
Chapter 21


I’m not sure what time it was, I’m pretty sure Scarlet and I only got around two skimpy hours of sleep.

Scarlet was fast asleep next to me when I woke to the light pouring through the window blinding me as the light breeze blew the shade about the open window. God knows I couldn’t sleep now, seeing her body comfortably asleep, wearing only my t-shirt that had ridden up exposing her plump ass cheek.

I slip on a pair of sweatpants, biting down on my lip remembering every detail of what happened between us before stepping out of the room to grab some food and water.

“Wow, he’s really alive!” Ben said laughing with Mikey as I walked into the kitchen.

“You know these walls are paper-thin, man,” Mikey implies they heard everything, which I could care less about.

“If there’s a chance I could die today then I’m using every last second to sink my dick in her. At least I’d die a happy man.”

“Are you going to be able to even walk for this takedown later?” Mikey dissed again as Ben went into a fit of laughter while I poured myself a cup of much-needed coffee.

I shake my head trying not to laugh along. “Fuck off! I know you two horn dogs yanked one or two out just listening to us. So you’re welcome.” I shoot them the finger as I strut back to the bedroom with food and water for Scarlet and me.

Quietly walking in to find Scarlet stirring awake, which I was happy about because I wouldn’t have to risk my life waking her up to get another taste of her.

“Good morning,” I said breathing in her scent as I slither up her thighs and spread her legs apart. She digs her nails roughly through my hair as she tightens her legs around my head that’s buried between them. I feel the fluids stirring inside me as my dick gets rock hard the second my tongue makes contact with her sweet pussy lips.

Just as she cries out loudly at my touch, I feel a strong grip choke my throat and rip my head off of her. A hot breath and angry growl is hovered by my ear and I feel something ready to pierce my neck.

“DAX! NOO!” Scarlet bolted up from the bed baring her teeth and hissing at whoever was holding me.

“What the fuck is this!” he shouted enraged as I felt the spit fly from his mouth.

“Get away from him!” Scarlet shouts trying to pull me away but this Dax guy didn’t let up and his grip tightened harder around my neck. I tried to fight back and pry his clenched knuckles off but this guy was stronger than me.

“This is your target! You are meant to kill him!” he argued but Scarlet violently shook her head.

“I won’t! If you bite him, I will kill you with my bare hands! You know I can!” she taunted him still with her fangs prominently on display.

“You’d kill me?” Dax questioned in a certain tone of voice as his grip loosened as if defeated just by her words. “You’d kill me? For him?” His voice trailed off like he was saddened and hurt and Scarlet’s eyes showed the same thing as if she was torn by the predicament; clearly, there was something between them and it provoked a fierce jealousy inside me.

I take advantage of feeling his weakness and jab my elbow hard hitting him in his soft spot just below his ribs. He buckles forward, releasing his grip around my neck and I grab his wrist, twisting it and pulling his arm until he’s on the floor with my knee pinning him down. Gripping my hand around his neck with my thumb pushing against his jugular making him choke for air as my fist continuously pummels his face.

“Stop it, Kade!” I don’t listen to Scarlet as my fist hits his face again, splitting open his eyebrow and leaving his face all bloody.

“KADE! STOP!” Scarlet pulls against my shoulders stopping my arm from flying forward again. I look up at her and see the sadness and hurt in her eyes and it dowses the flames coming from inside me.

“Fucking hell!” I curse removing my weight off his body and watch as Dax coughs for breath as his lungs fill back up with air.

Scarlet rushes to his side, falling on her knees as she grabs one of my shirts we used to tie her up and dab the blood from his face. I felt stabbed with jealousy, this fucking prick just tried to kill me!

“Would either of you like to tell me what the fuck is going on here!” I spat.

“Dax is like me. I’ve known him since I arrived at the compound.” He took her hand in his and stopped her from tending to his wounds.

“They sent me to find you and bring you back.”

“Are they tracking me? How did you find me?” she asked panic-stricken.

“I smelled you.” Dax’s eyes found mine and sent me a wicked glare of anger. “You reek of sex!” he spat bringing his focus back to her. “I saw you with him.”

“Are you two fucking together or some shit!” I began pacing the room in angst to my question, feeling every nerve in my fucking body tense up in heavy anticipation. Scarlet took too fucking long to answer and I shouted running my hands roughly through my hair.


“No,” she faintly answered, caressing Dax’s face before finally taking her gaze off him and stood up from the floor inching closer to me.

“We’ve had sex, yes...but it’s not like what you and I have. It’s just a means to feel the high and be able to release our venom when the need gets to be too much. I’m like Ben in a sense, I’s a drug constantly running through my body.”

I feel another stab to the heart when she mentions she has had sex with this guy Dax. I can see why as he has all the features a woman would swoon over. I have to realize that Scarlet has been hidden from this world, doing what she has been programmed to do. I take her in my arms and press my forehead against hers.

“You’re not something I’m willing to share. I’ve never felt this way before.” I gazed into her eyes trying to read them.

“Neither have I,” her thumb runs over my cheek as she presses her lips against mine.

“Scar!” Dax stood up, wiping his face. I could see the pain in his eyes as he watched us together.

“Not now Dax.”

“I have to take you back!” He reached out his hand towards her.

“She’s not going back!” I snapped, pulling Scarlet closer to me.

“Then they will send another to kill you both!” he dropped his head slightly, his eyes still fixed on Scarlet’s.

“What did they tell you, Dax?” Scarlet moved towards him but I held her back, afraid to let her go.

“I was to kill Kade and bring you back in. I heard they want to try you with the serum again, to make you like what Lucy is like now.”

My heart thumps as my ears prick up at Lucy’s name.

“What have they done to Lucy?” I launch myself at him again grabbing around his neck and pushing him up against the wall.

“Kade stop! Don’t hurt him, please!” Scarlet begs me. My emotions are all over the place, who am I meant to trust anymore?

I release my hold on him, I need answers.

“Talk!” shoving him against the wall as I took a step back and wrapped my arms around Scarlet.

He sighed and looked around the bedroom. “I would prefer we talk somewhere else.” He wrinkled up his nose obviously smelling the sex aroma in the room. I couldn’t help the corner of my mouth turn up.

I passed Scarlet a pair of my jogging bottoms. There was no way I was going to let this fucker lay his eyes on my woman again. I signal for him to go first, I don’t trust him one bit. We end up in the kitchen, eyeing him suspiciously as to how he got in.

“Your back door was left open.”

I could curse Mikey and Ben. I wonder where the fuck they are now? As if on cue Mikey walked in the door and stopped dead as he laid eyes on Dax.

“Who the fuck is he?” Mikey looked between us all puzzled.

“Someone who was sent for Scarlet.” I pulled her in and nuzzled her neck holding her close to me.

“And to kill you,” Dax added, his piercing amber eyes narrowed towards me.

“Well, I need coffee.” Mikey walked past us all and started to make himself a cup. I could almost chuckle at his reaction. “So what’s the plan now then?”

“What do you mean? We still go ahead as planned.” I scratch the back of my neck, I’m not sure if I want this Dax guy hearing our plans.

“Well if he was sent here for Scarlet and to kill you, why are you still standing?” Mikey cocked an eyebrow at us in his sideways glance.

I turn my gaze onto Dax. “I’ll thank Scarlet for that,” I said with a snarl to my voice.

“But I don’t know why he’s still here since Scarlet isn’t going back.” I squeeze my arms around her tighter.

“Dax, I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to be part of that anymore. I’ve changed, I’m not what I used to be and I want to be with Kade.”

His eyes flashed with anger and his face scrunched up, I wondered how much had gone on between the two of them in the past.

“You’ve changed too, I know you have. You told me about one of your targets,” she stepped out of my grasp and walked towards Dax which had me on edge.

“We’re the oldest generation, the first trials. The serum somehow isn’t working right for us anymore. Kade found out about an anti-venom they have locked up in case of emergencies. We’re going to break in and give everyone the antidote and set them free,” Scarlet pleaded.

After several coffees and talking with Dax and letting him in on our plan, which he obviously thought was completely crazy.

“You’ll get yourselves killed,” Dax muttered out as he looked over us all. Ben had walked in halfway through the conversation and Dax leaped at him as he was on edge. Scarlet calmed the situation down. I could see she was thinking things through, I didn’t like the look she had on her face.

“No Scarlet!”

“It’s the only way, Kade! They will just send someone else if Dax comes back without me. They won’t suspect he will have turned on them if he says he killed you.

“Scarlet! No! They will bring you straight to the lab and shoot you with that fucking serum!”

“I escaped once, I will try again, and if I can’t...I know you will come and get me.” Her eyes watered over and I felt my heart rip out.

“No, no there must be another way.” I pulled her back towards me again.

“You will come for me, I know you will. This way I get to check on Lucy, make sure she is okay.”

“Fuck.” I glared at Dax, I wanted to punch him, but I knew Scarlet was right. We couldn’t live in constant fear, looking over our shoulders and I still had to think of Lucy, I need to get her out of there. It would be easier to get in if they thought I was already dead.

Hell, every poor soul who had been unwillingly taken had the right to be free, to be who they once were. The government thought they had no one who cared about them and look at Lucy. I could be one of the thousands who are looking for lost loved ones.

Scarlet tugs me close and smashes her lips to mine as if this could be the last time we ever see each other again. But before I could beg her not to go even more, she rips herself from my arms and walks out the door with Dax, not looking back.

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