Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 37. Run and You Die

J A S O N ′ S P O V :

“I’m a kind of wolf you don’t know anything about. One you have no idea of things they have gone through. One that you shouldn’t be so naive to judge.”

I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried, get what Kara had last said to me out of my head. And it broke my heart. Yes, I probably went a little over board with what I said to her, but her response made me realize something. I really didn’t know her, and stopping her would be futile. She would only continue to run again.

I had ventured into her room to see if she had left something, and I found a letter on her nightstand.

Ethan was beyond livid. Did she really think we needed protecting? We were an Alpha for crying out loud! If anything, we should be protectingher.

A knock on the door tore me from my thoughts and my eyes connected with my father’s, which we crinkled in worry. “Jason, are you okay?”

I shrugged, pocketing the letter. I still couldn’t believe that Kara had done that. I had already told her I didn’t care what kind of background she had, she was my mate and I would love her anyway. But nope, she just had to continue running.

My father came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. “I know it’s hard, Jason, but you are going to get through this. We currently have a team of warriors and trackers working on finding her as we speak. You are going to become Alpha in five days, though. With or without a Luna.”

I nodded, reality crashing down hard on me. I was going to have to go through the ceremony alone. Something that has barely ever been done in the history of packs. I needed a Luna one way or another, and I knew that choosing someone who wasn’t my mate to take the job, while not appealing,may bemy only choice.

I sighed, heading back to my room. Kara’s scent was really having a big impact on my wolf andI, and I really needed to clear my head. I sat on my bed, reminiscing of all the good times we had had.


I walked to class with Kara by my side, laughing at some comment she had recently made. Even in the middle of the school day, she looked completely at ease. Her smile was contagious, spreading to anyone who passed as she laughed.

Looking ahead, I saw Evelyn. The girl who I had originally thought was my mate, the one that I later realized only hung around me for power. I quickly nudged Kara’s shoulder and gestured towards Evelyn, showing her the one thing blocking our path. Shenodded,before a mischievous look spread across her face and excitement glowed in her eyes.

She ran forward, not before yelling, “race ya!”

I sped after her, making sure to go a human speed to avoid suspicious looks before sliding by Evelyn who was too busy talking to her friends to notice. Oblivious much?

Kara laughed once I caught up to her. “Who knew that Mr. Popular liked to race down hallways like he was in kindergarten.” Soon her laughter became my laughter as we walked to our class, hand in hand.

I couldn’t place it, but there was something about her. Something about her that stood out from everyone else. Something that made me want to be by her side more than anything.


I stood up, shaking the memories from my head. All this thinking only made me miss her more. I would do practically anything to have her by my side at this moment. Ethan whined, wanting to act on the instinct that told him to go after his mate and protect her from harm. He desperately wanted to stretch his paws and bound through the forest, to rescue his mate and return her back home to our pack.

I remembered how she had said her real name was Amy, like the one from my dream. Is that why she looked so off to the rest of the pack? In my eyes, she was beautiful either way. What if that was why they couldn’t track her? I stood up to inform my father of this.

Just before I could grab the handle to my bedroom door, some of my dad’s top warriors and trackers yanked it open.

“Alpha!” They looked out of breath, having run all the way here and back.

“What is it?” Had they found something about Kara? Was she okay?

“You might want to see this, it’s concerning Kara.”

That was all it took for me to follow them outside.

Once outside, I took in what was laid before us. It was the pack that Kara had taken with her, torn to shreds with blood stains covering it.No....Ethan cried out inside me, not wanting to picture our precious mate injured.

I looked up at the warriors and trackers, fear in my eyes. “Is... is she okay?”

My dad’s best and strongest warrior stepped forward. “We found Alpha Zander’s scent covering the area. And death. I’m sorry Alpha, but we couldn’t smell Kara.”

“No, it can’t be...” This was a nightmare, I told myself. This was a nightmare I had yet to wake up from. My breathing turned tohyperventilating. No, Kara was safe. She was on her mission.

“I’m sorry Alpha, but Kara’s dead.”

It felt like someone had stolen the air from me as I dropped to my knees, the pain unbearable.

I may have been an Alpha, but that didn’t stopofthe river of tears that spilled from my eyes, that threatened to flood the ground around me.

My heart broke in two, as I fell the rest of the way to the ground.

What was the point in life anymore?

After all, my mate was dead.

Kara was dead.

And it was all my fault.


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