Big mistake. Huge.

A few days later.. Maddox and I were watching a movie.. The baby had been so active.. he started rolling and moving about two in the morning and had not let up. I was exhausted. I stood to go to the bathroom, when my water broke.

I sent Maddox to get Venom.. not because I couldn’t mind link him.. but because Maddox was panicking and I damned sure couldn’t deal with that right now.

I climbed into the shower.. wanting to be clean before we headed to the infirmary. But, just as I was finishing.. the strongest contraction yet.. hit me like a freight train and I nearly went to my knees. I did mind link Venom for help, then.

He rushed in.. and helped me into a sundress and my robe. He lifted me in his arms and made a beeline for the hospital. The doctor was waiting for us.. leading us to the birthing room.. hooking me up to monitors and told me to get comfortable.

Fucking moron. Get comfortable. Sure. I’m about to what will essentially be the equivalent of spitting a grapefruit through a garden hose and he says get comfortable.

Four hours later, a nine pound.. screaming bloody murder.. bundle of joy was laid on my chest.. while his proud daddy cut the umbilical cord. He’s a bloody mess.. and particularly unhappy about being naked in the chilly air.. and I can’t stop kissing him.. rubbing his little head. My mate standing beside us.. tears running down his face, He leans down.. kissing me. Then kissing our baby.

Torin roared at the top of his lungs when they came to take our son to weigh and measure him. They will clean him up and dress him, before bringing him back. Venom apologized.. but I’m not sure the nurse who peed herself is going to forgive him anytime soon.

Our little boy was brought back an hour later. Venom had summoned the pack and walked to the window… he lifted the baby in the air “Warrior Wolves! The Heir is here! I give you Artemis Maddox Stone!” The pack cheered and clapped.. then they shifted.. Howling out their joy. My heart warmed at the sound of love and acceptance from the people he would someday lead.

Artemis’ birthweight was nine pounds two ounces.. and he was 22 inches long.. A big boy.. but when you think about the size of his daddy.. it makes perfect sense.

We went home the next day.. and I have become unofficially the feedbag. That is pretty much the only time I have seen my son. He’s hungry? Here, Mom.. Oh.. he’s shit his britches.. Here, Mom. Otherwise.. Venom, Axe, Snake and Maddox are fighting over who will hold him next. I wish I had someone I could ask if this is how it’s supposed to be.. or if it changes when the new wears off.

Vicki is sitting with me.. wanting all the details about labor and delivery.. and I asked “Are you pregnant, Vic?” She laughed “Goddess, No! We want to wait to get pregnant until after I’m turned. All the women I talked to said it’s easier to have a baby when you’re a wolf.”

I laughed and asked her “How would they know, Vicki? What are they comparing it to? Humans aren’t in abundance around here.” She started laughing.. “Good point! Maybe I should stay human for our first baby.. and go wolf for the second? For research purposes.. of course.”

I laughed even louder “Of course! Makes perfect sense to me.. It would give us a point of reference.”

I went in search of Artemis..to find him attached to his Daddy’s bare chest in a snuggy sling.. while he sat at the table in the club pub.. sipping a beer. I laughed “Skin bonding?” He nodded and scowled at anyone whom he thought was talking a little too loud.

I sat down just as Maddox slid into the pub.. He saw Venom and disappointment clouded his features “When’s my turn?” I laughed again “Not a single one of you know what you’re starting.. Don’t come whining to me in a few months when you want to put him down.. and he refuses to allow it. That shit is on y’all!”

Venom said “I will rig a backpack he can ride in, while I work.. He can always be with his daddy!! Isn’t that right, sweet little man!? We don’t need no stinking Momma!” I smacked him.

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