
chapter 2


I huddled into the corner as my tears streamed down my face, I kept my knees drawn up into me trying to absorb any kind of heat from my own body. I didn’t know what was happening to me.

I had told my brother I was staying at my friend Dixie’s house but our plan was to go out to the clubs. Yeah I was underage but with my fake ID, I could do anything, right? Well, now I’m cursing myself. I had literally just stepped out to the back alley for some fresh air. The lingering smell of sweat, bodies bumping into each other, the random strangers just coming up from behind and grinding their hard-on into my ass was getting to be too much. I felt lightheaded and like I was going to puke if I didn’t get out of there. Then, the next second, I felt something grab me from behind, covering my mouth and masking my screams. Now I’m in here, wherever that may be? My own personal hell by the looks of it. I had been chucked into a cell and I was fucking terrified. The screams and cries from others made it worse. The woman next to me stared straight through me. Her eyes were glazed over almost like she wasn’t there. I stayed huddled in my corner dreading to think what was to come.

The man led us back out, into a room where chains and clips hung from the walls and large drains covered the floor. The man who was chained up was secured to some fastening on the wall, his clothes stripped off him so he stood naked. I watched him shiver as a cold hose was then sprayed over his body, he fought against the chains which held him in place, his eyes were wide with fear, he wanted to escape the horror of what was to come.

“You’re next little girl,” the man called Conway breathed heavily in my ear.

I shuddered as he spoke, I was cold but the goosebumps that rose on my skin were from his bastardly cad actions towards me. I could feel my stomach twist as the hose was turned off and the guy was released from the fastenings. The man holding me was pressing himself against me, I’m sure he was getting himself off. My clothes were stripped off and I was shoved over as the hose was turned back on. The power of the freezing water made my skin raw, when they finally switched it off my arm was grabbed again and we were pushed forwards into another room.

I was led to a chair and pushed down, straps were secured around my wrists and ankles. I tried to struggle against the restraints but it just rubbed my skin causing Conway to laugh. I hated him, I hated the way his eyes were scanning my body. A door opened and an older man in a white lab coat entered. He moved over to the side where there were implements laid out which I hadn’t noticed when I came in. I think I was about to throw up or pass out when I saw the long syringe he brought over.

“Hold her neck still.” He pulled his glasses down over his eyes and squinted.

Conway took pleasure in doing the job and stood holding my head. The needle pressed against the side of my pulsing veins before he rammed it in. I was about to scream when a hand clapped over my mouth sealing my scream inside my own head. The orange liquid slowly filtered into my neck and into my system. I had no clue what the heck it was but the side of my neck now throbbed. I watched him do the same to the other guy who I came in with.

“You can take them back for now, give them some time, see how the serum affects them.” He started shuffling some paperwork about on the side counter.

Conway was grinning as he moved around to the front to face me. His eyes traced over my body yet again, I could be young enough to be his daughter. He bent down to undo the leg straps first, but then paused, his eyes were fixed between my legs. I closed my eyes fighting the tears which began to fall, next I felt him start to undo the buckle. When I opened my eyes the other guy was standing over me glaring at Conway. Relief flooded my body as I was untied and pulled from the chair.

“We have to get them back before the stuff kicks in.”

I wondered if we would be getting clothes to wear, surely they weren’t going to leave us naked?

We were led back to our cells, there was a jumpsuit waiting on a mattress that lay on the floor now, at least I’d get some comfort. Conway pushed my back against the cold bars and came too close to me. His hand wandered over my body grabbing one of my breasts, I tried to bring up a knee between his legs but he caught my leg so I spat at him instead. His hand came so hard across my face I fell down onto the cold floor of my cell. Blood trickled out from the corner of my mouth, both of them secured the doors and I was left once again with the woman next door to me, her cold stare frightening me even more.

“You need to be tougher than that!” The woman in the cell next to me said coldly.

“Wh-what?” I mumbled feeling the swollenness of my lip.

“You need to be stronger! Don’t show any fear or you won’t survive!” I glared at her as the blood dripped from my mouth down my chin puddling on the cold cement floor.

“Why are th-they doing this? I-I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“It doesn’t matter what we did, you’re here for a purpose.” She said still with hazy eyes looking into space. Why was she saying this? Was she drugged like I was? She almost sounds brainwashed.

“What did they inject me with?” I asked, trying to get answers as I felt where the needle pierced my skin. The area around it was sore and I was starting to feel lightheaded. She finally turned her head towards me with a lifeless look to her, I couldn’t help but stare at her perfectly flawless skin and glistening amber eyes.

“You’re not Lucy Sawyer anymore. They injected you with venom. It’s a drug they created to make us into weapons.

“They? Who’s they?”

“The government. They run this secret operation. They take unwanted people like us off the street and turn us into vampires.”

“That can’t be true. Vampires aren’t real.” I almost laughed at her statement along with the blank look on her face. This girl really must’ve been drugged or maybe she was already certifiably insane being locked up in here. Just as I was about to retort her words again she pointed her eyes upwards at me and with a wicked grin spreading on her face I saw the fangs on both sides of her mouth. I felt my insides practically freeze over in fear; my disbelief turned to belief in a millisecond seeing it with my own eyes.

“Wh-who a-are you?” I whispered out the words with a tremble to my voice.

“My name’s Scarlet Nash. Some call me Scar.”

“Are you alive? H-how?” she laughed at my fear before moving closer to the bars that separated our cells.

“Technically. My heart still beats, we eat regular food, piss and shit the same so yea, I’m not dead.

“How long have you been like this?” I asked.

“Two years now.” I gasped at her answer.

“Two years! Haven’t you tried to escape?”

She chuckled slightly at my naiveness.

“I said I was alive, didn’t I? I don’t want to end up dead!” she said with a snarl to her voice before looking at me again.

“And if you want to live, I suggest you get that idea out of your head.”

“Well, where are we? Don’t you ever get to go outside?”

“We’re on the south end of the city. And you only leave once your transformation is complete. By then I doubt you’ll be thinking of running. Your only purpose will be to hunt and kill!”

“K-kill!” I shrieked.

“With these,” she took pleasure in smiling, showing off her sharp fangs again knowing it would make me tremble.

“They’ll make you into a weapon like me.”

“I-I don’t want to kill anyone. I-I won’t do it!”

“You won’t have a choice!”

“M-my brother! He’ll know something happened to me! I’m sure he already knows that I never made it home!” I fought the thoughts in my head, still holding on to hope Kade will come for me. He’s always been overly protective of me so he surely will come!

Both our attentions were drawn to the door buzzing open and heavy footsteps coming down the hall.

Scarlet brought her attention back to me and just laughed with an eye roll but I wouldn’t let her get in my head.

“I know my brother will come for me!” I said quieter so the guard wouldn’t hear as he stopped right in front of Scarlet’s cell.

“You’re wanted for a target, Scarlet. Let’s go!” he said coldly.

I see her heartless smirk as she stands up in her cell and it makes me hate her.

“Well, your big brave brother better hurry!” She says. “Because once you get to the final phases, you won’t care for anything or anyone other than yourself. And if he somehow finds you, you’ll probably just kill him.” She smiled at her thoughts which made my stomach turn in fear before I heard the clunk of a door, she exited her cell holding herself tall and mighty.

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