War for Uyrilia

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

“Do you have everything on the horses?” Liliana asked her husband. Robert nodded as he picked up the last pack. “You really think the camp will be okay with all of us going to a meeting so far away?”

“The camp will be fine.” Jaxton smirked as he walked over to his daughter and son-in-law. “You sure you two want to take Jamie? You know how Erna will react when she sees him. She’s claiming to have been under a spell and with no real proof we cannot keep her from the meetings. She is not going to take kindly to knowing that you’re married and have a son.”

“She’ll have to deal sooner or later.” Robert shrugged. “Besides all she’s going to do is throw a fit and disown me, which she’s Already done. So no harm done.” Jaxton smirked and shook his head.

“Jace is leaving Sylvan here with your grandfather while we’re gone. We have everything set up so you don’t have to worry about the camp.”

“If you say so, Dad.” Liliana smiled before they heard a squeal of laughter. Turning they found Jamie running to them with Ryan chasing him.

“Mama! Mama!” He squealed as he reached his arms up to her. She laughed and pulled him up to her hip as Ryan sighed coming up to them.

“Aw, come on Lily, the monster was about to get him.” Ryan complained making Jamie hide his face him her shoulder making Ryan laugh.

“You won’t be laughing when he’s waking you up at night cause a monster’s going to get him.” Robert said as he walked over taking his son. “Come here buddy.” He turned and started walking back towards the horses and the wagon the group was using to carry the larger items they were bringing with them. He smirked as he saw Liliana shift. “Uncle Ryan’s in for it now.” He told his son as Jaxton chuckled.

“You know you shouldn’t make him think there’s monsters chasing him. Not only does he have nightmares, he is not sleeping and he’s not letting us sleep. The poor boy is terrified of the dark at three years old because he says there’s evil monsters going to get him. If you have him terrified one more time I swear I’m going to make you sit up all night to make him feel safe and then you’re going to have to go up against Rob in a sword fight.” Ryan straightened and glanced at his brother who was holding Jamie up to pet the horses. Liliana grabbed his shoulder with a small smile. “Don’t worry, Ryan.” She laughed.

“He‘s a kid, it’s what they do.” Ryan chuckled before walking over to his brother and nephew.

“Uncle Ry!” Jamie laughed reaching for him. Ryan chuckled and took him from Robert. “We go play more?”

“Maybe when we stop for a rest.” Robert told him. “We have to get going on our trip. It’s going to take a long time to get there.”

“Long time?” Jamie asked turning his head.

“Yup, it’s going to be about a month to get there.” Robert ruffled his head. “Think you can be good for that long?” Jamie thought a minute before nodding with a bright smile. “That a boy.”

“We all ready?” Jace asked as he walked over to them with his horse following.

“Yup, just finished packing.” Liliana smiled as she pulled herself up onto her horse. “Jamie, you want to ride with mama?” The boy nodded happily before reaching up. Ryan handed the boy to his mother and watched him squirm. “You have to sit still.” The boy stilled and sat in front of her in the saddle. He looked over as Robert and the others pulled themselves up into the saddle of their own horses.

“Daddy!” He laughed making Robert look at his son and smile. “I ride too!” He looked so happy Liliana could not help the little laugh as they set out for the meeting in the city of Kraxoit, Kothus.


The group arrived late at night and were met by the servants of the castle who helped them with their luggage and led the way to where they would be sleeping. As soon as everyone was in their rooms and had their things the servants left. Robert watched as Liliana gently laid Jamie down on the king sized bed the three of them would share until they were able to get a little bed in the morning. Laying down they were all asleep within minutes of their heads hitting the pillows.

Liliana smirked seeing Jamie slide from the bed and running over to the packs to the side. She rolled to look behind her and found Robert smirking as he blinked his blue eyes open to look into her amber ones. “He’s your son. You get him.” She smiled making Robert chuckle.

“Just this once. But you’re on nightmare duty.” He kissed her and climbed from the bed to grab his son who started squealing with laughter. “What are you doing little man?”


“Not right now. We have to get dressed and meet some people.” His son looked at him curiously. “You’ll see, but you have to be really good okay?” He nodded before Robert put him back on his own feet. “Come on let’s get you dressed.” Robert went about dressing their son as Liliana dressed. Once she was done, she took over letting Robert change.

“Okay, little man.” Liliana smiled as she stood up and took his hand. “You come with mommy and daddy and be a good boy while we talk to people and then you can go play All you want until bedtime.”

“Kay!” He smiled as he took his mother’s hand and the little family walked out of their rooms and down the corridors to meet up with the others. Jaxton smiled when he saw Jamie walking beside his mother quietly and patiently.

“We’re going to meet in the great hall.” Ryan said as they started down the hall towards the meeting place. As they walked in, they saw many leaders they recognized with their children practicing their responsibilities. Robert and Ryan looked at their mother before they went to take their seats with Liliana and her family earning a glare from their mother.

“It’s nice of you two to show up.” Erna said as they sat across from her.

Jamie grabbed Roberts sleeve and tugged. “Daddy up.” He reached and Robert smiled as he lifted his son into his lap. His mother watched in utter shock at hearing the boy.

“What did that boy just say?” She asked making Jamie and the others look at her. “Did he just call you his father?”

“yes, he did.” Robert smirked.

Erna stood up quickly staring her son down. “That’s not possible.”

“It’s possible.” Liliana said watching as the angry eyes shifted to her.

“oh and who is this child’s mother?”

“I am.” Erna’s jaw dropped as she stared at them unbelieving. “We weren’t lying when we told you about him when you were held up in that camp. Do you have a problem?”

“Yes of course I do! Robert you are to be married to the princess of Didons! How can you marry the princess if you have that… that thing?!”

Robert handed Jamie to Liliana before he stood up with a deathly look in his blue eyes. “You don’t like my choices fine but you don’t dare take it out on my son.” He did not yell, his voice was deathly low as he glared at her making her gasp before sitting back into her seat. Robert stood another minute before sitting back in his own.

“Daddy mad at me?” Jamie asked

“No baby, daddy’s not mad at you.” Liliana soothed her son.

Robert reached out to touch his son’s head. “Daddy’s just mad at stupid people.” He said as Jamie smiled at him before reaching for him to sit in his lap again, but not before giving his mother a hug. “You be good for this meeting and we’ll take a walk outside for a while, okay?” The boy nodded with a grin before settling quietly to watch.

“Shall we get this meeting started then?” Jaxton asked as he stood at the head of the table. Erna continued to glare at her son but said nothing; there was no way to argue with him without putting herself in more jeopardy with the council. “We are here to make plans and prepare to flow into our final battle. The battle to take back out world from the evil that’s threatening to engulf it and other worlds. We need to send all our force into this last battle. We have been slowly pushing her back over these last few years of battles but now it’s time to overwhelm her.”

“What do you purpose?” Said the dwarves king of Orlyn.

“I have had long conversations with those at my camp and we believe we have come up with a good plan.” Jaxton looked at Robert.

Robert looked around at those surrounding the table. “We have come to the diction that the best course of action is to attack full on in the front. We can maneuver our troops up to the castle in a short amount of time with the help of towns and villages along the way. Once we’re there we will circle the front of the castle. They will believe we are causing a distraction to let someone slip in the back so they will still have their forces split. At that time we will have a small force of the best fighters make their way into the castle.”

“How are you supposed to get in the closed up castle?” An elf asked

Robert gave a small smirk and looked at Liliana beside him. “That’s where my Wife and brother-in-law come in.” A glance towards his mother and brother showed his words were festering as they continued. “My wife and her brother will use their powers to take a group into the castle and start a fight on the inside. The group will split in two. One group will fight to the doors and get the armies in and the other will continue forward to find Zinnia. The pressure and the confusion will work in our favor.”

“How will we know when to do certain things?” Asked the dwarves prince of Kerdor, Fotrim.

“I’ll keep the heads of the sections connected.” Liliana said making the others look at her. “I have a power to keep everyone connected and you’ll All be able to communicate while the battle rages.”

“Will you be able to do that and fight?” Asked Ryan worried for his sister-in-law. “I’ve seen how drained you can get with certain spells.

“It will be hard but I can do it.” She nodded. “Between me and Jace, our powers will hold until this is finished.” She glanced at her brother who nodded.

“Lily, you and Jace shouldn’t push yourselves to the verge of death.” Ryan said before looking at his brother who had not said a word but only watched Liliana as she spoke. “Rob, you know how bad it gets sometimes.”

Robert looked between Liliana and Ryan with a sigh. “If Ana says she and Jace can hold out.” He paused. “Then it’s better to go Along with them instead of doubting what they are capable of.” He looked at his wife. “Are you positive there’s little danger to you two?”

“I can’t say either way. Jace and I have talked about it a few times and we think we should be able to make it. We’ll at least give everyone a chance to get in and finish this war.” She glanced at him and he could see the look in her eye and knew she did not want to discuss anything more until it was just the two of them. He gave a slight nod and she looked around the table. “We will do what is needed to get you into the castle and finally finish this war.”

“When will we plan this attack?” Solana, elf queen of Rosh asked.

“We should do it as soon as possible.” Erna said making all eyes turn to her. “The sooner we finish this war the sooner we can get normal lives back in order, and straighten out mistakes made during this time.” She glanced at Robert quickly so no one would see but Robert caught it.

“We need to plan.” He spoke up. “Without a solid plan many of the troops could be lost, heads of nations could be dethroned and we could lose those precious to us in the process.” The others around the table nodded and mumbled in agreement before he looked at his wife. “You and Jace are the major factor in this attack. When do you think we should plan the attack?”

Liliana looked at her brother. “I think we should be able to have our preparations done in six months or so.”

“We should begin planning now.” Jaxton said from the head of the table. “We will make our battle plan and look to attack in at least six months. Is everyone in agreement?” He looked around getting nods from All those at the table except from Erna and her group. He took a deep breath looking at his son in law who narrowed his eyes before he turned his eyes on Jamie looking around curious. “Alright it’s in agreement then. We will begin to plan for the next few days while we are all here.”

“I purpose that we meet every night to gather information and make a base plan.” Gideon suggested. Once everyone approved the meeting was disbursed. Jaxton stood a moment watching as Robert and Liliana spoke to Jamie who giggled before Robert handed him to Liliana as they stood. “They’re so happy despite her.” Gideon said making both men glance at the scowling Erna.

“She’s going to have to get used to it. They are both adults and have made their choice.” Jaxton smirked

Gideon chuckled. “I don’t think anything could separate those two love birds.” Jaxton could not help the little smile that crossed his lips as he watched Robert take Jamie and spin him around before setting him on his feet between his two parents. Jamie giggled and laughed making both his parents laugh Along with him.

“This is outrageous!” They heard Erna call out making the room go silent. Robert and Liliana turned to look at her as she stormed over to them. “I’m putting my foot down. You have been promised to another, you are to come back home and we will fix these mistakes.”

“Mistakes?!” Liliana yelled as she pushed Jamie behind them and she walked forward to stand face to face with her mother in law. “How dare you-.”

“Ana.” Robert said as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back to his side. “It’s okay.”

“She’s calling our son a mistake!” Liliana had had enough. “You have a problem with me or Robert you come to us, you do not include our son. I don’t care if you like it or not, he is our so, we love him and he is not a mistake. The only mistake is letting a crazy old bat like you stay on a thrown after what you’ve done!” Liliana was beyond mad as Robert pulled her back a little more.

“Ana.” He said softly in her ear as he brown eyes were locked on her speechless mother-in-law. “It’s okay, calm down.” He said, as her eyes seemed to begin to glow. “It’s not worth it.” He whispered as she stiffened in his arms. “You don’t want to show that to Jamie.” She tore her eyes off Erna to glance at Jamie standing with Ryan before she relaxed in her husband’s arms. “Why don’t you and Ryan go show Jamie the horses?” She looked at Robert who had locked his eyes on his mother. Liliana just nodded before walking over and pulling Jamie into her arms and left with Ryan.

The room was silent as Jaxton and Jace moved closer to Robert. “Robert.” Jace said as he stood in front of his brother-in-law.

“How could you do this, Robert? You’ve disgraced the family, you’ve destroyed our kingdom.” Erna said as she walked closer to her son.

Jaxton watched carefully, not wanting Robert to do something that could have other consequences. He watched Jace say something low before Robert clenched his fists. “No mother, you’ve done that with your little lackey there.” Before she could do anything, he turned and stormed from the room. Erna looked around embarrassed before leaving with Marc at her heels.

“What did you say to him?” Gideon asked Jace who stood glaring after the woman.

“I told him to think of Lily and Jamie. If he had done something or said the wrong thing, it could cause her to do something that could hurt them. If something happened, it would cause fighting amongst us. The war room would be split and we would only be fighting ourselves.” Jace explained. “But she can’t get away with this. She can’t push and make the comments she does and get away with it.”

“For now she has to.” Jaxton sighed. “If we did anything it would cause exactly what we’re trying to avoid. We need to bide our time, watch her closely and when this is All handled we will then discuss what to do with her.”


Erna watched angrily as Liliana walked the courtyard with Jamie. She scowled as the two started running around playing a game, mother and son laughing as they played. Erna would not stand for this. She needed to make a plan to fix what her eldest son had done.

“What a way for a princess to act.” Liliana turned to find her amused husband standing in the archway.

“Daddy!” Jamie cheered and ran over to be picked up.

Robert chuckled as he pulled his son into his arms. “Hey, you having fun with mommy?” The boy nodded. “Go play for a little while. Mommy and Daddy need to talk a little bit.” He set the boy down to run before turning to his wife. Even as the planning continued, they never had a chance to talk about what could happen.

“Rob…” She sighed as he looked at her. The more planning going on the more danger she was putting herself into without even looking at him.

“You can’t just throw yourself into danger like you’re the only one.”

“I know.” Was all she said as he continued.

“Then why are you throwing yourself in the middle without thinking? What about Jamie? What happens if something goes wrong? What about me?” He stopped closer; she could see the fear in his eyes. “You think I could really live without you?”

“Rob…” She sighed again. “I can’t have you running an army into a castle blindly. How can I stand back and watch you run into a situation that I could help?”

Robert sighed. “I can’t lose you, Ana.”

“You won’t.” She stated.

“You’ve been throwing yourself in danger since I met you. I know you’re strong, I know how amazing you are. I hate when you rush in, I hate worrying if this will be your last time.”

“You think I don’t worry when you go off, leading in the front line? Rob, I love you. I swear I’ll come out in one piece and then we can live our lives and give Jamie a life he deserves. Promise you’ll do the same.”

Robert smirked as he reached to gently touch her cheek. “I swear.” He leaned in and kissed her. “Let’s just talk about anymore of your crazy ideas.” She laughed and nodded before being pulled into a loving kiss.

“Jamie.” She called and waited for the little boy to run over to them.

“You want to go for a walk in the woods?” Robert asked making both nod happily. The little family wandered out into the woods enjoying their time together.

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