
Chapter 22


I could tell Kade was fucking terrified about me going back in there, I was too, but it was the only way. Dax held up his phone in the suggestion that it was time. Kade was shaking his head.

“No, no there must be another way.” Kade pulled me back towards him.

“You will come for me, I know you will.” I rest my hand on his chest, I know he is hurting. “This way I get to check on Lucy, make sure she is okay.”

Lucy didn’t know who he was beforehand but we are hoping with the antivenom and seeing Kade she will remember him, remember who she is.

Kade tugs me close and I know he’s going to keep pleading with me, so I smash my lips to his devouring the taste of him, the feeling of his touch igniting my skin. Savoring what hopefully isn’t our last moment together before I rip my arms from his grip and walk away, not looking back.

I drag Dax out the backdoor so we aren’t spotted by a possible circling van. We make it down the street, a far enough distance that hopefully won’t draw them to Kade before I let Dax make the call. He doesn’t hesitate to pull the phone out of his pocket and silently pressing the button.

“You’re much too quiet. What is it?” I ask sternly, glaring at him but he avoids my eyes like the plague. I know we don’t have much time before the agents arrive and once we are brought back into the compound, anything could happen and I needed Dax on my side. I pinned him with my hands to his throat pushing him against the brick of a building.

“What is it!” I shouted using all my force baring my teeth to show dominance.

“IT’S YOU, SCARLET!” he blasted, causing me to take a step back in shock.

“I’ve changed too, even before you had! And I know that because I’ve had feelings for you...for a while.” His voice trailed off and he dropped his sad eyes to the pavement as he stroked his brown hair from his face.

“Dax, I-” I reached out my hand to grab his arm and have him look at me but he shoved me away and kept his face to himself.

“It’s fine! I know how you feel now. I was only a casual fuck for you to get your high.” The way he said it felt like a jagged stake to the heart and before I could say anything else the van pulled around the corner and jerked to a quick stop in front of us. My heart broke for Dax and as it broke it oozed out more underlying emotions. Dax and I had been intimate for those reasons, but through the years of knowing him, he was my closest friend, my confidant. And although I didn’t feel the same emotions for Dax as I felt for Kade, Dax held a special position in my heart. I wanted so badly to grab him and tell him, to spill out all these overwhelming emotions that are flooding my body right this minute, to tell him how important he is to me, how he does mean something special to me, I want so badly for him to know, but I couldn’t say a word. Not as the multiple agents stepped out of the car armed with weapons to use as force against us, or me being the one who caused the damage.

“Thought you could run from us now, huh?” one of them said with a smirk as he nudged his head for me to be cuffed from behind and hauled into the van.

“Your target?” they asked Dax and I closed my eyes and held my breath praying, begging Dax wouldn’t betray us.

“Time of death, 9:48 AM,” he answered emotionlessly, almost like a robot and it satisfied the agent as he marked it in his tablet and nodded for Dax to get in the van behind me.

The drive to the compound was silent as I sat in the back with my hands cuffed behind me and Dax silently sitting next to me. I didn’t want the agents to think anything suspicious so I could only occasionally turn my head to Dax but he never once returned a look; keeping his head focused straight in front of him. I knew he was hurting so deeply inside and trying to hide it, suppress it, not letting me see the effect I had on him. But I had to let him know somehow what we shared wasn’t just nothing. Over every bump in the road, I slid in the seat inching closer to Dax until my fingers could reach his that were resting beside his waist. I noticed the top of the electrical fence coming into view up ahead and we had arrived. I graze my fingers against his and my pinky curls around his fingers. Dax links his and gives them a good squeeze.

Before I knew it the van was through the security gates and pulling up, my heart rate had doubled and I tried to steady my breathing. Dax let my fingers go and I felt even more empty and alone. The doors are flung open and I see Simpson and Conway standing awaiting my return.

“OUT!” One of the security guys in the van demanded. Dax had climbed out first and I was just placing my foot down when the guard behind me shoved me, making me lose my balance. As my hands were locked up behind me, I had no way of catching myself and would have hit the concrete face-first if Dax hadn’t caught me.

“Thanks,” I whispered against his ear as he steadied me.

“There was no reason to push her.” Dax snapped at the guard. I could hear his heart beating wildly, I didn’t want him getting into trouble.

“This way, Nash.” Simpson barked at me. Silently they led me into the changing room. Dax had to give his rundown of events and I had to strain my ear to hear what he was saying. I breathe a sigh of relief as he continues to repeat what we had discussed. Conway uncuffs me and shoves a jumpsuit in my arms.

“Get changed!” he stood with his arms crossed over his chest watching me with a grin on his face.

I noticed his neck and smirked. “So have you been a naughty boy again, Conway?” His face flushed red and he couldn’t hide it.

“None of your business, Nash. Stop stalling and get dressed.”

I turn my body away from him and change quickly, I close my eyes momentarily and take in a deep breath. I have to remind myself Kade is coming to get us.

“Hands out again.” He cuffs my hands in front of me this time and leads me back through where Simpson joins him.

Entering the room Dr. Kirkland and Jenkins are both waiting for me. They gesture Simpson and Conway to strap me down in the chair.

“Make sure the straps are extra secure this time.” Kirkland glared at Simpson.

“She’s not getting out this time no matter how much she begs at how tight the straps are.” Simpson spat out as he tightened the straps around my wrists pinching my skin as he pulled. Simpson went around each strap to double-check them after Conway had done the other ones.

“All good sir,” Simpson stepped away.

“Are we going to use that machine to tap into her brain and find out what she’s been up to?” Conway asked with a smirk.

“No,” Jenkins replied and Conway looked disappointed. My lips curled into a smirk and I peeked my eyebrows at him.

“No show for you today, Conway. Too bad because all he did was fuck my brains out.” I closed my eyes and wiggled my hips as much as I could in the chair still feeling the remnants of soreness Kade left me with.

“We’re going to scan her brain so I can see what I’m working with first before we give her the dose again,” Jenkins spoke again, lowering the chair until I was flat on my back. He moved the machine over my head and stepped away as he pressed the button to scan. It was thankfully quick and painless and soon he moved the machine away and tilted the chair back upright.

“Now, let’s compare.”

The lights to the room were switched off and a lightbox mounted to the wall was turned on illuminating the scan of a brain.

“This is Lucy’s brain after the double dosage mishap. The foggy blackened areas of the Septun and Hippocampus are what has been affected by the serum.” Jenkins explains as he puts another scan of a brain next to it.

“Unfortunately, this is yours Scarlet. With you being one of the first generations, it appears that in the two-year span of time the serum has weakened in your system. The part of your Frontal lobe where your emotions are stored shows the signs of any normal human being.” He continues pointing out parts of the scans, comparing them to Lucy’s. “This part in Lucy’s is what fascinates me the most. With the double dosage, the Amygdala section of her brain has turned solid black in color. The Amygdala section balances the anger and aggression in a person,” Jenkins glances over towards Conway and Simpson. “And as you both are well aware, Lucy has shown heightened aggression.” Jenkins’s lips twerk into a smile and Conway clears his throat just as his beeper starts going off.

“There seems to be some disturbance. We’re being called.” Conway looks to Simpson and with a head nod.

“That’s fine. She seems to be secure. We’ll buzz you when she needs to be brought back to her cell.” Jenkins replies and Simpson and Conway both step out.

Jenkins brings his focus back to the scans as he taps his chin. “I’ve changed my mind, Kirkland. I think we go through the full process as if she were a newbie. Give her a triple dose and monitor her closely. If things go smoothly, I think we bring in all the first generation subjects and give them a second dose as well.”

“But sir, we don’t know what it will do to her?” Kirkland glanced over worried. “You know what happened to Sawyer when she had a double dose.”

“Well, we are about to find out how Miss Nash will react to an even stronger dose.” Jenkins top lip twitched as it curled up into a smile.

Jenkins came and stood directly in front of me. “Well, I can say I was very disappointed to hear you had gone rogue but I’m glad you’re back, Scarlet. I didn’t want to give up hope just yet; you always were one of my best. Hopefully, you will be again. I just want you to know that; in case you don’t remember who you are once we’re done.” Jenkins lays his slimy hands caressing my cheek and I shake my head viciously for him to remove them.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!” I scream at them all and try desperately to fight my way out of the restraints but they are fastened down so tight I think they are going to cut my circulation off.

The background noise behind me told me he was preparing the extra doses. I started to hyperventilate, terrified this was it, this was my end. I wouldn’t remember who Kade was to me, let alone remember who I was. Jenkins stood at my side with an even bigger syringe than before.

“Hold her head still, would you, Kirkland.”

His hands held my head as the needle came closer to my neck. Tears streamed down my face and I closed my eyes not wanting to see my end as I felt the needle enter the side of my neck.

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