
Chapter 12

12.Chapter 12 A White Ferrari As A Gift

Naomi freshened up on the second floor, and by the time she had changed and come downstairs, Chandler was already waiting for her.

“Ms. Edwards, Mr. Fischer asked me to drive you to the Sanders Group. Is it okay if you have breakfast in the car? I need to come back soon to drive Mr. Fischer to the company,” Chandler explained.

“Sure, I’m fine with that. Actually, I can handle this by myself,” Naomi replied.

“Ms. Edwards, are you sure you can smoothly resign on your own?” Chandler asked with a small smile. “Ms. Edwards, accepting Mr. Fischer’s protection when appropriate can make your life a lot easier.”

Naomi thought for a moment and then gracefully accepted the offer.

“Thanks for the advice, Chandler,” Naomi smiled.

“Don’t mention it, Ms. Edwards,” Chandler said.

The villa’s garage housed many luxurious cars, but aside from the custom-built black Bentley that Shawn often used, the others were rarely used. Chandler pulled out a sleek white Ferrari. After Naomi got in, they glided smoothly out of the Spring Villa.

“Ms. Edwards, after you resign, this car will be yours,” Chandler remarked.

Naomi was stunned for a second, wanting to decline, but before she could speak up, Chandler added, “Mr. Fischer doesn’t like it when people refuse him over and over again.”

“Oh, please pass my thanks to Mr. Fischer,” she said, slightly overwhelmed.

“If you thank him in person, it shows more sincerity, you know!” Chandler grinned.

Naomi nodded, “Okay.”

Chandler and Naomi kept quiet for the rest of the drive. Soon, they were pulled up to the Sanders Group building.

“I’ll go in with you,” Chandler offered as they parked.

“Thanks,” Naomi said. She had just figured it out. Chandler wasn’t just here to help. Chances were he was keeping an eye on her.

Shawn didn’t trust her, and if she was going to win his full trust, she had a long way to go.

Once they got inside, the receptionist immediately called Freddy, and within twenty minutes, both Freddy and Rosalind were there to meet her.

The two of them had spent last night planning how to force her out, and here she was, showing up on her own.

“I’m here to quit, Mr. Sanders,” Naomi said plainly, shooting Freddy and Rosalind a glance. Rosalind looked fine. It seemed like the Edwards family had found a new donor.

Naomi curled her lip in a sneer, but she composed herself soon.

“Rosalind, congrats on getting discharged!” Naomi said with her usual gentle and sweet smile.

“Why quit a good job? Is Freddy not paying you enough? Or did someone at the office mess with you? Tell me, and I’ll handle it for you,” Rosalind said, stepping forward, all ready to play the protective big sister as she reached for Naomi’s hand.

Naomi gracefully stepped back, grabbed her moving box, and shook her head gently. “Nope, it’s nothing like that. I just wanted a change of scenery, you know? I landed a job at a magazine. I’m gonna be an editor there.”

“From now on, you can send me your comic strips directly, Rosalind,” Naomi said with a small smile. “This magazine offers room and board, plus benefits and a pension plan, and the salary’s really competitive. I can’t depend on our family forever, right?”

“And I wish you and Freddy all the happiness,” she added.

Her eyes reddened just slightly, and she bit her lip, fighting back tears. “I know… I know that all these years, the one Freddy has loved… it’s been you. And I just… I just…”

With that, Naomi turned away sharply, her shoulders quaking as if she were struggling not to cry. A flicker of triumph flashed in Rosalind’s eyes, but it quickly turned into a look of pretended worry. She moved to pull Naomi back, but suddenly, Naomi was running off holding her box.

“I’ve already handed in my resignation letter,” Naomi declared, her voice loud enough for everyone in the office to hear. “Rosalind, since I’m stepping back to let you and Freddy be together without keeping your relationship a secret, maybe you could ask him not to make things hard for me. After all, I’m just his ex with a title and nothing else.”

Everyone at the Sanders Group started staring at Freddy and Rosalind, swapping all sorts of glances and expressions. This had to be the hottest gossip of the year. Their CEO, Freddy, dating both sisters, was finally caught in a lie.

After storming out of the Sanders Group office, Naomi’s face was cold with fury. She couldn’t stand Freddy, a jerk, and Rosalind, who was no better. She wished they’d just disappear. When she had called Rosalind “sister,” it nearly made her barf.

“Ms. Edwards, are you okay?” Chandler approached, handing her the car key. “I’ve got something to take care of, so I can’t drive you, but just head straight to Fischer Group’s jewelry company. Drop my name, get your paperwork sorted out, then go to the headquarters. Someone will lead you to the CEO’s office. As Mr. Fischer’s personal assistant, your office is right next to his. Be ready to help whenever he calls. When he doesn’t need you, just focus on your own tasks.”

Chandler continued, “For the design department at the jewelry company, you don’t need to come in every day. Just submit your designs when you have them, and don’t worry about it otherwise. As for your salary, you’ll get one from the company and an additional bonus from Mr. Fischer. Is that okay, Ms. Edwards?”

Naomi quickly nodded her head. “Sure.”

“I gotta go now, but after work, we can take care of the title transfer. Mr. Fischer said this white Ferrari was going to be in your name,” Chandler said.

“Thanks, Chandler, and pass my thanks to Mr. Fischer.”

“Don’t mention it, Ms. Edwards. We’re going to need your help a lot from here on out!” Chandler smiled.

“Just give me a call whenever you need something, Chandler,” Naomi said.

“Thank you, Ms. Edwards. Catch you later.” With that, Chandler left. Naomi got into the white Ferrari and put it into gear as Freddy and Rosalind stepped out of the building.

She rolled down the window, eyes locked on the couple, who were practically drooling over her new fancy ride, a limited edition worth a fortune. The Edwards family and the Sanders family were rich for sure, but they were small-time compared to the opulence of the Fischer family.

Both Rosalind and Freddy had a Mercedes-Benz but the Edwards family never splurged on a car for Naomi. After all, she was supposed to be Rosalind’s chauffeur. Now, gazing at the Ferrari with jealous eyes, they wished it were theirs.

Without thinking, Rosalind stepped forward and blurted, “Naomi, is this sweet ride your friend’s?” She couldn’t recall Naomi hanging out with anyone who could afford such a luxurious car.

Naomi just smiled, shaking her head lightly. “Nope.”

Rosalind internally breathed a sigh of relief. She knew it. Naomi didn’t have such a rich friend.

But then Naomi dropped the bomb. “This car’s mine.”

Rosalind’s face fell instantly.

With a slight smile and a casual air, Naomi added, “It’s a reward from the new job. I need to head to work now. Rosalind, you’re not feeling well. You should go home and rest up.”

“I’ll come to visit when I get the chance.” With that, Naomi revved the engine of the white Ferrari and hit the gas. The car streaked off down the road, leaving Rosalind nearly tumbling in its wake.

“Freddy, find out which company Naomi is working for now. No magazine would give a Ferrari to an editor,” Rosalind snapped, gritting her teeth. She would never allow a bitch from an orphanage to live a better life than her.

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