Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 38. AMY

A M Y ′ S P O V :

Dying feels like...

I honestly don’t know! Because I never died. When I transformed into my old self, I didn’t know the outcome. Only that I would do my best. I broke out of the hand cuffs, using their surprise as an advantage. I swung them up and hit Alpha Zander in the face, causing him to hiss and fall back. I held the hand cuffs tightly, ready to lunge at any advancing person.

No one messes with Amy Barlow and gets away with it.

I must admit, I was getting used to the name Kara, but I still love my name Amy and I always will.

I used my witch power, sending all of the wolves to the ground. I stood tall above them. “Don’t mess with Amy Barlow, or she will mess with you.” I turned, only to here Zander chuckle before standing.

“Oh, is that so, pup?” Before I could react, he tugged me back, using a gloved hand to take away my silver weapon before pressing it against my neck. I struggled against him.

For me, this was a show. For him, this was real life. I was a hybrid, which gave me the upper hand. I wanted it to seem like I died. Because if I did, I would be left alone.

“Just kill her, Alpha,” one of the warriors gasped, trying to break the spell that held him to the ground. “She isn’t worth it.”

With that, Zander gripped my neck tightly, and plunged a hidden dagger deep into my side.

I threw myself, resulting in me being outside of my body. What was I going to do? I watched helplessly as it shriveled up, causing the spell to wear off and Zander and his pack members to laugh.

I soon came face to face with a very scared looking Alpha.

Why, you might ask. Well, maybe because I was still in my human form, despite the shriveled body laying on the ground. Rachel assured me it was a decoy, something witches used to get out of tough situations.

“Can’t get rid of me that easily.”

Once I had disposed of the bodies and hidden my decoy deep in the trees, I continued my trek away from the Silver Crescent Pack.

I felt guilt start to eat away at me as I felt Jason’s sorrow through the bond. The farther away I got from his pack, the sicker I felt. What if he thinks I’m dead? What if he doesn’t want to live anymore? What if he makes Evelyn his Luna?

Wait, where did that last thought come from? Before I could ponder on it any longer, I heard rustling in the bushes. I stopped, looking in that direction.

Rachel sounded alarmed. “We crossed into another pack’s territory!”

I looked around, seeing wolves emerge from the surrounding trees. I growled, standing my ground. They returned the favor, circling around me, effectively cutting off all escape routes. What blood thirsty pack had I entered now?

The Alpha came forward, and for some reason, he seemed so familiar. “You are on Blue Moon Territory - wait, Amy?” Disbelief painted his face as he soaked in my sudden appearance on his land. “What are you doing here?”

I ran towards him, getting pulled into a bone crushing hug. He was like an uncle to me. “It’s a long story,” I said, peeling him off of me.

Concern flashed through his eyes. “What happened? You aren’t bringing anything bad with you, are you?”

“No, I shouldn’t be.”

Suddenly, my whole world became fuzzy and it felt like I was underwater. Everything around me became black.

“Amy, Amy, are you okay baby?” I opened my eyes after blinking a few times to adjust to the light. I looked in front of me to find my mom. Lines under her eyes revealed sleepless nights and her hair was a mess. But she still had a layer of make up on and crispy wrinkle free clothes.

I sat up groggily. “I’m fine Mom. You don’t know how good it is to see you.” I hugged her, which she instantly returned. Looking around the room, I found I was in the pack’s hospital. Thankfully, I wasn’t hooked up to anything. I personally hated needles.

“One of the warriors knocked you out before Anthony could stop them.” Anthony is the Alpha here, and used to be my father’s Beta. Honestly, I bet the wolf that knocked me out was a new recruit, so he probably didn’t realize who I was.

“Anyway, Amy, why did you come back? I thought you’d be safer with your aunt. And what happened to your hair-”

“It’s okay mom,” I said, sitting up more. “I’ll tell you and Anthony everything.”

We were currently in the meeting room, where Anthony dealt with most of the pack happenings. Both him and my mother sat across from me, staring at me intently.

“Okay, so from the beginning....” I tried to figure out where it was best to start from.

“So, it turns out that the Alpha of the Silver Crescent Pack is my mate... and for now I have refused the Luna position. That’s part of the reason I ran.”

Anthony stood up abruptly, anger filling his gaze. “You do get that is one of the most powerful packs?! He won’t hesitate to slaughter any of us for holding his mate hostage!”

“But you’re not!” I tried to reason with him.

“Not in him and his wolf’s eyes. Also, being an Alpha, he is going to be way more protective...”

“Don’t worry, he won’t come here. And he knows I left, so he will come get me, without killing anyone. I’m sure of it.” Thankfully, that was enough to convince Anthony to sit down and slow his breathing. I made sure he and his wolf were calm before I continued.

“Okay, so as I was saying, it turns out I am a hybrid. I inherited the werewolf and witch gene. Apparently this makes me immune to silver and wolfsbane, allows me to communicate through dreams, teleport small distances, and make decoy bodies. I’m still getting used to it.

“I hide my scent the entire time without Martha’s help, and I was able to disguise myself as a red head. The Alpha, or future Alpha I should say, is named Jason. Anyway, he was so confused because he thought the red head and brown haired me were his mate, as well as some other wolf. It turns out that I am, so he thought my ‘human’ self was his mate. Which still, technically I am.

“Another pack tracked me to here, so the Silver Crescent Pack found out. I tried to run, but it didn’t work. All the packs were after me, and since I didn’t want them thinking I looked like this also, I kept the blonde purple hair with blue eyes. Of course, the pack wouldn’t accept me because I didn’t look like their true Luna. I knew then I had to leave. I couldn’t put my mate nor his pack in danger.

“I ran into Alpha Zander on the way out, and he ambushed me with 20 of his warrior wolves. Um.... that’s when I found out about the decoy..”

“What decoy?” My mom appeared genuinely concerned while Anthony’s face was the most shocked I had ever seen it.

“Zander handcuffed me in silver, so I simply broke it and turned back to this appearance,” I said, gesturing to my brown hair and green eyes. “I threw it at his face and knocked the warriors down with a spell. Zander snuck up behind me with a dagger and stabbed me.”

“Honey! Where are you hurt?!” I pushed away my mom as she tried to get closer to examine a none existent wound.

“No, it’s not there. I pushed myself out of my body, which shriveled up. It went back to what I looked like in human form. I was still in my body somehow, because they all were shocked. I dealt with them, so they won’t be bothering us again. Oh, and everyone thinks the wanted wolf is dead as well.”

“Even your mate?” Anthony asked hesitantly. I nodded my head as searing pain ripped through my chest, one that was indescribable. It felt like a burning stake had gone through my heart. I dropped to the ground, clutching my torso as I screamed in pain.

“Anthony! Do something!” Despite my mother’s calls, Anthony’s eyes were glazed over. He was probably receiving a mind link.

Another wave of pain made me wither on the ground, strangled cries escaping me. Upon opening my eyes, I found Anthony hovering over me. “I just received a mind link from the Future Alpha of the Silver Crescent Pack. He takes his Alpha position in five days. Tomorrow is his mate’s funeral.”

I whimpered. Just hearing it made my wolf and I hurt. I knew I should’ve hidden the body better. I wanted to call Jason and tell him I was alright, but I couldn’t appear out of nowhere until the Wanted wolf ordeal had calmed down.

“How am I going to tell him?” I croaked.

Anthony smiled. “Let’s give everything time to cool off. Then, go see your mate. Enter his territory as an unanimous wolf and ask for permission to stay. Then reveal yourself. You said he knows that you in this state are his mate?”

I nodded, a small plan formulating in my head. If I played my cards right, I would be able to come back as his mate. I couldn’t let him hurt himself, but I also couldn’t track the danger back to his pack.

I missed him so much. That was what hurt most. My mother’s face appeared in front of me. “Sweetie, you care an awful lot for this boy, don’t you?”

I nodded, a sad smile appearing on my face just at the mention of him. “Of course. He’s my mate.”

“Then why did you come back? Why didn’t you stay with him?”

“Mom, I would’ve hurt them. If I revealed my true identity, the pack would get relentless attacks. We build up enemies so quick, and...”

“But do you really want Jason to believe you’re dead? That you don’t exist anymore? Honestly, weighing his options, I’d say he’d either kill himself or search for a new Luna. Probably he will start looking for a second chance mate.”

Just thinking of Jason with someone else made my skin crawl.

“No, mate is all mine,” Rachel growled possessively.

But my mom was right. Could I have at least told Jason I was okay? That I planned on returning very soon?

I sighed, running a hand down my face. “I’m so confused. What should I do?”

My mom patted my shoulder. “Give him some time. Then, like Anthony said, once everything dies down, go to him. Give him the mate he deserved from the start. His pack needs a Luna, and without one, they will collapse. You need to be his Luna.”

I nodded, knowing that she was telling the truth. I missed him so deeply, but I needed to hold off on overwhelming him. I also didn’t need to make me a prime suspect for the murder of Kara. (Basically me)

I sat down, staring out at the pack territory. The one nice thing about the meeting room was that there were big windows that could be opened to lighten up the room.

I heard Anthony pull up a chair next to me just after my mom left the room.

“So, are you going with the plan?”

“Yes. I am. And I am going to see my mate in exactly ten days.”

“So soon?”

“Yes. I’m sure the wanted wolf thing will have died down by then. That way he will control who gets in and out, and his dad won’t deal with me while he is grieving.”

If there is one thing I am sure of, it’s that I will get back to Jason’s side going through whatever it takes.

No matter the consequence, I will fight to be with Jason.


Because I am in love with the Alpha of the Silver Crescent Pack.

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