Wanted by the Wolves

Chapter 20. Joining the Enemy

K A R A ′ S P O V :

With Jason now suspicious and monitoring my every move, it’s going to be hard to stay hidden for very long. I don’t know if that is what made me make my decision, but there is no turning back now.

On Friday morning, I pulled up in the black sedan early, much like how I did on my first day here. I jumped out of the car and proceeded to make my way to the front of the building. I just hope everything went as planned.

I stepped into the building, hearing distant chatter down some of the halls. I made my way towards my locker. From there, I had a perfect view of that anti-wolf organization. The same girl in braces was currently giving a speech to the janitor about how something should be done about these predators lurking nearby, and I could tell he was getting ticked off quickly. He smelled of an Omega, while she reeked of human.

Taking a deep breath, I took hesitant steps forward, which soon caught the attention of the girl. “Oh, it’s you again! Do you want to join the club against the beasts lurking in your backyard?”

“Yes, actually,” I said, my voice coming out softer than anticipated. “Um, I was attacked by a wolf the other day,” I rolled up my sleeve to reveal the scratch on my arm. Her eyes widened and a smile stretched across her dimpled cheeks.

“Oh, that’s terrible! By joining this club, though, we will be able to protect you from this ever happening again!”

“So, what does the membership include?” I asked casually. I just hoped that my address wouldn’t be needed so that I could keep the pack members and my aunt’s identities revealed.

“Oh, just fill out this form. Participating in the meetings would be great, but you don’t have to. I bet you’ll just want protection. If it happens again, send us your address and we can take post around the house.” The form asked the most basic information - my name, my phone number (optional) and a signature verifying my membership.

“Thank you so much for joining the cause! If you like the group, come to one of our rallies on the weekends, or join a protest after school! We would love the support!”

“I’ll think about it,” I said, forcing a smile onto my face, hoping she wouldn’t see through it. Oh gosh, what was going to happen if they found out I was a wolf... No, that wouldn’t happen. And they wouldn’t find out about the Silver Crescent Pack either. No, I couldn’t let Jason be discovered, not by these wacky people. Thank goodness I’m not human.

Turning around, I headed swiftly to my first class. Just before I reached the doorway, I was cut off by three girls reeking nasty perfume and no power whatsoever. “So, rat, what were you doing over there with that crazy group. You weren’t actually thinking of joining those nut jobs, were you?”

Ugh, the nerve of this girl! She seriously thought she could say horrible things to my face, mess with my mate, and then get a straight answer from me?! Oh heck no!

“Sorry, didn’t actually think you wanted my answer, with you calling me a rat and all.”

Her eyes turned into slits, as did her friends. “Don’t you dare disrespect me. You may not be aware of it, but I am what some consider a leader around here. Also, stop confusing my boyfriend! Now, thanks to you, he’s questioning our relationship! You back stabbing - ”

“Whoa, I’m gonna stop you there. First off, you’re making it sound like I am what broke the two of you apart. I only opened his eyes to what was going on. I have no interest in him, don’t worry. I just don’t like seeing innocent people being harmed by back stabbers, if that is what you want to call them. So, sorry if I don’t have time to tell you what is happening in my life.” I gave a fake smile and left. I was absolutely done dealing with her.

“Hey, was that Evelyn you were just talking to?” Oh gosh, the anti-wolf girl was back. “Sorry if I’m intruding, but I haven’t seen anyone talk to her that way. Like ever.”

“Yeah, well she gets on my nerves.” I really had to get to class, with the bell ringing in a few minutes and me being this far away things weren’t looking up for me.

“Oh, well-”

“I gotta go. Talk to you later.” And with that, I shot down the hallway like a speeding bullet. Coming down the hall, I saw Caleb with his hands in his pockets engaged in a friendly conversation with Char. He looks slightly nervous and has a goofy smile spread across his face.

Charlotte headed into the class and I approached Caleb. “Oh, thank goodness it’s you, Kara. I really need to talk to you-”

“We have class you know,” I said, pointing out a crucial fact just as the late bell rang. What I day I was having.

“Perks of being me,” Caleb said. “I can skip class whenever.”

“But won’t you miss things necessary to your graduation and future education? Do you want to live on the streets begging for money? Is that what you look forward to and live for, huh?”

“No, um, I was actually supposed to graduate last year.” He mumbled, so quiet I almost missed it.

“So you were held back?” I thought high-ranking members were supposed to get a fantastic education and graduate the quickest out of anyone. Now that I thought about it, though, Jason did seem older than everyone else here. Wait, were all three of them, Jason, Caleb and Ryder, held back?! Why?

“No, my parents thought it would be cool if I get more credits so I can get a full ride. Not that they don’t have the money - we’ve got plenty of that - but they want me to succeed without it. Yeah, I know, it’s terrible logic for holding us back.”


“Oh, um, Jason, Ryder and I. Probably shouldn’t have told you, but oh well. No biggie. Just don’t bring it up in front of them, never do that.”

“Anyway, what did you want to talk about?” Just as the words left my lips, Caleb turned and spotted a hall monitor approaching, and quick.

“Quick, in here!” We ran and hid in an empty classroom to finish our conversation.

“So, um.... I kinda wanted advice on Charlotte. She, I just feel so nervous, and I want to impress her, preferably without making a complete and utter fool out of myself. Can you give me some tips, or um... things she likes?”

A smirk clouded over my features. “And I thought you’d never ask.”

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