War for Uyrilia

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Liliana sighed, they had All come up with the best plan possible to try to save as many as possible as well as end this was that had been going on for years. She was ready for this to be over, she was ready to finally live life the way they should have been able to all this time. She was ready to give Jamie a life he deserved and help Robert’s sister Alina grow up into a bright young woman. Tomorrow was the day they would all go in. The day that any of them may never come back to see their loved ones. She gave a small smile as warm arms wrapped around her, pulling her against a large chest.

“You should be sleeping.” He said softly into her neck.

“So should you.” She retorted turning in his arms to face him. “I’m worried. I don’t want to lose anyone, I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise. You can’t get rid of me. I couldn’t stay away when I first met you and when I found out who you really were I couldn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe that I had fallen for the greatest princess in the universe. You stole my heart and saved my life in so many ways. I love you more than I can ever say.”

“You’re the best man I know. I thought you were a pampas ass, but when I got to know you as the handsome prince Robert, I couldn’t believe that I had ever thought that. You took my heart and I gladly handed it over. I love you Rob, I can’t lose you, I won’t be able to…”

“It’ll be okay.” He whispered pulling her into a tight embrace. “We’ll all make it through.” The two stood holding each other before they looked back at Jamie sleeping in the little bed they had brought in. “He’ll finally be able to grow up like a true prince.”

“But still be a kid.” Liliana smiled happily. “Let’s get some sleep.” She pulled her husband with her to the bed where they finally fell asleep in each other’s arms knowing that Jamie would be taken back to camp with the others who wouldn’t be fighting. They prayed they would be able to see that tiny happy face when this was all done.

The next afternoon Liliana stood with Robert beside her as she looked over a small hill at the castle she had been born and called home. It was time to attack the castle from her side silently as Jace worked on the other with Alexander. She glanced at the men she had brought with her before looking back at the fields a blaze with the campfires of the massive army they would be sneaking in and destroying in several hours.

“You ready for this?” Robert asked as he stood looking down at the fires before looking over at his wife as she scanned the field. She turned her glowing light brown eyes on her husband and gave a small sigh.

“Yeah. Let's get this over with so we can give our children the life they deserve. Let's make sure our home and the rest of the worlds are protected.” he smiled and gave a nod as they moved closer and wrapped their arms around each other before walking back down to the men to discuss the plan.

“This is a suicidal mission.” One man said as everyone gathered around Liliana and Robert.

“This is going to be a tough battle but each one of us has everything to fight for. We are going to go in, devastate them and come out All Alive. We are going to start moving in a few minutes and I want everyone to move and kill silently.” The men nodded as they geared up and began to slither through the night silently killing as they swung through the massive army undetected. Liliana and Robert were in the lead when they heard a cry of pain from the far right making them stop and look at each other before they saw the army begin to jump to attention realizing they were under attack. As soon as the call went out, what was left of the massive army Zinnia had raised went on the attack fighting hard as the field erupted into mass confusion.

Jace and his group fought coming from the other way sneaking along until they heard the call and the men in the army came from All directions fighting. Jace and Alexander stayed close fighting their way through the army until they literally bumped into Liliana and Robert as they fought.

“Looks like we were found out.” Alexander laughed as he fought another soldier off.

“You think Alexander?” Liliana asked sarcastically as she ducked letting Robert swing his sword killing the man who was about to strike Liliana.

“Well this should be a good enough signal to dad and the others.” Jace said just as they heard the roar of their army coming from the other direction. “And there we go.” He said as they all chuckled as fought and pushed farther, working their way to the castle while their father and the others cleaned up behind them.

They pushed through and continued moving not worrying about the soldiers they left behind them, making their way into the castle, where they snuck as much as possible through the dark hallways. The small group with several men came to the great hall where they found the room filled with soldiers ready to kill with Zinnia, Kalman, Erna, and Marc standing up at the top by the thrones.

“So you've made it.” Zinnia laughed, as the battle noise grew louder as soldiers from both sides began to push into the room. “Nice of you all to join us.” She smiled. The battle noise raged on as the fighting stopped in the room.

“Robert, you will have one last chance to follow the orders like the good obedient son you used to be.” Erna called out as Robert started to chuckle.

“You can't say or do anything to make me want to follow your insane orders!” Robert called out as he stood ready to fight.

“Well then, it seems you are intruding, so you will need to be dealt with.” Zinnia said as the soldiers who were all around them started moving towards them with weapons drawn. As the soldiers suddenly lunged, Jace, Liliana and Jaxton were able to make a path with their spells while the others tried to fight their way through. “Looks like I will have to get involved.” Zinnia sighed as she watched Liliana and Jace shooting spells off left and right with little effort. With a wave of her hand two black robed figured walked from the shadows lowering their hoods to reveal the pale faces of Louis and Jessica, two old friends from when Liliana and Jace had been younger, who disappeared and no one knew what happened. The two grinned evilly as they walked forward never taking their eyes from the siblings. Suddenly they were in front of the brother and sister and started to fight making Liliana and Jace back up a bit, as they tried to fight their old friends and the other soldiers.

“Lily, go!” Liliana heard and glanced over her shoulder quickly to see Jaxton charging. Liliana ducked under Jessica's attack before sticking out sliding a small katana into her side and jumping to the side as she cried out and Jaxton sliced through the air with another spell only to be blocked by Jessica. Arthur lunged forward shoving Louis to the side leaving Jace looking at his uncle for a moment.

“Go help your sister.” He said before he and Louis began to fight letting Jace make his way over to where Liliana was working on getting to Zinnia. Erna stood back not wanting to get involved with the fighting and letting Marc go after Robert while Zinnia smirked, sending Kalman after Jace as he came closer and closer. Liliana was still fighting her way up to the thrown when she let an attack through and sent a red blast at Zinnia knocking her back several steps while a short sword cut into her stomach leaving a thin line of blood. Moving quickly she was able to grab the sword in the soldier's hand and twist it quickly shoving it into the soldier's body before moving on and charging at Zinnia casting as many spells as she could as she ran.

Jace blocked and fought with sword and spell as Kalman attacked harder and faster with each strike. The two battled back and forth trying to avoid the other soldiers. Kalman charged forward with his sword only to have it deflected by Jace before he swung back around slicing his sword through Kalman' arm making him yelp in pain and pull back as his arm lay limp at his side. The two set back up to fight. Suddenly Jace threw both his hands out in front of him; palms facing Kalman letting a bright green beam of energy explode from his hands. Kalman used his right hand to deflect it into a wall. The shock wave knocked several men across the room slamming into the floor hard.

“You have no hope.” Kalman laughed sending another spell at his nephew knocking him back several steps. Jace stumbled foreword sending another blast at Kalman.

Across the room, Liliana was matching Zinnia spell for spell pushing back and forth. Zinnia slammed Liliana into the wall making her hit her knees. Liliana threw a red blast at Zinnia making her cry out as she was thrown backwards hitting the ground hard as Liliana stood up and started to charge with her bare hands as Zinnia slowly got back to her feet and pushed her hands out to hold back the wave of energy Liliana had sent at her.

“You cannot win little girl.” Zinnia said as she pushed the energy to the side. Liliana heard battle cries and painful yelps making her glance around quickly assessing the room around her. She found most of the men who had followed them into the room were now littering the ground, dead or dying. Jaxton was to the side still struggling with Jessica both injured heavily. Arthur and Louis were in the same predicament, both breathing heavy as they set back up for another attack. Jace was pushing Kalman to his limits. Liliana looked over at Robert as he pushed his brother to the brink of exhaustion. Liliana looked back at Zinnia and narrowed her eyes as she took a deep breath and charged at her once again.

The battle raged on as the sound of fighting filtered through the high windows and bounced off the stonewalls as the soldiers slowly dwindled in the room. The spells and weapons clashing slowly died out as Liliana and Jace made their way closer to each other. Grabbing each other’s hands, they let their powers flow freely as their levels rose and they opened their eyes to show them glow so bright their eye color bled into their entire eye. The two looked around like mad animals before they lost themselves and fell solely back on instincts as they moved through the room attacking Zinnia and Kalman knowing them into walls, the ceiling and the floor as they completely let their being be filled with intent to kill.

Jace and Liliana stood on opposite sides of the large room as they used their massive power to throw Kalman and Zinnia backwards into each other before they fell to the ground barely able to hold their eyes open and breathe. The two walked foreword stopping in front of them and looked at each other as the color drained from their eyes, as they looked back down breathing heavy.

“When we need to protect our homes, friends, and our families we will do what we have to, to make sure nothing does anything to hurt any of them.” Jace said.

“We will fight to the death if we must.” Liliana said as Zinnia pulled her last remaining energy as Liliana and Jace baled their power around their fists as they raised them in the air and started coming down onto the two. Suddenly the two were gone and the siblings could not stop in time and slammed their fists into the marble floor making it explode into a cloud of dust. The soldiers who were left looked around before dropping their weapons as Erna was backed up in a corner looking around frightened as Ryan stood over the unconscious Marc as Robert walked over to his mother and glared down at her.

“How- how could this be?” She asked looking at her angry son.

“Because you have no idea what protecting family, friends and homes could do to a person.” He told her as he grabbed her by the arm and started to pull her as he walked back down handing her off to Arthur before walking over to see how Liliana was doing as she and Jace looked around wobbling on their feet. Robert saw Liliana look at him as her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed making Robert lunge to stop her from hitting the ground as Jaxton steadied Jace.

“Ana, Ana open your eyes.” Robert said as he pulled her into his arms more as he spoke worried. “Open your eyes.” She took a deep breath and she slowly opened her eyes and look at him with a small smile.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered as she sighed. “I just need to rest for a minute. That all drained me.” She said as she sat up and had him help her stand up. “After All of that they got away again.” She looked around at All the bodies littering the floor before she started walking to the door. Robert Jace and Jaxton followed behind as they walked out to look over the massive battlefield littered with bodies. Everyone caught sight of the four walking out. Jaxton walked in front and called out over the cries and clashing.

“Stop!” He called making the sounds All go silent as he continued. “The war has been ended, drop your weapons and surrender, or face the consequences!” He looked around as the remaining soldiers dropped their weapons and stood looking defeated and the area roared with the celebration of victory. The enemy soldiers were rounded up and started to be tied up as word was spread that the war that had taken many long years had finally ended and everyone could finally go back to their homes and lives.

After three days, Liliana and Robert stood with the rest of their family waiting for the camp to arrive. Robert smirked watching Liliana fidget in her elegant dress as the group came into view. They saw the children walking up with the woman who cared for them and Liliana could not take it anymore. She took off running as Jamie pulled away from the woman and ran to her crying out. Jace chuckled as he and Robert followed with the others behind them, melting into the group, all meeting up with their loved ones. It was finally done, they were finally home and ready to live their lives and raise their families. Liliana could not keep the bright smile from her face with Jamie in her arms and Robert’s arms around her, Jace pulled Rebecca into a loving kiss as Sylvan held to him tight. Jaxton could not believe it was All finally over, that they were All home and a family again. He just wished his wife would have been able to see this day, but he knew she was with them, watching over All of them. He walked back up to the steps of the castle with Maximus as he turned to the crowd in front of him.

“Attention!” He called making everyone look at him and quiet. “Tonight there will be a grand ball in celebration of the end of this great war! All are welcome to join in the festivities!” A cheer rang through before everyone moved off to start their new lives and get ready for the ball.

“So, King Robert.” Jace laughed as he and Rebecca walked over. “I hope you’ll stay long enough to enjoy the festivities.”

“We’ll be staying for a little while.” He turned and looked at his wife beside him. “I think we have an official wedding to attend before we leave.” Liliana grinned up at him as Jace smiled.

“It’s about time.” Alexander said walking closer. “So when’s the big day?”

“Tonight.” Liliana smiled at her friend. “We already talked to my dad. We’re going to do it tonight before the ball and then we can all celebrate everything.” The friends talked and laughed, finally feeling carefree before they All moved off to get ready for the ball.

Robert stood with Jace and Jaxton by the thrones talking softly as the room filled with more and more people. A soft murmur made the three men to turn and see Liliana walking in with Alexander beside her. She wore an elegant white ball gown that showed enough skin and fit her form making every man in the room to stare, but Robert never noticed anything. The closer she came to him the more the world disappeared. He walked down the several stairs to greet her, offering her his had she smiled happily as she took in his royal outfit. Slowly the two made their way up to where Jace and Jaxton stood with small smiles on their faces.

Jaxton smiled at his daughter as Jace gave her a kiss on her cheek. Jaxton turned to the people watching as Liliana and Robert turned back to each other. Maximus and Alexander joined Jace as Ryan and Alina walked up to join them on the other side while Jamie ran to his parents. “Tonight we celebrate more than just the end of the war! Tonight we bear witness to the union of Princess Liliana Summergale and King Robert Alabyran!” He turned back to his daughter and son-in-law. “Are you two ready?” They both nodded.

“Stand over there.” Robert told his son who ran over to stand with his uncles while Jaxton started the ceremony. Once again, just like the first time, the world faded and it was just the two of them.

“You may kiss your bride.” Jaxton said. Robert did not need to be told twice, he pulled Liliana into his arms, tight against him as he captured her lips and a cheer grew around the room. Robert and Liliana smiled at each other before Jamie ran over making Robert pick him up. “Tonight we celebrate a new life!” Jaxton called as the music started and the ball started, officially calling an end to a dark age in the world of Uyrilia.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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