Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 23. Evelyn Invasion

K A R A ′ S P O V :

Over the past few days of hanging out with Kelly, people have finally decided to leave me alone. I guess they finally accepted that I have a new friend and I’m not exactly an outcast anymore. Honestly, it is kind of a relief to me. I mean, now I will be able to slip under everyone’s radar easier.

I walked through the hallway, talking to Kelly who was quickly informing me about her weekend. “So I went camping, and then out of nowhere this giant creature burst through the trees!”

Her frightened look convinced me she was definitely human. I decided to go along with it and play dumb. “Oh, yeah. They have really big wolves around here. Like abnormally big. Anyway, I joined a club to prevent them from hurting you.”

“A club?” Curiosity bubbled in her hopeful eyes.

“Yeah, it’s lead by my old friend’s dad. Some of the stuff they do is a little overly extreme, but I guess it’s better than being a part of the Wolf Protection Program.” Yes, I hated lying about this, but I couldn’t be caught. Of course, if I wasn’t running for my life I would’ve easily sided with the WPP, for I am a werewolf after all.

“What’s better than being a part of the WPP?” I looked up to see Evelyn and her followers standing in front of us, a smirk present on her face.

“Being against it, of course,” I said, trying to push past them. We had lunch next, and I really don’t think Kelly and I were in the mood to miss it.

“Oh really, you little snob. Of course you’d say that. That’s why you’ll never make Luna, after all.” She did a hair flip, as if she didn’t just reveal a part of the werewolf world to two humans. “Oh, sweetie, are you okay? It looks like you are turning bright red. Maybe it’s because you are so embarrassed to be seen with her.”

Looking beside me, Kelly was shaking in rage. Wait, rage? Why would a human be mad about that? Unless she wasn’t a human after all.

My attention snapped back to the problem in front of me before I could ponder Kelly’s true identity any longer. The way Evelyn had spoken of me with such venom sent my wolf on edge. Alpha’s typically demanded respect, and being the rightful heir of the Blue Moon Pack didn’t make me any different.

“Evelyn, why don’t you and your mindless airhead followers go somewhere else and save your breath. Insults only occur if the person on the receiving line actually cares."

After that, I sort of let my wolf take control. Yes, I knew that this was definitely a risky move, but I trusted Rachel not to reveal anything. When I tuned back in, it had escalated to this:



“Break it up! Come on Kara, we’re making a scene. Can’t you see Evelyn isn’t worth it?!”

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see a crowd forming around me, again. Evelyn’s usual perfect complexion was all messed up, her eyes holding a wild anger in them. Her red headed friend looked ready to pounce on me, and the other one looked like she wished to be anywhere but here.

Kelly looked just plain upset. She was trying unsuccessfully to break apart to female wolves. And not just any wolves, but one that demanded respect. I knew that being the bigger person and putting a stop to this was something that needed to be done, so I took a deep breath and said one final statement before darting through the cafeteria doors with Kelly at my side.

“It’s not like I even value your opinion anyway - so go find yourself someone to talk to that actually cares.” I know, a little weak, but what was I supposed to say? Get away from my mate you little -

My thoughts were disturbed by Rachel’s urgent mind-link. “I think Jason saw that. We just brought more attention to our self.”

Great. Just fabulous. Could my day get any better?

J A S O N ′ S P O V :

“Alpha, there is a brawl going on in the hall.” I sighed but reluctantly told them I’d be there in a minute.

Yes, my name had officially been altered to Alpha. No, I wasn’t the official Alpha of the Silver Crescent Pack quite yet, but I would be taking the title in a matter of weeks. As tradition said, I accepted it early so that the pack could get a chance to become used to it.

When I entered the main hallway, I don’t exactly know what I expected. I knew no teachers would be present because I had mind-linked the faculty to keep away. As the leader of the pack, I was partway responsible for keeping tabs on things while I attended school.

I definitely wasn’t expecting to see Evelyn and Kara screaming at each other while on the verge of decapitating each other. A distressed human stood in between them, trying to convince Kara to remove herself from the situation. Hadn’t she been involved enough already? I mean, she had gotten into that fight with Charlotte a week or two ago, and the school had just stopped spreading rumors about it. Some of them had gotten a little bit out of hand, stating that Kara had lit Charlotte’s hair on fire as an act of revenge for her betrayal being spread.

Anyway, I watched as Kara shot something at Evelyn before she stormed into the cafeteria with her friend trailing behind her. Evelyn looked completely pissed, but upon seeing me in the crowd of spectators quickly replaced it by a smile.

“Hey babe, sorry you had to see that,” she said, touching my bicep gently. Her touch had faint sparks, but it was nothing like I had felt with that rogue. Ugh, my mate life was confusing me so much.

“Try not to draw that much attention to yourself by starting fights anymore, okay?” I asked, causing her to pout.

“But baby, she was saying horrible things about me. As Luna I should get more respect than that, even by those pathetic humans.”

That reminded me of what I had heard Kara say the other day when I had told her that I was keeping a close eye on her. The reason I had mentioned Martha at all was because I had heard some weird magic was being given off near her house. Anyway, the other day Kara had said under her breath, which I had heard with my hearing, that she was anything but a pathetic human.

Ethan started daydreaming as he thought about her. “And she said it so fiercely. Then today, when she was arguing she looked so hot and - ”

I quickly shook my head. How had these thoughts gotten in here?

“It must be the mate bond,” I quickly mind-linked Ethan. “We are so confused on who our mate is that we are thinking messed up things about any girl we see.”

Ethan scoffed. “You don’t see me saying anything about Evelyn do you?” I sighed, knowing he was right.

There was no way she could be my mate - not possible! - so there wasn’t any need to worry about it.

Or was there?

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