
chapter 5


Racing down the streets on my bike, my first thoughts go to Lucy, I have to get her out of our apartment before the cops come looking for me. Shit has gone down big this time.

I burst through the doors of our apartment, not giving a shit if I scare her awake as it’s two A.M.

“LULU!” I shout making my way down the hallway. I burst through her bedroom door and ripped off her bed sheets only to find her not in it.

“FUCK!” she must be staying the night at her friend Dixie’s house. I focus on myself, trashing my bedroom packing a duffel bag of clothes, my emergency stash of cash, and my gun just in case.

Taking off out of the house and back to my bike, I grab my phone and dial Lucy’s number; immediately going straight to voicemail. Why would she shut her phone off or let it die? I’ve told her so many fucking times if she ever leaves the house to always let me know where she is or have a means of contact. Being eighteen and naive in this world, it’s not all lollipops and gumdrops. This city is the land of the dead, the mean and the ugly, an evil place where you get prayed on when you are a naive eighteenth year old girl out at night. I have to get to Dixie’s house, I don’t care what fucking time it is.

“Kade!” Dixie answered my pounding on the door with bloodshot tired eyes.

“I need Lucy to pack her stuff! Now! I don’t have a lot of time!” I said rushed, checking my surroundings making sure I wasn’t being tailed.

“L-Lucy isn’t here,” she mumbled causing my head to whip back to hers.

“What! It’s two in the fucking morning! LUCY!” I shouted barging in the house, blowing past her friend not believing a word she’s saying. What, is she with a guy or something because I’d have time to give him one blow to the face to knock him out cold.

“Kade! I said she’s not here! You’re going to get me trouble and wake my parents!” she grabs my shoulder preventing me from going further in her house but by now I’m fucking pissed and don’t have time for this stupid shit. I force Dixie against the wall and I see the look of absolute fright in her eyes.

“WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?” Spit came flying out of my mouth in my rage.

“I-I don’t know!” she mumbled fearfully. “W-we went to the club tonight and she stepped outside for some air and-and sh-she never came back in.”

I felt my body froze over and the blood drained from my face in horror.

“Which club?”

“Club Venom.”

“Was she with someone at the club?”


“Did you call the cops?” I asked clenching my teeth so hard I thought they would shatter from the pressure.

“I-I wanted to but we all got in with fake IDs. We didn’t want to get in trouble.” Her eyes glossed over with tears but I felt no sympathy. How could this fucking bitch be her best friend since grade school and not give two shits enough to call someone, anyone trying to find Lucy. Fuck, I can’t even call the cops myself now being on the run. I can’t get a hold of Lucy and I have to keep under the damn radar not to be found. This is a fucking nightmare.

“FUCK!” I threw my fist to the right side of her head creating a hole in the wall.

Where the fuck are you Lucy!

I storm out of Dixie’s house leaving her crying. I’m sure steam is coming out of my ears because I’m fucking fuming; she left my sister not knowing where the fuck Lucy was. I have to pause for a moment to get my head straight, I’ve got to find Lucy. The only clue I have is the club they were at, so that is where I will head. Before I head out, I grab my phone and dial Mikey to see if he can help me.

“Kade! Where the fuck are you?”

“Mikey! I need your help, man. I’ve got the cops up my ass about tonight. They know about the fights and gambling. They want to bring me in again. I ran, bro, and I can’t find Lucy anywhere. She was at Club Venom with her friends and disappeared.”

“Shit, man. You’re fucked!”

“I need a place to hide out. Anywhere, it doesn’t matter but I need one now.”

“Fuck, I’m not sure Kade, I can’t risk you and I being seen together, I’m already on my last warning with the cops, they’re going to haul my ass down to the clink next time.”

“I’m going to the club to see if I can find out where Lucy has gone, there must be someone there who has seen her. Think about it Mikey if you know anywhere I can go, ring me. I need to find Lucy.”

I don’t bother to wait for an answer as my time is limited. I shove the phone back in my pocket and hop back on my bike.

I rev up my motorcycle and take off down the dark streets. It’s three in the morning by the time I get to Club Venom but I screeched my tires to a halt when I turned the corner of Main Street.

“Damnit!” I back my bike up around the corner and watch as the front entrance is swarming with cops taking people out of the club in cuffs.

A text from Mikey illuminates my screen.

“Isn’t the house where you found Ben located down the street from Club Venom? You could crash there and lay low until you find another place.” Fucking great! There’s no way I can walk into the club tonight with that many cops lying around and me being hot on their radar. Looks like I’ll be crashing in the shit hole filled with druggies but at least I can keep my eye on Ben and make sure he doesn’t OD like last time. I’ll come back for answers tomorrow and in the meantime keep calling Lucy’s phone trying to reach her.

I didn’t sleep a fucking wink with all the shit running through my head. Flashes of the night’s events kept running through my head. The gorgeous brunette from the fight. Why did she keep coming up in my mind as I tossed and turned? Did she have some connection with Levi? Did she actually kill him? She’s pretty much the reason I’m in this fucking mess in the first place. I refocused my mind back to my phone. Still no word from Lucy. I dial her number for the millionth time and it goes straight to voicemail again.

“Where the fuck are you Lucy?”

The next night I throw on my black leather jacket and hide my gun in the back of my jeans getting ready to go back to the club for answers. Walking in the music was blaring and the disco flashing lights made my eyes squint to the adjustment. I head straight to the bar seaking out someone who might have some information. A younger looking bartender was occupied mixing drinks flirting his brains out with a group of girls who were drooling over him but clearly looked underage. He would be my source. I walk straight up the group of giggling girls.

“Beat it!” I said with aggression. Knowing my tone would scare them off, they scurried from their seats at the bar with their drinks in hand.

“Hey man, I was getting some!”

“Is that your thing? Boozing them up and fucking underage girls?”

“Woah man, what the fuck is your deal!” the bartender held his hands up the air in defense.

“I need to see your security footage.”

“I can’t fucking do that! Who are you?”

“I’m an undercover cop and unless you want me to take you in for questioning about those girls, I suggest you do what I say!”

“You’re a cop? Let me see your badge then!“Knowing I dont have one and I have to look the part, I lean over the bar and give him a death stare.

“Why would I carry a badge if I’m undercover, you dumb fuck! Are you going to show me the footage or do I have to shove my gun down your fucking throat?”

“Ok, alright, man. Geez!” He backs away from the bar still holding his hands up in surrender.

He came back a minute later holding the tablet and pulling up the footage.

“Are there any blind spots around the club?” I asked as he handed it to me.

“Not that I know of, I haven’t worked here that long.”

I rewinded the footage to the time frame Lucy would have been here. Watching the inside cameras for a bit until I spotted her and her friends. Once they made it to the bar, I watched a few more seconds of her ordering a drink.

“Her! You waited on her last night.” I slid the tablet back over for him to take a look.

“Oh yea, I remember her!” he said with a slight pick up in his voice and I grit my teeth forcing myself to resist pulling him over the counter and pummeling his face into the floor.

“Her name is Lucy Sawyer and she never made it home last night. Do you know what happened to her?”

“Holy shit! No! She ordered a few drinks, danced with her friends, that’s all I know, I swear!” He sounded like he was telling the truth so I let it drop and grabbed the tablet again. Fast forwarding the footage I see her separate from her group and head to the back exit alone.

“Show me the footage from the back exit cameras.” He grabbed the tablet and hit a few buttons, pulling up the other four cameras on all perimeters of the club. The top right camera showed Lucy exit the back alley alone. Leaning against the bricks of the building she was slouched over like she was drunk and not feeling well. The cameras marked the time at 11:43 P.M. Out of nowhere in a split second a black van stops quickly and three men dressed in black suits and sunglasses jump out and grab her. She never saw it coming. Her tiny body flailed in their grip but she didn’t stand a chance. They threw her in the van, got in after her and took off.

“Jesus! Fuck!”

“Shit!” the bartender uttered seeing it all playout on the tablet.

“Who are those fuckers?”

“I have no fucking idea! But it doesn’t look good for her!”

I whip out my phone and record the clip of Lulu being taken before giving the tablet back to the bartender.

“Sorry I can’t help more, man. I have to get to it or I’ll have a rowdy crowd on my hands.”

“Yea man, thanks.”

“You want something? On the house?” he offered.

“Sure, I’ll have a scotch on the rocks.”

He slid over my glass and left me seated at the bar as he busied himself with other thirsty customers. I sat there wracking my brain. Who the fuck could have taken her? They looked like government agents or something, not some mafia punks wearing masks.

I watch the video of the footage over and over again on my phone until I feel something graze my jacket.

“Hey sexy, wanna have some fun?” she dragged her fingers up the arm of my jacket and fiddled with the collar. I could tell this woman was a piece of trash like all the others and she sounded already half in the bag.

“No,” I said sternly, not giving her any more attention with my eyes.

I tossed back the rest of my scotch, enjoying the taste and burning liquid coat my throat before getting up to leave.

“I bet I can change your mind?” the girl said with excitement, still hanging onto my arm.

“No, I’m not intere-” I started saying as I peeled her fingers off me like I’m touching someone else’s cum filled condom. Just as my eyes looked up, searching for the door Lucy went out of to the back alleyway, my eyes saw her.

Those same glistening amber eyes were staring at me from across the room with a lustrous look of want and hunger that I’ve never seen from any woman before.

“N-not interested in you,” my words trailed off as I got more and more sucked into her.

“Geez, you sure know how to make a girl feel special!” the slut said with sarcasm and disgust but I didn’t care. I found my feet walking themselves over to her in a daze, not even recounting the events that I witnessed from the other night.

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