Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 24. When I Say Stay Away, I Mean It!

J A S O N ′ S P O V :

The next day I arrived in my Lamborghini - what can I say, I am an Alpha after all - and saw Evelyn and her group waiting for my friends and I by the front doors. I saw as Caleb and Ryder approached them, smiling and laughing all the while.

I finally joined them after parking my car in my personal parking space. “Oh, Jason!” I was suddenly squeezed into a tight, breath-restricting hug by none other than Evelyn. We quickly entered the building to head to our lockers. Of course, the girls stayed attached at our hips.

I knew for a fact that Caleb was getting done very quickly over the fact that Tracy, the red head he used to “date” wouldn’t accept the fact that he had a mate and didn’t like her anymore. To not make a scene, he went along with it anyway.

As we stood chatting about our lives in the hallway, Evelyn made her way closer to me. “Hey Alpha,” she purred, trying to be seductive. I had to keep myself from rolling my eyes as I turned my attention back to something funny Ryder was saying.

My attention was drawn away again as Evelyn rubbed one hand on my bicep while the other sat on my chest. “Have you found out the date for when I get crowned Luna and you become the big, bad Alpha?”

Okay, she was now getting on both me and Ethan’s nerves. Enough was enough. “Evelyn, you aren’t my mate.”

The smile that had once graced her face vanished in a flash. “What? What do you mean I’m not your mate?!” Her breathing started to turn in to hyperventilating. “You’re wrong, I am the rightful Luna of the Silver Crescent Pack!”

“Whoa, you don’t need to get into hysterics. But you are most definitely not my mate.”


“No, you aren’t, Evelyn. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?” I decided that if the humans heard, it didn’t matter because they would think that Evelyn and I are speaking gibberish.

“THIS IS COMPLETE NONSENSE!!!!!!!!!!” A group of kids had now formed around us, eager to see the most popular guy and girl go at it.

“Evelyn, calm down.” I glanced at Ryder and Caleb who stood to back me up.

“NO, JASON, YOU NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT!” After her breathing calmed once she had noticed the spotlight was on her, Evelyn turned her attention back to me. “Who is she? Who is your real mate?”

Who was my mate? Was it truly Evelyn, the girl I felt no connection to right now? Or was it the rogue, the one that ran as soon as we met. Ugh!

I punched the row of lockers, leaving most of them dented in. “I DON’T KNOW! I-I don’t know.” My voice trailed off. I then realized how clueless and in the dark about the mate situation I am.

E V E L Y N ′ S P O V :

I decided to wait in the front of the school for Jason. I knew he could feel the mate pull, so I needed to ask him about when I would take over the Luna position. Jason was a bonus, but the Luna position was definitely what I wanted. What I needed. The Alpha Female position was mine, whether anyone liked it or not.

When I saw a familiar Lamborghini pull up, I knew that this was my chance to speak to my boyfriend. Once we became the rulers of the Silver Crescent Pack the pathetic human girl - Karly, Karson... whatever her name was - wouldn’t be able to put any stupid ideas in my boyfriend’s head.

Once he joined us, I immediately ran to him and gave him a big hug. “Oh, Jason!” After entering the building, we headed to our appropriate lockers. Well, the guys did. Tracy, Phoebe and I stayed by their sides as they made jokes.

Tracy had refused to let Caleb go. He claimed he had found his true mate, but she knew better. She knew he was only trying to make her jealous. This was what I had feared. What if Jason thought he found his “true mate” and left her for me? Ugh, I couldn’t let that human plant these ideas in me or my boyfriend’s minds.

While we were talking and chatting, I moved closer to Jason. “Hey Alpha,” I purred, knowing that he loved it when I called him that. He tried to ignore me and keep listening to Ryder, but I wasn’t going to let him get off that easy.

I pulled his attention back by rubbing one hand along his bicep and placing my other hand on his well-toned chest. “Have you found out the date for when I get crowned Luna and you become the big, bad Alpha?” I knew that my words and actions were having an effect on him, I could just tell from the way he discreetly tried to brush me off.

Finally, he said the words I have always dreaded to hear. “Evelyn, you aren’t my mate.” My smile was gone in a second. No, no he had gotten that wretched idea put in his head as well!

“What? What do you mean I’m not your mate?!” No, this couldn’t be happening! It just couldn’t! What had I done to deserve this?!!! “You’re wrong, I am the rightful Luna of the Silver Crescent Pack!”

“Whoa, you don’t need to get into hysterics. But you are most definitely not my mate.”

“WHAT? JASON YOU ARE CRAZY!!! I AM THE LUNA AND I ALWAYS WILL BE!!!” No one would ever - and I mean EVER- deny me of my rightful ranking in the pack.

“No, you aren’t, Evelyn. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?” He was possessed, that was it! Yes, that nasty witch Martha had cast a spell on him so that he would choose her niece over me.

“THIS IS COMPLETE NONSENSE!!!!!!!!!!” I couldn’t help but voice my thoughts as I tried to process what he was saying. Was he really trying to make me jealous, or was he just trying to break up with me? After all these years?!

“Evelyn, calm down.” Jason glanced at Ryder and Caleb who stood to back him up.

“NO, JASON, YOU NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT!” I realized I had hyperventilating and quickly calmed my breathing after I realized that everyone was watching the exchange. “Who is she? Who is your real mate?”

I wanted to know who he thought my replacement was. Who he believed he loved more than me. I wanted to know who I was going to have to go through for the position I deserved since the minute I entered the world.

Instead of giving me a straight answer, however, he punched the row of lockers, leaving most of them dented in. “I DON’T KNOW! I-I don’t know.” His voice trailed off, showing how uncertain he was.

And with that, my heart broke in two.

JK! Actually, it only gave me a bigger reason to hunt down that pathetic human for confusing my poor, unsuspecting boyfriend. Well, two can play at that game.

K A R A ′ S P O V :

The next day, when I pulled up in my black sedan, I saw Jason heading into school with Evelyn. Rachel immediately growled in disapproval.

“Look, I know that he is confused on who his mate is, but couldn’t he hang out with someone that has more class than... her?” I agreed, but at least I knew he wasn’t going to fall in love with anyone.

It was beginning to become pure torture to see Jason in the halls, the mate pull was becoming that strong. The spray was helping to hide the bond, but by this point it was on the verge to becoming unbearable.

I followed them into the school, hoping to find Kelly so that I could take my mind off things. Looking around, though, I couldn’t seem to find her. Where would she be, though? Suddenly, Rachel growled.

I turned my attention to where the group of high ranking wolves stood, only to find Evelyn pressed up against Jason. At first I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but soon my werewolf hearing kicked in and I had to keep from shifting then and there.

“Hey Alpha,” she purred, making Jason turn away in annoyance. Evelyn obviously couldn’t take no for an answer. Soon she had one hand splayed against his muscular chest while her other was feeling his bicep.

“Have you found out the date for when I get crowned Luna and you become the big, bad Alpha?” My skin crawled at the sound of her voice and her proximity to my mate. Ugh, when did my life become so complicated?! Oh, that’s right, when my dad became the worst Alpha of all time and left other packs to want to use me to hurt him.

I could tell that none of her antics were doing anything but pushing Jason’s buttons as his eyes flashed, revealing some of his wolf’s shared annoyance. “Evelyn, you aren’t my mate.”

The smile that had once graced her face vanished in a flash. “What? What do you mean I’m not your mate?!” Her breathing started to turn in to hyperventilating. “You’re wrong, I am the rightful Luna of the Silver Crescent Pack!”

“Whoa, you don’t need to get into hysterics. But you are most definitely not my mate.”


“No, you aren’t, Evelyn. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?” Finally, he had come to terms that she wasn’t the one for him. I was happy that he was rejecting her, but I was also mad that she couldn’t figure out that he really didn’t want her.

“THIS IS COMPLETE NONSENSE!!!!!!!!!!” I stood in the group of kids that surrounded the fighting couple as they broke up.

“Evelyn, calm down.” I watched as Jason glanced at Caleb and Ryder for back up. Honestly, I didn’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to deal with that mess of a person on my own either. If I wasn’t practically shaking in anger I would’ve stepped in to put her in her face. That would bring more unneeded attention, though, a human helping an alpha break up with someone.

“NO, JASON, YOU NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT!” After her breathing calmed once she had noticed the spotlight was on her, Evelyn turned her attention back to Jason. “Who is she? Who is your real mate?”

My breath caught in my throat. Did Jason actually know who his mate was? If he knew it wasn’t Evelyn, did he... did he consider it being me? Or did he believe it was that rogue... or did he think that it was someone else? Rachel flinched at the thought of him believing some random girl was his true Luna, the girl he was destined to be with.

Jason punched the row of lockers, leaving most of them dented in. “I DON’T KNOW! I-I don’t know.” His voice trailed off, leaving me to breath out a sigh of relief.

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