Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 21. A Friendship Divided

K A R A ’S P O V :

It had been a few weeks since I had moved here, and I was finally slipping under the radar. The Silver Crescent Pack hadn’t even noticed me, and were still on the hunt for any rogues that could’ve gotten in on their watch. Also, I had attended two of the anti-wolf meetings without Char knowing about it. The minute she finds out, I know things are going to go down hill.

Today was Monday, and as I walked down the hall, Char ran up to me. “Hey, can we talk?” The look on her face appeared concerned, so I guessed that it had to be about the Caleb situation.

For the past few weeks Caleb had been using advice I had given him to try and win over Charlotte. Every single time she turned him down, mostly due to her fear of what would happen if her dad found out. I didn’t really blame her - I would be scared as well if I thought my dad was going to kill my boyfriend.

I let her drag me into a spare classroom and sat down in an empty desk. “Kara, what should I do? Caleb is really sweet and all, and I think I really like him, but I don’t know what to do! My dad would literally kill him the second he took a step within a mile radius of my house.”

“Hey, I bet it isn’t that bad. If you really want to be with Caleb, maybe you could explain your situation to him that way he’d understand what you are going through. I really don’t want to be the person that makes the call to kick Caleb out of your life.”

“I don’t think I am ready to do that quite yet.” She looked down at her feet, an unsure look plastered on her face. “I want to give him a chance, but I don’t think I’ll be hanging out with him for a while. I bet he’s just a crush - I’ll get over him in no time.”

I desperately wanted to defend Caleb and tell Char how much he needed her, how she was his mate and how they couldn’t live without each other. I wanted to warn her of how Caleb wouldn’t stop until he won her over. How the feelings wouldn’t go away but increase the longer they stayed separated. I wanted to warn her how staying away from him would hurt not just Caleb but her as well in the long run, how he didn’t deserve it.

But I couldn’t without revealing my identity.

No matter how much I desperately wanted to trust her enough to tell her, I couldn’t risk it.

“You know, you basically are only hurting Jason by ignoring him. You are doing no better than Char, forgetting your mate and pretending the feelings are going to go away.” Rachel wasn’t too pleased that I was lecturing others when I should be lecturing myself. Sadly, I knew she was right.

I was hurting Jason by simply ignoring him. I needed him as much as he needed me, and we couldn’t live without each other. Right now, he had no clue who his mate was, just a few prime suspects. I felt guilt begin to chew at my insides at the thought of leaving him to deal with a matter this big all alone. Without any support from someone who actually knew what was going on.

“I just can’t reveal my identity yet. I don’t want to hurt him, but there is no other way.”

“Sure.” I can hear Rachel roll her eyes through our mind-link at my excuse.

I honestly wished there was another way to do this, but at the moment, that wasn’t true.

I had hoped Char would never find out I had joined the organization that was currently tearing her life and relationship apart. I hoped she would never find out I had sided with her dad despite what I said. I had hoped she would be so wrapped up in the Caleb situation she would never notice something off.

But sadly, my hopes and dreams didn’t come true.

It was later that same day, as we were leaving the building. The one girl from the club I had joined - I later learned her name was Christina - bolted towards me, a large smile plastered across her face.

“Kara, KARA! Your participation has been awesome on everything - so you’ve been invited to a big gathering we are having! Kara, can you hear me? KARA?!” I cringed at not only her loud and obnoxious voice, but the fact that Charlotte was next to me and had heard the whole exchange. The one thing I was sure about was that I was definitely, without a doubt, busted.

“Kara, she isn’t talking about what I’m thinking, right? You haven’t joined my dad’s terrible club, have you?”

I knew she wanted me to full out refuse, to assure her I would never do such a thing. I knew that she wanted to be reassured that I don’t agree with her dad. I don’t think it was the fact that I had decided to join the club, but that it felt like her true friend had sided against her by not only going behind her back but joining her dad’s hobby.

When I didn’t answer and only let my chin fall to my chest in shame, she gasped. “Kara, really? You joined my dad’s club?!”

“Char, you don’t get to tell me what to do!” I shot back before I could stop myself. Rachel was a little ticked off at how we practically had no freedom around here. “I joined your dad’s club not to side with your dad, but to get protection with the creatures in the woods! You have no idea what I’ve been through!” A crowd was starting to form around us, just great. Fortunately, Christina had taken this as her cue to shut up, her face holding a look of confusion and hesitation.

“You’re right - I don’t know what you’ve been through! I’ve only let you see a small portion of what I am currently going through, and then you join his side behind my back! I thought I could trust you, but I guess not!” The way she spat out her father’s name made me realize just how bad their relationship might be.

“What have I ever done to break your trust, huh?! Yeah, I joined a club without your consent, but you aren’t my parent! You are most definitely not the boss of me! So what is your problem?!”

“You betrayed me.” Her voice was so quiet, I could barely catch what she said, and once I did I stood dumbfounded. What did she mean by “betrayed”?

Tears swelled in her eyes as she pushed her way through the ring of spectators and through the door. Just before it swung closed behind her, I heard her call out something I’ll never forget.

“You only have one friend in this entire school. It looks like you just lost that one too. Good luck making friends, you back stabber!”

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