Waiting For Spring

Chapter 20

I woke sometime later to someone stroking my hair and my legs curled up in my chest. Strangely, there was a jacket laying across my body keeping off the afternoon chill. At first, I was reluctant to open my eyes, still drifting in my pleasant dreams, wishing for them to never end. I knew that when I opened my eyes the world would be no better than when I closed them.

Finally, my curiosity got the better of me and I wondered about the owner of the jacket. Slowly, I pried my sleepy eyes open to see the red blanket and instantly I remembered where I was and who I was with, but still, I made no move to get up.

I was too comfortable, too warm and too safe. I never wanted to leave my cloud of dreams, wishing I was able to just stay there forever, never needing to worry about anything ever again. I just wanted to go back to sleep, my body seemed willing to sleep for an eternity just to make up for lost time.

I wriggled under the warm jacket and suddenly realized I wasn’t pressed into the pillows surrounding the blanket. I realized that I was draped across the king’s lap, where his fingers continue to send pulses of my warmth through my body, lulling me further into sleep.

“Arlarose?” He asked quietly and I groaned at being found out so quickly.

“She’s asleep,” I mumbled closing my eyes as they grew heavy again. I heard a deep chest rumbling chuckle behind me but thankfully he didn’t stop stroking my hair and I felt myself drifting again.

“Sleep well, my beautiful Rose.” He whispered before my mind slipped into unconsciousness again.

Before leaving the secret garden, King James ensured that my shoes had found their way back to my feet. He held my hand the entire way back to my rooms and despite being led back to my prison, I found it near impossible to wipe the small smile that was threatening to consume my face at any moment.

Then the walk ended, and he pressed a kiss against my forehead that had fire igniting through my body, until every piece of exposed skin was flushed red. My two watchful guards keeping their eyes carefully averted through the whole of our exchange. I glanced at Sam as the King turned and walked away, just catching the end of a strange expression cross his face.

I had tried to ask him about it, but like always, he remained silent, schooling his features to indifference so quickly it made me think it had all been a trick of the light.

In the morning light, my heart still found its way back to the events of the day before, willing the memories to remain with me forever. In truth, they were the only bright ones I was willing to cling to, if only it meant the dark ones wouldn’t find me in the night.

As I picked through my breakfast, I wondered what torment Lucinda would inflict on me today, when Troy came striding through my rooms, a look of determination filling his features. However, my attention was quickly drawn to the bandage wrapped tightly around his lower left arm and his stiff movements as he took the chair across from me.

“What happened?” He replied with a grunt, reaching across the table and loading his plate with food. He let the silence hang between us and an inexplicable feeling of hurt rushed through me when he refused to answer my question. “Troy?”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Rosie?” I flinched hearing that name again. It didn’t feel like mine anymore. “Are we not friends?”

“Troy, I don’t- “

“You aren’t alone, Arlarose.” He cut across, getting to his feet and starting to pace. “You simply needed to ask, and I would have gladly offered my help. I would do anything to see you happy. I simply thought you had grown to hate me. Why did you not tell me there were nightmares plaguing your sleep?”

“Can you chase away ghosts?” I demanded, irritated that he was berating me for the very nightmares that were always stealing my thoughts. “I think your sword would prove worthless against the enemies in my mind.”

“I am more than a sword, princess,” he stopped pacing, his cool gaze sending my heart careening from my chest leaving ice in its place. “I would have helped in any way I could.”

“How could you have chased away the nightmares? The King would have never allowed it.” I answered, glaring down at the lace covered table and drawing patterns with my fingertips.

I heard him slump in the chair across from me again, its legs scraping across the floor. I glanced up, my eyes immediately finding his bandaged arm and the deep colored stain drawing a line through the pale fabric.

Noticing my gaze, Troy said, “I was sparring with the king this morning.”

“Another thing you both refuse to teach me,” I huffed, slumping in my seat and crossing my arms tightly over my chest.

“It isn’t a lady’s place to fight.”

“I think you’re both scared that if I can defend myself then what would I need either of you for.”

“Yes, Arlarose,” he patronized, inclining his head in my direction.

“So,” I began, sitting up and looking straight into his now amused eyes. “What torture does Lucinda have planned for me today?”

“She, unfortunately, will no longer be your personal tutor.” I sensed a shift in his voice and looking more closely, I saw his eyes had darkened a shade until they were more black than blue.

“Why? Did she finally give up on me? Am I a lost cause?”

“No,” his voice was cold and hard. “The king deemed her methods…inappropriate.”

“What does that mean?” I frowned, watching as he got to his feet, rebuttoning his jacket he had undone when he sat down.

“The king saw the marks on your hands.” He finished flatly.

“Oh.” I mumbled, running my fingers over the bruises and cuts along the knuckles of my left hand. The same bruises and cuts marred the skin of my right and they stung every time I bathed or stretched out my hands.

“You should have said something.”

“I didn’t know.” I shrugged, shoving my hands under the table so neither of us could see them anymore.

“No one should hurt you, Rosie.”

“Even the King?”

“Especially the King.”

I knew he was telling the truth. Not because I trusted Troy, but because I had come to trust the King. It was hard not to after the day I had spent with him. My body and mind were so comfortable in his presence that even the nightmares stayed away. How could I not trust him?

Breaking through my thoughts, Troy suggested, “Why don’t we do something fun today?”

“Outside the castle walls?”

Chuckling, he told me we should probably start with just being outside my rooms. So, I pushed a little harder, “What about the training grounds? Will you teach me to use a bow and arrow? Or a sword?”

“No, Rosie,” he laughed, coming to my side of the table and offering me his hand to help me to my feet. “What about horse riding?”

“With a sword?”

“Have you ever ridden a horse before?” He frowned but a smile was still pulling at the edges of his mouth.


“Then maybe we’ll just start with learning how to ride a horse first. Then you can ask the king when you’ll start your full combat training.” He may have been joking, but I was fully prepared to master horse riding in under an hour and move onto sword practice before lunch.

“What do you mean I have to ride sidesaddle?” I hissed, firmly crossing my arms over my chest and glaring up at the grinning Captain of the Guard.

“All ladies are required to ride sidesaddle. It is expected of them.”

“I’m not a lady.” I spat back, moving towards the anxious looking groom who was holding my grey mare steady. He had brought her out several minutes ago and had been watching Troy and I with darting eyes as we argued. “I’ll ride the same as you.”

“Don’t be stubborn, Lady Anne.”

“Then don’t tell me to do something I don’t want to.” I noticed Sam from the corner of my eye watching the scene with a slight smile on his face and for a moment I was distracted as I tried to recall if I had ever seen my silent guard smile. Before I could pinpoint the memory, Troy had gained my attention again.

“Anne, you either ride sidesaddle or you don’t ride at all.” Not liking either of those options, I placed my riding boot in the stirrup of my horse and swung myself up, astride my mare. Plucking the reins from the groom, I shot a look at Troy who had lurched in my directions just before I forced my mare into a gallop.

Hearing a curse from behind me I knew Troy wouldn’t be too far behind, so I leaned low on my horse and pushed her faster. I’d seen enough guards trotting around on horses to know the basics for riding. Stopping may be a challenge, but I didn’t plan on doing that any time soon.

“Anne,” I heard Troy call, but whatever he said next was drowned out by the thundering of hooves against the lush green castle grass.

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