
chapter 6


The ride is always filled with silence until I get back to the compound where I have to give them the rundown of my kill. It gave me a little bit of time to process my thoughts. What the hell went on with that guy I’m not sure? Yes, Dax and I fuck when we get an opportunity, as it is the same pleasure we get when we bite into our victims. But something about Kade felt entirely different. The driver takes us down underneath the compound and I’m ushered out and back into a room where Agent Black was waiting for me.

“Time of death of your target?” Agent Black asked.


“Any witnesses?”

“No.” I just hope he didn’t notice the slight pause.

“There’s a new case we’ve decided to put you on since you’re our best subject at trailing.” Agent Black says focusing on his tablet getting the file of my next victim.

“He’s on the run so any of his known locations are probably of no use anymore.”

The tablet projects the image on the screen and something inside me twinges.

“His name is Kade Sawyer.”

“Why is he a target?” I asked and Agent Black’s head popped up from his tablet.

“Excuse me?”

“I just...most of my victims are murders or gang leaders and it says he’s only been in prison for illegal gambling and fighting?”

Agent Black lowers his tablet as he was analyzing my face.

“It doesn’t matter to you, your purpose is to erase him. Do you have a problem completing your mission?” He asked in a certain tone of dominance like I would be escalated for what I said.

“No, sir.”

“Good,” he said, not taking his eyes off me as he continued to analyze me before typing something into his tablet.

“Very well. You’re done until we can locate Kade’s whereabouts. Simpson, you can escort her back to her cell.”

There was something different about this, they never gave me my next target as soon as I came back in, and now they were putting me back in my cell? I follow Simpson, he leads me to the dressing rooms so I can change back into my jumpsuit before taking me to my cell. The girl Lucy next to me looked up and I noticed the changes in her already. Her eyes have the same amber in them now as I do, she’s not shaking anymore but is still nervous and wary of me as she should be. Simpson glances over at her and smiles.

“You’ll be going in for the trials next, pucker up kid you’ll need your wits about you when you go into the ring.” Simpson laughs before he walks off.

The fighting ring, I love it. Most of the guys don’t even want to fight me anymore as they know they will lose. I stare at the feeble girl who is now crying. Shit, she isn’t going to last one second inside the ring. I don’t know what has come over me, but I slide down the side of the bars onto my mattress.

“Hey.” I soften my voice to her.

“W...what did he mean?” She wiped her face.

“After you go through the first process of the changes, they like to test you, check your strength and abilities.”

“I have to fight someone?”

“Well, I think you will be beaten to a pulp anyway.”

“My brother Kade taught me how to stick up for myself.”

The mention of Kade and his face flashed up in my mind, I felt my body flush with heat and a sexual urge throb between my legs, my fangs extended and I could taste venom on the tongue. I turned my face away from her, I can’t let her know that I’ve seen him, let alone that he is my next target.

“What did he teach you?”

I turn back to face her and I can see she has some of the same features as her brother now that I’ve studied her better.

“Kade told me that I should hit a man where it hurts him the most, right between the legs, and he showed me how to get out of a grip.”

I chuckled at her and bit my bottom lip. The mention of Kade’s name and his body parts has me thinking sexual thoughts again. I have to shake these images out of my head, I’ve got to go in and kill him next.

“Listen, when you go in they will put you up against someone of similar size at first, they don’t want to kill you but they want to pick out the best, if you can show them you are tough when you go through all the training you become someone like me.”

“But I can’t kill anyone.”

I laugh at her, she has no idea what is to come.

“By the time they finish with you, you won’t care about who you kill, in fact, you will get off on it.”

“What do you mean get off on it?”

“When you bite into their necks to kill them, it releases a venom and at the same time, you get a sexual high like you’ve never felt before. Imagine the best orgasm you have ever had and double it.”

Kade’s face flashed inside my head again and I felt my nipples harden against the material of my jumpsuit. I had to close my eyes and try to control my thoughts and what he was doing to me. That just made it worse and the deep throbbing rose between my legs as I imagined his hands over my body, I had to clench my thighs together and stop a moan which was about to escape my mouth.

“I-I don’t know what that feels like,” Lucy uttered cowering in a ball tucking her legs closer.

“You’re a virgin?” I ask with a release of laughter and her face flushes red as she hugs her legs tighter.

“Well, this should make for an interesting first time then, now won’t it?”

She didn’t answer my remarks as the corridor door buzzed open and in walked Conway and Simpson. They both looked cocky as shit strutting down the hall banging their metal guard baton against their hand, occasionally banging it against the cell doors waking any sleeping prisoners.

“Up and atom! On your feet with your hands over your head.” They ordered. “You’re all to report to the arena. It’s fight time.” They said with excitement and started opening up everyone’s cell and lining them up.

Once Conway got to Lucy’s cell, I could sense his body language change; I watched as he lowered his hand over his dick, feeling himself get hard. Licking his lips as he scanned her with his eyes walking over to her.

“It’s time, little girl. Let’s see what damage you can do!”

“Or what she looks like with a pummeled face!” Simpson added, laughing in mockery as he opened the doors to my cell.

“Nah, something tells me this one has some bite inside her.” Conway tucks Lucy’s hair behind her ear and I watch as she trembles with tears filling her eyes from fear.

“It’s always the quiet ones who are the craziest,” Conway said with a cocky smirk.

They both pull us out of our cells and line us up with the rest of them.

“Hey,” I whispered to grab her attention as Conway and Simpson were busy in their own conversations walking slightly ahead of us.

“Always keep your hands up to block a punch. Never take your eyes away or let your guard down. You got it?” I read her face like she was scared as all shit but carefully listening to my pointers.

“If you can’t cause any damage to them with your hits you have to tire them out first. Play with them. Let them dance around the ring going in for shots and when you notice they are losing steam, you give them everything you got. Do what your brother told you. Hit them where it hurts, gut shots just under the ribs, knee caps.”

“W-why are you helping me?” she asked just as we entered the loud bustling arena-like room filled with subjects in all stages of transformation getting riled up for their fights.

“Who is brave enough to step up to the ring first?” One of the agents stood in the center of the ring roaring above all other voices, holding a metal baton guard stick in case any of us tried to riot against them.

I don’t know why I was helping Lucy to be honest. It’s not like me to care but something was different. She was different. I saw so much Kade in her, maybe a part of me didn’t want to see him get hurt. But then again, what the fuck was I thinking? I was the one who would hurt him the most. I was the one meant to kill him.

Several of the newbies were being gathered together, Conway came and pulled Lucy away. I felt like punching his smirking face in as a flash of anger came across me. I don’t know what is happening, it’s almost like my emotions are coming back again. I noticed Dax standing at the ringside and pushed my way over to him. He turned to face me and I noticed his eyes slightly darkened.

“Scar.” His voice was husky and sent vibrations through my body.

“Dax, I take it your last mission was a success then?”

He paused and looked at me before turning his head back out to watch the fights.

“Yes, you could say that.”

“You hesitated. What went wrong?”

“I-I fucked her,” he said, confused at his own words. “I fucked my target before I killed her.” Maybe I could fuck Kade first, then kill him. What am I even saying? Why am I feeling like this?

His cheeks flushed red. Now, this was a surprise to me, was he changing as well? Should I tell him about what happened to me when I saw Kade? I was about to speak when I saw Lucy come out into the ring with an opponent. I watched her start before turning my attention back to Dax.

“I’ve been feeling things too.”

“You have? What?”

“My next target, I’ve already met him when I was out on my last mission, I didn’t know who he was until I got back and they gave me his details.”

“Who is he?” Dax crunched his teeth together.

“He’s her brother.” I looked up across the ring to Lucy as Dax’s eyes followed. Lucy was closer to me than I thought, her eyes and face told me that she heard me. Her attention was on me and not her opponent who took the opportunity to throw a punch to her face and a second later Lucy was out cold.

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