Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 38 ~ Hand of God

Venom ~

Snake was sent out to inform the troops that Max isn’t to be trusted. I had remained suspicious of him from the beginning.. but when his tracker has shown him at the pentagon.. after dropping Nathan at Quantico.. I had begun to relax a little.

I stood and took Delaney’s hand in mine.. “Let’s all hit the racks! We can get a couple hours sleep before we take off.” And Max asked “I thought we were leaving out right away.. I’m not really tired. Shouldn’t we get there as soon as possible?”

I smiled “My men are running on nothing.. You may not be tired.. but I’m not risking the welfare of my people because you’re well rested.”

When we got to our room, Axe mind linked he had bugged Max’s room.. and had cloned his phone.. so we will see anything he has going out, or coming in.

Delaney smiled at me “I have the helicopters inbound, as we speak. ETA about ten minutes. Our strike teams are almost in place.. around Slate’s mansion. The extraction team for Mrs. Slate and her kids are waiting on your go.”

I sighed.. This woman could plan a siege on Buckingham Palace.. and no one would know it before it was too late. She is a phenomenonal strategist. “I love you, baby. Thank you for coming into my life and turning it completely upside down.”

She laughed and said “You got it twisted, love! You turned my life upside down.” I grinned and pulled her into my lap and said “If we had time.. I’d be turning you every which of way right now!” Giggling, she kissed my neck and Torin just purred deep in my chest.

When I heard the thump thump thumping of the inbound choppers.. I ran through the clubhouse.. pounding on doors.. yelling “Roll Out.. Ten minutes.. Let’s move!” Making sure Gizmo was monitoring Max..

When he mind linked me that Max had sent a text before he even put his pants on. Gizmo said “He sent three words.. ‘Choppers. Go time.’ to a burner phone.. Can’t track it because.. well.. burner phone..” I laughed and said “Let’s get this show on the road.”

We had loaded up and were airborne in minutes.. Leaning my head back.. acting like I was resting, I mind linked Snake.. Send in the extraction team. I want the Slate family out of there and to safety before we repel into that yard. Do Not speak… everything mind linked.

Max asked “Are we putting down in the field behind the mansion?” I responded nope.. and stayed relaxed back. “That would be the best vantage point to attack from, right?” And again, I said nope. He gave up and leaned his own head back.. scrolling his phone. Snake said “Won’t get a text until we’re over the mountain.. “ Max chuckled “Nobody texts me.. Living the dream over here.. Single.. Broke.. Facing early retirement because of this shit.”

Snake said “Early retirement won’t be bad.. You’re still young enough to meet someone.. build a family.. Money comes and goes.. nothing to hinge a life on. See? Problems solved!”

I hid my grin.. when Axe said “ETA.. two minutes..” I sat up.. checking gear.. and sent out club wide links “Ready to deploy in one minute. Gear ready!”

I ordered our strike team in place, just as I was notified the family was safe. The choppers hovered.. Two over the courtyard of the mansion.. and three.. on the sides not covered by the strike team.

We repelled down.. and men rushed the yard.. We started laying down cover fire to keep our guys from getting hit.. and by the time we hit the ground running, ten of Slate’s men were down.

Snake took his team toward the hangar.. Strike team hit the outbuildings. My team took off for the house, with Max in tow. When we breached, we were taking heavy fire.. Axe fired a flashbang into the front of the house.. followed by five more.

We cleared the door.. firing as we went.. As the smoke cleared… Slate stood at the top of the staircase.. Laughing. The psycho was laughing.

He said “You have no clue, Stone! Always thinking you’re smarter than everyone else. Yeah.. I destroyed that village.. and I knew I would face court martial. But when you’re military to the bone.. you always follow orders. At your own peril.. I will never be ashamed of being a patriot and doing what my government said I had to.”

I said “No. You didn’t have to. I had six.. SIX.. article 92’s.. paid my fines and moved on. Promotions weren’t that important that I would ever attack civilians.. especially women and children.”

He laughed again “It wasn’t the promotions, Stone. You still don’t get it. This is so much bigger than you and me. I am still following orders.. and when Gemi..”

A bullet found its way between his eyes.. and I looked around. Max was standing in the foyer.. his gun still smoking. I yelled “What the fuck, Unger? We could have brought him in!”

He shrugged and said “Following orders.. We do what we’re told.” I sneered “By any means necessary… Got it.” I walked outside and told Axe… “You and your team stay with that C-4.. Release it to no one.. until you reach Hawthorn in Nevada. Only to the commanding officer.. Get a gawd damned receipt!”

Max said “No! My orders are to take custody of the C-4 and return it to Quantico.” I looked him dead in the eye “I don’t give a fuck what your orders are. You have muddied the fuck out of this entire situation from the beginning. Best believe I will be finding out why. You can take that to the bank!”

He turned to walk away, when Spider walked over to me.. handing me a cellphone. “Found it in Slate’s pocket.. maybe take a look see?” I swiped the screen and checked the text messages.. and sure enough.. Max’s texts were the only ones there…

I held the phone up and yelled “Max?” He turned back around.. just before getting into a car “That’s twice, mother fucker! Come for me again.. You won’t survive a third betrayal.” He shrugged “I follow orders, Venom. That is all.”

I walked straight up to him.. and punched him square in the teeth.. “Tell your boss.. make sure he understands.. I will find out who he is.. or they are… and I am coming for all of you. Everyone involved.. in the decimation of that village.. in the human trafficking.. in the bombing that nearly killed my wife.. and the one that killed and injured all the people in that store. You tell him there will be a fucking reckoning.. and your leaders have just elected me the fucking Hand of God!”

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