
Chapter 13

13.Chapter 13 I’m Going To Kiss You

Naomi pulled her white Ferrari over at Elaine Jewelry, the company belonging to the Fischer Group and famed in the industry. As soon as she dropped Chandler’s name at the entrance, she was whisked away by staff to HR, where they sorted out her paperwork and handed her the company profile. With a “You’re all set,” Naomi was good to go.

As the personal pick of Chandler, the special assistant from the headquarters, nobody at Elaine Jewelry could schedule her job. The real deal awaited her at the Fischer Group building. There, it was Chandler who met her in the lobby. “Ms. Edwards, right this way.”

“Thanks, Chandler,” she replied, accepting the access card he handed her.

“This is the card to use the elevator exclusive to the CEO. From now on, you can go right up without waiting too long,” Chandler explained.

“Much appreciated,” Naomi said.

Chatting casually, they zoomed up to the sixty-third floor.

“The Fischer Group building has sixty-four floors. The CEO’s office is on the sixty-third, and Mr. Fischer’s private quarters are on the top. Only with his permission can someone access that level. You, Ms. Edwards, may just be an exception,” Chandler mentioned.

He was like an information center. “We have a chief secretary in the CEO’s office. If you have questions or need support, come to me or him. Your orders come from Mr. Fischer alone. If anyone else troubles you, feel free to send them away and ignore the rules for a newcomer.”

Naomi soaked it all in, jotting mental notes. The perks were through the roof. The Ferrari, the elevator exclusive to the CEO, and freedom from rules for a newcomer. These were way above an assistant’s pay grade. But being a “personal” assistant came with its own set of advantages.

As they chatted, the elevator reached the sixty-third floor. The doors slid open, and Chandler guided Naomi out.

“Mr. Fischer’s office is the one furthest in. He likes big rooms with windows in peace and quiet. Ms. Edwards, Just keep things quiet when you work, okay?” Chandler advised.

“Understood, thanks,” Naomi answered.

As they walked through the hallway, Naomi glanced into the busy administrative office. Oddly enough, all the staff were men.

“The chief secretary is Craig, also a man.” Chandler caught Naomi’s inquisitive look and explained, “Mr. Fischer isn’t keen on women around, especially the gossipy, fangirl type.”

Naomi nodded in understanding.

“But a heads-up, Ms. Edwards. Try not to leave Mr. Fischer’s office without good reason, and there’s no need to drop by the administrative office. If you need something, just call Craig directly,” he added.

“Got it. Thank you,” Naomi replied.

As they talked, they arrived at the CEO’s office. Chandler knocked on the door, and after receiving permission from inside, he opened the door and entered.

Naomi followed behind, her eyes immediately drawn to the sprawling floor-to-ceiling window. The office was dotted with various green plants, bursting with life. Clearly, someone took great care of them.

Opposite the entrance was a huge desk, where Shawn was seated. Behind him, a wall of bookshelves was crammed with all sorts of files and books.

Across the office, there was a couch and a coffee table. A separate pantry was nearby, and there was even a kitchenette. Shawn wasn’t a fan of crowded places, didn’t frequent the cafeteria, and rarely trusted food prepared by others. So Chandler would cook for Shawn in the kitchenette.

Now that Naomi was here, the cooking job was given to her.

Shawn didn’t even glance at her as she entered. Chandler gave her a brief tour, and after getting her acquainted with the surroundings, he excused himself and left.

Naomi brewed a fresh cup of coffee for Shawn and placed it respectfully beside him. “Mr. Fischer, Naomi reporting for duty.”

Finally, Shawn looked up at her. His eyes, sharp and captivating, focused on her intensely. His mind, however, drifted to the image of holding her through a peaceful night’s sleep yesterday. He had to admit Naomi was more effective than any sleeping pill.

“Come here,” Shawn said in a low and commanding voice as his thin lips barely moved.

Obediently, Naomi approached him. The next second, he reached out, pulled her down, and she found herself sitting on his lap. She tensed but relaxed just a moment later.

Shawn held her tight to make sure how he felt. No discomfort. No nausea. No revulsion.

“Get to work,” he said before releasing her. Once Naomi moved back to her desk, Shawn sent Chandler a text: [Find some woman to come over.]

Chandler texted back: [Yes, Mr. Fischer.]

Five minutes later, Chandler ushered a female employee in. As she approached Shawn’s desk, his face twisted with displeasure. That uncontrollable feeling of disgust surged, and he dismissed them with a wave of his hand. Chandler quickly led the woman out.

As the scent of her perfume lingered in the air, Shawn felt sick and rushed to the restroom to throw up.

Naomi had been watching all this closely, and now she was putting the pieces together. She understood why there were no women on the sixty-third floor. Considering the questions Barbara had asked her, the doctor’s unusual health checkup on Shawn, coupled with his strange requests and behavior towards her from the start, Naomi had a wild guess.

Shawn kept her as his personal assistant and allowed her to stay at Spring Villa, not because her resolve to repay his kindness had moved him but because she was special to him. It was because of her uniqueness that Shawn had kept her around.

After being reborn, Naomi became hypersensitive, suspicious, and extremely cautious. She knew she needed to be on the lookout for chances that might come up.

Without hesitation, Naomi stood up and poured a glass of lemon water. Then she just waited outside the restroom for Shawn. Soon, he stepped out with his captivating, thin lips pressed into a straight line, on the verge of blowing up at any time.

“Mr. Fischer, here’s some lemon water for you,” she said.

Shawn glanced down at her, accepted the lemon water, and rinsed his mouth before pulling her suddenly into his embrace. His stare was intense and almost frightening.

Naomi’s pulse quickened, but she managed to stay cool and dared to touch his hair. “Mr. Fischer, should I call Dr. Rogers?”

“Naomi, I’m going to kiss you.” Shawn’s deep voice took her by surprise, causing her to freeze and just blankly look at him.

His lips curved up slightly. “Do you agree?”

She needed to use him to break free from the Edwards family, and his proposal of a kiss didn’t seem like too much. But Shawn didn’t force women to do anything. That was why he asked before going for the kiss.

Naomi’s eyes went wide as she fully grasped the situation. Her cheeks got hot. Her heart pounded, and her body shivered uncontrollably. After all, in her previous and present life, she had never kissed a guy.

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