
chapter 3


“Where the fuck are you?” I punched his number again... no fucking answer. I was raging as Ben was meant to meet me an hour ago. I checked the time yet again, I was going to have to call Mikey and let him know.

“I hope you are calling with good news, Kade?” Mikey’s voice was rough on the other end.

“He’s not answering his phone.” I gritted my teeth and waited for his response.

“There is a lot of money riding on this fight tonight. Go out and find him or get someone else, I don’t care who but he has to look like he can take a few hits at least. Jimmy has some mean motherfucker he has been keeping for this.” The low grumble he made was enough to tell me I was fucked if I couldn’t find Ben or someone to replace him.

He hung up on me...shit, he was totally pissed. I stuck my phone in my pocket and ran my hands down my face thinking. I could head over to Raiders bar, there were usually a few tough guys hanging about the bar trying to pick up any skank who was up for a good time. I’ll make that call if it comes to it.

I decide to head to a place where I might find Ben, fucking hate going there. Druggies are normally lying about the floors spaced out of their heads. I swear I’m going to kick his ass if he has got back into drugs. I helped him off it the last time, gave him focus, that’s when I realized he was a good fighter. Won every fucking time.

I don’t even bother to knock and go straight in, I’m sure the guy passed out in the hall has shit himself. Fucking stinks. The music is coming from the back where the kitchen is, I walk in to see Ben shooting up.

“Fuck...Ben, what the fuck are you doing?”

“Kade.” He was already out of it, speaking in a soft mumble with glossed-over eyes.

“It’s the big fight tonight between you and Jimmy’s man.”

I watched his unsteady ass shift off the counter he was leaning on as he tried to get up. I shook my head in disbelief. I’m not going to even bother, he is a goner, and I don’t have time to help his ass right now. I turn on my heels and head out the door and over to Raiders bar.

Just walking up to the doors, the music was blaring heavy metal, I could hear glass shattering from inside as someone is always getting into a bar fight over some shit. I step through, looking around, calculating my steps; I don’t have much time to find someone willing to get their ass knocked out.

To my right sitting at the bar was a fight going on between two drunk fat old men. One already had blood dripping from his forehead from being whacked with a beer bottle and the other was so drunk he’s sure to miss his swinging punch and end up on the floor passed out. Both were utterly useless. To my left were a few younger guys who looked like good contenders. One guy was sitting at a high-top table, eye fucking the shit out of some broad from across the room. Just by the looks of him, he seemed in the same weight bracket as Jimmy’s guy, his biceps protruded his short sleeves and his face showed from previous scars like he’d been a fighter before.

“Hey man, want to earn a quick couple thousand bucks, under the table?” I asked inconspicuously, taking the empty barstool across from him. The guy narrowed his eyes at me hesitantly before he spoke.

“I’m listening,” he prompted, taking another swig of his beer.

“I manage an underground fight ring. I have a major fight in an hour and I just lost my guy. I can tell just by the looks of you, you’re a fighter and can handle the opponent.”

“How much are we talking?” he questions.

“Last time we tallied the bets it was around three grand. I’m sure more will come in before the fight starts. We split the winnings 60/40. You in or not?” I laid my hand out across the table to shake on it hoping he’d take my offer. I could tell he was thinking it over in his head before his hand met mine and we aggressively shook on the deal.

“Sure, what the hell.”

“Let’s go then.”

“Now?” he asked, glancing behind my head at the broad he was flirting with earlier.

“Yea, now! If you’re worth the fuck for her then she’ll come watch and kiss your dick after the fight. Come on!” I stood from my stool not wasting a second more of my time.

The guy paused for a minute, I thought he wasn’t going to come, he glanced back over at the blonde-haired beauty and grinded his teeth; she was now occupied by more than one other guy.

“There will be others, trust me. Maybe two to take home if you win.” I said with a smirk, catching his attention with that statement as he gulped down the rest of his bottle, slamming it down on the table far too eager to follow me out of the bar.

“What’s your name anyway?”

“Levi. Yours?

“Kade. Kade Sawyer.” He followed me out of the place and I noticed he kept looking around as if he was keeping an eye out for someone. We made our way through the streets until I got to the entrance of the alley.

“We’re here, follow me, I’ll lead you to the back.”

“You said a couple of grand?” He stopped and looked at me, “I’ll do it if you give me four grand, win or lose.”

“Four grand if you win, nothing if you lose. Up to you?” I glared at him; this fucker has the balls to think he gets money if he loses, no fucking way.

“Six grand, I fight, I will win.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Fucker is going to break me here. I eye him up and he glares back at me. Okay so I will be a couple of grand down on my winnings, but he is the only choice I have right now.

“Deal.” I hold out my hand for him to shake.

Heading inside there are smaller fist fights going on, I can smell the sweat from the room. I led my guy around to the back section where the fighters stand. I introduce Levi to Mikey who looks relieved.

“Ben didn’t show up then?” Mikey raised his eyebrow and gave me a well-known look.

“Yeah, found him shooting up again, I’ll deal with his ass later.”

Mikey ran through the rules with Levi, not that there were many; no biting, eye-gouging, and no blows to the crotch. We watched the end of the present fight. As I was gazing out across the crowd I saw many familiar faces and a lot of new ones. When a tall brunette appeared from the other side of the room, I felt my dick twitch in my pants. Fuck she was something else, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her stare cut across the crowd and her eyes landed on me, well I think she was looking at me?

The ring was cleaned up and my man was up. He had removed his shirt and wore only his jeans. Boots and socks were removed and left outside the ring. This man was toned underneath and the look on Jimmy’s face told me he was pissed about the change of fighter.

Both opponents tapped fists out of good sportsmanship before the bell rang to start the first round. The crowd’s tone roared even more, each rooting for the fighter their money was pinned on. They each started shuffling in the ring, taking blows to the ribs before they tried to figure out their game and gain the upper hand. Levi took some blows to the face and gut before he uppercut a punch straight to the guy’s chin, causing him to spit out a wad of blood and a few teeth.

The bell chimed for the end of the round and I made my way closer to the ring to check Levi’s state and coach him through the second round. Mikey was already tending to him with the towel, wiping away the blood from his face.

Just as I pushed my way through the crowd by the rings I saw the gorgeous brunette from earlier also making her way closer to the front. She had a look in her eyes, the piercing amber color was mesmerizing and calming. I had to shake my head to break my eyes away. What is it about her, I feel like I’m caught in a trance and time has almost slowed down? I’m forced back into reality with the sound of the bell starting round two. I can’t seem to focus on the fight anymore as I slowly make my way around the other side of the ring until I’m standing next to her.

I catch her quick glance to the side seeing my presence but then she focuses back on the fight; seeming I don’t have the same effect on her as she does me.

“Someone such as yourself shouldn’t be around these parts, especially at night,” I say with my hands shoved in my pockets.

“I can handle myself just fine, thank you,” she replied, not looking at me. That’s a blow to the ego right there but I decide to try again.

“So, what brings you to these parts of the city then?”

“The fight,” she said unphased but I couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

“You? You watch underground fighting?”

“Who says I just watch!” she said wickedly with a smirk that made my dick swell.

“Jesus Christ, how the fuck is that possible when you look...this” I blatantly eyed her entire body up and down with a loss of words as to how fucking incredibly perfect she was. Her toned tanned legs made a path for everyone’s eyes up her body to her skimpy short and tight black dress. Working my way up her dress that hugged every curve of her body I wanted to reach my hand out and follow the lines of her curves with my fingers. Her breasts were prominently on display making my mouth water. The tall heels she wore made her match my height and my eyes found hers once again. Her amber orbs glistened in the darkness of the night. I felt like they were drawing me in again somehow until she pulled her gaze away. It’s like she realized she was enjoying herself, possibly feeling what I’m feeling too.

“You should go now.” She said coldly, bringing her attention back to the fight.


“You should go! I’m not here for you!”

“Not here for me?” I questioned in complete confusion as to what she meant.

“Exactly,” she glared at me speaking through her clenched teeth. She sounded irritated by my presence but the way she kept looking at me made me think she wanted me to fuck her right here and now. She stepped closer to me and her eyes trailed down my body devouring me.

“What’s your name?” I asked in a whisper, mesmerized in a daze again.

Her eyes locked on mine and she paused as if she was contemplating giving it to me or not. Her mouth opened slightly and my insides bubbled waiting to hear her speak.

“Fuck off!” She said it in the most sultry voice before walking away leaving me without question wanting more. Something about a woman with a bite always drove me fucking wild.

I watch Levi take a couple more blows to the ribs, his face changes as if something has snapped inside of him and he pouches the other guy in the guts knocking the wind out of him before smashing his face with an uppercut sending the guy flying backwards and following through with punch after punch to the face. Even with the roar of the crowd, I heard the crack of a jaw as Levi smashed it in leaving the guy barely alive. I was wondering who the hell this guy was, but hell I’m gonna make sure he fights for me again. The bell rang to say Levi had won, Mikey hands him a towel and he cleans himself up, puts his boots back on, tosses his shirt over his shoulder, and holds out his hand.

“My six grand please.”

I collected all the winnings, bets were high and we did much better than expected. I hand him his six grand.

“Here.” I hand him his money, he does a quick check and nods to say he is happy. I see him scan the room and stop on someone. Two big guys are watching him.

“Back door is over there if you don’t want to be seen?”

He slips out as I try to spot the woman from earlier but she seems to have disappeared. The place is stinking with sweat and booze and I needed some fresh air. I got to the back door and stepped outside.

“Jesus! What the-” Levi’s body lay limp and lifeless at her stiletto heels on the ground. It was the fucking brunette from earlier. I only saw the back of her head as she ran towards the alleyway and out into the abyss of the city, but it had to be her. She’s pretty unmistakable to confuse with someone else. I’d never seen someone as beautiful as her.

“HEY!” I screamed after her again but her black dress faded in the darkness of the night.

I quickly crouch down to check on Levi. All his winnings were still in his pocket so what the fuck was her motive? I went to feel his pulse to see if he was still alive and that’s when I noticed the two bite marks on his neck.

“LEVI! LEVI! Talk to me, man! Stay with me!” His pulse was barely there and his eyes were twitching like something was killing him from the inside. I had no choice but to whip out my phone and dial 911.

“MIKEY!” I shout down the alley to get his attention. I see his head pop through in confusion until he sees Levi on the ground.


“FUCK!” Mikey curses stepping into action quickly.


I hear the stampede of the hundreds of spectators shuffling quickly to close everything done. The groups of people who were in charge of running the bets, the coked-out druggies dealing to others and shooting up right during the fights, the guys selling booze and making fake IDs for the underage kids, all scattered like rats.

I brought my attention back to Levi whose head was resting on my lap. I felt his pulse again and there was nothing there. I go to examine the bite marks again and I can’t find them; it’s like they’ve disappeared. I quickly pocket the cash he had, I mean it’s not as if he is going to need it now and the dirty cops will just pocket it themselves. Two officers arrive reasonably quickly and start questioning me.

“So you’re telling me you found this guy as you were just passing by the alley and you saw a beautiful woman bite his neck and kill him?”

“That’s right!” I told the officer who now probably thinks I’m a coked-out motherfucker.

“Look! If you don’t fucking believe me then do an autopsy or some shit! She fucking bit him! I saw it with my own two eyes!”

“I don’t see any bite marks.”

“They-they disappeared or some shit! I’m not making this shit up!”

The officer shuts his notepad and lets out a deep heavy sigh, standing tall looking like he has authority and power over me as he rests his hands on his gun holster.

“It’s an interesting story, to say the least, Kade Sawyer. But no, I don’t believe you. You’ve actually been on our radar for some time now. And tonight you made it easy bringing us right to you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I denied his accusations as my fists were clenched to the side knowing I was fucked.

“Sure you don’t. You’re not the Kade Sawyer who’s been behind bars before for running illegal gambling and fighting rings all over this city? The Kade Sawyer who seems to be following in your shitbag father’s footsteps?” The cop sneered at me.

I see the subtle glance he does to his colleague, and I watch as they slowly move their hands to the hoster pulling out a set of handcuffs. Fuck, there’s no way I’m going back to prison.

If this city cared at all for the people I would’ve never had to take the illegal route in the first place. I would still own my gym, teaching boxing the clean way, making enough to support Lucy and I, not taking bets under the table.

“Sorry fellas, I’m not going down again!” Before they even have time to flinch, I punch the cop dead in the nose seeing blood gush from his nostrils.

“GRAB HIM, FISHER!” The cop says behind his bloody muffled hand. The other officer lunges at me and I dodge him easily and watch as he falls on his face. In a split second, I take off on foot down the alleyway to where my motorcycle is parked up the street and high tail it out of there.

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