Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Virgins and Vampires: Chapter 7

We moved through the Plane. To me it was like being on a rollercoaster in the dark with flashing lights all around. If I paid attention I would see the psychic markers of the timeline, of the samhain we passed, and the black energy that now blanketed the Plane—the Ancient War looming over us, growing closer and bigger each day.

I slid to the hallway outside my bedroom door. Kris shifted in beside me. I lifted the enchantment and led him inside, then quickly reset the enchantment.

“It’s big!” Kris whistled low. “I always pictured a small little room when Cass and Bridge talked about it.”

“They gave me a large room since I spend so much time in here.” I loved my room. It had soaring ceilings with a black wrought iron chandelier in the center of the room. It had fancy LED candles as lights that I could control from a remote. On the far wall were floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the mountains. Heavy curtains could be drawn over them to block sunlight and insulate against the cold winter nights. In front of the windows was a seating area with two plush chairs draped with blankets. Between them sat a small table with a lamp and books. There was also a matching plush ottoman. To the left was an enormous stone fireplace that helped keep my room warm. My father must have recently stopped in to get it roaring for the night ahead because it was very large and fresh. The room was almost too hot, but we’d welcome that heat in a few hours.

Beside the door sat my large four-poster bed. It had white curtains that could be drawn around it. I loved it. The mattress was like a cloud and it was entirely too big for just me, so it often felt like I had my own private cloud in the sky. On either side of the bed sat sturdy wooden nightstands. And beneath our feet, a thick rug covered most of the wood flooring.

“It’s so cozy. I love it!” Kris marveled as he wandered over to the windows and looked out. The moonlight illuminated the mountains outside and the snow that had begun falling in earnest.

“You sound surprised.” I watched as he moved around my room. He looked like he belonged in here with me.

“I am. I guess I expected it to look more like my sisters’ rooms. A little more modern and messy, less cozy mountain cabin that’s neat as a pin.”

“My mind is enough of a mess. I don’t need my living space that way too.”

Kris’s smile fell. “How are you?”

I felt the enchantments kicking the last psychic remnants out of the room. A few always slipped in when the door opened, but they never lasted long. “In here I can drop my defenses. Like I was able to do at the cave today. I just want you to know I take my gifts seriously. I never pry into minds if I can help it. I respect privacy.”

His eyes glinted. “You didn’t seem to shy away from talking in my mind at dinner.”

“I feel enormously guilty for that slip up. I shouldn’t have done that. I panicked and I used my privilege selfishly.”

He sauntered closer. “I liked it, princess. You can do that anytime.”

“I didn’t listen to your thoughts or anything. I simply used the communication channel.”

He kept coming closer. “Channel? You sound like the captain of a starship.”

I didn’t know what that meant. “I think of the psychic energy as channels. Each one does a different thing.”

He stood over me now, hands in his pockets, lips almost touching mine. “Stop talking, princess.”

I snapped my mouth shut just as he pressed his lips against mine, slowly parting them in a different way. His warm tongue caressed mine as he nuzzled closer. I had known Kris for as long as I could remember. Our families were always close, especially once the twins and I formed such a tight friendship. I watched him grow up and reach maturity. He watched me grow up. We knew things about each other but were never close.

We were about to discover a whole new level and change our relationship forever. “Does it bother you?” I whispered as he pulled back, gazing down at me with a softness that made my heart skip a beat.

“Does what?” He still had his hands in his pockets. Maybe it was insurance that he wouldn’t get too handsy too fast.

“At some point we’ll be hanging out, but it won’t be like it used to. I won’t just be Bridge and Cass’s friend. Then one day we’ll be back to being friends, but it will be different because we’ve slept together.”

Kris frowned. His eyes dropped to my lips then back up. “Who says we’ll break up?”

I jerked back. “The odds? I find it hard to believe the first male I sleep with will be the male I spend the rest of my life with.”

His face dropped, turning to stone. “Or maybe that’s exactly what will happen. I’ll be your first and your last and your only.”

“Not into sharing?”

Fire flashed through his eyes for a moment before he banked it again. “I’m not against it. Not at all. But I don’t like being told there’s a limit to my time with you before we’ve even begun.”

That’s when I saw the hurt he was trying so hard to hide. “Oh Kris. I’m sorry. It’s just in my nature to be super practical. I have to be. About everything.”

“Not with me.” He suddenly came forward, left hand up and cupping my face, fingers tangling in my hair. “Never be practical with me.” And then he was on me again, but this kiss was much more intense. He tilted my head back and took it deep. Possessive, even. Our bodies pressed together and the contact lit that fire in me all over again.

“Yes,” I moaned into the kiss.

“Just like that. Don’t think. Don’t plan. Just kiss.”

I worked so hard all the time. I had to plan every day, put safeguards into place, control my mind and my gifts. To let it all go was the kind of freedom I’d never experienced before.

It was drugging. And addictive. I didn’t know if I’d feel this same sense of peace with anyone else. I knew Kris would take care of me. I knew without a shadow of a doubt I would always be safe with him. It was so easy to give in to it all.

I pushed his flannel off his shoulders and yanked off his t-shirt.

“My, my, my. Someone’s in a hurry.” He grinned as he shed the shirt.

“I want to touch your skin again.” I noticed the substantial bulge in his pants was back. And when he adjusted, it peeked out again, pressed against his belly, growing long and thick as it strained towards his belly button. I couldn’t stop staring at it.

“Can I touch you or are you just going to ogle me?” Kris teased.

“Are you hard? When does it…stop growing?” I flushed crimson. But I was curious, damn it! I should know all these things by now!

Kris responded by unbuttoning his jeans, lowering his zipper, and pushing everything to the floor. As he stepped out, naked as can be, his erection jutted straight out. I watched as it continued to thicken and lengthen, veins pulsing along the shaft as it pumped more blood into what I assumed was a rather impressive cock.

He wrapped his large, rough hand around the base and stroked it. “Yes, I’m hard. It’ll stop for now.”

“For now?” I pulled my gaze away and met his eyes.

He stepped closer. “I’m a Wren. We’re one of the Houses that our erections change to meet the needs of our partners. If you want more, I’ll grow. If you like me just as I am, I’ll stay like this. Your body tells my body what to do. Earlier today it told mine that you wanted this.” He took my hand and wrapped it around his cock the same way he had before. “This is the exact thickness, length, and weight your body told mine you needed.”

I shuddered as he moved my hand along his length. It was as hard as a rod, but the skin was soft and smooth. He was hot in my palm and I could feel his pulse. It strained in my hand like it had a mind of its own.

“I meant what I said. We can touch and explore and go to sleep. No more. But my dick doesn’t know anything but sex. It wants in, which is why it’s doing that.”

As I touched him, I felt my own longing growing inside. An ache. A need to be filled by the very thing in my hands. My panties grew wet. “I think if we don’t have sex I’ll die.”

Kris cupped my face. “You won’t die. I promise.”

It didn’t feel that way. The heat and desire kept growing and exploding. I wanted to climb Kris like a tree. “Touch me. Do something.” I started fanning myself again.

His fingers skated under my sweater. I moaned as he made contact with my skin. My nipples and clits tingled. I raised my hands as he peeled my top off. A moment later cool air hit my breasts and then Kris pulled me to the bed. He sat and spread his knees around my hips as I stood in front of him.

“Look at you squirming to be touched, princess.” His eyes glinted with mischief. His hand slid down the seam of my pants, rubbing against my clit. “Needy little thing, aren’t you? How about I take the edge off?”


He pressed kisses to my breasts as he rubbed at me, his cock pressed against my belly and I wrapped my hand around it again. It was part curiosity, but mostly needing an anchor to hold me down.

“Fuck,” Kris groaned. Then, almost as if he were trying to torture me right back, he sucked my nipple into his mouth. At the same time he pinched my other nipple lightly between his fingers.

I came immediately, bucking against his hand as I moaned and whimpered. It felt good but it also felt empty. Like it was one lick of ice cream before someone took the cone away.

Kris looked up, one eyebrow raised in question.

“Oh, don’t stop there.”

“You’re sure?”

In answer, I stepped back and removed the rest of my clothing. “I’m tired of waiting. I wait for everything, Kris. Don’t make me wait for this.”

His eyes changed in a flash. One moment they were dark and lusty, but also soft and caring. The next…well let’s just say I could have come again just from looking at them. He went into male protector mode. Possessive, commanding, and ready to take.

“I’m going to go slow and careful at first, but it won’t always be like this, Rhiannon.” He lifted me up with one arm and I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist, pressing his cock against our bellies. “Sometimes it will be rough and wild. You’ll like that too, but not yet. First this.”

He laid me down on the bed, his large, male body hovering over my softer, smaller body. I blushed as he raked his gaze over every inch of me before his hand moved between my legs again.

“Let’s see how wet you are.” His fingers massaged my clit and entrance before dipping inside. He lowered his head and swore. “Fuck, you’re soaked. So ready.”

“Way past ready,” I whined.

That made Kris’s grin turn feral. “Need my cock, princess?”


“Need me to fill this sweet little pussy up for the very first time?”

I shuddered with need. Especially with the visual he put in my mind. He stroked his fingers inside, adding to their number until I began undulating, pushing back. Then he moved to my ass and did it all over again. First he massaged my rear clit, traced it down, then dipped a finger inside. One finger became two, then three as he pumped in and out, preparing me for oh, so much.

“Please Kris. I don’t know how much more I can take.” I had no control over my body anymore. My mind bounced everywhere. One minute I heard my thoughts, the next Kris’s. I pushed them away but they kept coming back in fragments and whispers.

So wet and needy.

—fuck, I’m going to stretch you so wide—

Hold back…just a little more…

He sat back, appraising me once more. “You’re absolutely sure you’re ready to do this tonight? With me?”

Consent was a sacred creed to our kind. It was taught from very early on. Years before the Age of Maturity. It was a code we lived by and anyone who broke it was punished severely then cast out of their House. It hadn’t happened in over a century, though.

“Yes Kris. I want to do this. With you. Especially you.”

His features softened again. “Especially me?”

I nodded, feeling vulnerable and on display like this, but still safe. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe you will be my first, last, and only. I don’t know, but I’m excited to find out.”

“Yeah.” He nodded back, shooting me a devastating smile. Kris wasn’t just turned on. He was happy. Genuinely happy.

He moved back over me, spreading me wide. “Hey little pussy. Meet my cock. I’m going to break you in now, just the way I like it. And hopefully it will ruin you for all other males.” He winked at me just before he fisted himself and pressed against my entrance.

I watched with fascination, feeling pressure, the excitement of finally having something press against my need, and watched as my body widened around him for the first time.

“That’s right. Just relax and enjoy.” He pressed and more moved inside me. For the first time I realized the crown of his head was much wider than the tip or shaft. “You’re going to feel a lot more in a moment but don’t fight it.”

He pushed. Everything felt like too much. Like it was impossible. And then suddenly I gasped, arched away. The most amazing pressure became pleasure. I heard Kris grunt and sigh. Then he moved over me, changing the angle of his erection and began to slide it slowly inside me.

It was like his fingers but entirely different. It was so much better, just like he promised. “I’m inside you, princess.” Every word came out strained.

So I put my hands around his face and tilted it toward mine. Kris’s eyes blazed, his jaw clenched tight, his shoulder and neck muscles tight, as if it were taking everything in him to hold back.

“I feel every inch of you moving inside me.”

He swore and blinked away, then forced his gaze back to mine as he pushed deeper. I breathed with each stroke, unsure how it was possible to feel this good, but still desperate at the same time.

His hips jerked and I gasped. His hips met mine, pressing into my clit. “That’s it. That’s all of me.”

I pulsed and throbbed around his invasion, felt my channel stretching around him. Kris said he was going to break me in and ruin me for other males, but he didn’t need to. I was already ruined.

Fucking, fucking, fucking amazing amazing…never before…only you.

It got harder to keep his thoughts away. I was losing my ability to even try.

He took my hands and moved them beside my head, threading our fingers. As he pressed down he stroked deep, using his whole body now. “Good still?”

“Incredible,” I gasped, widening my legs to take him a little deeper.

“You’re a natural, Rain.”

I pressed up to meet his strokes, finding I enjoyed the extra pressure when our bodies met. I also seemed to like having my hands held down so Kris could move how he pleased.

Very interesting thing to ponder later.

“You’re so hungry, princess,” he grunted. “Here I thought we’d take it easy, but you’re bucking up for more already and your body is,” he sighed, “your body is asking for more, too.”

I gasped as I felt the extra stretch of his cock thickening even more. Then Kris released my hands, moved under my hips and lifted. As he rose up he thrust even deeper. I saw stars. Then my inner muscles began to clench erratically around his shaft.

Kris bent over and sucked at my nipples, all while holding my hips in the air with his cock buried deep. All my muscles began to tense and I started to feel like I might be flying.

“I feel you. You’re getting close. Milking my cock for more of what you want.” He flashed me a grin right before he buried his face against my throat. “I’m going to fuck you while I drink, okay?”

I shivered at the idea of Kris being sunk inside me from above and below at the same time. “Yes. Okay.”

He licked and then sank his fangs into my vein, sucking me into his body. A moment later his hands found mine again. He pinned them at my sides. Then his hips reared back and he slammed deep. I couldn’t move and I didn’t want to. I gave everything over to Kris and let go. I heard fragments of all his thoughts and every single one was dirty, but mostly I just felt what he felt. Hungry.

He fucked me good and hard, all while sucking my blood into his system, bonding us. He licked me closed and lifted his head, roaring as he came. I felt the hard kick of his cock as he buried it deep inside me. Then I became impossibly hot as he filled me up. He strained, pumping inside me several more times. More hot cum coating my channel.

My body immediately began to soak it up, thirsty for its first drink of male arousal. It made me hum with a new kind of hot, wild pleasure. With a flip, I was suddenly on top of Kris, my legs splayed around his hips, his cock thicker and deeper than ever.

“Your turn.” He turned his head, offering me his throat.

My whole body tingled, but especially my nipples and clits. My orgasm was just out of reach and I knew drawing Kris into me for the first time while mating would be an entirely new experience. Drinking was always nice and it always left me with a nice buzz, but I knew drinking while mating was like that times a hundred.

So I was a little scared as I leaned over, my breasts pushing against his chest.

“Please, Rain? I’m dying here.”

I smiled. For the first time it was Kris begging me. I licked at his skin and bit down. His blood was so hot and sweet on my tongue. It sent a zing straight to my core and I clenched around him.

Kris sighed, his hand coming to my hips. “Fucking finally!” He lifted me as I drank and showed me how to ride him, pressing down extra hard sometimes. “Take it all, Rain. It’s all yours now. I was wrong. You ruined me with your sweet pussy and gorgeous tits. And the sounds you make? I want to drown in the moans you make when I fill you up. I love pounding your pussy. I love how easily you take my whole dick and ask for more. I can’t wait to do everything with you and find out every secret in your body.”

I licked away, his blood burning me up and making me feel more alive than ever. “But what about my mind? Don’t you want those secrets too?”

His eyes rounded. “I didn’t say any of that out loud.”

I froze, right on the edge of oblivion, and covered my mouth. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! I had no idea!”

For five silent seconds I didn’t know whether Kris was going to say or move ever again. Then he finally—finally!—let out his breath. “Guess that’s what I get for falling for a telepath. I’ll never have secrets from you, will I?”

I shrugged. “I’m trying. This is kind of new.”

He shrugged right back. “Well at least now you know the truth. I’m so fucking gone for you, Rhiannon.”

It was the sweetest, scariest thing in the whole world. And I loved it. I ran my thumb over his lips and he tried to capture it. “It’s nice to have one person I don’t have to put up a wall to be around.”

His wicked grin came back and he flipped me back under him. “Secrets out but you did promise to stay out of my thoughts. So I have no choice but to punish you until you come.”

“Punishment sex already?”

He stroked in and out, my inner muscles quivering. “You are a very fast learner. Guess we’re moving through the lessons extra fast.” He shot me another wink and then proceeded to fuck me into the morning.

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