Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Virgins and Vampires: Chapter 6

“Beer!” Kuruk clapped his hands as Leena set large mugs filled to the brim in front of the bear shifters. “You are a goddess! Thank you!”

I admit they scared me a little. Heida males were enormous, rough around the edges, and loud. Kuruk especially. He had swagger and a glint in his eyes. He threw his charisma around like confetti. Leena’s mate Atsila, on the other hand, was more reserved. But they both loomed over the table taking up more space than anyone else.

I was glad to be seated between the twins on the other side of the table. “Thanks for the invite.”

Cass rolled her eyes. “You’re always invited to dinner. You just normally need to get home.”

Except today I had a phenomenal, mind-blowing break that reset just about every cell in my body. Instead of being tired and drained after a day of concentrating, I felt energized. I snuck a peek in Kris’s direction and found him watching me carefully.

Maybe too carefully. If he kept that smolder up everyone would know there was something happening between us and I wasn’t ready for that kind of drama. I let a little of my wall down, sensed his mind, and put my words inside it.

Stop smoldering. Someone will notice!

His eyes went wide and he sat up a little straighter. Then after a few blinks he replied. I don’t smolder, princess. And I don’t care if anyone notices.

I glared at him. Well I do. 

He sighed and turned away, joining the conversation with the Heida males instead. Feeling relieved I shut down the mental connection and put my wall back up. I was surprised to realize I didn’t feel too overwhelmed by the experience.

“Are you okay?” Bridge asked between bites of roast beef.

“Yeah, just thinking.” I shoved mashed potatoes in my mouth before I could blurt anything else out.

“Want a distraction?” She grinned at me then shared a look with Cass. I knew that look. She had gossip she couldn’t wait to share.

“Give it to me.”

The twins leaned in. Bridge dropped her voice to a whisper. “We had wine with Leena last night.”

Cass giggled. “She got a little tipsy and started babbling.”

“Gigi did her thing. Asked a few leading questions, if you know what I mean.” Bridge bounced her eyebrows and nodded toward Atsila.

“About her mate?” I asked very slowly because I absolutely did not follow her meaning.

Cass dropped her voice to barely a whisper, holding her hands under the table and making a large space between them. “About the rumors.” More eyebrow bouncing.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I hated being obtuse. “What rumors?”

The twins shared another look and leaned in closer. “About the Heida males?” When I shook my head still confused, Cass whispered in my ear. “That they’re enormous and uncontrollable in bed.”

My whole face blazed now. Not just because it was so sexual to picture the males at the end of the table naked and pulling out giant cocks while filled with uncontrollable lust, but because when I pictured Kris that way I wanted it to be true. I had to fan myself I was so hot.

Mmmhmm,” Bridge nodded. “Apparently the rumors aren’t rumors. A little exaggerated, but not wrong.”

I gulped down water now. I swear I was about to burst into flames.

“Leena said it’s the best she’s ever had by miles. And she was at the Wolf Eclipse.”

Finally, something I knew about! The Wolf Eclipse was a sex party at the House of Volci during a total eclipse a couple of years ago. It was the stuff of legend. Apparently the orgasms during the totality were insane.

And Leena thought sex with her bear was even better. Wow!

“She said it was pretty wild even after Midnight Dreams. Apparently the Heida really like to fuck when they’re together.”

“What are you three whispering about?” Rhysa asked, eyebrow cocked knowingly.

“None of your business,” Cass said.

Rhysa shook her head, smiling. “Are you enjoying dinner?”

I had emptied my plate in record time. “Very much. Compliments to the chef.”

“That would be me.” Kris’s eyes glittered with amusement as he stared me down.

“You made all this?” Their Aunt Bethany usually did all the cooking, but she was on a long vacation with her lover. They’d been forced apart for years while he served as the Doctor, but recently released from his duties, he was finally able to return to Bethany.

“Believe it or not, Aunt Bethany taught us all to cook quite well. We take turns.”

“It’s delicious. I loved every bite.” The man could fix anything mechanical and cook like this? I was such a goner.

“He’s doing more cooking than usual so Dray, Rhysa, Leena, Cass, and I can spend more time with you in the library. He’s our rockstar holding down the fort while we work.”

Kris actually blushed at the compliment. “The work you’re doing is important and I can’t be of much help. But I can feed this brood.”

Bridge got to her feet and started clearing dishes. “You cooked. We’ll clean.”

He got to his feet. “I’ve got it. You all need to relax and rest.”

Bridge kept clearing. Cass and Rhysa joined in. I did too. “At least let us help.”

His gaze locked with mine, smoldering again. “Many hands make light work.” But what his eyes really seemed to say was as long as you stick around, I’ll allow it.


After we cleared the table, Dray, Rhysa, and Leena took the Heida into the living room for more drinks and some light social blood drinking. Bo asked the twins for help bringing in firewood ahead of the night’s expected snowfall. Everyone else seemed to drift off.

I was alone drying cups with Kris.

“We’re supposed to get a foot tonight,” I said as I stared out the kitchen window. Moonlight bounced off the already white porch and grounds.

Kris chuckled and shook his head.


He shot me a lopsided grin. “Just resisting the masculine urge to make dick jokes.”

“Dick jokes?” I felt so sheltered sometimes.

“You said ‘we’re supposed to get a foot tonight’ and normally guys would reply ‘I’ll give you a foot of this tonight’.” Kris made a V around his crotch and wiggled it towards me.

My eyes flew to his, shocked.

He laughed harder. “That’s why I didn’t say it. I didn’t think you were used to that kind of joking.”

“I’m not!” And I was fire engine red again, blushing and fanning my face with the dish towel. “Do guys really make jokes like that?”

“All the time.” He turned toward the living room. “Hey guys. Do you want sausage for breakfast?”

Kuruk stuck his head around the wood beam that separated the rooms. “I’ve got your sausage right here.” He bounced his eyebrows and wiggled his hips just like Kris.

This time I burst out laughing. It was silly and childish and ridiculous and I could totally see the humor in it. Especially the way Kuruk exaggerated everything.

“I get it now.”

“You’re a quick study,” he murmured, his voice thick with lust. Alone again he moved in front of me, pinning me to the counter with his arms on either side, trapping me. “All jokes aside, it is going to be a long, cold night. Would you like some company? We don’t have to do anything.”

Longing ached inside me. “What if I want to?”

He dropped his forehead to mine, groaning. “Why do I think you might be the death of me, princess?”

Part of me wanted to hop on this counter and have him right here. A different part of me wanted to slide away and hide from embarrassment for having such thoughts. “I’d like to spend the night with you. I honestly don’t know what I want to happen, but I’m comfortable with finding out.” I wanted to be around him all the time. The thought scared me to death, but I had to acknowledge the feeling.

Another groan, then he stepped back. “Go say your goodbyes.”

Bridge and Cass carefully stacked wood by the fireplace. The others sat around talking. “I’m headed home! Thanks for dinner.”

Dray smiled warmly. “See you in the morning. You can shift right into the kitchen so you don’t have to worry about the snow.”

Giving me permission to enter their House without knocking was a big deal. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

Bridge and Cass both gave me hugs and promises to have hot coffee and warm cinnamon rolls waiting in the morning. I waited in the shadow of the pantry while Kris called a quick goodnight to his family.

Then he took my hand and we walked out into the moonlight. “You’re sure?”

Oh, I was very sure. Whether we had sex or simply slept side by side, I wanted him with me. “I’m sure.”

He squeezed my hand. “Then show me the way.”

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